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Matt and Will put on their sports radio hats and rank the prospects for the 2024 GOP primary. Then we discuss the bug scourge now plaguing America, and the people who are NOT doing their part to stamp out the menace.

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Jesse DeStasio

Pompeo and Scott are the Godskin Duo from Elden Ring

Doug Cartel

gomen gomen I say as I bow and shuffle backwards from throngs of pissed off old japanese ladies

Doug Cartel

the instant you said the assassination was apolitical I just decided this assassin was japanese john wick

Bobby Volcano

This was a very good episode. Spoofs and goofs are the highest form of socialist realism


Was slaughtering flies left and right while listening to this… also poor wittle man had to step down cause of ibs 🥺 every girl in America has ibs grow up honey


Just Matt and Will riffing was so good. The Orson Welles bit about the bugs had me dying


As a pitbull owner I might have to establish a kill-on-sight doctrine against Chapo.


they already kinda look like children. just let him off the leash


Ah, but in his heart the American is the true bug, and helping the lanternfly in its administration of divine justice is doing your part to save humanity and the global ecosystem


Your futile stomping will not slow the tide of the bug. The bug is God's wrath. The bug is a plague of the new judgement. The bug will lay barren your crops. The bug will erode your monuments. You will drown in the rising ocean of bug. All glory to the bug.


Not legal to kill praying mantids


whatever happened to separation of church and state amirite?

Maxwell Harkness

If Wash Po were honest, they would include Lindell, Flynn, and MTG on the list. Each have flaws (Flynn's anti-charisma, Lindell's being potentially too stupid for politics, MTG being too busted), but each would body at least half of the WaPo cuck list.

Thomas Carroll

What a delightful opportunity to showcase the comedy and swag of Matt and Will. We love Felix, we wish him well, and this was a great episode.