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The boys discuss Liz Cheney’s loss in the Wyoming GOP primary, along with some other potential GOP losers. And speaking of, we’ve got all the hot gossip from the other Kushbomb, Jared Kushner’s 500+ page memoir on his time in the white house.

Then, we’re joined by author Aaron Good to discuss his new book American Exception and one of our favorite topics, America’s criminal, unaccountable, Deep State.

All things American Exception at: https://americanexception.com/

New merch store! Tons of hot new merch! Get it, wear it, do NOT answer anyone’s questions about it: https://chapotraphouse.shop/




Trump probably really liked the scene in Ted 2 where they tried to steal Tom Brady's jizz.


1:01:20 Yo wtf

Jessica S

Aaron is not good. He’s great! (I’ll see myself out.)


Killing this organ of global capital is not a killing blow.


From saving the world with Bernie to awaiting the end of the American empire in 2 years. Let’s go


I'm sympathetic to this stuff, generally, but the injunction at the end of the episode to "go out in public and talk about this stuff" while we wait for the US empire to collapse is fucking lame, sorry


Believe me, I know. I write more at the end of the book, but the whole point of incrementally constructing totalitarian, top-down system is to secure said regime from democratic control--i.e. to maintain oligarchy. That puts us largely in a custodial role vis-a-vis political reality until new conditions arise. But new conditions are emerging as we speak/spam. One thing I did not say but could have if I'd thought about it: those recently leaked emails where spooks and their media assets were talking about the need to preempt any sort of "anti-imperialist identity" from becoming widespread or popular. If those guys are against that, I am for it!


Has anyone read the Underground Empire by James Miller?

Doug Cartel

I wonder if "behemoth" is a reference to that poem from that world war 1 guy. Maybe, maybe not.

Emmer Effer

the soft disclosure episode

Jim McKenna

Not a very good episode. A lot of juicy things to talk about, but the guys really seem to phone it in. And my take away from discussing the book is if I am interested in this fascinating subject I would be better served by reading pretty much any other book.


Sounded like they mostly let him talk, which is good. What’s wrong with the book?

Peter T.

that was a great episode and you just aren't interested in these topics


roe v wade overthrown