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The complete story, in one place!


“How, exactly, did you say you knew this woman again?” It felt silly to be asking this question now, considering that I had known about the trip for a month and that we were two hours into a six hour drive there. But it still seemed peculiar to me. Lily and I had been married for five years, and courted for a few years before that. And in all this time, I had very little recollection of a Madison.

“Madison used to be my best friend,” Lily responded with a sigh. “I told you this. In high school we were inseparable.”

“And you just...lost touch?”

“Well sure,” she said with a shrug as she drove. “It happens. We had different goals in life. I wanted to live in the city and work in the press. Eat sushi. Drink expensive cocktails. She wanted to be a mother.”

“You do eat a lot of sushi,” I teased. “I’m glad to see you’ve cut down on the expensive cocktails.”

“It was nice to reconnect with her online,” she said, sidestepping my attempt for humor. “I miss her. It’ll be good to see her again.”

I felt like a third wheel, and we hadn’t even arrived yet. However, it was with Lily and Maddy’s insistence that I tag along. I was assured that it was a big farm, with a lake, some trails and tons of fresh food. If nothing else, I didn’t want to turn down the chance to unwind a little in the country.

I gazed out the window for a while, watching billboards for car dealerships blur by. I found myself dwelling on something Lily had said.

“You said that Madison wanted to pursue having a family?”

“Yeah,” Lily said.

“But...you told me before that she lives by herself out in the country now, right?

“Well, not by herself. She just doesn’t have a family.”

It was a strange distinction, but it was also the first time that I knew there’d be someone else at the house besides the two of us and Madison.

“Who else lives with her, then?”

“Another woman. Her name is...Kate? I think. I honestly don’t know much about her.”

I nodded, but I felt my stomach twist a little. It was a silly thing, but I began worrying about being more self-conscious than I was going to be already. There was something about women in general, especially women I didn’t know, that just made me clam up. It was nothing short of a miracle that I had married a woman at all, let alone one as fantastic as Lily.

The rest of the drive was as much of a slog as the first half had been, though the scenery slowly grew more rural. There were less billboards and rest stops and more decaying farmhouses and pastures full of cows. My anxiety had melted away a little too - there was something about the country air that set my mind at ease and made it a little easier to digest the fact that there were now two strange women I’d have to make a good impression towards.

“This is it,” Lilly said, pointing to a small dirt road that branched off the cracked and broken highway we had been on for the last 30 minutes. Given the lack of a street sign, I assumed it was a driveway, but if that was the case, it was the longest driveway I’d ever been on before. I imagined 5 or 6 city blocks fitting between the highway and the house in the time it took us to traverse the winding dirt path.

Arriving at our destination, my mouth was agape at just how perfect everything seemed. The gorgeous old farmhouse with its wraparound porch. The old barn atop the knoll behind it, overlooking the sprawling lake and its dock. The pasture rolling into an orchard, separated by an aged fence. It was picturesque.

A woman stood outside the house. Her dark hair tucked back beneath a thick headband. She even wore overalls and chunky leather boots. The entire experience felt like I had accidentally stumbled into a romantic comedy that took place on a farm.

“Well well well,” the woman said with a joyful look on her face. “Look at what the wind blew in.”

We stepped out of the car, the hours of traveling with only a single stop for food taking its toll on our cramped and sore bodies. We both stretched and unfolded our limbs. A deep breath of clean fresh air did wonders for my body and my spirit though; as if it had just rewound time to before we even got into the car.

By the time I walked around the car, Lily and the woman were embracing tightly - I could see tears of happiness rolling down her face. After a few minutes of this, with me awkwardly trying to split my attention between their reunion and the beautiful sights of the farm, they finally released each other.

“Oh...I should introduce you,” Lily said, straightening out her glasses and sheepishly running a hand through her curly blonde hair. “Madison, this is my husband Henry.”

Madison stepped forward, and took my outstretched hand in hers. I hadn’t expected such strength in her slender figure, but she gave my hand a firm shake.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said. I wanted to add, I’ve heard a lot about you, but that wasn’t even true.

“You’re taking good care of my friend here?” Her hands were on her hips.


“Calm down, buddy, I’m just teasing you.” She gave me a playful punch to the arm. “Lily wouldn’t waste her time with some ding dong.”

“Let’s not go that far,” Lily teased, and the two girls started laughing together.

It was surreal to me - there was this almost immediate rapport and connection between the two of them, as if no time had even passed. Maybe that wasn’t unheard of between old friends, but considering that I barely knew who this woman was, Lily herself suddenly seemed more mysterious to me.

“I just got some water on the stove. Can I get you a cup of tea?” Madison asked.

“That sounds perfect actually,” Lily replied. “Henry?”

“No tea for me, thank you.” I was only half-listening - I kept finding myself distracted by how gorgeous the farm itself was.

“Why don’t we go in and get some tea. I can help you bring in your bags in a few minutes. Henry, why don’t you go take a walk around the farm? I promise, you can’t get lost - you can see the house from just about anywhere on the property.”

“Are there animals up in the barn?” I asked, pointing to the big barn on the hill.

“The tractor is in there, and mostly supplies. And hay. If you’re looking for animals, we have some goats and chickens down that way.” Madison pointed down another hill towards some smaller buildings. I could see the fenced-in chicken coop next to it. “The goats are probably all over the place this time of day, but you might catch a lazy one taking a nap in there. Oh, and Kat might be around somewhere.”

“Aww,” I said. “What’s the kitty’s name?”

Madison laughed. “No, sorry, not a cat. Kat. She lives here too.”

I blushed a little, feeling stupid for asking the question, though neither seemed to dwell on the moment long.

“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Lily said, “Kat is your...roommate?”

“Well, sure, I guess,” Madison said with a shrug. “My partner.”

“Ohhh! Gosh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were…”

“Oh it’s not a big deal,” Madison replied with a casual shrug. “I didn’t know either. And then one day you see a cute girl and you think to yourself, ‘I’m going to make her sit on my face.’”

The girls laughed again, as I found myself blushing. It was a cute sentiment, but I wasn’t sure what to do with that information. I excused myself and made my way down the hill towards the small barn, catching moments of loud laughter behind me as the two girls reacquainted further.

Good for her, I thought. Good for them. I was genuinely happy they reconnected. And I was happy to be on this farm.

I could see a goat or two out in the field as I approached the building. The closer I got, the stronger the scent of the animals got. It wasn’t offensive - I had been on farms and around animals before. But between the goats and chickens, a thick “farm scent,” for lack of a better word, permeated the air here. I pondered whether or not I liked it more than the scent of old garbage and the exhaust of city streets.

Taking a step into the barn, I saw a number of stalls lined up on either side, each having cute wooden plaques with the name of their current resident. Trudy. George. Batman. Penelope. Bethany. Carlos Santana. Pretty good goat names.

“Hello?” I said aloud. “Any goats in here? Trudy? Batman? Carlos?”

I heard something moving behind one of the short walls towards the end of the stalls. I walked towards it slowly, assuming it was an animal. Still - it seemed weird for it to be an animal, considering that it sounded like it was coming from an area that wasn’t a part of the stalls themselves. Had I discovered a rogue goat or chicken?

I crept past the stalls, and as I rounded the corner to where I heard the sounds, I was surprised by seeing...a head full of ginger colored hair.

“Oh! Uhm…” the red head seemed to have stashed herself away in this small space, and she was...squatting? I couldn’t really tell what it was she was doing. Whatever it was, her face had turned beet red and she practically leaped to her feet.

“I’m so sorry to have startled you!” I said, worried I had given the girl a heart attack. “Madison said I could come down and look at the barn and…”

“O-of course,” she said, a sheepish smile showing on her blushed face. “I...I’m Kat. You must be Lily’s husband?”

“Yeah,” I said, offering my hand again. She shook it, a gentler and more timid grasp of my hand.

“All the goats are out in the field now,” she said. “Y-you could still go out and walk around and see them if you want to.”

“I can come back later,” I said with a shrug. She seemed distracted. Perhaps interrupted. I felt bad that I had barged into the barn without warning. “I can go head back up to the house for now, I was just being nosey…”

“Well, uhm, yeah, you’re welcome to hang around if you want. I was just...uh...doing some chores. But...I’ll see you around, yeah?”

“Sounds good! Nice to meet you.”

“Same,” she said bashfully. As quickly as she popped up from the corner of the barn, she fled out a side door.

It was a strange interaction - perhaps most strange because for all my worrying about being awkward, I hadn’t been the awkward one. I took one last look in the small cubby between the last stall and the barn’s wall where Kat had been - curious to see what she might have been working on - but there didn’t seem to be anything of note. Nothing broken. No tools. Just a small space between walls. I shrugged, heading back up to the house.



I returned to the house to find Madison and Lily sitting on the porch, drinking tea and talking like old friends. I offered a friendly wave, and they both cheerfully greeted me back.

“See any animals?” Madison asked.

