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Hey babies.

Just a periodic ‘hello’ and check-in. It’s been a while, and there’s a few things to chit-chat about.

  • My publishing plans and schedule got a little shaken up earlier this month after losing power/internet for a few days due to Ida’s presence in my neighborhood. I really appreciate everyone’s patience with the delays. Things are pretty much back on track now.
  • This past week, Big Patreon decided they didn’t like the latest Tier 3 story I published - “Nothing Leaves This House.” As Tier 3 subscribers already know - I chose to remove the story from Patreon altogether. Today, I’ve published a new story to replace it - “On a Tuesday.”
  • As for what I do with “Nothing Leaves This House” - it is a finished story, and it’d be a shame if nobody could read it. I could put it on Tumblr, but I’d rather it be exclusive to you, my patrons. So I’ll figure something out and update you on that later.
  • I’ve recently created the “Master Index of Stories,” a pinned post in my feed that will contain direct links to all of the stories featured on Patreon. It’s still a work in progress, and I’ve been adding links to it each week. But I think this will be a nice alternative to having to scroll through an ever-increasing feed of stories to find the one you want.
  • I have also created posts that collect all of the individual chapters of the serialized stories A Beautiful Place Out in the Country and Mommy Lessons, Season 1. This should make reading these stories easier, and both collections are linked to in the Master Story Index.

Coming soon…

  • I mentioned this in the QH Discord a week or two ago, but I’ll be running a poll soon where Tier 3 patrons can vote on a story of mine that you’d like to see a sequel to. While voting will be limited to Tier 3 members, Tier 2 and 3 both will get to read the story that comes from this vote. Expect to see this poll next week!
  • In between a few short stories, I’m currently working on Mommy Lessons, Season 2. I don’t have an ETA for it just yet, but I imagine it will be before the end of the year. But I’m happy with the direction this story is taking so far. It’ll be both a continuation of the first part, while telling a story of its own.

That’s kind of that. As always, I’d love to know how y’all are feeling about things. Are you happy with the content you’re getting? How are you liking Neighbors so far? Any suggestions or concerns you’d like me to know about? I’m open and receptive to all of that.

Feel free to comment on this post or reach out to me directly!

As always, stay naughty.



John Doe

Was looking for the master index of your stories - where can that be found? Happy Weekend! 😊


Hey! Here's the URL. It's supposed to be 'pinned,' but I'm not entirely sure where it shows up as a pinned post :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/55547916