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It’s Halloween season so we’re taking a look at the increasing amount terror many Americans are now experiencing previously-benign concepts like “school” and “voting.” We also take a look at the “retvrn” type traditionalists, and how the fantasy of what they want to “retvrn” to so badly keeps getting more and more recent.

We are going to do a CALL-IN show in the next week or so. Email us an audio question of NO LONGER THAN 30 SECONDS to calls@chapotraphouse.com by end of day 10/25/22 and we may answer it on an upcoming episode.

Finally, last few days to grab your tickets to Ft. Lauderdale. This show is ALMOST sold out so buy while you still can. Three big acts, Donzii, [STAND-UP NAME REDACTED] and of course us at Chapo. Tix here: https://www.jointherevolution.net/concerts/chapo-trap-house/




Yeah dude, y2k nostalgia blows my mind. You can never go home


Big Rock Candy Mountain just makes me think of John Kasich lol

Zach Pierce

AC/DC means “all children deceive Christ” so all you ROCKERS out there in the school hallways better watch out cuz HELLS BELLS will be ringing in your ears throughout eternity or at least until 2024. KISS on tour one last time? If you head down to the local skate rink or rock hall you’ll just be another KID IN SATAN’s SERVICE, so have fun washing the devils balls throughout the hereafter or until 2024.

Zach Pierce

Going after Stacey Abrams AINT it guys. It costs a ton to do legal work in Atlanta

Jonathan G

Vape like Felix& Dress like Will& Think like Matt& Vibe like Chris


Explain to me again why these greedy fucking cunts won’t put the live show on this feed that we piss pigs are paying for? Some of us literally have no means to see their gross fat asses live.


“ Folton “ street fair… retards


Left amnesia for Iowa 2020 and the Shadow App. You hate to see it.


Rainbow stew for everyone!


god damn what is with felix and this 70-year-old man "put ur dang dumb-phones away kids" stuff lately. there were just as many, probably more, morons who believed in secret satanic cults and demons and magic in this country 40 years ago as now


felix moved to Los Angeles and he doesn't have a driving license, no wonder he's freaking out about loneliness


Smartphones are to us what cigarettes were to people in the 50s. We are only barely aware of the damage caused by chronic constant.


if you mean physical effects, sure, there's not really any way to know and we're all just guinea pigs. if you mean "social" effects, people said the same thing about literally every technological advancement in human history and if anything i'd say 20% of people believing in ghosts and demons is probably better than the 90% that believed in ghosts and demons before industrialization


the problem with the witchcraft believers is like Will was saying about the crime on the subway: it's lower than it used to be but it seems to be on the *up*, which is not supposed to happen

Ijon Tichy

People bemoaning the social ills of new tech aren't always wrong. And there's a difference between a tool being available and a reconfiguring of society around everyone being dependent on that tool. Cars were widely opposed on the grounds that they were killing a lot of people and coopting a lot of public space. Whatever the use of a car in an individual situation, I think it's pretty safe to say that reconfiguring our society around car ownership was pretty bad for the people in the society and the cohesiveness of that society. Likewise smartphones are, sometimes, the right tool for a given task, but reconfiguring society around everyone having a smartphone and routing so much social interaction through it has pretty clearly been bad. It's been 15 years of them, we kinda know what the effects have been by now.


sounds like you want it to be okay that you live in your phone


More hobo content please.


Well I’d say the reason the “social” aspect is important here is because the internet, and instant access to social media through your phone is a very unique SOCIAL invention so yes it will have and has had profound social impacts (Take a hit everytime you read social)


Have you ever heard of the Citations Needed podcast? bc you need a citation for that shit you makin up lol


I'd like more information about the hobo trick community and directions to big rock candy mountain.


I didn't have a smartphone until I was 30. I had no friends, got lost a lot, read a lot of books, and believed in myself and other people. I still believe in myself, but less so, and certainly less in others.

Jonathan lees

But I give it there we’re less cops and narks maybe that’s the nostalgia good luck