Only your weird partner, I wanted to say. Instead: “I saw some goats from a distance. And chickens.”

“You need to come in the spring,” Madison said. “We’re planning on adding another goat, and let me tell you, there’s nothing cuter than a baby goat.”

“Aww,” Lily gushed. “Oh my god, we have to.”

“We’ve got some beer if you want,” Madison said. A beer did sound pretty good.

“Yeah, I’m in.”

“I thought you’d say that. And don’t worry. I’m sure I have something here worthy of your big city small-batch craft-brew tastes.”

I blushed a little, feeling called out. I offered a shrug. “I...I’m really okay with whatever you have.”

“Don’t let him fool you,” Lily said, rolling her eyes. “He waited outside of one of the local breweries overnight so that he could get a case of some special limited beer.”

“They make it once a year! And it sells out in, like, 10 minutes every year!”

“Alright, calm down, sommelier,” Madison teased. “This door goes into the kitchen. There’s some beer in the fridge. But if that’s not to your liking, there’s a door next to the stove that goes into the garage. There’s some more beer in a fridge in there.”

“I’ll take a look,” I said with a shrug, leaning into her teasing. “I’m curious to see what you country folk know about good beer.”

“Oh,” Madison laughed. “So he’s a little bit of a smartass too?”

“He hides it well,” Lily replied.

I entered the kitchen, finding myself immediately impressed with the size and space of the kitchen. It wasn’t entirely surprising, given the size of the house, but there simply wasn’t an experience I could compare this to in the city. Most of our apartment could fit in this kitchen, and I knew for a fact that we had friends with apartments that were smaller than this.

I walked past the kitchen island, gawking at the extra gas range and sink it sported in addition to the units on the perimeter of the kitchen, before reaching the fridge. I was curious what Madison and Kat were doing that afforded them this lifestyle. Maybe the cost of living was less - but that also meant that there probably weren’t many great jobs out here. Whatever they were doing, I was a little jealous.

Giant Harpoon. Sawdaddy. Mountain City. There was an impressive selection of beers in this fridge. And even more in the garage? I shouldn’t be nosey, I thought. But she did tell me I could do so. And now I was kind of curious.

I opened the door next to the stove, traversing a short hallway to another door that I assumed was the garage. I was imagining myself in a horror movie, where everything seems perfect and too good to be true - only for the rug to be pulled out from under me and find out that I was due to be sacrificed to an ancient god with more apostrophes than vowels in his name. T’yr’g’d’lrg?

But the garage seemed to be just a normal garage. As far as I could tell, there was no altar here. Maybe that was in the barn. The garage door was open, and I was again thankful for that fresh clean air.

I found the other fridge, hiding behind an ATV and riding lawn mower, and I opened it, revealing - as promised - more beer. As I studied my selections, I could hear some footsteps entering the garage, presumably from the open garage door. With the fridge door open, I couldn’t see who it was, but I was guessing it was Kat. I felt awkward again - pawing through their beer stash after I had already just about given her a heart attack. I stayed still behind the fridge door, hoping she’d do what she needed to do and leave without noticing my presence.

“Hey, Maddy, I was hoping that, like, before I go and introduce myself to your friends you could...uh...help me change? I just…” she trailed off - perhaps seeing my shoes below the bottom of the fridge door, or perhaps there was some other sign that I wasn’t who she thought I was.

I slowly closed the fridge door, a can of IPA in my hands. “Uh...hey Kat. Sorry, I think Madison is out on the porch right now.”

For the second time in as many interactions, Kat’s face turned red. She nodded quickly and spun on her heels before fleeing the garage as quickly as she had entered. I felt bad for startling her, again. It didn’t seem like things were off to that good of a start between us.

I began walking back through the kitchen to the porch when I found myself pondering what Kat had said in the garage. Needed help...changing? That didn’t make much sense to me. It was clearly none of my business, but it was curious nonetheless.

“The Ox Hoof IPA,” Madison said as I emerged from the house, beer in hand. “A good choice!”

“I take back my doubt of the countryfolk’s taste in beer.”

I considered bringing up my strange interactions with Kat, but figured I’d let it go. If I had caused Kat any sort of embarrassment, I didn’t want to add to it by further broadcasting those moments to everyone else - especially since Lily hadn’t even met her yet.

Taking a seat, I listened in on Lily and Madison’s conversion for a minute or two - some story about their high school days and an ill-fated attempt at buying cigarettes from an undercover cop - before tuning out and just listening to the sound of the birds and humming cicadas. I might have fallen asleep for a moment or two, stirred by the sound of Kat calling out to Madison from inside the house.

“Hey, Maddy, could I borrow you for a moment?”

“Oh, hey Kat! Our guest are here! You should come out and say hi!”

“I...definitely will in a minute or two. But...if I could just borrow you for a moment.”

“Oh! Oh. Right, right.” Madison turned her attention to Lily and I. “Excuse me for just a moment. I have to help with Madison with something and then we’ll be right out.”

“Of course,” said Lily, showing no signs that she thought anything was strange or out of place.

With Madison back inside the house, I leaned forward to Lily. With a hushed tone: “I ran into Kat.”

“Oh yeah? Was she nice?”

“I...I don’t know. I think I surprised her, or she wasn’t ready to meet strangers or something. It was kind of awkward.”

“Madison speaks highly of her, so maybe it’ll be better when we all get a chance to properly introduce ourselves.”

“Yeah. Probably.”

I had wanted to say more about our interactions, but I bit my tongue. If it really did come down to proper introductions, I didn’t want to have started unnecessary gossip.

“How are you liking the farm?” she said, changing the subject.

“Love it. It’s amazing.” I sat back in my chair, and my voice returned to its usual volume. “I know it's going to sound silly but...I don’t think I’ve ever really been in a place like this. Growing up in the city and the suburbs and all.”

“That’s not silly at all,” Lily said, putting her hand on my thigh. “That’s why I wanted you to come out here. Isn’t it great?”

If this was an elaborate trap to sacrifice me to T’yr’g’d’lrg, I was content with my fate. For now, I was happy to be sitting on this giant porch, taking in the sights of the farm with my wife, feeling closer to her than I had in a while.

While things had never been bad between Lily and I, the last few months had at least felt a little strained. We each strived to carve out our own workspace at home since we were both working from there - and there was a natural fatigue in just seeing each other all day, everyday. We had been doing more things for ourselves - she was taking long walks at night; I was shooting zombies in post-apocalyptic wastelands with my friends.

If nothing else, it was probably a good thing that we got to disconnect from our normal routine.

A few minutes later - maybe a few minutes longer than whatever I had expected - Madison and Kat returned to the porch. Kat was looking much more composed now. I could just see it in her face and her warm smile.

“This is my partner Kat. Kat, this is Lily and Henry.”

Lily and I stood, trading quick hugs with Kat. While she seemed much less anxious now, I still caught a hint of embarrassment in her eyes as we hugged. But there was something else, too. Her scent? As we pulled away from each other, I felt weird for thinking about it all - but I couldn’t quite place it and I could tell that it was going to linger in my mind for a bit.

“Sooo,” Lily said, taking her seat again, while Kat pulled up a chair of her own. “Tell me about yourself.”

“Oh...what’s there to say,” Kat said with a bashful laugh. She and Madison exchanged a glance and both laughed a little. There was an obvious chemistry there that was fun to watch. “I’m not very good at talking about myself.”

“Stop being so modest, you stinkbug,” Madison said, playfully shoving Kat. “She’s incredible! A natural farmer. She put up the chicken coop and the fencing all by herself! And you should hear her sing!”

“I’m not going to sing for them!” Kat said sternly.

“We’ll just get some wine in her later,” Madison said with a shrug. “You’ll see. She opens up like a fire hydrant.”

“How did you meet?” Lily asked.

Madison and Kat exchanged another glance, laughing again. “Ah, well, we met online,” Madison said. “You know, as everyone does these days. And it was just one of those things...you see something you want and you just have to have it.”

Kat blushed at this and the two held hands.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Lily said. “I think what you have here is incredible. Kat seems delightful. And this farm? Wow… But, back when I knew you, I just didn’t see...this. You know what I mean? I think it's wonderful.”

“Back then,” Madison said, “I thought I knew what I wanted. So I got married to Leo. And it started off fine but things sort of fell apart quickly. I had spent so long wanting to be a good wife and mother - like my mother had been - that by the time I actually had that chance, I thought, what if I’d like something else more? And...well, Kat is that something more.”

“So,” I said, taking a gamble on whether or not this was an appropriate question to ask, “I got to say… This farm? This house? It’s incredible. Are there jobs around here? Like, what do we need to do to live like this too?”

They both laughed again and looked at each other. They traded some “uhms” and “ahs” for a moment, nonverbally trying to negotiate how they’d answer the question.

“Well,” Madison said with a shrug, “we have the luxury of working from home. As I guess more and more folks do anymore. But we make...online content. And we’re thankful for how lucrative that it's been that it's afforded us our home and property.”

