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In a bit of bonus content, Will interviews legendary author and screenwriter Jerry Stahl about his extremely funny and extremely dark, new book of gonzo reporting and personal memoir: Nein, Nein, Nein!: One Man’s Tale of Depression, Psychic Torment, and a Bus Tour of the Holocaust. Jerry relates his surreal experience of visiting Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and Dachau by tour bus rather than train, reviews the cafeteria and gift shop selections available at these historical sites, the friends he made along the way, and muses on moments in human history that fall in between chops of the axe.





Watching tours of Israeli kids take selfies with the shoes and goof off the entire time when I went to auschwitz made my blood boil. I know exactly the weird and bizarre experience Jerry had. Great episode!


Very good episode, one of my favorite Bonus interviews. Tough listen for a Pole, definitely some harsh truths there. I really don’t get the “collaboration” comment though. Obviously (although our government is trying to suppress this information) individual poles killed Jews and the noble ones we learn about were an exception. But I’m not sure how you can talk about a government collaboration when any polish government had been dissolved before the holocaust started. The government-in-exile (in the UK) wasn’t collaborating and the underground resistance was underground because Poland lost and was occupied by nazis. The French collaborated to save their asses, we just got btfo’d and that was that. Unless by “government” they mean a village mayor, or a local cop, in which case sure, fuck those guys. Also, not sure why the nazis would want a collaborationist polish government when Slavs were basically just one rung above the Jews and were meant to be removed from the land in a similar way

Jon Spiegler

Anyone on the fence about Stahl should read Plainclothes Naked

Needs More Marxism

Never interacted with this guys work before, by the end of the interview I went and ordered the book. Sounds like a great read.

Matt Crossin

this guy is funny, good episode

Doug Cartel

"buhhhh im european dont make feel bad about the holocaust" bitch the holocaust is the tip of the iceberg you morons did two world wars and killed like 100 million europeans in a 30 year period

The Children of Jack Acid

Yeah, I think that was an unfair comment on his part. The Poles may have been somewhat indifferent to the plight of the Jews, but they were NOT collaborators with the Nazis. They were basically the only nation conquered by the Nazis where the Nazis could NOT set up a collaborationist puppet government and had to run it themselves. 2 million or so ethnic Poles were killed by the Nazis, and hundreds of thousands of Poles fought valiantly against the Nazis (and, at first, the initial joint-USSR takeover). A few right-wing Poles did collaborate, but the estimates for how many seem VERY low--maybe at most a couple thousand--there were probably more American Nazi sympathizers than the Poles had! That's why the Polish government shouldn't freak out so much if historians want to research into the bad stuff. Like, I've read of Poles killing a few thousand Jews of their own accord, without Nazi help. And that is HORRIBLE and should be brought into the light... but as a lesson in how even a nation that is full of seemingly decent people and victims of evil can also, on rare occasions, do evil things too. I don't want to sugarcoat the Polish people's reaction to the holocaust, but like, "collaborator" is the wrong word. Even the Poles who hated the Jews hated the Nazis, too.

Doug Cartel

Idk why are europeans sensitive about the holocaust when they burnt their whole continent down twice in just a couple decades? Like bro theres TONS more reasons to be ashamed of your european heritage than just that


Sure, but you should try writing your thoughts like a grown-up.


Every Chapo interview episode has a great guest but also guaranteed to have terminally online epic gritties in the Patreon comments bitching because the guest is a “lib” or whatever


the comment section is a battle to determine who hates the show most

Claire Casey

Reading the fucking comments here has almost made me believe horseshoe theory

Claire Casey

They gotta tell the guests to say that Trump's Twitter was goated and low key nutty with it or some stupid bullshit to shut up the Tankies and RS listeners. This was such a good interview and I laughed with him a lit but people seem to think he's like doing Sarah Cooper???


everytime they have a GenX guest on it's the same fucking thing, he goes like "ahhh trump bad. mhhkay. ahh adbusters? david foster wallace frank zappa, right? watergate pentagon papers greenpeace saturday night live" and then the comment section is like AHHHHHHHHHH THE GUEST HAS SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT POLITICS THAN I DO THIS IS TERRIBLE. I hate the comment section yet I am here blah blah


Was into him since watching Permanent Midnight, the ALF stuff omg

Gumbo Pie

Stopped listening the moment he compared Hitler to Trump while in the same breath saying how most don't understand the depth of the Holocaust.


I'm pretty solidly in the "tankie" category myself all things considered, but I know the types you're referring to Claire and I agree with you. I think some of the people in this comments section could benefit from speaking more with people out there in the world who are not on twitter 24/7, and especially people from different generations. The narcissism of small differences is getting to really concerning levels when leftists refuse to have anything to do with someone because they think Trump is really bad or whatever.

Raphael Wakefield

Agreed. As an American Jew of Polish descent it's embarrassing to have yet another American go to Poland, write a book, and not even bother to learn how to pronounce "Oswecim" and then just assume that Poles collaborated for money en masse. Like, read one book


Good one, Will picking great interviews lately


Soy facing huge for a Matt and Chris 30 years war pod