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Hello. Following the removal of this week's Tier 3 story, I wanted to replace it with a different story. Will the digital overlords dislike this one? Who knows.

Enjoy, and thank you for your patience.

Evelyn Whitfield was the first to arrive, as she usually was. I suspect most would be a little disappointed if you told them that their defining personality trait was their punctuality, but not Evelyn. She relishes it. She’s a finely tuned machine. I’ve seen her take lists of chores that’d take anyone else days and watched her clear it in three hours.

“Traffic is bad today,” she said, hanging up her coat in the closet.

“You still managed to get here 10 minutes early,” I said, offering her a glass of chardonnay.

She smiled and shrugged. “Traffic isn’t bad on all the roads. There’s plenty of effective routes if you know where to look.”

Kimberly Shaw is the next to arrive, much to my surprise. Not only was she on time, but that she had come at all. A chronic nonplanner, one can never hope to get her to commit to anything. You simply have to make her aware of things and cross your fingers that the planets have aligned on the day of the event.

“Is this it?” she asked as she stepped inside, tossing her cardigan on the back of the loveseat. It was hard to determine if she would be happy or disappointed if I gave an affirmative answer.

“Patty is supposed to be coming,” I said. “Well…last week she said she might come.”

“That’s fine if she doesn’t come,” Kimmy said with a shrug. “I mean, I like her. But…you know. More for us.”

Oh, I knew. And judging by the wide grin on Evelyn’s face, she knew too.

“Speaking of which,” Evelyn chimed in, “when can we expect our special guest?”

“She should be here…” I quickly looked at my phone to remind myself of what time it was, “…soon.”

“She’s usually late,” Evelyn said.

“But she doesn’t begin charging us until she starts,” I reminded her. “I think we’re okay.”

“Are you excited?” Kimmy asked the room.

Evelyn let out a long, relieved, sigh. “I’ve…needed this.”

We could all relate to that.

Everybody had their things. My mother had her birdwatching club, and her mother had bridge. We, of a younger generation, had…this. I would never tell my daughter about this, of course. And if she ever asked what I did with my friends, I’d probably just tell her I was birdwatching.

What had my mother actually been doing all those Monday afternoons?

“Is anyone else coming, Brianna?” Evelyn asked.

“Patty is a maybe, and Liza cancelled.”

“Oh, hold on,” Kimmy said, glancing at her phone. “Patty texted me. She’s not coming. Looks like it’s just us.”

“Us and her,” I corrected her.

“Whenever she gets here,” Evelyn added.

“Calm down,” I assured everyone – myself included. “By the end of today, you’ll have forgotten about having to wait a few minutes.”

I was met with some calmer heads nodding.

And so we waited. 5 more minutes. 10 more minutes. 15. We were all growing impatient, though nobody wanted to complain about it any more than we already had – Evelyn included. We had done this before. She was never timely. We’ve certainly waited longer.

Truth was, we’d have waited three more hours if we had to, and she knew that.

Knock knock knock.

“Oh,” Evelyn said, her hand rushing to cover her surprised mouth.

We all thought we were ready as we waited. Yet when it came time, all of our confidence and preparedness dissipated in an instant. As it did every single time.

I answered the door, and there she was.

She called herself Penny, though nobody believed that was her real name. She was beautiful. She was young. The flowing red hair tended to draw a lot of comparisons to red-headed actresses while she wasn’t in the room. Scarlet, Bella, Emma, etc. Personally, I saw a young Isla Fisher.

With some educated estimation, I would say the average age between myself, Evelyn and Kimmy were 31. Penny was easily a full decade younger than us. This was every bit as humiliating as it was desirable. We were spoiled by her presence.

“Hello, ladies,” she said as she entered the house. She had her bag with her, a large leather satchel. We had never been privy to just look inside it, but we had all seen the things she pulled from it before. It was always surprising. Always exactly what she needed. Inside the bag, I suspected, was a black hole from which she could summon whatever she wanted in that moment.

