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He already knew where he was. He already knew his predicament. The lights coming back on didn’t reveal anything that he didn’t already know - it was just an indication that she was back.

“I hope I didn’t make you wait too long,” she said, stepping into view.

Corrine looked hot. Attractive, yes, but also - hot. Sweaty. Her skin looked damp and there was some extra red in her cheeks. Her hair was a little tousled, and her makeup was a little worn. He wondered if she would’ve liked what she had seen if she had looked in the mirror now. It was far from her usual perfectness, but her aura still seemed to be glowing. With just her very very short shorts and a damp sports bra, she looked like she was completely in her element.

“Just finished my workout,” she said. “It was a good one too. Once I got started on the elliptical, I just couldn’t stop.”

He tried to say something, only to remember that his mouth had been plugged up. He had forgotten about that.

“And how are you doing?” she asked. “I hope you weren’t too bored.”

He couldn’t say anything, nor could he do much, so he just let it be. She couldn’t have been expecting a response anyways.

“I hope you don’t miiiind,” she said, a playful sing-song tone coming through, “but I invited a friend to come play with us. That’s okay with you, right?”

His heart rate picked up speed. This wasn’t expected at all. Still, there was little he could do to protest.

And it didn’t sound terrible.

“This is Brynn,” Corrine said.

Brynn stepped into the room. She may have been a little younger. Less ‘beautiful’ and more ‘cute,’ if that made sense. Cherubic blonde hair. A little extra roundness all over. Big adorable cheeks. And an ass that he hoped - prayed - would eventually find its way onto his face.

“We were just finishing up our workout and I suggested that she come join me. When I told her what I was doing, she just had to see it for herself.

“Oh shit,” Brynn said, holding a hand up to her mouth in astonishment. “You weren’t fucking kidding around. Look at him!”

“Looks fun, right?”

“He...lets you do this?”

“Lets?” Corrine laughed and shook her head. “He begs for it.”

It was 11:23 PM. The gym closed almost an hour and a half ago. The last remaining patrons had been corralled to the locker rooms and sent home. The doors were locked. Most of the lights had been shut off. This was usually when the night shift got their workouts in. More recently, it was when Corrine and Dave’s fun began.


It had started on a night like this. Everyone else was gone and the doors had been locked. They had been working out together - as they did from time to time - when he had made a pass at her. Well, he had called it a “pass.”

Corrine called it “grabbing my ass and trying to shove a tongue down my throat,” which was probably a more accurate way of looking at it. In the days that followed his little maneuver, which had been met with a swift knee to the crotch, the two had wisely kept their distance, while not speaking of it aloud to anyone.

It was he who had approached her first, and he came with an apology. For what it was worth, it may have been the most heartfelt and sincere apology he had ever given. However, it was still Dave - and Dave wasn’t hard to peg as someone who only did something if it benefited him.

Not losing his job at the gym? Not being labeled a predator in front of his friends and co-workers? That apology needed to have been good.

She rejected that apology, but not without offering some thoughts on what should happen next.

“Right now, it’s just you and me who know about your little handsy stunt, David. And it can stay that way - but it doesn’t have to. I mean...you realize there are security cameras on the gym floor right? You may have forgotten that, but I didn’t. And so I have that footage, and I’m thinking that I could hold onto it indefinitely. Destroy it even.”

“You...you would do that?” he asked.

“Is that all you care about?”

“I mean...if that got out, it would destroy me.”

“But that is why you’re apologizing, is it not?”

He tried to remain stoic and strong. He wanted to tell her that she was wrong. He wanted to say that his brief moment of ill-advised flirting wasn’t worth both the knee to the groin and having his reputation decimated.

But she had all the power now, and nothing good would come from trying to fight back.

“What do you want?” he asked, hesitantly.

“Maybe I need to know you’ve learned a lesson.”

He scoffed. “What do you want me to do? Write some lines on a chalkboard a hundred times? Stand in the corner?”

She laughed and shook her head. “You know, you’re on the right path for what I was thinking.”

This caught him off guard. “Huh?”

“I mean, clearly someone failed you in your childhood. I learned to keep my hands to myself. I thought you would have learned the same - but I suppose not.”

“You can go off on your little power trip if you want,” he sneered, “but let’s not pretend you’re the high and mighty one right now. You have a videotape and a story that you can parade around without context.”

“Oh?” She laughed again. “Well, please, if you have some additional context that you could fill me in on, maybe I could feel a little better about having you try to crawl all over me.”