“Oh wow,” Lily said. “That’s incredible! I didn’t know that. What kind of content are you making? Like crafts and stuff on YouTube?”

There was an awkward silence on the porch. I was surprised that that was where Lily’s mind went first. I heard “online content” and my first thought was something more adult. And judging by Madison and Kat’s stunned look...I suspected that I probably wasn’t too far off.

“Well...no...not exactly,” Madison said.

Kat buried her face in her hands, though I wasn’t sure if she was trying to hide her giggling, or if she was that ashamed.

I looked back to Lily, watching her face as she slowly put the pieces together herself. She blushed and laughed awkwardly. “O-oh...sorry...I had no idea that you were doing...that sort of thing.”

“I know, I know,” Madison said, composing herself after laughing a little. “It’s a lot to take in. And I hope that doesn’t change how you view me. View us, really. I guess that’s why it took so long for me to reach out to you again. I was kind of afraid to reveal this part of our lives to you.”

“No…” Lily was clearly in between thoughts. She didn’t look offended, she just looked confused. Curious, maybe. “I would never judge anyone for that. Especially you. It's none of my business, I promise. I’m honestly so glad we’ve connected again, and...you know, what you do in your time is your business.” She shrugged, as casually as she could muster. “I just didn’t expect...that.”

“Not that it matters,” Madison said, “but it’s not like...straight up fucking each other or rolling around while naked and covered in oil. It’s more like…”

Kat shot her a concerned look and made a small whining noise. Madison stopped and laughed a little, realizing that whatever it was they did, maybe Kat was less interested in talking about it than Madison was.

“It’s not a big deal,” Lily said with a shrug. “There’s a million things for us to catch up on.”

“Exactly,” Madison said with a nod. “In fact, I was thinking about cooking up some dinner. Want to come in and help out?”

“I’d love that,” Lily said gleefully. “I do love to cook...and I’m dying to see that kitchen in action.”

“Oh, girl, you’re going to love it. Come on!”

“Do you need any help?” I offered.

“Nah, we’re good. Why don’t you chill out here. Kat? Can you keep him company?”

“O-of course,” she said. She smiled, but her cheeks had grown a little rosie.

Admittedly, so had mine.



“Do you want to take a little walk?” Kat offered.

“Yeah, that’d be great.”

“I can show you around. You can see the barn.”

“Is the barn where you sacrifice people?”

She laughed and tilted her head in confusion. “No… Well, we haven’t ever sacrificed anyone there before. I suppose there’s a first time for everything though. But I promise that I wouldn’t do it until after dinner.”

“That seems fair.”

The first half of the walk to the barn was mostly in silence. I could feel the tension in the air around us, as I was sure she could. She knew I had questions.

Finally, she let out a quick sigh and asked: “I’m sorry about earlier. I probably looked like a creep, skulking around and running away from you.”

“I’m the one who should be sorry. This is your home. I’d probably get antsy if I was in my home and some stranger suddenly showed up, taking beer out of my fridge.”

She laughed. “It’s complicated. Out here? In the middle of nowhere? I guess I take it for granted that we can just be anything we want to be, all the time. And there’s nobody here to judge us or tell us that we can’t.”

“That does sound nice,” I said. “But for what it’s worth, back in the city, nobody bats an eye at two women walking down the street together while holding hands.”

“I…” She seemed to be carefully considering what she wanted to say. “That’s true. And I certainly like how the world is changing in that regard. But...it’s also more than that. Like, here? On the farm? We can do whatever we want to. Like...anything.”

I wanted to ask: Like film each other to sell on the internet? But I could never, even if I had no intended malice.

“Honestly, that sounds amazing,” I said instead.

“I just want to say that if I ever get real awkward or shy again later - please don’t take that personally.”

“Oh,” I said. “Well...sure. But would it be because of Lily and I’s presence?”

“No. Well...yes.” She laughed at her own contradiction. “But not because you’re doing anything wrong. We just...we have our own little lifestyle out here, you know? And I’m used to having all the space in the world to do my own thing. So living that lifestyle with other people around is just kind of a new challenge for me. I know myself, and I know that there are going to be times when I’m all shy about it. So just...be aware of that, I guess.”

I nodded. I wasn’t really sure what she meant by most of what she just said. But I appreciated her opening up on some level. I wondered if I’d know what she was talking about when I saw it.

“I’m being really vague, aren’t I?” she said with a laugh.

I laughed too, nodding my head.

She opened the giant doors of the barn, wheeling them aside. Again, no altars. A giant tractor, a rather impressive stack of hay bales, and various farming equipment and tools were arranged throughout. We stepped in and she hung back a little while I took a walk around the barn. I must’ve looked like a little boy, ooh-ing and aww-ing over the big tractor and the array of tools and contraptions.

“Sometimes I forget how cool it all is,” Kat said from behind me. “Like, a few years ago, I was just working as a bartender. I had never set on a tractor in my life, let alone milk a cow.”

“So what brought you out to the country?”

“I think of it like a jigsaw puzzle,” she said. “It was a lot of little things that just sort of clicked into place. We met online, fell for each other, and it made sense to live together. Click. And then we had this...lifestyle we wanted to explore, and there was nobody to stop us. So we started doing that. Click. We wanted to share our lives with some folks online who might have similar interests. So we did that, and it went really well. Click. Then we wanted more space. A place to call our own. A place that afforded us not just privacy in the home, but out of the home. So we bought a farm. Click. Then, so long as we had a farm, we figured we might as well get some animals. Click.”

I laughed, impressed by her metaphor. Still, for as many questions as she answered, she seemed to leave me with more questions. I wanted to know everything - which seemed like a lot to ask of two strangers I had just met.

She pointed to a ladder that led up to a loft. I couldn’t see what was on the loft from my vantage point, but I followed her up. At the top, I found it to be mostly cleared out, save for some chairs, a table, a radio and a small area with some hay scattered across the floor with a folded up blanket nearby.

“What is this area used for?” I asked.

“It was used to store hay by the previous owners. We haven’t had as much use for it ourselves though. We have a big hayfield, but we’ve had another local farmer to cut it and bail it the last few years. He keeps most of the hay for himself and his farm, but we keep some for ourselves, though it's down on the first level. Eventually we’d like to take care of that ourselves - but we’re not quite there yet. So, far now, it’s kind of a little retreat. Sometimes I’ll do some reading up here. Maddy likes to paint up here. We also...film up here sometimes.”

I nodded. It was pretty tranquil up here, the scents of old wood, hay and motor oil merging into something strangely comforting. Still, we were just beating around the bush here. Almost everything she talked about seemed to be skirting around whatever their “lifestyle” was.

“Can...I just ask what it is you two do?” I finally said. “I mean no disrespect, and you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. It’s just this elephant in the barn, you know?”

She laughed and nodded. “That’s fair. I think that's why Kat sent us off anyways. She was going to tell your wife about it, and I’m supposed to talk to you about it. If you’re going to be here for a few days, you’d find out sooner or later anyways.”

I took a seat on one of the chairs, and she sat on another on the other side of the small folding table. She took her phone out of her pocket and tapped away at it for a few minutes, swiping through something before finally finding what she was looking for.

“What if I showed you?” she asked.

“I mean...are you sure you want to introduce me to your lifestyle by showing me some video of you and Maddy…”

“No, no,” she said with a laugh, blushing a little. “It’s not like the two of us rolling around naked while fucking each other. It’s...well, I’m just thinking it might make more sense for you to see it than for me to explain it to you. Trust me, this one is a little more mild - but I think it serves as a good introduction.”

I nodded, taking the phone from her hesitantly. The website displayed on the phone was called BabyKat & Mommy. In hindsight it was a pretty obvious name, yet in that moment, it felt like another strange hint that I lacked the context to better understand.

I pressed the ‘play’ button on the video she had loaded.



BabyKat & Mommy, Video 239: Another Day on the Farm

The video opens with Kat and Madison standing on the porch of their house. Kat is wearing a pair of overalls, and a small pink shirt under it that just barely conceals her belly. Madison appears to look a little overdressed for the farm - her hair is lightly curled and pulled back behind her head, her face subtly enhanced with make-up, and she wore an almost retro-styled blue dress. She looked how I imagined a mother in the 50s looked, or maybe a school teacher?

“I can trust you to be a good girl out on the farm today?” Madison asked sternly, her hands on her hips.

“Y-yes, Mommy. I promise,” Kat said. Her voice felt...lighter? Softer? It was filled with equal parts exuberance and timidness.

“If you have any accidents out there, I want you to get your little bottom back here to tell Mommy.”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Good girl. Now go out and play!”

With that, Madison gave Kat a firm pat to the bottom. It was difficult to tell with Kat’s overalls, but there was something suspicious about the way the pat landed. It sounded muffled, like she hit a pillow - and now that he was looking...her ass did seem to be a little plumper than what he expected with her figure.