“We’re glad you’re finally here,” Evelyn said. There was just a touch of emphasis on ‘finally;’ perhaps a tad too much emphasis. She meant well, but it had a little too much edge on it.

This wasn’t lost on Penny.

“Waiting long?” she asked Evelyn, her perfectly plump lips curling into a smile.

“Well…not long. Just…”

“Take your pants off,” Penny commanded. “And panties too.”

It had begun.

If Evelyn’s primary personality trait was her punctuality, her secondary would be her obedience. Mind you, Penny could make just about anyone do anything. But Evelyn, in particular, seemed like a completely different person in Penny’s hands. Penny had found access to the deepest parts of her psyche, and she never missed an opportunity to exploit that.

Evelyn’s white pants and lacy blue panties were slid off from her body and were left in a little pile at her feet. There had been no hesitation, and it was only after the task was completed, and Evelyn was looking to me and Kimmy for our reactions, that her cheeks began to glow pink.

“Good girl,” Penny cooed. “Are you a good girl?”

“Y-yes,” Evelyn said, nodding. The pink in her cheeks seemed to intensify by the second.

“Go to the loveseat,” Penny ordered. “Bend over the back of it so that your little ass is accessible to me when I’m ready for it. Understand?”

“Yes,” Evelyn said. She did as she was asked and marched to the loveseat, lowering her body over the back of it so that her round bottom was on display for everyone. Cleaned. Shaven.

It was always a shame to be reminded that we only saw these parts of each other when Penny was around. I wouldn’t have minded seeing Evelyn like this on a quiet afternoon when it was just the two of us.

I made a mental note to revisit that thought later.

“Have you been a good girl?” Penny asked Kimmy.

“I’d like to think so,” Kimmy responded. The free-spirited and confident Kimmy only ever seemed humbled in the presence of Penny. We could all relate – but it seemed more impressive when I thought about Kimmy.

“That’s disappointing,” Penny said, shaking her head. “Let’s fix that today, yes? Let’s make sure you’re as naughty as possible.”

Kimmy’s eyes lit up and she nodded enthusiastically.

Penny opened her black bag and reached into it. I imagined that she was rummaging through time and space, summoning whatever instrument she needed from some distant cold place in the universe. She smiled, and I knew at once that she found it. From across the cosmos, some filthy contraption had soared right into her hand.

When her hand returned from the cold vacuums of space, she held an enema bulb. She handed it to Kimmy.

“Be a dear and fill this with warm water for me?”

“Yes,” Kimmy said with a nod. She didn’t ask any other questions – even if her and I both wanted to know where that bulb would be going next.

“And you,” Penny said to me next, her index finger reaching out and lightly drifting across my lips. My pulse raced and goosebumps rose from my skin. “What shall I do with you?”

She could do anything she wanted. I bit my bottom lip though, hoping she already knew this.

“Do you remember the last time I was here?” she asked.

I nodded.

“You fucked my foot.”

I didn’t need her to remind me. I had spent many nights since thinking about it. She had sat in my chair, her barefoot outstretched to me as I lowered my nude body atop it. She hadn’t moved a muscle – leaving me to get off with her big toe smashed against my clit.

I nodded.

“That was very nice of me to let you get off,” she said.

I nodded again.

“I will need you to repay that favor.”

“Yes,” I said quickly. “Of course.”

“Remove your clothes,” she commanded. “Await further instructions.”

“Yes,” I responded.

In the past, we had seen what happens to girls who can’t follow instructions. Liza, who was heartbroken that she couldn’t make it to today’s festivities, was a chronic rulebreaker, frequently finding herself at the mercy of Penny. Few of us ever had the gall to violate a request given to us by Penny – as tempting as the so-called punishment would be.

To Kimmy: “Kimberly, have you finished filling what I had given you?”

