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  Progress Update! (edit 2) 

Greeting everyone!<3 I've been hard at work polishing the game and wanted to share what I got done so far before I finish the enemy junk and logic. I added a link to the Patreon on the
main menu screen alongside randomly displaying some of the names of those who've supported me thus far that I've talked to. I'll be trying to think of more creative ways to feature everyone's name and give back to those who've given me so much support so far, I am really thankful! 

If you'd like your name added to the list of supporters then let me know here on Patreon or in the the discord group under "name-submission" whenever you feel like it and make sure to tell me what name you'd like to be listed under!

 You can press Z multiple times to chain attack and by pressing ALT you can switch between characters, R restarts the game back to the main menu.  

Link to test build 0.2 Dropbox Link 

  Progress Update!  (edit 1)

Morning everyone!<3 Today I'll be finishing Whispy's attack string and sharing that but I wanted to share a preview of how our little hero looks like when animated. Next up will be the fly and figuring out how we'll be handling both how to swap between heroes and how the scenes will play out.     

 Progress Update 

Howdy! I wanted to share how Whispy is turning out thus far and get some feedback on how he  will look!<3 So far I am very happy with his design and think our gothic fox will make good for some very fun scenes. I plan for Whispy to be more of a dexterous fighter compared to Blue, utilizing speed to his advantage. I'll update the post as I get more of his animations done then plop that big ol' stinky fly in the game to focus on the scenes. 



looks great! whispy has some dope ass boots i want them


Dawh! Thank you, Roly had something similar in his drawing of Whispy and I felt like it fit his style &lt;3


Now, question. in any of the animations, are we going to see whispy lose all the clothing on his lower half or are his boots going to always remain, relatively like how the last game was? Cause i would not mind seeing him lose his boots a few times. :P Preferred style would be seeing him get slammed around his thong with his boots off, but i'm a strange one is all.

Ryan Smith

I like how you kept his look of bemusement. Love this charater!


&lt;3 I think that is a valid point since his boots are awfully big! I think I might do that for some of the scenes and reduce their size by a bit.

Doggie_Bones (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 04:02:42 Dawh thank you!&lt;3 I certainly imagine Whispy is being dragged through all of it
2019-01-22 17:06:57 Dawh thank you!<3 I certainly imagine Whispy is being dragged through all of it

Dawh thank you!<3 I certainly imagine Whispy is being dragged through all of it


I am not saying its because the boots are big. I'm just saying im typically not a fan of footwear during sex is all. :P scenes back in your other game were fine since i didnt have to see them most of the time.


Awh well that makes sense! I'll have his booties pop off for some of the scenes like Blue's helmet when it feels or looks inconvenient.


Looking good! looking real good! Gotta say you are on fire when it comes to these updates!. How is the learning process with GameMaker going so far?


Really good so far! I’ve found plenty of resources and most of the concepts are very understandable. I want to have a similar setup like in HHH where you mash to escape progressive scenes and I think that should be very doable. Art side is the easier part for me but if I run into any snags with programming then I’ll make it known~