He sighed. “I’m just saying… I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll play along with whatever game you have in mind. But don’t think that you’re going to teach me any epic lessons on morality. I can already see where this is going, and you want me to humiliate myself in exchange for my reputation.”

“You’re smarter than I give you credit for,” Corrine said with a laugh. “But if that’s how you want to look at it, that’s fair. I’ll spare you a very public, and much deserved, humiliation in exchange for a humiliation that only I’m privy to.”

He didn’t like it, but he didn’t have many options.

“Fine. What do you want?”

“It’s simple, really. Do you know what my Daddy would’ve done if he had found out my brothers were pinching the bottoms of the neighbor girls? He’d have pulled them over his knees and paddled them real good.”

He took a long slow breath from his nose as he saw where she was going with this.

“And so why not do the same for you?” she thought. “One good ol’ fashioned trip over my knee. And then you’re free.”


And so in three days time, on one of those late late nights after everyone else had left the gym for the day, they agreed that she’d take him over her knees in the women’s locker room. He’d be punished accordingly and then that would be the last either of them spoke about it.

In the time between that conversation and their appointment, Dave had a lot of thoughts about it.

It was humiliating. Regardless of whether or not it was just Corrine that would see him in this position, it was an embarrassing one for a guy like him to be in. He was Dave. Motherfucking Dave. A man of many sexual conquests, with the panties-as-prizes to show for it. And Corrine - sexy piece of ass Corrine - really believed she could just get away with making a mockery of him?

She’d get her little moral victory, he thought. At his expense. But that wouldn’t be the end of the war.

And so when the time came to pay the piper, he was ready. It might have been embarrassing and silly - but he’d go into it with his head held high. She could try and strip him of his dignity, but all she’d be doing was making herself feel better.

Then the ball would be in his court again. And while he didn’t know how, just yet, he’d show her what true revenge looks like.

“Feeling nervous, David?” Corrine had asked when he entered the otherwise-unoccupied women’s locker room.

“Nervous?” He laughed. “No, not so much. I’m feeling ready. I’m ready to get this over with, and then you and I can both move on.”

“That’s a mature outlook,” she said, before adding: “...for someone who’s about to be paddled like a toddler.”

“I hope this brings you the closure you need,” he said. It was steeped in sarcasm and disdain. But this was what she was expecting, and she had made peace with that. He had been right - this was more for her than it was for him. She could care less how he felt about any of this.

Though, she had been practicing her swing.

She took a seat on one of the wooden benches in between rows of lockers. She patted her lap - most of her thighs were exposed beneath the short khaki shirt she wore.

It had been a long time since he had been paddled at all, let alone over someone’s knees. He could recall his grandmother dishing out punishment like this once upon a time. But that was a different age. A different place and time. Things were different now and…

The closer he got to her expecting lap, the more intense the fluttering in his chest got. Why? Why now? Why was it that he was actually feeling apprehensive about this all of a sudden? Was it her calm and smug demeanor? The confidence she displayed in even suggesting such an act to him in the first place? Or perhaps it was those things mixed with the real memories of being a little boy dragged over Nanna’s lap.

It suddenly felt far more real than it had before. This wasn’t just some silly stunt he could shrug off. This was happening, and it was going to be humiliating.

“The sooner you get up here, the sooner we’ll be over,” she said, her voice as wise as his Nanna’s was.

In his adult life, he had never felt so small and pathetic.

With a final sigh, he bent over her lap until his chest and stomach rested atop her legs while his ass hung free and ready for what was about to come next.

“I should have you take off your pants,” she said. “My Daddy would’ve done that. But tonight isn’t about pain. It’s about learning. I’d like to think that you can learn with your pants on.”

He nodded - not completely sure which part of what she had just said that he was agreeing to.


There was no warning and no warm-up. Her hand just struck his ass, still making a decent slapping sound despite his pants being in the way.

It stung; his pride more so than his skin. Earlier tonight he had believed that he was stronger than this. He had been prepared to laugh this off and move on with his life. Now, over her lap, the impossible seemed to be happening: he was learning.


He actually let out a little yelp that time.

“Why are you here?” she asked.

He wished he still had the confidence that he had just five minutes ago. He wanted to give a smartass answer. He wanted to mock her for thinking that she could change him like he was a child.

Instead he just spoke the truth: “I...I was bad.”

Bad? He couldn’t believe he had used such a juvenile word.

“Yes,” she said with a giggle. “You were bad. A bad boy.”