“Yes, Penny,” she responded, scrambling back to the living room, holding high the enema bulb as if it was a rare and fragile artifact.

“You will call me Mistress,” Penny instructed.

“Yes, Mistress,” Kimmy answered.

I often wondered what sort of planning Penny put into a visit. Did she know, in advance, what she would do? Did she pack her bag accordingly? Or was everything an improvisation? Maybe her galaxy-sized black bag always had the same content, and she simply decided on the spot what she was in the mood for.

Rules and titles changed from visit to visit. Penny had been many things to each of us – and until she told you how to address her, you rarely knew where you stood. For me, she had been Mistress. Master. Auntie. Queen. Mother.

“Do you know how to operate it?” Penny asked Kimmy.

Kimmy nodded. “I…think so, uh, Mistress. You just…stick it in and squeeze, yes?”

Penny smirked. “More or less. Squeeze slowly. Give the water time to find its path. Be patient and you’ll find that it is working.”

Which prompted the next obvious question: “But, Mistress, where am I… Who is this for?”

Penny motioned to where Evelyn had been patiently waiting, still bent over the back of the couch with her perfect bottom facing us.

Poor Evelyn. She had no idea what she was in for. I doubted she could’ve guessed what was in Kimmy’s hands – none of us would have seen this coming, I suspected.

Also, none of us would’ve been upset to have been in Evelyn’s position.

Evelyn remained silent and still. I was waiting - as I had been since she was ordered to take her post over the back of the couch - for her to impatiently ask what was coming next. She didn’t - she had faith in Penny’s plan.

Kimmy brought the enema bulb over to Evelyn. She put her hand on Evelyn’s back, opening her mouth - perhaps to warn her; maybe comfort her. She said nothing. Evelyn would’ve wanted the surprise - as any of us would.

She carefully positioned the bulb’s nozzle on the edge of Evelyn’s exposed back door. We had learned many things about each other in these little sessions. One of the nuggets that had, for whatever reason, stuck with me the most was that Evelyn loved having her ass played with. I had teased her with making my Christmas gift to her this year an anonymous note to her husband asking him to fuck her ass once in a while.

She had said no, but her eyes pleaded with me to do it.

Evelyn moaned a little. It was a curious moan. Tentatively excited.

“That’s it,” Penny encouraged. “Let’s get it in there.”

Kimmy pushed it into Evelyn’s bottom slowly. I briefly wondered if the nozzle had been lubricated or not, but it probably didn’t matter at this point.

Evelyn didn’t know what was being pushed into her, though I wondered what she would have guessed it to be. The long and narrow nozzle was unlike anything we had ever played with in Penny’s company before, and I doubted that Evelyn had her own enema bag.

Her moan had depth. It was pleasure. Curiosity. Concern mixed with a little hopefulness.

I waited for Penny to give further instructions to Kimmy. I thought she’d want to be the one to give the command as to when to actually squeeze the bulb. But…nothing. Penny stood still, grinning. It was obvious what the next step would be, and it was on Kimmy to take that step for herself.

“Here goes nothing,” Kimmy said – more to herself than anyone else.

I watched her hand tighten around the bulb, slowly squeezing its warm contents into Evelyn.

“Oh!” Evelyn exclaimed. Followed by: “Ohhh…” It wasn’t recognition, necessarily. She was on a journey, and she was still unsure of where it was taking her.

“All of it,” Penny finally said. “As much of it as you can.”

Kimmy nodded.

“A-are you giving me…an…enema?” Evelyn asked.

Nobody said anything. Penny just continued to smile with stoic patience. I couldn’t speak for Kimmy, but I knew that I wasn’t saying anything until Penny had asked to. Women had made that mistake before too.

Kimmy’s continued pressure on the bulb had drained most of its contents into Evelyn.