I wondered if I’d notice the same thing if I looked at her now, but I thought better of it. I didn’t want to take my eyes off the screen.

Madison watched from the porch as Kat playfully skipped away from the house. I could see some white fabric sticking out from the open sides of Kat’s overalls. My first instinct was to say it was her panties, but that didn’t feel quite right. I had a growing suspicion that I knew what I was seeing, but that didn’t seem right. Yet...when considering everything I had seen so far - it was beginning to make more sense.

Was she wearing a diaper?

In the next scene, Kat is petting a baby goat, while feeding it with a giant bottle.

“Ugh,” Kat groaned to nobody in particular. “I wish this was my baba.”

The goat kicked a little, trying to wiggle from her grasp. She gently set it down, setting the bottle down too. She stood up, straightening out her overalls a little.

“I...have to pee,” she said. “But...Mommy probably won’t want to change me so soon. Maybe I should...hold it?”

She squirmed a little, doing a little pee-dance that I, if I’m being honest, found to be pretty cute. She wandered off screen, the video fading to black.

In the next scene, she was outside amongst the chickens, spreading some feed onto the ground for them. Every few steps she’d stop and do another little pee-dance. While the video felt pretty staged and deliberate, there was something very sincere and believable about how she carried herself. Even if Kat didn’t sit around talking about having to piss when nobody was around, I certainly believed that she was one to have these little toddler-like dances while she had to pee.

This continued for a few minutes, with her little pee-dances getting more frequent and lasting longer. While I initially found myself wondering who the audience was for this, I slowly answered the question for myself. I had never once considered anything like this for myself - it all seemed kind of alien to me - but somewhere between her cute mannerisms and the slow building inevitably of what she was going to do with that diaper, I could see exactly what people liked about this.

I glanced up from the phone to Kat’s face. She offered a bashful smile and shrugged.

Back on the screen, Kat had given up on whatever farm chores she was doing and was now squatting as little chickens pecked the ground around her feet. Though it was hard to tell what was happening inside her overalls, the pronounced outline of her thickly padded undergarments settled any lingering doubt I had about that. She sighed in relief, assumedly taking care of that little pee problem she had.

No sooner than she had finished with her long satisfying moan, she was back to standing straight up again, bucket of chicken feed in hand and she went about her chores as if it was what she was doing the whole time. She even hummed a little song as she did so.

The perspective changed to that of Madison, standing atop the hill, watching over the chicken coop as Kat interrupts her work to squat. Madison smiles, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

I’m actually a little impressed by the production values in the video. If there’s not a camera person, then they’re making good use of camera placement and framing. There’s certainly a consideration for visual storytelling that I rarely see in the...well, the content I watch late at night on my phone when nobody else is around.

The scene changes again, and Kat is in the barn now using a push broom to clear some debris from the barn floor. Footsteps behind her slowly grow in volume, and as they approach, you can see the concern on Kat’s face grow. I’m not well versed in this brand of kink - but I can quickly piece together what her concern is: “Mommy” had asked Kat to return to her if she had an accident.

“How are your chores going?” Madison asked. Her voice is sweet and motherly, but with a hint of firmness. With her perfect hair and pretty dress, she did look slightly out of place in the barn, though that very could have been the case.

“Uhm...they’re going very well, Mommy,” Kat replied, spinning around to face her. Her face glowed a soft pink - this was no effect, I could see the same blush on Kat’s face now when I glanced up from the phone.

“And your diaper, baby? Is it still dry?”


“Maybe we should take a look, yes?”


“Oh, please. Don’t be so modest now, Baby. It’s just you and me out here. Here, let me help you.”

Madison stepped forward, and with a smooth practiced motion, she unbuckles the shoulder straps from Kat’s overalls. I expect the front of the overalls to fall forward, uncovering more of her ill-fitting pink shirt - and it does. But I’m not expecting the baggy overalls to continue sliding down her body after, which they do. They crumple to the floor around her ankles, leaving Kat in just her shirt and bulky white diaper.

I’m no expert on diapers - that goes especially so for adult diapers as it does baby diapers. But I can immediately see that there’s a discoloration in the front of her diaper that has spread to the underside of her diaper, with a yellow-ish tint. If I had any doubts about how sincere she was being with her pee-dances in the goat scene, they’re instantly shattered.

Kat’s hand grasped the phone from my hand in that moment, taking the phone back from me. I want to complain and say that I’d like to see the rest, but that disappointment doesn’t settle in my mind until later. I respect her wishes to cut my viewing short.

“The rest is...uh...a changing scene. I just don’t know how I feel about you seeing that...and…”

“No, I understand,” I say with a nod. “I appreciate you showing me what you did.”

“I don’t know why that was the video I showed you,” she said, scratching her head. “Hearing it play now, it sounded a little more fake than how I thought it would in my head.”

“Well, I think I have a pretty good idea of what your lifestyle is like.”

“T-true.  I mean...the videos are for an audience. They’re kind of exaggerated, you know? But, like...that’s our lives out here. I’m the baby. She’s the mommy.”

I remembered her jigsaw puzzle analogy earlier, and I found myself using it to describe my day on the farm so far. Catching Kat in the goat barn, squatting by herself in the corner. Click. Kat asking for a change when she believed she was talking to Madison in the garage. Click. Kat pleading for Madison’s help before she could introduce herself to us on the porch. Click.

“Always?” I asked.


“Like...you’re always the baby?”

“Well…” she thought about it, no doubt mulling over how she wanted to answer the question. “Yes. I mean, I wear diapers all the time. She changes me. But I’m not always waddling around like a toddler. I mean, yes, sometimes I am. Sometimes I’m crawling around for hours with a pacifier in my mouth and she spoon feeds me from a jar. Sometimes I’m just a normal adult woman...wearing a diaper.”

“And I assume you like this?”

“Very much so,” she said with a vigorous nod. “We both do. It’s why we’re so devoted to it.”

I wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t take issue with any of it. In fact, I found it kind of charming. Still, it all seemed quite surreal. I had gone from never really thinking about something like this before to taking a vacation right in the middle of someone else’s carefully laid out fetish paradise.

“I...I hope this isn’t too much,” she said.

“No, no,” I said, trying to sound as reassuring as I could. “It’s new, that’s all. I’m not judging you.”

“You can ask me anything.”

“I’ll think about that,” I said. But that wasn’t entirely true. I didn’t need to think about it. I already had a thousand questions.

“Come on, I’ll finish showing you around the farm. Then we’ll go get some dinner at the house. I’m sure Madison will be more than happy to talk yours and Lily’s ears off about our little life out here.”

We climbed down from the barn loft, my mind already deep in the throes of my questions about what their life must be like.


Neither Lily or I knew what to say as we were in the guest room together. Lily unpacked some clothes from her suitcase into a dresser, while I set up my laptop so I could check my email. Occasionally we’d trade a glance and there was an unspoken sense of astonishment and amusement.

Finally, Lily cracked. “Can you fucking believe this?” she asked.

“I don’t even know what to say,” I said with a shrug.

“Kat’s, like...her baby?”

“I know. I saw the video.”

“The video? You saw one of the videos?”

“Kat showed me, yeah,” I said.

“Oh wow. What was that like? Was it weird? Was it gross?”

“I mean...she was just, like, doing some stuff on the farm. And she pissed herself. And Madison checked the diaper.”

“Wow. This is so crazy, right?”

I nodded, throwing a shrug in for good measure. Lily was completely right, though I felt like I was still processing it.

“I don’t know how I feel about it,” Lily said. “I can’t wrap my head around it.”

“It’s kind of cute,” I said. “Or...endearing? I don’t know. I don’t hate it.”

Lily offered some sort of affirmative grunt that didn’t really tell me much about what she was thinking.

“Are you okay with this?” I asked. “Do you have regrets about coming here?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m glad we came. All things about their life aside, it really is delightful to see Madison again. And Kat seems nice. I guess I don’t know how I feel about the other stuff. But...that’s none of my business. They’re not shaking their diapers in our faces.” She paused, as if a new thought came to her mind. “Oh my God, Henry - did she shake her diapered ass in your face?”

“N-no...she didn’t do that.” I tried to stifle my laughter, but I didn’t succeed.

“But she made you watch her video?”

“Only because she was too bashful to just come out and say what they were doing around here. Trust me, it was pretty mild. Or, at least as mild as videos like that can be, I guess.”

With an incredibly maternal sounding sing-song voice, Madison had announced that dinner was on the table. Lily and I filed down out of the guest room and down the stairs to meet Kat as we took our seats around the large dining room table.

“We don’t use the dining room very much,” Madison said.

“I think we’ve used it once,” Kat added.

“Sounds about right. With just the two of us, and rarely any guests, we just eat in the kitchen. But this feels like a special occasion.”

Madison placed a cast iron pot onto a wooden potholder on the antique table, its contents still bubbling and steaming.

“It smells fantastic,” I said. “What’s on the menu?”