His cheeks flared and he breathed through his teeth as her hand struck him again. He wished he understood what was happening to him right now. How did he go from being Fucking Dave to the sniveling toddler over her knees now.


Another little cry. Every strike seemed to take years from his age. He was a little boy again and Nanna was mad that someone ate the cookies that were meant for dessert.


“I...I’m sorry,” he said to Corrine. If he wasn’t crying, there were at least tears in his eyes now.

“What are you even sorry for?” she asked.

“You...deserve better,” he said. “I shouldn’t have tried to touch you. Not...without asking.”

It sounded sincere. Or, possibly, it sounded like he didn’t want to get slapped again.


“Please...no more,” he pleaded. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

She had her hand raised and poised for her next swing, but she couldn’t let herself go through with it. It had been one thing to paddle him while he remained defiant and antagonistic. But this wasn’t anything she had expected. He was raw and vulnerable.

He stayed on her lap for a minute or two, and with no idea of what else to do with her hands, she began to comfort him instead. One hand lightly rubbed his back where he had sweat through his tee. The other lightly caressed his bottom where she had just struck him repeatedly.

Tears had been streaming down his cheeks and he sniffled. “Ah fuck,” he finally said.

This hadn’t just been a victory for her, this was a crushing defeat for him. There’d be no war, it was already over.

“We’re done here,” she said. He took the hint and slid off from her lap. He straightened his clothes and wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Are we good?” he asked.

She nodded. She wished she was happier about it, but she felt like she had just kicked a puppy.

“The video footage?”

“Oh, right, about that,” she said. “There...wasn’t any.”


“The camera systems haven’t been working for a month now. Les was supposed to call somebody to look at them, but you know how he is, so…”

“You lied to me?”

She shrugged. “Does it matter? There’s no video to release.”

He stormed out of the locker room. And for most of that night, he was pretty mad about it.

But then, while lying in bed and staring at the ceiling that night, as sleep refused to come, he realized what it was that he was actually so upset about.

He liked what she did to him. He liked how she controlled him. He was a puppet in her hands.

No...he was like a child. A...what did she call me? A bad boy.

He didn’t even know what he actually wanted. Did he just want to be over her lap again? Did he want her to talk down to him? He couldn’t figure out what it was - but he knew that he wanted more.

In the days that followed, they had little interaction with each other at the gym. While neither seemed to be going out of their way to avoid the other, the few conversations that they were forced to have were terse and brief. And perhaps it wouldn’t have been a terrible position for them to have stayed in perpetually.

“Hey. Corrine?”

It was another late night, and Corrine believed that she was the only one in the gym as she wrapped up her workout so that she could head back to the shower. Except that Dave suddenly appeared, stepping out from seemingly nowhere to confront her in the empty gym.

“Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack,” Corrine said, frustrated and clutching her hand to her chest.

“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you. I just wanted to...well, if you had the time...maybe we could talk?”

“Haven’t you said everything you wanted to say?” Corrine spat. “We have nothing further to discuss. No more apologies. And no more hoops to jump through for my forgiveness.”

“That’s not what I wanted to discuss,” he said.

She frowned. “You’re not going to, like, ask me out or something, are you?”

“Would it be so bad if I did?”

“I’d say that I wasn’t interested.”

His ego developed a bruise, but he shrugged it off. “N-no, that’s not what I wanted to talk about.”


“The other night? When you...uh...in the locker room? On your lap?”

She couldn’t help but smile. She never thought that the two of them would ever talk about that little incident again. “Yes? What about it?”

“I have to be honest with you,” he said. “And maybe you’ll reject what I say - and that’s okay. But I figured I’d just put it out there and see what happens, right? I say this to you now with the hope that even if you reject me, you’ll never tell anyone else we had this conversation.”

She was very, very, curious now. “Go on.”

“I want...no… I need it again.”

“Oh?” Her eyebrows raised and her mouth hung open. It was hard to believe what she was hearing. “More?”

He nodded. “Please. Just...think about it?”

She laughed and shook her head with astonishment. But the truth was that she didn’t have to think about it very hard. She liked the position she was in that night. She, too, had spent a good amount of time thinking about how it’d be nice to do again.

“I can tell you my answer right now,” she said.

“Yeah? Okay…”

“I’m going to go into the locker room. And when you’re ready, why don’t you come see me.”

“Now? Tonight?”

She nodded. “Is that too soon?”

“Uhm...no… I mean…”

“So, I’ll see you soon?”

He nodded.

“But don’t you dare walk into that ladies’ locker room.”