Evelyn had continued to moan and babble to herself as she felt her abdomen bloat from the liquid. “Oh! Oh… Ohh… Oh my…”

Penny stepped closer to where Kimmy was working, inspecting the situation carefully. She wrapped her hands around Kimmy’s, helping to give the final squeeze needed to finish delivering the warm water. One final long moan escaped Evelyn’s mouth, and then the bulb was slowly removed from her.

“Piece of cake, yes?” Penny asked. It wasn’t clear who she was asking this to.

“What now?” asked Evelyn. Surely she knew that it wasn’t good practice to speak out of turn. But we all watched a thin bead of water trickle from her bottom and down her leg. Perhaps there was an urgency there that Penny would need to address.

“Do you feel full?” Penny asked.


“Yes, Mommy,” Penny said, correcting her.

This was new.

“Yes, Mommy,” Evelyn, ever the quick-learner, repeated.

“Can you hold it?”


“But is it hard to hold?”


Penny tapped her foot.

“...Mommy,” Evelyn said. I wished I could’ve seen her blushing face. I would’ve walked to the other side of the room to see it, except I was afraid I’d miss the action taking place at her other end.

“I need to you to hold it for as long as you can, baby.” It was a strange thing for Penny to have called Evelyn. It sounded as if it was a pet name - something that wasn’t really her style. I was a little jealous.

Penny walked back across the room, reaching once more into her back. From deep within space, she summoned the next object that was needed. And when her hand emerged, object in hand, Kimmy and I both gasped at the same time.

“Baby” was not a pet name. “Baby” was what Evelyn was to become. Penny held a diaper in her hand. Large, clearly sized for an adult. Thick. It was white with a cutesy pink print on it - hearts and cubes; baby blocks, maybe. I knew nothing of the world that Penny was introducing us to, but I understood it completely. A diaper like this had never been given to someone who had any sort of actual need for them. This was a tool of humiliation.

I wished Evelyn could’ve seen our faces. I wish she could’ve seen the diaper. I wanted, so badly, to see her reaction. Because Kimmy and I could see the future. We knew, instantly, what Penny was going to do and what was expected to happen.

I had expected Penny to hand the diaper off to Kimmy or I. It wouldn’t have been the worst move - both of us have children and both of us knew our way around a diaper. Yet she marched past us, and unfurled the diaper.

Again, I had to wonder what this felt like from Evelyn’s point of view. She had just been given an enema, and I imagined the pressure within her was building quickly. Now, some thick garment was being wrapped around her bottom? What did she think it was? Did she know? Could she guess?

Evelyn said nothing and remained still as she remained bent over the back of the couch. It was a position I had never had to endure while putting a diaper on a baby before, yet Penny seemed to have no trouble fitting it through her legs and securely taping it around her waist.

“All done,” Penny said. “But don’t go releasing your enema just yet.”

Evelyn’s body shuddered. Trying to put myself in her shoes - er, diaper - again, I could imagine her fluster. Yet? Was she expected to release it from where she stood now? What, exactly, was she releasing it into? Onto?

Penny pointed to Kimmy. “On your knees.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She did as she was asked, lowering herself onto her knees.

“Now, I need you to come over here.” Penny helped guide Kimmy to where she wanted her to be. And when Kimmy was there, Penny stepped back to admire her handiwork with me.

It was diabolic. It was glorious. Penny had created a living work of art that sat in the center of my living room, and would last until it didn’t. I stared at it as hard as I could, hoping to burn the image into my brain so that I could remember it later.

Evelyn remained bent over the couch, her diapered - and loaded - ass hung off the end. Positioned immediately behind her was Kimmy, on her knees, with her face pressed into the back of Evelyn’s diaper.

Penny took Kimmy’s hands and raised them up to Evelyn’s diaper, guiding them around it so that they were in the front of the diaper now.

“There. Why don’t you rub Baby’s diaper for her. I bet she’d like it.”

Well, Evelyn surely knew what the situation was now.

