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A follow-up to our episode [349 - The Righteous Falwells (9/12/19)], we look at a new in-depth profile of Jerry Fallwell Jr., perhaps one of the most singularly emblematic individuals of our era.

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Man this show doesn’t miss, legitimately one of the only times I can remember is known New York cunt Will Menaker pretending that people from Boston equated the marathon bombing to 9/11. What a total a total New York delusion to have.


You can’t be right 100% of the time or so the “rubes” say.


The outro songs are always thematically appropriate, but got damn does this evangelical music suck shit. Couldn’t be a better fit for American Protestantism, A+ as always, Chris.

Blake Patraw

"was born in lynchburg on fathers day..." does the author realize that father's day isn't a set date lmao


A guy who is usually right on the vast majority of his takes because they’re well researched and reviewed was wrong when he stated on an episode of Chapo Trap House that people from Boston pretended like the marathon bombing was on the same scale as 9/11. This never happened and only served the purpose of scoring literary points with his new yoeks


I live in Mass and literally the last time anybody brought up the marathon intelligence opp.


Operation* the last time anyone mentioned it was literally the same night the guy got caught in the boat , but Will has this fantasy behavior he applies to people from the state that hosts the baseball team he doesn’t like. It’s one of the only times the pod has been willfully disingenuous. That’s all.


Will, this your father, there was no mother, just one day I was pregnant with you so obviously I chickened out, anyway we should get together and compare peniss sometime. love and kisses -your dad


but 9/11 was NYC's Boston Bombing. we all know that.


“9/11 wasn’t nearly as traumatizing as the marathon bombing” ~ Every guy from the Brighton, Alston, Fenway area.


my god I went back to listen to ep 349 and the next premium 351 is the Eyes Wide Shut review with Nick Mullen. Cab we bring this kind of fire eps back?


Your 'real' father seemed a whole lot cooler than my biological one


How the fuck is austin sold out already :(


They told everyone in Cedar Park it was Pod Save America.


Got stuck on a place called “Lynchburg”

Evan Scott

there are ten places called lynchburg in the US, including one in California


there really are 5 types of place names in america: - native indian loan word - name of an english guy - place where a french guy went and said a weird word and it stuck ("detroit", "la grange", "des moines", etc) - name of a european city, possibly with "new" in front - Lynchburg, Racismtown, Whitesville, Freesboro

Jonathan McCarver

See you in Nashville and New Orleans. Maybe if I'm lucky i can throw up on bourbon street with the boys.


Imagining Falwell Jr. crying in front of Daniel Plainview in his bowling alley.

Matt Lavallee

this is the second episode this year to wind up with the Louvin Brothers (excellent choice)

Isaac Jones

Gospel music actually slaps, ice cold take here. This song sucked but there are some bangers


I've got a Charlotte ticket to sell. Inquire within.