“Wait, but… I thought you said to meet you there?”

She laughed. “You may crawl into the locker room.”


“Crawl,” she reiterated. “Like a toddler. Like the naughty little boy that you are. Surely even a bad boy like you can follow that one simple instruction, yes?”

His heart was beating fast. He was sweating. But he was also nodding.

“Good. See you soon, little boy.”

What she was asking him to do - what she had called him - these were not things that he had ever thought about wanting before. But they were hitting the same nerves that her paddling did. He already knew that he loved it - all of it. He wanted more.


He had crawled into the locker room on his hands and knees. She was impressed, though she had been expecting him to have complied. This time she had him remove his pants and boxers completely before positioning himself on her lap. Her slaps were as fierce as they were the time before, except they stung three times worse without any fabric between her hand and the skin of his bottom. He had trouble sitting for two days after.


For their next late-night locker room session, she had instructed him to remove all of his clothes before crawling into the women’s locker room. He, again, complied, bashfully scooting across the tile floor with a face that blushed as pink as his ass would soon be.


It had become clear to Corrine that she could continue raising the requirements for what Dave would have to do before he could crawl onto her lap, and he would continue to meet them. He wanted everything that she could throw at him. And so she chose to continue escalating his humiliation. For the next session, she had left a wrapped gift on his desk during the day. Inside was a baby’s pacifier - brand new and in the package - along with a note. Crawl into the locker room tonight nude - with this in your mouth. That’s how I’ll know you’re a little boy in need of his punishment.

Of course he did it. There was not even a moment of hesitation.


Moving forward, in addition to his nude crawl across the ladies’ locker room, he would only be allowed to call her “Mommy.” And after every slap across his bottom, he’d be required to say “Thank you, Mommy.”


For the next late-night rendezvous, he was surprised to have crawled into the locker room to see that she was holding a large thick padded object of some sort. He quickly figured out what it was. A large white disposable adult diaper. He had never once in his adult life thought about diapers or being forced to wear one, yet now it seemed so obvious that he was surprised he hadn’t thought of it sooner himself.


Every night in the locker room seemed only to regress him further. He’d crawl into the locker room with just his diaper and pacifier.


He’d get pulled over Mommy’s lap and his bottom would be smacked raw. He would be slapped until he cried like a literal baby.


Then, maybe he’d get his bottom rubbed a little before his diaper was pulled back up. Sometimes she’d bring him a bottle of milk and make him drink it.


It would be his idea, eventually, to use the diaper. Neither had ever stated that this was wanted - or required - though both had figured it might have been an eventuality. He’d make his entrance, crawling into the locker room, except now his diaper would be sagging between his legs while stained yellow. A new piece of the routine. Paddling. Bottle of milk. Diaper change.


He no longer had to come to her. He was now waiting for her. He finished his shift and returned to the ladies’ locker room once everyone else was gone for the day. He’d wait in just his diaper and pacifier. Sometimes he used his diaper out of desperation, and sometimes he used it just because he wanted her to change him. But it was always in need of a change by the time she got back to him.


He wanted more. She wanted more. They had yet to encounter a limit for their little game. She began checking in with him before her nightly workout. She’d pull out his pacifier and shove the panties she had been wearing all day into his mouth, where they’d stay until her return. She checked his diaper and then headed out to the gym floor. Sometimes she’d even turn the lights out behind her.


“I’ve been telling Brynn about how much I love working out late at night after the gym closed,” Corrine said with a wide smile. “She would’ve come just for that. But when I told her about my post-workout routine, she just had to be here too.”

“Wow,” Brynn said, shaking her head. “I...I can’t even get over how fucking pathetic he looks. A diaper? Jesus, is it...wet? Holy fuck, did you piss your diaper?”

“He insists on it,” Corrine said with a shrug. “I guess the little baby boy can’t help it.”

“What else will he do?” Brynn asked.

“Just about anything you ask,” Corrine replied.

For the purposes of demonstration - not to mention completion of the standard routine - the back of his sopping wet diaper had been pulled down and he was laid over Corrine’s lap. Over and over again, her flat hand made perfect impact with his bottom - alternating cheeks. He cried and moaned into her panties, still lodged in his mouth, all while Brynn laughed.

“Now what?” Brynn asked as she caressed Dave’s swollen bottom while he remained on her lap.

“A little aftercare. A diaper change. Then the baby is sent on his way.”

From behind the crumpled panties in his mouth, Dave grunted and moaned again.

“What...what’s that?” Brynn asked.