Kimmy complied, her fingers bending inward, kneading and stroking the front of Evelyn’s diaper. I had doubted that this would be enough to stimulate our friend - yet Evelyn’s little moans were returning. Maybe Kimmy was just that talented with her fingers. Maybe the feeling of having your diaper massaged was just that good. Maybe a little bit of both.

“H-how long?” Evelyn asked, just barely getting the words out in between breathy gasps.

“Until you can’t hold it any longer, baby.”




“If you’re going to ask me where you can go when you can’t possibly hold it anymore, I assure you that you already know the answer to that.”

With this little project of hers developing, Penny turned her attention to me.

“You need to undress,” she said to me.

I couldn’t get out of my clothes fast enough. I was practically tripping over myself as I tore my shirt and pants off. My bra and panties - a matching light blue set with a pink rose print that I specifically bought in the hopes that Penny would notice - were quickly discarded with everything else. I was momentarily relieved that Evelyn and Kimmy were otherwise distracted - but I wouldn’t have minded if they had had the chance to watch me disrobe.

The little show had not been lost on Penny, who was oscillating between watching Kimmy’s face planted in Evelyn’s diaper, and myself.

“I need a deep fucking,” she told me.

I gave a small nod, accompanied by a little shrug. Was she asking me to do something about that?

“Go to my bag,” she ordered. “Fetch me something that you think will help with that. I’m going to stay here and keep an eye on your friends here.”

Evelyn had been taking turns moaning in pleasure and moaning in discomfort. There was no doubt that the pressure had been building considerably in her from the enema - but Kimmy’s fingers had also found the sweet spot through her diaper. I had been jealous, but now I was gifted the opportunity to go rummaging through Penny’s bag.

I practically pranced to it, and I opened it expecting to see a nebula. Instead, it was just packed full of things. Things that made me blush immediately.

It was a bit of everything. A bazaar of kinky delights that could probably keep a small town occupied if it had to. Whips. Handcuffs. Paddles. Oils. Rubber shafts of various sizes and girths. Blindfolds. Straps. Chains. Objects that I had never seen before. Objects that felt out of place, like a turkey baster or one of those little plastic bag dispensers that you carried around for when your dog took a shit on your neighbor’s lawn. Baby powder. Baby wipes. A pacifier. A bib. More diapers.

She had taken care of some babies before, it seemed.

I didn’t know what I was looking for until I did. When I saw the stiff silicon penis attached to a harness, I instantly knew that was what she was looking for. I drew it from the bag as she watched.

“Yes,” Penny said. “That’s the one. Bring it here.”

I did as she asked, feeling like a puppy being taught a trick. I had brought her the toy, and my reward would be getting to fuck my owner.

“Stand still,” she advised. I didn’t need to be told twice. She crouched low so she could fasten the harness around me, looping straps in and around metal rings and hooks. In the same effortlessly efficient way she had put the diaper on Evelyn, she had secured me in the harness. I immediately felt the weight of the rubber shaft as it hung in front of me.

“Do you know how to use this?” she asked me.

I shook my head.

“It’s not hard.” She laughed and slapped the artificial organ playfully. “Well…it’s hard. But it’s not difficult.”

I could guess the motions. I knew what I wanted when I was receiving. And I was sure that Penny would be more than happy to tell me if I was doing something wrong.

She walked to the other side of the couch so that she was facing Evelyn, and she beckoned me to follow with a curl of her finger. I trotted to her, my new addition swinging about wildly as I did. I had been excited to see Evelyn’s face. I wanted her to see the predicament that I was in now.

When I reached the other side of the couch, she glanced at me – but she had very little interest in studying my adornment. Her face was filled to the brim with frustrated concentration. The pressure within her must’ve been intense, and there was the known consequence of expelling her bowels into Kimmy’s face now. Kimmy’s hands, as gifted as they may have been, likely didn’t make this any easier.