“Chicken cacciatore,” Madison said. “It’s actually a recipe that Lily and I used back when we were in high school. Remember our attempt at making food for our parents that one night?”

Lily laughed. “And you had somehow dropped your ring into the sauce but were too afraid to fish it out? Or tell anyone that you dropped the ring into it?”

“I thought that was your ring,” Madison retorted. They both laughed harder, though that didn’t really clarify whose ring it was. Kat and I shared a small shrug while the girls shared their moment.

“Nobody ate the ring I hope,” Kat interjected.

“I found it while dishing out a plate for my mother,” Lily said. “So I pretended to sneeze on it so that I could take the plate into the kitchen. Then I gave my mom a new plate, and nobody was the wiser.”

“I think it was my ring,” Madison mused. “It was always kind of stained orange after that.”

The two laughed again.

The little story had set the tone for dinner. Bread and wine were passed around the table, and we gorged ourselves on salad and chicken. Everytime my plate was empty, more food suddenly found its way onto it. Everytime my wine glass was empty, someone would pour more into it. Madison and Lily kept the conversation light and engaging with stories of their high school days. Lily’s bright pink shoes. Madison’s driving instructor with the lazy eye. Their year long plan to avoid talking to Adam Wilmont after he was caught trying to steal Lily’s shorts from her gym locker. Every story brought about a new bout of laughing, and the stories only seemed to get funnier as we progressed through the bottles of wine.

Finally, full of food and a little drunk, we left behind the dining room to go sit out on the porch again - though Madison was sure to bring another bottle of wine out with us.

For a little while, it was nice to just feel the cool evening wind blow through the porch while listening to the crickets and birds as the sun set. Regardless of how long it had been since Madison and Lily had been apart, and regardless of the fact that I barely knew Madison or Kat - or them knowing me - there was a real comfortable feeling between all of us.

“You know,” Madison said, “Kat...I haven’t checked in on you in a while. Do I want to know how bad things are in there?” Lily and I both laughed a little - Madison was trying to be slightly discrete, but there was no doubt as to what she was referring to.

“It’s...uhm…” Kat looked to both Lily and I before blushing. “It’s okay.”

“I can look for myself in a little bit,” Madison said with a shrug, clearly not believing her.

“Can I ask something?” Lily said.

“Please,” Madison responded.

“Kat, you wear diapers...all the time?”

“I do, yes.”

“And how long have you worn them like this?”

“Like...all the time?”

“Right. Like, when Maddy was telling me about your life here on the farm, earlier, she mentioned that you wear them all the time now?”

“Yeah,” Kat said. She was being a little modest, but nothing she couldn’t power through following the multiple glasses of wine she had. “Uh...I guess its been a year or two. I mean, I’ve worn them pretty frequently for years. Since before Maddy and I had met, you know? We kind of knew that our eventual goal was to achieve this ‘“24/7” lifestyle, but we had to work our way up to it.”

“So...is that hard?” Lily asked. “Do you ever just miss sitting on a toilet? Are you, like...I don’t know...un-potty trained now?”

Madison laughed while I could see Kat blush a little. Even I laughed a little. I wasn’t sure what they thought was so funny, but there was something kind of intoxicating about their good humor towards something so strange.

“I never really thought of it as something being ‘hard’ or not,” Kat said with a shrug. “It was always something I just wanted to do. I suppose there are times where it's less convenient, or potentially more awkward than if I wasn’t wearing diapers…”

“Like when you have friends over and you have to explain your life to them,” Madison interrupted with a tipsy wink.

“...but the other 98% of my life is exactly how I want it to be.”

“Oh, wait,” Madison said, leaning towards Kat and giving her a playful push on the arm. “You didn’t answer the other part of her question. Are you un-potty trained now? Hmm?”

Madison’s playful repeating of Lily’s question had caused Kat to sit back in her seat, her face turning a deeper shade of rose.

“Well...I mean, I wouldn’t say that I’m not ‘potty trained’ anymore,” she said, in a slightly defensive tone. “If I went back to panties tomorrow and never wore a diaper again, I’d probably be able to make it to a toilet just fine when I needed to.” She stopped, glanced to Madison who was grinning, and then added: “Most of the time.”

Most of the time?” Madison asked playfully. “Elaborate.”


“No, it’s okay,” Lily said, jumping to Kat’s defense. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot or humiliate you like that.”

“You’re not,” Kat said bashfully. “I really don’t mind talking about anything. I just don’t have much experience actually doing it.”

“Go on,”Madison urged. “What were you going to say before?”

“I don’t know if I’d call it being ‘un-potty trained’ as much as I would say that I’ve developed some different habits from wearing diapers all the time. If I’m not using the bathroom, there’s really no reason to hold it. So, most of the time, I just don’t. If I feel that I have to go, I just let go. And that happens so much that sometimes it’s just second-nature. Like, I won’t even be thinking about it.”

“It’s the cutest thing,” Madison gushed.

Lily and I exchanged a look. I didn’t think that either one of us disliked what we were hearing, but we needed confirmation from the other that we were hearing the same thing.

Madison composed herself, as if suddenly being reminded that perhaps this was all brand new information to Lily and I.

“I’m sorry...is this weird? Are we being weird?”

“No…” Lily said, shaking her head slowly. I wasn’t sure that I completely bought that. “Honestly, no. I mean...yes. It is weird, I guess. But it’s kind of beautiful too. You have this land - this sanctuary - where you can live out whatever life you want to, and you are. I think it’s good.”

I smiled and nodded to back up what she had just said. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

“Thank you,” Madison said, taking Lily’s hands in her own. They both stood up, hugging each other. Kat joined in, wrapping her arms around both of them. I contemplated joining, but was worried that maybe I didn’t fit in.

“Get in here,” Kat said.

I stood up and joined the group hug. Clearly, we were all somewhere on the spectrum between tipsy and drunk. Yet, for what it was, it was a genuinely tender moment.

“Alright,” Madison finally said. “Now let’s get some dessert.”



The sun was gone, as was the peach cobbler in our bowls. We remained on the porch, though, and a bottle of bourbon was introduced - only furthering our descent into an abandonment of normal social graces.

We somehow managed to avoid the thickly padded elephant on the porch for a few hours as we talked about our lives and got to know each other better. Not only did Lily and Madison have an amazing chemistry that I enjoyed seeing re-sparked by our visit, but I found myself really enjoying the company of Madison and Kat - a feeling that seemed mutual. It was hard to believe we had only met each other earlier today, as we were all quickly finding new levels of comfort with each other.

Lily and I shared the porch swing, our hands on each other’s laps as we gently swayed back and forth together. Across from us, Madison was sitting back in an adirondack chair, Kat sitting in her lap. It shouldn’t be a surprise that she looked like an overgrown toddler like this. She rested her head in Madison’s neck, burrowed under her face.

“I want to say something,” Lily said. That sort of introduction to a thought was the sort of thing that you only said when you well and properly boozed, as we all likely were.

“Please do,” Madison said, playfully patting Madison between her legs - the thick padding giving off a distinct sound.

“I appreciate…” she looked to me, and then back to the two women, “...we appreciate you having us here this week. But I don’t want you to act like you have guests here. You know?”

“I’m not sure I do,” Madison said with a laugh. I laughed too, wondering where she was going with this.

“Like...don’t be modest and secretive about your lifestyle. This is your home and your sanctuary. You two should just...do your thing. Like we weren’t even here. We’re not going to judge you.” She then looked back to me. “Right?”

“Right,” I said with a smile, patting her lap.

Madison smiled and nodded. “I appreciate that. Honestly. That means a lot to us. I think this is the first time that we’ve ever had, like, guests here for a while? So there may be a little bit of adjustment needed for us. You know, just getting used to being our normal selves again with company present. But I appreciate that.”

“Speak for yourself,” Kat muttered from Madison’s lap.

“Excuse me,” Madison said with a laugh. “Do you...not appreciate that gesture?”

“No no,” Kat said playfully. “I mean...I don’t have to adjust to nothing!”

With that, Kat lifted her bottom off Madison’s lap a little. The porch, maybe the entire world, fell silent for a moment as we wondered what Kat was doing. There was what I thought was a sudden series of noises coming from Madison’s lap, a squelching rumble - if such a thing was possible. Simultaneously, we all realized that it was the sound of Kat unloading her bowels into her diaper. The noises continued longer than I had expected them to. And with a satisfied grunt and sigh, she finished, setting her loading bottom firmly back into Madison’s lap.

“Did...Did you just…” Madison, who I assumed had seen something like this before, was still completely shocked and mostly speechless.

Lily was the first to burst into laughter, and I followed. A few moments past, and then Madison joined in as well. It was only Kat who remained silent, only because she seemed to have passed out in Madison’s lap just after unleashing her hellish torrent into the diaper. This only served to make the moment even more hilarious.

“I...I’m so sorry you had to see that,” Madison said, visibly embarrassed from Kat’s drunken candidness.

