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The boys look at the phenomenon of literary Felixes, plus discuss a few current censorship debates. Plus, we’re joined once again by lawyer Steven Donziger, who is now back under house arrest after the Department of Corrections sent him home from Jail. We discuss the end stages of case, his corporate prosecution, and the future for the people of Ecuador in their case against Chevron.

Information on Steven’s case and ways to support collected at https://www.freedonziger.com/

Tickets for our upcoming southern live shows at: chapotraphouse.com/live




I know you dismiss yourselves as a comedy pod but your series on Donzinger has been one of the most impactful pieces of journalism in years. Glad you got to catch up with him Will, solidarity Also the first half of the episode was good shut up everyone


Apologies for being a dullard in advance--regarding discussions of fatness, I learned last year that weight doesn't really correlate with health (unless you're extremely thin or extremely fat). As was briefly mentioned in the ep, you can eat shit food and still be thin, while others can eat "healthy" and still be fat. Felix is 100% right that the food industry needs to be nationalized, people should be able to walk and bike their neighborhoods rather than rely solely on driving, but we'll still have fat people afterward and that's fine!


Been learning about this recently and apparently there isn't actually that much evidence that being heavy has any real impact on your blood work or general health. The medical field calls it a paradox because they 'know' that being heavy is bad for you but it 'paradoxically' doesn't have any specific health detriments lol (to a certain point that is)


Maybe you've already seen this, but someone posted this link in a comment here: https://slimemoldtimemold.com/2021/07/07/a-chemical-hunger-part-i-mysteries/ It could just be crank nonsense, but it's really interesting and would add another dimension to the stuff you've been learning about. The basic story is that there's an environmental reason for why people are fat. Being fat longterm is never anyone's fault. Being skinny longterm is also never anyone's accomplishment. Americans are eating healthier food and are more active than ever before, believe it or not, but Americans are still getting fatter. There's a chemical (not yet known, but they've narrowed it down to 3 likely suspects) that messes up your body's idea of what your weight should be. Again, maybe it's just crank bullshit, and I don't want to promote this as something that's true, but it's a wild read and I'm provisionally convinced.


always appreciate Will’s interviews with Donziger even though it makes me utterly despair, the new oil pipeline spill in the Amazon is absolutely terrifying and i wish our nations had the political will to make a international cooperative response to these emergencies! the spate of book banning is also demoralising and i’m not here for the low key boorish dismissal of comics as an art form, an immensely snobbish attitude to have towards an entire medium of human expression, it’s like dismissing all as meaningful art film because MCU movies exist! humans have been using images to communicate their thoughts and feelings since the dawn of consciousness, plenty of rich vibrant societies have managed without the written word but visual image based communication is pretty universal, comics or graphic novels or whatever you want to call them are just part of that deep lineage — just some annoying art defence from a sometime Chapo art contributor

J.P. McD.

Felix hinted at the Bernie campaign stuff in an episode a few months ago where he said identity politics is used by the center to "trick" leftist campaigns into hiring "the dumbest people alive" - Will and/or Matt cracked up, clearly was something they'd talked about off mic in the past, and Felix was being a naughty little kid who says a curse word or Kramer blurting out impolite things. then you had Matt's anti-BJG tweet ("two normal people") where she was like "wtf? I've never said a word about you". anyway absolutely loved the boys going more explicitly in against BJG, David Sedaris or w/e the fuck that guy's name was, and all the other morons. Would love to hear them actually talk about FTV (thought it was extremely smart of them to never mention it at the time so as not to split their audience). I don't regret the max-out either tho.


Honestly if it were anyone else I would not care at all but Neil Young fucking rules and so does sticking the finger to Spotify. There aren't alot of famous people who would willingly take a hit to make a political point, they'd rather be on a podcast with Obama

Colin Clark

There are soooooooo many dumbest people alive in political campaigns though. Love her or hate her BJG intellectually towers above literally 99.9% of ppl working on democratic campaigns idk man.


you will not put on fat if the amount of calories you burn is equal or greater than the amount of calories you intake. this is basic fundamental 1 + 1 = 2 math. the caveat is that every one's body processes food at different rates, what we all know as metabolic rates. but some people rely on the difference in metabolic rates to justify sitting around all day eating cookies and say 'well my metabolism is slower so i can't help it'. the thing is though metabolic rates, while there definitely are genetic and environmental influences to one's metabolic rate, metabolism also isn't static. Regular exercise speeds up one's metabolism. But like tumblrites managed to convince people that none of this is true. That you can be a jabba the hut and it has nothing to do with your 'health'. everyone is a smol bean and can't help their circumstance so we just need to validate everyone regardless of how much they actually try to change their circumstance.


I don't hate BJG, but like i've definitely gone cold on her the more and more I realized that she doesn't give a shit about foreign policy. i can't really think of anyone as a 'socialist' if they don't have and internationalist mindset.

Friend of Pangolin

Way-too-online leftists who LOVE media leftists infighting are the most primed for the metaverse. Get an actual human life....or just start watching Real Housewives. This comment is so fucking sad.

J.P. McD.

Colin - yea good point, not like "Lis Smith" and James Carville are smart. Think "towers intellectually above 99.9%" is a bit much though. Tampa - cancel your subscription and go yell at some women commenting on True Crime podcasts, not sure what to tell you bud

Evan Scott

this is something they talked about a lot during both election cycles, and there are a ton of people like this, i think you're reading too much into it attributing it to one person who used to be on the show with some regularity even if that relationship chilled

J.P. McD.

Yea it’s possible the two example people I named are exempt from what Felix was saying I guess

Friend of Pangolin

Cancel my subscription, because of YOUR comment. Okay! Makes complete sense. And, by the way, I'm a woman, bud...and David Sedaris is hilarious. Don't know how he factors into this, unless you mean David Sirota (I don't think they have an issue with him and he is an amazing leftist journalist.)

J.P. McD.

Tampa - you are mad at a commenter rather than mad at the people doing the actual “infighting” (granted they didn’t use names and may be referring to other people). Your priorities are warped.

J.P. McD.

(And you shouldn’t be mad or “sad” about either because this is entertainment that has little to no bearing on actual politics, as you well know.)


Kind of a dogshit ep


While he’s giving the finger to Spotify, he’s also GETTING finger blasted by Amazon. Did u ever think of that???


We need more time to unpack the Bernie campaign. Not because the chapo boys are political savvy geniuses who could have done better or they need to own up to it but because someone needs to address it for what it was.


Don' think that was the point he was making but you can always use Neil Young Archives or just pirate it dude


That was an amazing read, and very well sourced. Correlational, but damn that's a lot of coincident correlations.


someone would need to write a book that's as zany as Donna Brazile's recap of the Hillary 2016 campaign, then they can do a funny ep about it

Hector Jaime

“Hey hey” (—neil young), it is kind of funny to see Rogan groveling with two—TWO—back-to-back apologies after the Neil young pressure campaign (why doesn’t Neil say anything about how all streaming services except for Bandcamp screw musicians??). With his Kermit-the-frog-meets-a-New-York-grandma voice. More allegations now come forth of ableism and anti-Asian jokes. Watch out Nick Mullen! Oh and adult marvel comics and movies do suck. Here’s to Herbie the Fat Fury!


I've got a Charlotte ticket to sell. Inquire within.

Boaz Corey

I'm sure if we all just stop pumping gas at Chevron stations then the problem will be solved, right?

John Gauger

Thanks for the Thin Lizzie, Chris.


great work here guys!