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Did Jorts the Cat do ableism? Is a “right to sex” the best solution for our alienated males? Will Rod Dreher finally find spiritual peace in permanent Hungarian exile? All this and a farewell to Liz Truss in today’s episode.

Last chance to catch us live this year at Revolution in Ft. Lauderdale on 10/30: https://www.jointherevolution.net/concerts/chapo-trap-house/



E Joseph Weixel

China has limited the time kids can spend on line. They have ended homework and test prep companies. They have organized activities for kids. Even if a lot this is aspirational it's commendable.

Harry P. Ness

Please make this free. Maybe I'm just old like you guys but you're making important points on important topics here

Boaz Corey

The conversation about sexually frustrated men made me sad imagining all these lonely angry people. Maybe it's my hippie family, but I don't really understand this culture where men only know each other and their only possibility for friendship and sincere interaction with women is via a exclusive romantic relationship. My parents both had close friends of the opposite sex while I was growing up and so have I. The points about online addiction and alienation seem to cut deeper than just sexual frustration, like people are just having trouble making friends in general.


Left wing dating coach already exists. Search "Stavvy Solves" videos. Hell the Chapo Boiz had Stav on to give relationship advice multiple times.


If you want to be super dumb and annoying say the following: Ever since Stavros dishonored his Cum podcast, the Baltimore media titans have been attacking him. And it seems like William Menaker (the William Tweed of podcasts) and his goons have understood this. Recently Chapo has supported Tom Myers and TAFS in their respective Halkias-based squabbles. It's disappointing to see blatant ableism against people with hardlittledicks.


In those segments one can only assume Stavros was trying to be funny more than offer any serious commentary on relationships. He's a comedian and idk much of him but he's definitely not known for being a "dating coach" whereas the folks chapo mentions are well known for their sincere thoughts and advice about dating/women c'mon


picturing Rod using the x-wing bomb computer display to show him where the pussy is


You guys don’t want to and shouldn’t be lifestyle coaches but there was some real trenchant stuff about being a young man here. Please consider making it free


Great ep

Hector Jaime

Seems like the sex rights people are taking a page from the medical marijuana folks. Now if you are depressed or your neck hurts, you can go to a “doctor” to prescribe a blow job.


it's *the* language of neoliberalism. "right" to housing, "right" to health care, "right" to education. "right" to private property if you're going back to the anticommunist panics. It's understandable that some people lose the ability to phrase things in any other term


who up tasting they man's bread salt


Never mind his parents, I want to know what sister Ruthie would think about Rod getting in to heaven...

Hector Jaime

Also the boys seem to be pretty terrible at political predictions. Build back Boris is dead and Rushi is still in the running. AND grocery stores are not sad; don’t you enjoy the cereal aisle at least?




I don't know, the Kanye vs. Kim election faceoff seems probable to me


I just hope she speaks with a deep Black affect. "Daaaamn what they mean dis MF getting into heaven??? My ass busted itself off 20-foh-7 forEVER and I get in, he gets to be a little bitch-ass ho and come in??"

chris dray

i had to learn what this jorts the cat shit was after listening to this segment, and i want to die. the ENTIRE thing was that he told this woman who drove all the way to the store to harass her instacart shopper to go buy her own groceries. that's the ENTIRE story. if you think that that's "ableist", then that word doesn't mean anything

calvin kilby

I work in a grocery store and they're fucking depressing as shit, dude.