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I received a notification this morning that this week's story, "Nothing Leaves This House," was in violation of Patreon's Community Guidelines. After careful consideration of my options, I opted to remove the story entirely.

From the beginning, I knew this would be the challenge of working with Patreon. They're a well-known and respected platform - which I think is important for your security and peace of mind. But they also have some firm restrictions when it comes to content, and I've had to carefully navigate that to ensure that I can still post stories here at all.

This story in particular, "Nothing Leaves This House," did deal with some spicy subject matter, for sure. And while I didn't think it had violated any rules at the time I posted it, I can understand how someone from outside our community - and in the employ of Patreon - could look at it and find it questionable.

I'd obviously rather not remove any stories - but I'd also like to keep this platform active.

I'm unsure of what it was that caused the story to get flagged. Patreon usually warns me before I make a post if it detects language outside of the guidelines - and in the past I've edited the offending words (there's a good reason I always use the word "paddle" as opposed to the more obvious synonym). I'm disappointed that I didn't have the same opportunity to edit this story before it was flagged - but seeing as how I'm not sure what triggered the violation, I'm not sure what would need to be edited.

The story is still yours, and I want you to be able to read it. I'm going to think about a few options and I'll get back to you on that. 

Since I removed this week's story, I'll need to post another in its place. I've got a few ready to go, but I just need to rearrange my publishing schedule a little and decide which to post.

Thanks so much for for understanding!


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