On its simplest level, it was quite funny. It was the sort of thing you’d expect out of some raunchy R-rated comedy - quite possibly a scene that I’d find just funny in an actual movie. But my brain was trying to reach beyond the humor of it, and I wasn’t sure how to process it. It made sense - Madison and Kat had both explained very well that she had been only using diapers instead of a toilet for some time now. Yet it was only now that I realized that when Kat said she was only using her diapers...well, she was using them for everything. Her intoxication only served as an express lane into her life.

I looked to Lily, wondering if she was having the same thought. I wondered if there was a point where either one of us would stop finding it weirdly whimsical and that we’d instead find it kind of weird or gross. But no. Lily was smiling wide and laughing.

Even as Madison waved a hand in front of her face, signifying that she was at ground zero of a very dirty diaper, neither Lily or I seemed too upset by this. Even when the stink of Kat’s bottom reached my nostrils - an impressive feat given that it was competing with the breezy evening and the smell of goats in the distance - I wasn’t as offended as I thought I would be.

“I really ought to take care of this,” Madison said. She gently shook Kat, waking her enough to ease her off of her lap and onto her feet. Taking her by the hand, Madison gently led Kat back into the house, a stinky trail slowly dissipating into the night air behind her.

For a few minutes, neither Lily nor I said anything. We’d laugh a little when we caught the other one smiling. It felt kind of awkward, yet not. It felt like it was - being part of a dirty little secret.

“That was something,” I finally said to break the silence.

“It...really was.”

“How are you, uh...feeling about all this?”

“It...comes and goes. If that makes sense,” she said with a shrug. “There are times when I’m thinking about how this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. And then there are times when I’m just completely charmed by how happy they are in this little world. How about you?”

“The same, I suppose,” I said. “Like, if someone came up to me yesterday and told me that they still wore diapers and shit themselves as an adult, I’d get away from them as quickly as I could. But here I am, and I don’t seem nearly as bothered by it as I thought I would be.”

“That’s easy for us to say,” Lily teased with a smile. “We’re not the ones having to change an adult’s stinky diaper.”

We both laughed at that before just quietly swinging again for a little bit.

“Do you think you could do it?” I asked.

“Wear a diaper?”

“Yeah. Or change one. Or, you know, any of that.”

“Hmm. I don’t know.” I could see the wheels turning in her mind as she pondered the possibilities. “Maybe. I have this curiosity about all of it, but it's hard to imagine myself actually wearing a diaper, let alone using one.”

“Very fair.”

“What about you?”

I laughed and nodded. Of course she’d ask me too. I was a little hesitant to answer, though I had a suspicion that she could already guess what I would say.

“There’s something about it, and I can’t quite put my finger on it,” I said. “It seems...freeing? Like, here’s this woman who just completely splits from the norms of society and does whatever she wants to do. Maybe I’d feel the same way if she was...I don’t know...sitting in a bathtub full of baked beans all day. But there’s something really appealing about just doing whatever weird thing you want to do.”

Lily nodded, taking my hand in hers again.

“So?” she asked. “If you had your own quiet little place out in the country, what weird thing would you do?”

“Wear panties?” I said with a shrug.

“Really? I had no idea.”

I shrugged and laughed, sure that my face was turning red. “Yeah, probably.”

“You can do that at home, you know. Or now. Or anytime you want. Who would ever know?”

I nodded. It was a good point. I was sure I didn’t actually have to explain the culturally-ingrained hurdles I felt like I needed to leap over, but it was still a good point.

She squeezed my hand a little, laughing. “Go on,” she teased. “Say it.”

“What? Say...what?” I was definitely blushing a little now.

“You want to try it, don’t you?”

“W-what? Panties?”

“Sure. But also...diapers.”


“Henry, I can read you like a book. And I just got to the chapter where you admit that you want to try a diaper.”

“Read it to yourself,” I said with a bashful grin. “I’m still working on the ending to that chapter.”

The screen door from the house opened and Madison stepped back out onto the porch again - noticeably short a Kat. She took a seat across from us.

“So?” Madison asked. “What did I miss? Did you talk about how crazy we were? How gross that was? Because...well...that was pretty gross. A blow out, if you must know.”

Lily and I exchanged a look and a smile. I trusted her not to say anything about my curiosities until I said something myself.

“Not at all,” Lily said. “Actually, we’ve been kind of surprised by how cute it all is.”

“Oh?” Madison said.

“Henry said it well. He described it as being free, and I kind of like that idea.”

“I’m really happy to hear that,” Madison said, putting her hands over her heart. “I’m sure Kat would love to hear that too, but it was bedtime for that little baby.”

The conversation spilled a little further into the night from there, until we all finally began to feel the call of bed. We slipped back into the guest room, where I was almost positive that we’d immediately fall asleep. But instead, Lily’s tongue found my mouth, and my hands found her breasts. We rolled around like teenagers for a few minutes, stripping each other naked - full of an energy we hadn’t unleashed in an embarrassingly long time. She sat on my chest, nude herself before forcing something soft into my hand.

“What is this?”

“My panties,” she said. “Put them on. Then fuck me.”


Lily and I stumbled into the kitchen the next morning around 10:00 AM. We probably would have slept until 5 in the afternoon. We definitely would’ve if we weren’t guests. My guts ached and my head spun - I hadn’t felt hungover like this in a long time. Yet there was Madison, gleefully slinging pancake batter onto a griddle while flipping over bacon with the other hand.

“Good morning, sleepyheads,” she said in an alarmingly chipper tone.

“Are you...not...hungover?” Lily croaked.

“A little,” Madison said with a shrug. “But that’s farm life for you. We have to get up pretty early for the animals. Rain or shine. Hungover or wide awake. Orange juice? Coffee?”

“Yes,” I said, unsure of which I had just agreed to. “Please.”

“Make that two,” Lily nodded.

Lily and I each took a seat on some barstools at the counter opposite of where Madison cooked. Madison pulled two coffee cups from the cupboard, setting them in front of us before pouring us each a cup of coffee from her carafe. Some cream and sugar were already waiting. Madison was a pretty great hostess.

“Kat was feeling a little groggy this morning too,” she said with a shrug. “I swear she almost put her boots on the wrong feet.”

The coffee helped. For a moment, I wondered if this was somehow the best coffee I had ever had, but the reality was likely just that any coffee was going to hit me perfectly right now.

Under the counter, Lily placed her hand in my lap, playfully rubbing my leg. It was a simple gesture - but one that seemed fresh and new. A few years of marriage had seemed to cause us to take little things like this for granted.

Of course, it didn’t hurt that I was still wearing Lily’s panties under my pants.

“Did you sleep well?” Madison said, a wry grin on her face.

It was hard to tell if she knew something, she assumed something, or this was just how she was all the time. Lily and I looked at each other and laughed a little. If Madison didn’t know anything before, she probably could’ve made an educated guess now.

“Eventually,” Lily said with a laugh. It was unlike her to not hold this as close to her chest, but I liked what this trip had done to her so far. I felt it too.

“The walls aren’t...completely soundproof,” Madison said with a shrug. “I’m not saying you were loud. But. You know…”

I blushed, looking down into the swirling abyss of my cream hitting the coffee.

“How is Kat,” Lily said, sidestepping Madison’s revelation altogether. “I hope she’s not too embarrassed about last night.”

“I...don’t think she has any idea, actually,” Madison said. “I’ve been on the fence about whether or not I should say anything at all. She’d probably be mortified if she heard she had done that in front of you. But it feels kind of unfair for me to say nothing about it. She should know what everyone else knows, right?”

I shrugged, while Lily slowly nodded her head. Not the most unanimous response, but it seemed to be enough of an answer for Madison who nodded and sighed.

“Yeah, alright. I’ll tell her about it after breakfast, I guess.”

Pancakes, farm fresh eggs, bacon and some farm grown cantaloupe rounded out breakfast. It seemed impossible to start the day with such a large meal, considering the dinner we had the night before. But with food this good, and a hangover to conquer, it did seem like the right move.

Breakfast was another reminder that it was surprisingly easy for the strange world of diapers and internet videos to just fade into the background when it needed to. Our recent introduction to each other, and hangovers, aside, there was a natural chemistry in the room between the four of us. Kat opened up about her adoration of Sailor Moon, while Lily came clean about the number of 90s hip hop CDs she still kept in the car. Madison and I talked about our favorite films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - it was good that we both ranked Homecoming so highly. It was a genuinely good feeling.

I was carrying a stack of dishes to the sink - somehow Kat and I were relegated to dish duty while Madison and Lily had wandered elsewhere together - and I caught a glimpse of her ass again. Her tight yoga pants did little to hide the bulky diaper hidden under it. I wondered if this was an obvious move on her part, or if she just didn’t think about how obvious her diapers were anymore.

“Sorry I conked out early last night,” she said. “I was having fun. Maybe too much fun.”