There was no cute ceremony on Penny’s part. She wasn’t going to strip down completely like Evelyn or I. She wasn’t going to tease anyone with a little show while she stripped clothes off of herself. The message was the same as it always was – we were there for her far more than she was there for us.

She pulled her pants and panties halfway down her thighs, propping one foot up on the couch cushions while leaving the other firmly on the ground. She stared a little to her left, where Evelyn’s flustered head hung and shook from the other side of the couch.

That was it. That was all she gave me.

“Go ahead,” she said to me. “Enter.”

It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. It was a good angle, and her height complimented my shortness. I wedged myself beneath her, and any concern I had about the ease in which I could feed my new shaft into her hungry wetness was quickly squashed as she helped to guide me in with ease.

“There you go,” she said with an encouraging tone. “I knew you could do it. Do you know what to do now?”

“I…I can guess.”

“You’ll figure it out,” she said.

I thrust forward and up. It felt awkward, but Penny’s reaction had been immediate and positive. Her back arched and she exhaled loudly from her nose. We knew from previous encounters that she wasn’t one to be vocal. You had to look for the more subtle clues. She might as well have been screaming.

My feet found the best angles to support me while I thrusted. My hands found her hips. My thrusts found more confidence and she leaned into me.

It wasn’t just a surreal moment – it might have been the strangest moment of my life. The strangest thing that had ever happened in this house or on this block. Me, fucking Penny on one side of the couch while Kimmy rubbed Evelyn’s diaper – well aware of the fact that at any moment Evelyn was going to explode in either one way or another.

Something was about to give. “I…I can’t hold it anymore,” Evelyn cried. “I have to…”

A wet eruption from the other side of the couch - the sound of someone pouring a bucket of watery mud into a bathtub. All while Evelyn let out one long and impassioned moan. “Ohhhhh… Fuck.”

All motion and sound in the room seemed to stop for a moment – but it had just been the briefest of moments. When the moment passed, I realized that little else had changed. Evelyn was still where she had been, and Kimmy – who knew what she was experiencing right now – was still behind her, rubbing her diaper as she had been.

I was still fucking Penny.

Penny was laughing.

“Fuck,” Evelyn said again. Another wet round of emptying her bowels into the diaper.

“Fuck,” Penny said, seemingly in response. It wasn’t mocking, I don’t think.

Evelyn filling her diaper had a strange effect on the room. The crinkling of her diaper getting louder and faster suggested that Kimmy was rubbing Evelyn’s diaper even harder. Myself, I had found my stride in the elliptical arch my hips took as I thrusted my toy into Penny.

Penny, herself, remained silent. Which meant that she had nothing to complain about.

“Fuck,” Evelyn said yet again. This was quickly followed by a “Fuck, fuck fuck. Fuuuuck…”

Evelyn and I had honed our telepathic communication skills in our years of friendship. I could read between the fucks. Like this? Is this how I’m going to come?

It was, and she had. Right into her used and abused diaper, which was still, as best as I could tell, firmly pressed against Kimmy’s face.

“Don’t slow down,” Penny said to me. “I need more.” I hadn’t even realized I had lost my rhythm a little as I let Evelyn’s current state distract me. I quickly picked up the pace again.

“Yes,” I said.

Penny turned to Evelyn. “Baby?”


“Would you say that…” She paused briefly to let out a little moan. “…Kimmy was a very good girl?”

“Uhm…yes. Yes, I would say that Mommy.”

“Do you think you can please her in return? As a…unh…thank you?”


“You have to be quick,” Penny said. “Because I’ll only allow for it as long as I’m being fucked. And once I come, we’re done here.”

“Y-yes, Mommy.”

“The diaper stays on. Hurry.”

Evelyn gave the faintest of smiles – she was at her best with a deadline. Penny had practically handed her crack. She slowly slid from the back of the couch and out of view. I had no idea what was happening over there now – it was a mass of flailing limbs, Kimmy’s clothing flying into the air, and the sound of Evelyn’s diaper crinkling with every move.

