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We discuss the good and bad of Joe Biden’s student debt relief plan, as well as the amazing constellation of whining and bad takes it’s produced. We also take a look at the deplatforming of Andrew Tate, which we don’t care about, and his many crimes and in-home wizard, which we do care about. But mostly, this an ep about jacking off.

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i have ibs and still succeeded in life... just saying.


McArdle 100% did not pay that business loan. Her parents definitely payed that off.


Tate 100% is getting banned because someone who works at Twitter or Facebook got called a bitch by their kid because they watched a ton of Andrew tate videos.

Hector Jaime

I like children but I also like this song: https://youtu.be/YpScJNLRFHc


Right off the bat. This is why I don’t ever use twitter. What useless discourse lol Just American worker-consumers short-circuiting at the thought of having to work hard to change something within themselves. And then taking to Twitter to demand acknowledgement of their ‘struggle’ against our time’s constant stimulatory bombardment. But instead of looking within and thinking ‘I can opt not to look at this [distress causing thing] today’, these misery-addicted consumers hop online and demand society-at-large cater to the consequences of their self-negligence. Surely a product will solve my problems! That’s all I need…to buy something. Why confront my anxiety head on?

Hector Jaime

Am I insane? I could have sworn there was a recent chapo episode with Paris Marx (tech won’t save us host) as a guest. Did I dream it?

Tony Bonacci

you can't complain about sensory overload and also be on patreon paying for these dry assholes to shout at you, livin that hard neurodivergent life. fortunately my dad hit me a reasonable amount and hugged me a reasonable amount and I learned fortitude. at least you've got both your legs fuckers. it could be worse.


Admitting to being hit isn’t a good thing. I was hit tons as a child and that did not toughen me up unlike your Neanderthal ass I became a semi-empathetic person. I also one thing being more tragic than the other doesn’t negate fixing any injustice. You want to play the at least game, at least you aren’t driven to suicide due to insistent harrasment and violent assault like a lot of neurodivergent people are. PS you don’t like it you can always get off their premium service if you don’t like it (which is implied when you called them assholes), though I guess you are into the most pathetic type of masochism in order for you to make a point on a patreon comment section.

Jon Lyons

An underappreciated consequence of alienation is that tons of people are growing up not knowing that little weird things about them apply to basically everyone and are just the way humans are put together. I think it's a big driver of why like 6~7 years ago there was that profusion of micro-identities and micro-disabilities based on essentially the concept of having moods or multiple contradictory aspects to yourself. I think part of it is the genre-ization of a lot of pop culture, too, though—Don't get me wrong, I fucking *love* science fiction to an unhealthy degree, but every now and then you gotta grit your teeth and read something without a dragon or a spaceship on the cover. Not that there isn't plenty of genre fiction that dives deep into the inner worlds of its characters (Dan Simmons and Iain M. Banks come to mind, the later of whom also wrote "literary" fiction), but teens generally aren't exposed to it on their own, which is why I think it's good when schools make you read The Bluest Eye or The World According to Garp or whatever so that you see how other people have also felt and thought the way you do, and had the same weird little issues and difficulties, and that it's normal, since a lot of people sure as shit aren't getting that exposure in real life through deep connections to others. ...Of course some people ARE seriously chronically ill, (including me but it's a lot better these days after 6 months of having electricity shot into my goddamn brain), but you can often tell it's the real deal because the symptoms AREN'T things other people experience or have sometimes even heard of.


The first third of this is literally cumtown

Ijon Tichy

Honestly between the cum talk and the talk of Medieval oafs l thought it was an episode of Trashfuture

Ben M

Woods porn anyone?

Generic Driver

Boy, they went full Boomer on this one, didn't they?

Peter Sullivan

You’re not wrong and I didn’t like that guy. Maybe I missed it this time but what’s new with him?


I don’t think so, unless I missed an episode. I absolutely cannot stand Paris Marx so I would have remembered.