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Progress Update

Howdy everyone! Blue is in the game with some extra frames and polish in her animations. I made it so the camera slowly pans around to track the player, added platforms you can jump through, friction and acceleration variables that I can tweak (Like making it so Blue slides extra far on ice), all with some fairly good collision detection. I made a quick build of the game if you want to test it out!<3 My goals now is to add the big ol' sticky fly into the game, Whispy voooo, and some fighting animations! 

 Progress Update (edit 1)

 Hello again! I figured that I should update the thread once more to showcase Blue's combo string. I'll be working on getting Whispy Voo in the game now alongside that big ol' sticky fly before I start attack special stuff to their kits.<3 

ALSO! The server emoji's are done for the discord group!<3 TwelfthMoon did a great job on them!! You can find the artist here : https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lanuitetoile/  



I like! Keep it going!

Doggie_Bones (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 04:02:43 Awh thank you and I will!&lt;33
2019-01-16 23:41:09 Awh thank you and I will!<33

Awh thank you and I will!<33

Ryan Smith

This is shaping up a lot faster than I thought! Usually, you'll see a project like this for a platformer or a beat em up, and it takes it months just to get this far. It took you two and a half weeks. Color Me impressed.