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The boys discuss Elon Musk buying twitter, then turn their attention to a Vanity Fair article exploring Peter Thiel and the NEW new alt-right. Is this finally the hip new version of conservatism that will win the youth to the right, or does everyone just want cool friends in the metaverse? We get to the bottom of it.




All your Ivies are belong to us


within the context of bernie bros turning into epic based techno-monarchists over a span of 4 years I would simply like to point out that Matt Christman looks almost exactly like Sam Hyde

C. Ries

Sam Hyde looks like a dollar store Leon Trotsky

Hector Jaime

The obvious answer to the question “where else is everyone going to go?” Is…REDDIT duh!

Hector Jaime

The land acknowledgment joke is getting old


could probably make a bunch of money off Nazi Stardew Valley


The new new right seems to be made up of a lot of the same people from the old new right.


Completely demoralized, thx guys

Colin Underwood

Sicario holding Eric Alper at gunpoint while he posts “What’s your favorite song about driving a car or motorcycle”

Stan Refermat

Matt try to make it an hour without being totally blackpilled challenge


This is all theatre to me. This isn't anywhere near 1933 or 1917. And I doubt it ever will be. This "New Right" isn't former alpini and sturmtruppen who clubbed men to death in the trenches while getting bombarded by artillery for years. They can neither threaten nor protect the system in any meaningful way. The same is true of much of the left today. These groups are filled with bourgeois kids who feel discontented by a system that threw them overboard 50 years ago and left them without any coherent community or project to latch onto. And this system will just continue to decline. Unless some group has the power and metacognition to actually reimagine it. The reactionaries want to preserve some ostensible retrotopia that cannot be preserved. The radicals want to realize some ostensible utopia that cannot be realized. There really aren't any new, positive, affirmative, visions that are actually relevant to a post-industrial society facing ecological collapse. So really, there is nothing radical. Not if these ideas are from the dawn of industrial civilization. We're at its twilight, or at least some new stage should its lineage overcome itself without self destruction. It's all more or less reactionary and anti-entropic. I think the mass politics is ready for a new affirmative vision that just isn't in the ether yet. We're in the decades where nothing happens as Lenin put it. And unless some new, positive, affirmative vision is found the reactionaries will probably win the struggle as people fearfully scramble to preserve the system en masse.

Ryan Gullage

Catching up on episodes cause can’t afford Patreon donations every month but the dialectical thot on this one about the fracturing metaverses is misguided. The vampire’s castle has a moat around it, but the bridge is flooded out. Dry Boys raise yr game. And stop being late w your episodes.

Degrassi Osborne

I do not remember all this happening back in April wtf