“Ah...well, it shouldn’t come as any surprise, but this naughty baby boy just loves this routine. So much so that he...shoots his naughty little loads into his diaper sometimes. Sometimes it’s during his paddling. Sometimes it’s when I’m rubbing his tender little ass. Sometimes it’s during the diaper change.”

Brynn shook her head and laughed. “Fuck. Like...I was tempted to ask what it was you liked about this. I mean, who the hell wants to change a grown man’s diaper? But, like, seeing this for myself? Seeing just how pathetic he is? I fucking get it. The man is truly nothing more than a big baby.”

Corrine laughed. “You absolutely get it. Actually, since you’re here, I was thinking that maybe we could try something new.”

“New?” asked Brynn, curiously.

Dave offered a questioning moan of his own.

“Locker number 32,” Corrine said. “Open it up and fetch me what you find inside of it.”

“Of course.”

Brynn quickly and enthusiastically trotted off to the locker, which was out of view.

“Are you excited, little boy?” Corrine said softly to Dave in the meantime.

He was breathing heavily and his body was a little tense from the suspense. But he still managed to nod.

“Just stay right where you are,” she continued. “You’ll like it. You like everything, don’t you, dirty little boy.”

He sighed and nodded again, hating how transparent his desperation was.

Brynn had returned, carrying a white plastic jar.

“Are you serious?” she asked Corrine. “You actually want him to…”

“I think it was only a matter of time,” Corrine answered with a shrug. “Wouldn’t you like to see this pathetic little baby do that?”

Do what? Dave’s heart raced faster and faster.

Corrine took the jar from Brynn and lowered it down to his face.


He had no experience with them, but he immediately got the jist of what was expected to happen.

“Now’s the time to tell me if you think you want out,” Corrine said to him. “Have you had enough? Or do I feed one of these little treats to your bottom?”

She had pulled out one of the glycerin capsules, a slippery little nugget, and showed it to him.

He said nothing. He didn’t pull away. He didn’t shake his head. He didn’t make any effort to remove himself from his lap.

“You know what’s going to happen once I put this into you, yes?”

He nodded.

“And you know that what’s going to happen is going to happen in your diaper, yes?”

He nodded again.

“And you know that myself and Brynn are going to watch it happen?”

Another nod.

There were no further questions. He felt the solid object sliding between his ass cheeks. He did his best to untense himself a little. There was a little pressure as the suppository found his hole, but it took barely any effort at all for Corrine’s fingers to shove it into him. With a single finger, she finished her part of the transaction - guiding the suppository as far up his bottom as she could. Her finger slowly removed itself from him.

He wished it had stayed there longer. He wanted to feel it in him again. Later, when there were no panties in his mouth, he would ask for that.

Though, it was just as likely that Corrine already knew he’d want more. She had a knack for that.

“And now we wait,” Corrine said.

“How long?” Brynn asked.

“30 minutes to an hour, I think,” Corrine answered. “Or so says the internet.”

“What do we do until then?”

“Any suggestions?” Corrine asked.

“Well, for one,” Brynn said, “it seems unfair to me that he gets to keep blowing his little baby loads into his diaper. Maybe it’d be nice if he exchanged the favor.”

Corrine smiled. “Yes! You are very correct.”

“Maybe he’s useful with his mouth,” Brynn said. “We could take a shower and…”

“Are you kidding me?” Corrine responded, laughing. “We’re in our prime right now. Let him taste our sweat. Let him taste the powerful women that have reduced him to a fucking baby again.”

Brynn giggled and nodded.

“It’s almost like a game in itself, isn’t it?” Corrine asked. “Hot potato. He can take turns. Which of us will have his face stuck between our legs when he can’t hold his suppository any longer?”

“Fuck,” Brynn said. “I am so in.”

And so it was - Dave on his hands and knees in just a diaper, the panties that were once in his mouth now pulled over his head like a hat. He crawled between Brynn’s legs on the wooden bench and devoured her wet pussy. And then he’d crawl to Corrine and do the same for her. All the while thinking about the potential - the inevitability - of reaching a point where he’d have no choice but to evacuate his bowels into his diaper while pleasing these women.

He’d do it and he’d love it. Despite the fact that he knew that this was a very slippery slope. He’d need this again. Worse, it’d need to be even more extravagant and humiliating. One day maybe he’d need even more than Corrine was even willing, or able, to give. One day, he’d be pathetically insatiable.

For now, he’d concentrate on the task at hand. He couldn’t wait for them to see him at his, no doubt, most humiliated.



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