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We start off the ep with some Movie Mindset interrogation of Felix’s current viewing habits. Then, a look at a re-energized Joe Biden and the outlook of both the Dems and Republicans as we round the home stretch into the midterms. Then, we finally address a bit of pressing international news we’ve been neglecting, namely, if the Finnish PM is cool or nah.

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jawn carpenter

Felix is genuinely the funniest dude

Gumbo Pie

Felix needs to watch Click. I remember it making me tear up, but it's probably been 15 years now. 50 First Dates is the same thing but better than The Notebook.


Wouldn't money be a big enough motivator to Trump to sell secrets?

Cole Heideman

Haneke is the greatest, every thing he has made is incredible. I've watched the seventh continent like 5 times and it still fucks me up


What they're saying is that you are accusing a guy who's previous schemes included using a different air force base so the pilots and staff had to stay at a trump hotel, you are accusing this man of "selling secrets". What makes you think he could even know a secret worth selling if he ever did have that thought?


whoa hey we're all for rehabilitating low brow culture here but not *that* shit


For a minute i was thinking “is there a comedy slide whistle in the seventh seal?”


theres the scene with the circus and the clown show. it has a flute


the sevent seal is intrinsically funny because it's in swedish. you see Death go like bleerg uh bloorgum bluugen to a tired-looking knight over a chess game, it's just natural comedy. no need for fancy editing

William Beamish


Mike Mariano

My deranged Sanna Marin take is that she is just as much of a fake leader as Juan Guaido, whose inner circle was going to concerts and doing cocaine while they let the State Department handle any pretense of government. If that’s the case why not just party all the time?


Good old light farted fun


there's just a very small quibble in your metaphor: it's just completely a different situation altogether and every aspect of it is different. but thank you for your input!

Jessica S

I think BBQ tongs and misshapen heads would be a non c-section thing, with the squeezing and the pulling and the don’t get stuck…glavin.


*I'm like 8 ft tall and have an enormously long head* -'So you think it's funny to laugh at people do you?'


chris where is slop. i have 1hr train ride to do later


It's okay Felix, once I saw Robert De Niro wearing that pink suit in Casino, I couldn't stop watching either 🤤


I hate commenting on this shit but it would be cool if you all could not misgender Ezra. Really makes the whole “concern for trans rights” thing y’all do sometimes ring hollow.


Fuck your lame ass live shows


You're referring to the person who's violently assaulted people and is accused of grooming a child, right



Max Beta

A person's character isn't the point. Caitlyn Jenner did a vehicular manslaughter, but you'd still be a dick if you insisted on calling her Bruce.

Big Dong Bill

It would be cooler if you shut the fuck up for eternity instead of being a diaper baby.

intellectual ass property

damn, chill tf out yall. the commenter made a pretty reasonable request, you don't have to agree but why jump down their throat? fuckin cretins