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We’ve got more midterms wrap up as Dems clinch the senate, Kari Lake goes down in Arizona, and Blake Masters’ school shooter campaign ads resurface. Then, we round up the first few weeks of Elon’s Twitter takeover and the FTX collapse, two more massive frauds of the billionaire class apparently destined for self-destruction. Finally, a eulogy for one of the Grand Broads of conservative media.




[huffing a giant blunt of Vote Green No Matter When kush] john fetterman is elizabeth warren for normal people

Zach Pierce

I’m going to bundle the present value of all the sewage water use bills that come from a result of flushing future shits to buy a Morton’s Steakhouse Chain. Who’s in?


I can corroborate Felix's friend's statement: if it starts with a "Y" and then the rest of the name is nonsense, it's Dominican.

Mike Mariano

I have to push back against the Margo Martindale slander at the end of this podcast. In the movie Twilight with Paul Newman she has a fun Oedipal mommy thing going on. It might not be everybody’s idea of sex appeal but it works for me.


Frankly, it IS genius to come up with the term "effective altruism" to use instead of "selfishness".


the podcast “This Machine Kills” (episode “In the Long Term We Are All Dead”) has the best in-depth discussion I’ve heard of Effective Altruism and its adherents


I pay a monthly subscription so I can listen to Patreon's #1 Elon Musk and Crypto Twitter themed podcast because I'm a real Leftist.


are you one of the guys who bullied horserace analyst @cityafreak into locking his account for not being communist enough?

Juan Sacchi

Rhaenys is 1000% a plausible Dominican name


The thing at the end where you were all spontaneously like, wait, is everything fucking fake gangster bullshit? You should have Whitney Webb on.


toadeh cuh-roaller

Hector Jaime

Is Elron DeMusk worse than Ron Desantimonious?

Justin Buell

Love these chapo business reviews.