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Havana Syndrome proves a bust and Eric Adams praises fruit. We spend the main chunk of the ep reviewing Frank Luntz and the New York Times’ recent focus group of the most chaotic and bird-brained type of person in existence: the average American independent voter.



Bob Johnson

I might be off-base here, but is it fair to say that Fauci is Trump-like in that he never admits he’s wrong?

Jonny confuse by corndog

Self-described "independent, moderate voters" are fucking trash. They're just reactionaries that feel icky about going full conservative and they're even more gutless than Mayo Pete and Warren supporters.

Incog Negro

Neither does Satan and that's what makes him a great character in that classic book !!!

Jessica Rios

I’m pissed that FeFe didn’t bring up talking to Christian Walker aka Idiot Boy.

Jessica Rios

I don’t get American Emailer. I’m sure it’s obvious but I don’t get it.


66 is older. 66 isn’t you’re about to die and you just sit all the time


Good DEVO choice at the end


Guess the points don’t hinge anymore do they?

The True Horror

Matt is dead on my handler is using havana syndrome as an excuse to phone it in and I'm sick of it, he doesn't even like my threatening screeds on twitter anymore and he left the manifesto I DMd him on read

Raaid Chaudry

You guys mentioned "epic fat guys" in a previous episode. Who do you think the top 3 epic fat guys in history are?

Matthew Black

‘This one...this is a song Jerry Lee Lewis wrote before he shot one of his wives”

bruce moment

I think Taft has to be the foremost presidential lead for epic fat guy. The Buddha is a fine choice, but 3rd simply must be Napoleon

Philipp Warausch

Is the rise of the unblooded done?


Napoleon comes of as more of a slightly chubby guy and Taft isn't that epic, but on the other hand I figured out that the fat buddha was actually a chinese guy who's completely unrelated to Siddharta Gautama. How about Winston Churchill for 3rd? inb4 there are other countries than the US/UK


Secure the ports!!!