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Our roundtable of experts debate the possibility of intervention in the Russia/Ukraine tensions and come to the conclusion a global nuclear exchange would probably suck, at least for the Podcast Industry. We then take a look at a trio of pieces examining the national crisis in hiring and firing. Does Nobody Want to Work Anymore or is it just that Work Sucks, I Know? We get to the bottom of how you’ll probably end up a serf (but without the benefits) regardless.



DP Workman

What was the name of the Chapo World of Warcraft movie review episode? Can’t find it anywhere and I feel like I’m going crazy. o


The American worker is quitting in droves because they are afflicted with Drapetomania.


Whatever it is that those people have in their brains who were involved in espousing all that bs in the first article and all these other examples of flabbergasted demons who can't compute what's happening with jobs and wages, it is not something that can ever be remedied. Those are the types of sociopaths you lock up or destroy in order to keep your society functional and healthy. Those are the types of minds who act as a Great Filter, they're the reason we haven't encountered aliens yet cause they all end up turning their civilizations into nightmarish hellscapes to the point of everyone just choosing to die.

Bryan aka Pera

I have experienced just about all of the things talked and joked about in that episode. No one came and sang for us but I've definitely worked in places that sunk a lot of money into stupid perks like snacks and shit like Beer-30 that did nothing to stem the rise of alcoholism in the office. One of the most egregious examples was a place that gave us all our vacation time up front but had some weird means of accrual where if you quit or were fired before you'd officially accrued the vacation time, time taken had to be repaid to the company. So literally everyone waited until the end of the year. I've luckily never felt underpaid for the jobs I take but I've still had 6 professional-class jobs in the last 6 years and if I wasn't laid off or the company ceased-to-be, I was fired because I just couldn't muster the drive to give a shit. The problem for me comes in working under extraordinary pressure to deliver on time and on budget when I just don't care. Everyone else acts like we're curing cancer or doing something revolutionary when really all we're going is providing a company selling managed IT services with a slightly less shitty website than the one they made themselves. The urgency doesn't match the service, as far as I'm concerned, and honestly, best job I've had in the last 6 years was working for Lowes as a dude running around the store, filling internet orders. That job unironically kicked ass.

Keenan Nilsen

Hope you guys do something on the r/antiwork happening with Fox News


Being expected to care deeply about your shitty job is pretty much the ruling class's way of dumping salt in your wounds.


wish they did something about this whole antiwoke stuff on fox news amirite!


I actually dont think theyre gonna do the Volcker Shock thing. Like half of the American economy is built on companies that actively lose money every year, and would be suddenly drowning in debt without access to free money they can borrow against their insanely overinflated stock value. Far more likely to me is what Matt implied: basically signing the right to our labor away to our bosses for years like the sports industry, but for everyone.

J.P. McD.

Love Matt’s deadpan agreements of whatever bonkers things Felix mentions (like killing restaurant owners and the adult Six Flags)


It feels like between the pressures of that insane business environment you're describing where the only thing that actually has ROI is real estate and bit coin versus pressures from conservative-leaning public who think that because they have to pay 4$ a gallon it's Literally Venezuela, we might live to see the day where fed rates come back within a normal ball park of reasonability of like 1-2%

Jose Mendoza

Anyone know where I can find the article about the hospital employees almost being forced into serfdom?

Jose Mendoza

Nvm, found it. Google is my friend

Neba Jorgacevic

HEJ Feliks, You don't mess with cyrilics, bat da cyrIlics, well guess what they gonna mess wit YO AZZ !! LEMME HEAR u SPELL THIS, BITCH: D-J-O-K-O-V-I-C !!!

Jacob Johnson

We made sure to keep Russia no more powerful than California then made all the countries around it part of NATO?? That makes the Midwest our NATO border in this country to keep these liberals in check. Oorah

Jack Sherman

This aged like fine wine