For the first time I could smell the diaper. I thought it would disgust me. It did not. It fueled me further.

“Careful,” Penny said softly to me. “Don’t you want to give your friend a chance?”

I did. But…I was finding it much harder to control myself.

I had no response for Penny other than a small sigh and a slowed tempo.

“But not too slow,” Penny added. “You’ve got something good going here.”

I try to find a middle ground, but it’s proving to be harder than I thought. But I can’t even help myself, I have no self control - while one hand remains on her hips for balance, the other reaches down between my legs. I slip a finger or two into myself. It’s awkward as hell, and I’m not sure its sustainable for very long while I fuck Penny. But, goddamn, I need something.

On the other side of the couch is a chorus of noises that I can’t make sense of. Slurping. Moaning. Kissing? The crinkling sound. Everything sounds...moist. Not being able to see what is happening is almost hotter. My mind is scrambling to fill in the blanks, and it can’t even compute the possibilities.

“Careful,” Penny said softly to me. “Don’t you want to give your friend a chance?”

I did. But…I was finding it much harder to control myself.

“That’s it,” Penny mutters under her breath. “That’s it. That’s it. That’s...it.”

Fuck. She’s getting close, but there isn’t much I can do about it. I want to please her and my current pace feels intrinsically connected to my own self-pleasure. I don’t want to ruin my own climax. I don’t want to ruin whatever is happening on the other side of the couch.

Alas, it seems like there’s nothing I can do about it now.

“That’s it,” Penny says one last time. “That..is...it…”

She collapses into the couch, pulling herself off of my harnessed shaft as she does so. It, in turn, throws me off balance and I stumble backwards.

The noises on the other side of the couch continue. But they were on borrowed time now.

Penny quickly composed herself, straightening herself out and pulling her pants back up. A few twists of her hip and a toss of her hair and suddenly she looks as perfect as she did as when she arrived.

“That’s it,” she announces to Evelyn and Kimmy. “Show’s over.”

There’s groans of disappointment and dissatisfaction. Nobody is truly unhappy - we’re just on edge. We wanted more and it was pulled away from us like a dollar bill on a fish hook. Evelyn arguably made out the best today - but she also shit herself in a diaper.

Penny looked at her phone. She could probably see that we were right on the cusp of our time being up. Sometimes she offered us more.

“I should be going,” she said.

There was an audible groan of disappointment across the three of us.

“I have a little time,” she added with a nonchalant shrug. “If there’s any other needs I can tend to.”

Kimmy spoke up: “Well…”

I wondered if she’d lobby for a climax of her own. If so, I wished I had spoken up first.

“...one of us needs a diaper change.”

I bit my tongue. That was a much more altruistic request than anything I would’ve asked for.

Penny smiled, possibly surprised herself.

“Let me get my bag,” she said to us. “I can take care of the baby.”


The table had been mostly silent, save for the sipping of wine or the occasional sigh. This was how the post-game usually went.

“I have to take the kids to soccer practice tonight,” Kimmy said, rolling her eyes. “I’m so sick of soccer.”

“I have some pork defrosting,” I said, motioning over to the counter. “I’m not really sure what I’m going to do with it. Maybe I’ll toss it in the pressure cooker with a marinade.”

“Did you get that recipe I sent you last week?” asked Kimmy. “WIth the brining?”

“Oh yeah,” I said, nodding. “I could do that. I’d probably have to start that soon, though.”

Evelyn sighed. “I’m wearing a diaper.”

Nobody said anything.

“She took the dirty one off and cleaned me,” she continued. “And then she put me in a new one.”

We all knew. We were there. We watched it happen.

“How long are you going to leave it on?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I have to pick up Tyler in, like, an hour. Probably before then.”

“So we have time?” I asked.

She raised an eyebrow.

“I’m just saying. We’ve got time.”

Nobody asked me to elaborate. We were all on the same page.



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