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We of course have to start off by taking stock of Elon Musk buying twitter, what that means for le hellsite, how things change, how they stay the same. Then, we finally take a look at the Pelosi hammer incident, and a complimentary Boss Ross piece on how the right’s become the left and the left - you won’t believe it - has become the right!




Yes Roundtree! Please do a Sexy Beast episode


we love it when Will pours a cupful of rice krispies into the mic before the podcast, don't we folks?


The funniest part about Elon buying Twitter is that annoying resistance libs are now convinced that they’re on some Hero’s journey to save democracy by tweeting DNC talking points or whatever.


I would do a whole other Patreon just to hear the girls continually roast the guys.

Michael Ehrenreich

Give Katherine and Amber each a permanent mic

Brendan A. MacWade

That Intercept Story by Lee Fang cited by Ross the Boss is totally full of falsehoods. Marcy Wheeler and others have gone over point by point how it is almost entirely false. And the facts mentioned in the story have nothing to do with the point Fang is trying to make. It is beyond bizarre.


Loved every minute. Katherine and Amber could be permanent additions.


Wow very offensive that they bimbo-ified felix and made Amber talk different. If I wanted to hear about women's thoughts or experiences, I would have gone outside. Clearly you have lost touch with your audience, chapo listeners have deep phobias about women or have become women to own them with logic. Very out of touch episode, don't let it happen again.



J.P. McD.

Warren voter dude on my FB was saying how it’s the death of democracy


Always amazed by how much misogyny there is in the comments bordering on inceldom. More Katherine and Amber and women pls

Jimmy McMillan

I hope Twitter survives. I've never been on it before but it's where some of my favorite podcasts mine their content from