“No worries,” I said. Madison hadn’t had a chance to tell her about how her night ended - and I certainly didn’t want that to fall on me to do. “We all had more fun than we were expecting.”

“So...I was going to take a hike today. There’s these old railroad tracks that back up to our property and seem to go pretty far past it. Do you think you’d like to come?”

“That sounds pretty great, actually,” I said with an enthusiastic nod. “I’m pretty sure that Lily packed both her and my hiking shoes and…”

“Oh, well… I think Madison was going to take Kat into town today. There’s some antique shops they wanted to see. So it’d just be you and me.”

“Oh. I mean...yeah! Of course, that sounds cool too.”

“Are you sure?” she asked. I had Kat pegged as a pretty private and shy person so far - clearly more comfortable when it was just her and Madison. I could relate; I felt the same with Lily. So that she could ask me this felt big. That I could easily accept made me feel good about myself as well.

“That sounds great,” I said.

“Cool! Maybe around...noon we head out?”

“Sounds good to me,” I said.

We nervously finished clearing off the table before splitting off in our different directions. I returned to the guest room, finding Lily was already there, rifling through her clothes for something comfortable for her own excursion.

“I’m sorry,” she said with a sympathetic look on her face.


“Madison kind of sprung it on me that she wanted to take me antiquing today. I didn’t think about it when I accepted - but she mentioned that Kat was going to ask you to go hiking?”

“She did, yeah.”

“I hope that’s not too awkward.”

“Oh,” I said, realizing that Lily was worried that I was being drafted into a situation I didn’t want to be. “It’s honestly okay. I think it sounds kind of fun.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am. But thank you for caring enough to be concerned.”

I was getting some clothes together for my hike, but in the background I could sense Lily glancing at me often. She clearly had something she wanted to say. I debated just asking her if she wanted to talk about something, but I figured it’d be better if I let her come to me instead. Still, I couldn’t shake the uneasiness I was feeling. Was I doing something wrong? Was she concerned about something?

I wondered if she had worries about me spending time alone with Kat. I didn’t think I had been flirty or inappropriate in the time we’ve spent together so far - nor had Kat. But I wondered what that looked like to Lily.

Finally, dressed and ready to go, and without her saying anything, I got ready to head out.

“Well...I’m going to get going, I think.”

“Okay,” she said, a half-hearted smile on her face. “Enjoy the walk.”

I sighed a little, disappointed that I didn’t know how she was feeling. I turned to walk out the door, leaving the lingering conversation unspoken.


I turned around, sighing a little in relief. “Yeah?”

“I...wanted to say something.” She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts. “I was just thinking that…well…” she trailed off again.

“Hey, I want to hear anything you have to say,” I assured her.

“Maybe not now, or today. But at some point during this week...if you feel like you want to...experiment. I mean, you should.”

“Do you mean with...diapers?”

“Yeah. Or...anything really. I mean, look at this place, right? We’re out in the middle of nowhere, with these people who are opening up the weirdest part of their lives to us - essentially strangers. If you’ve ever had any interest - no matter how slight - in doing anything, why not here? Why not this week? And if you don’t like it, we go back to our normal lives knowing that we tried it and we’re better for it.”

“I appreciate what you’re saying, Lily. But...do you really think I want to wear a diaper?”

“I don’t know...I feel like I know you well enough. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. But I just wanted to make that clear.”

She stepped closer to me, and I stepped closer to her. She wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her back. I felt her hands slide down my back to my butt where she gave it a playful squeeze.

“You are still wearing my panties, right?” she asked.

“I...yeah. I am.”

“Good. See? That’s what I’m talking about. Let’s just get it all out of our system this week, right? Let’s be weird and kinky.”

“I’m starting to think that I’m not the one that wants to wear diapers,” I grinned.

She laughed, shaking her head. “No, you do. But if I’m being honest? I...want to see you in a diaper too.”


“I don’t know. There’s a lot I want to see. And experience. I’m just finding myself really inspired here, aren’t you? Watching Maddy and Kat just express themselves however they want? I want that.”

“And what you want is diapers, of all things? Or...me in diapers?”

“Maybe? Maybe other things, I don’t know. Let’s just promise each other that nothing is off the table. And I sincerely mean that. If I say otherwise later, remind me that I said this.”

“Okay,” I said hesitantly.

“Am I being weird? Am I asking too much?”

“No,” I said. “I definitely feel some of that myself.”

“Alright, sorry, I’ll let you get on that hike now. Please have fun.”

“I will,” I said, hugging her tightly again. “And you have fun antiquing.”

“Thank you I will.” She paused as we disconnected her bodies, then adding: “But I mean it. If you find the opportunity on your hike to ask Kat for an extra diaper, I wouldn’t be upset about that.”

I nodded, feeling my cheeks grow warm as I blushed, as I left the bedroom.

This was not the week I thought it was going to be.


Kat led the way. We head down a well-worn path that curved behind the barn  and some fields before splitting off into the forest. I felt slightly underprepared as I watched her walk ahead of me with her backpack. It wasn’t a particularly big pack, but it made me wonder what she could possibly think that she needed on a trail that I didn’t have myself. A compass? Rope? A gun? I imagined us coming to a collapsed bridge over a ravine, and her pulling a rope out of her backpack like it was the most normal thing ever.

The fantasy didn’t last entirely long, however. As we climbed a surprisingly steep hill in the trail, I caught a good look at her ass, immediately reminded of the thick padding of her diaper under the taught fabric of her pants. I felt foolish for not sooner realizing that the backpack probably wasn’t holding hiking supplies - but more diapers.

“Are you okay back there?” she asked. I wondered if she could here my labored breathing as we reached the top of the hill. I hadn’t thought that I was out of shape - but it was also worth pointing out that I didn’t encounter many steep hills in my normal daily life.

“I’m still here,” I said. “Coyotes haven’t gotten me yet.”

“The coyotes probably won’t bother with you,” Kat said with a shrug.

“So there are coyotes?”

“Well, yeah. But I’ve never been bit by one. So you’re probably fine.” She turned and gave me a playful grin. I smiled back, not feeling completely assured.

The trail extended deeper into the woods than I could see, and there were still no signs of the old railroad tracks. It had been a while since I was on a hike like this, and I had forgotten the scale of this rural country. Imagining a similar span of road in the city, and I could see this same stretch populated by hundreds of buildings. More coffee shops than there probably were in this entire state.

“I apologize in advance if I end up asking you this a thousand more times in the next few days,” Kat said, slowing down so that we walked side-by-side, “but having guests who know about our lifestyle is new for us...as I guess this is all new for you. But, are you okay with everything?”

“I am,” I said as confidently as I could. I felt confident about the answer. It felt strange. And, despite my hesitation to admit as much to Lily, I did have some lingering curiosities of my own about it. But I did feel “okay” with it.

“Okay, good. Please tell us if you ever feel uncomfortable, okay?”

“Of course.”

“It seems surreal that this has all kind of happened so quickly. I guess we thought it was inevitable that you’d learn about this stuff. But I don’t think we intended it to happen so soon. Or for us to be so open about it.”

“It’s felt...surprisingly natural,” I said.

“Comfortable, right?” she said with a smile. We both nodded.

I wasn’t sure if I should say anything at all, but the more I had thought about it, the more I wanted to make sure Kat knew that nobody was judging her for what happened the night before. As we walked together, I could feel it hanging above our heads.

“Hey,” I finally said. “I just wanted to let you know that neither Lily or I were upset about last night. Like, I guess it was...new to us? But it made sense. I mean, that’s your lifestyle. Besides, we were all a little drunk. But...I guess, the more I think about it, the more I’m actually kind of flattered that you were willing to put yourself out there like that. Booze or no booze.”

Kat gave the slightest of smiles and nods, but there was something else in her eyes. A blank confusion. She stared ahead for a few moments, tilting her head slightly while she contemplated what I said - possibly playing back her memory of the night before.

“I...I’m sorry if this is a silly question...but what exactly did I do last night? I just remember hanging out on the porch last night with all of you and then...going to bed, I think.”

I felt my stomach tie itself into a knot. I had assumed that Madison already told her about last night - but clearly that hadn’t happened.

“Oh...I...I’m so sorry, I feel like I’m talking out of turn now.” I felt my face grow warm. I felt terrible for even bringing it up.

“Did I...do something embarrassing?” she said.

“Well. I mean...it probably wouldn’t have been as embarrassing had Lily and I not been there.”

“Oh god,” she said, planting her face into her palm. “I didn’t...I didn’t try to breastfeed from Maddy, did I?”

“N-no,” I said, doing my best to hide the fact that I very much wanted to see what that looked like.

“Well...good. Because that certainly never happens.”

We both laughed, realizing there was no way to put that cat back into its bag.

I figured I’d save her the potential embarrassment of incorrectly guessing other kinky things she and Madison had done together: “We all just watched you...fill your diaper. So to speak.”

