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It’s the end of another tour, so we’re once again turning to the phone lines for a Chapo call-in show. So, thanks for the questions, enjoy the answers. And a special thanks to everyone who came out to these live shows, they were some of our best ever.

We’ll probably do more calls in the future now that we have an easy method for cataloguing and searching calls, so feel free to send in more under-30-second audio recording questions to calls@chapotraphouse.com




i like to make posts on Line


Will so wholesome :3

Colin Underwood

Just finished Blood Meridian a couple weeks ago. My new favorite book. Gonna go through all Cormac’s stuff. I would kill to hear an episode about it, think that would be incredible.

calvin kilby

Get carl zha on the pod

Colin Underwood

I’m doing The Road currently, but have already bought Child of God and All the Pretty Horses so those will be next


Will was very zen in this one

Terrance McDonald

Felix saying he was going to “drive the clit insane” often pops into my head and makes me laugh.

Colin Underwood

I watch this guy Steve Wallis on YouTube whose whole deal is “stealth camping” and just camping in weird ways. Love that shit, totally agree with Felix and Chris here


The more free time and resources that you have, the more dangerous the underclass becomes to the state. The 60s and early 70s the were moment that labor had the highest share of national revenue compared to capital. This is not the case today.


Would love an ep on leftist grifters as a whole. Don’t name names, but there are some real patterns to people who are just nasty worthless, terminally online. Would be hard not to name names I guess.

Jon Spiegler

Thing is this is a great format

Dies Irae63

Don’t know anything about China, India, Asia in general, Africa, south and Central America, Cuba, etc. BUT…pussy, shitty American movies, shitty American tv shows, pussy, frat boy liberal indulgences (but hey, we’re not liberals), yeah, no, I’m Felix therefore my ignorant non-sequitors are hilarious, pussy…come on Matt Christman, sure it’s a money spinner,but you can do much, much better than this.

Dies Irae63

Americans dude. From an outsiders perspective, there’s this level of self-obsession that is nauseating. Your empire is crumbling, these guys are smart enough to know it, but there’s not much will to examine what’s actually going on and what it means for the working class internationally. There are tectonic economic movements happening which may lay the foundations for a cooperative, if not socialist bloc, independent of US dollar hegemony. Rather than explore the historical shift, there’s this tendency for doom-irony navel gazing. Matt’s US history shows are great. Some Chapo guests are really smart and informed and there’s occasionally excellent programs. But all this lifestyle advice, sniping at minor celebs, narcissistic preening (Felix) etc. is such a waste. When Matt does Marxist analysis he’s sharp and sometimes very funny. More of that, less video game shit. Oh , and pussy. Fuck me, teenager bantz.


Why does amber sound like that..?


This is not a news show... sounds like you're mad they're not being "good" progressives, but they never promise that, they're just making the satirical content they want to produce


Dude/dudette, it's a podcast. If you expect politics you went to the wrong place, it's mostly just entertainment. Some losers and revisionists banding together to fight for their own interests doesn't make a socialist bloc sorry bro. Oh and I skip the Matt history eps (just not my kind of thing) , now with seeing your post here I can retroactively justify it being your fault David.

Dies Irae63

“Good” progressives can eat my organic, single-origin shorts. I guess it’s like Chekhov: if a shark appears in act one, someone’s gonna jump it before the curtain comes down. But I take your point. It’s essentially drive-time radio for less gullible hipsters. Always gonna be hit and miss and occasionally it’s very funny.