“Oh?” She thought about it for a minute, and she must’ve found a memory, because her face lit up so quickly that I could’ve sworn I saw a lightbulb over her head. “Oh yeah...I do kind of remember that now. I was in Maddy’s lap, right?”


“That was...a lot. I remember Maddy taking me upstairs to change me too.”

“It’s really okay,” I assured her. “We didn’t judge you. Honestly.”

She shrugged, obviously trying to play off how embarrassed she actually was. We tread deeper into the forest together without saying much for a few minutes. I kept stopping myself from providing more reassurance. Maybe it was best that I finally just keep my mouth shut.

“I suppose it was inevitable,” she said. “Though I wish I didn’t give y’all quite as much of a show.”

“It’s really okay,” I laughed. “Like I said, it was weirdly flattering to know you felt that comfortable.”

“I would argue that I wasn’t exactly in my best headspace,” she retorted.

“Do you regret it, though?”

“Well. I’m feeling like a fool. But...no, I suppose I don’t.”

“Good,” I said with a smile.

“So, you mean that?” Kat asked.

“Mean what, exactly?”

“That it didn’t bother you to see me do that?”

“No, not at all,” I said genuinely.

“So if I did it again…?”

“Are you planning on...doing that again?”

“It's going to happen eventually,” she said with a shrug. “And being a little hungover, and drinking coffee, and having that breakfast...maybe it’d happen sooner than later. Like while you and I are out on this hike.”

I nodded, unsure of exactly what to say. None of what she was saying upset me, but I wasn’t sure what reaction she was looking for from me.

“I’m well prepared, of course,” she continued, patting her backpack. “So I may just need to take a pitstop at some point to take care of that. I just...wanted to make sure that was okay with you.”

“Of course,” I said. “Do what you have to do. I won’t judge.”

“I like you, Henry. You and Lily have been so sweet. I can’t tell you how much it means to us that you don’t treat us like freaks.”

“I mean, that’s the thing, isn’t it? We’re all freaks. We just don’t all get to live in the middle of nowhere and make a utopia out of it.”

“You’re a freak too, huh?”

I sighed, debating the best move. On one hand, I hadn’t actually intended to start rattling off the weird kinky things I wanted to experience. But on the other, after learning so much about Madison and Kat - and knowing that they couldn’t possibly judge me - it felt almost selfish to keep it all to myself.

“Can...I show you something?” I asked.

“Show? Uh...sure, I think,” she said with a giggle. “But...you’re not just going to show me your penis, right?”

“No,” I said with a laugh. “It’s probably worse than that.”

She watched as I nervously unbuckled my belt and unfastened my pants. Looking back up to her face, I could see that she was nervous about whatever it was I was going to show her. I slowly shimmied my pants down to my knees and then stood straight up, revealing what I had been wearing under my pants.

“Oh my gosh,” she said, pointing at the floral print panties I wore. “Are those…”

“Panties? Yes,” I said, helplessly blushing. “Lily’s panties, at that. She put them on me last night.”

“Oh. Oh my.” I was surprised to see that the woman wearing a diaper could be shocked by anything I was capable of.

“See? I’m a freak too.”

“I had no idea,” she said.

I pulled up my pants and we continued our walk together. “Honestly? I didn’t either until we got here. It was one of those deep-seated thoughts that just always felt like a fantasy.”

“Was Madison and I a little bit of an inspiration then?”

“I’d say so.”

I wanted to say more. I wanted to bring up that I did actually have a little bit of a curiosity about the diapers. Somewhere, Lily was keeping her fingers crossed that I’d actually ask her for a diaper. I thought about how I’d bring it up, and I was cycling through variations of what I might say in my head when she interrupted my train of thought.


“I’m sorry?” I asked, not sure what she was trying to say. I could see her straining a little. There was a look of tension on her face. It occurred to me that I could probably guess what was happening. “Are you...wetting your diaper?”

“Oh...uhm. Gosh, no. I’ve done that, like, twice while we’ve been out walking. I...I’m...pooping my pants…”



I froze in my tracks, unsure of what the protocol was. I was staring at her...but maybe I shouldn’t have been staring. My eyes darted everywhere while I wondered where I was supposed to be looking. What was I supposed to be doing? Should I be saying anything?

Hey, you’re doing a good job! Keep it up!

No, saying anything at all was likely a bad idea.

I caught glimpses of her as I tried to find the right angle to just stare into nothingness and give her some privacy. Even when I finally fixed my stare down the long empty trail ahead of us, I could still see her out of the corner of my eye. I could’ve turned my gaze further from her...but my curiosity prevented me from doing so.

Her legs were bent slightly to squat and her face had turned red as she pushed her load into the diaper. Admittedly, I wanted to see her backside. I wondered if it was possible to see the diaper expand under her tight pants as she filled them.

“Okay,” she said finally. It was a far more chipper tone than I had expected for someone who just pooped their pants in front of someone.


“I mean...it’s done,” she said with a shrug. “Ready to continue?”

“You...you’re just going to hike with your diaper like that?”

She shrugged again. “I mean, I can change in a little bit. But...I dunno...I just…” She blushed before turning away from me and heading back down the trail.

I quickly jogged up behind her, placing my hand gently on her shoulder. “I’m not judging, you know. It’s your butt. It’s your diaper.”

She laughed. “Sometimes...when I hear myself talk about it, or I have this moment where I can almost see myself from another perspective, I just feel silly about it all. But thank you.”

“How much further?” I asked, changing the subject. “To the tracks?”

“Oh, not much longer,” she said. “Half a mile? Honestly, probably less than that. As far as you can see down the trail now - that’s right about where there’s a hill. We’ll go down the hill and the trail merges with the tracks.

The trees formed an almost perfect canopy over the trail, blocking out the bright sun while giving the forest floor an almost enchanted feel. Once again, I found myself completely in awe of the beauty of nature around me.

We talked about music and concerts we had been to. She talked about the guitar she owned - and broke while trying to imitate Joe Strummer. Not to be outdone as a failed musician, I shared the saga of my six drum lessons before being told by the instructor that “not every instrument is for everyone.”

We reached the railroad tracks, as promised. The ground on either side of the tracks were still caked in old bits of coal. Occasionally, I’d catch a whiff of Kat’s diaper, which was somehow able to pierce the fresh breeze on the trail, and I’d be reminded that I was walking with a grown woman who had just shit herself. It was strange how normal that was starting to feel.

“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” I said. “But I guess I’m curious where your, uh, lifestyle came from.”

“That’s a good question,” she said. “I’m not even sure. I think some form of this interest was with me my whole life. And over the years, I just found myself testing how far I wanted to take it. Did I want to sleep with a stuffed animal? Did I want to drink out of a sippy cup? Did I want to try a diaper? And then...ta-da!”

I remembered our conversation in the barn loft. “You said that you met Madison online?”

“Yeah,” Kat said. “I...I was selling content online. I don’t think it was the most extreme stuff, mostly just me doing cute little things in my makeshift nursery. I had this little following from guys and, you know, they wanted to give me money...and who was I to say no.”

“Was it good money?”

“I was working a full time job too, so it just felt like...extra fun money, you know? But it wasn’t bad. The diapers and the baby stuff...people bought it for me, so it was like it paid for itself. And that went on for a year or two, and then Maddy reached out to me.”

“Wow. Like...she followed your videos and reached out to you?”

“I guess,” she shrugged. “I think she fell down a few online rabbit holes and she ended up seeing me. And, you know, guys reached out to me everyday. I tried to talk to the more polite ones, but even that was just challenging to do when there was so many. But then she reached out to me. And not only was she a woman, but she treated me like a human. Like, right away, we just established this friendship. She cared about me and always went out of her way to make sure I was okay. And we grew closer and closer until it just made sense to live together.”

“And then came the farm and all that,” I said.

“Exactly. We make videos together now. It just made sense. I was running around in diapers anyways. If people want to see that...why not show them? My hope is that there are people out there who find it inspirational, and end up expressing whatever weird kinks they have too.”

“I’m not sure if it's great for the nation’s air quality,” I teased, “if everyone is filling their diapers like you are.”

Her cheeks became rosey and she turned away with me with a laugh. “Is it that bad?”

“I was just joking.”

The truth, it occurred to me, was that if this was almost anybody else, at any other time, in any other place, I’d probably have been disgusted. I could imagine myself gagging or feeling uncomfortable. I wasn’t about to pretend that I loved the scent, but it seemed surprisingly tolerable.

“This is as good as any time for a change,” she said, slowing down as she removed her bag from her back.

“Is it hard to change your own diaper?”

“It’s not impossible,” she shrugged. “I had to do it for a long time before I lived with Maddy, so I’m well versed in it.”

She pulled out a small blanket from her bag which she unfolded onto a grassy area near the tracks. Placing a fresh diaper, a package of wipes and a small bottle of baby powder on the edge of the blanket before lying down on her back.

I turned away. I already worried I had seen too much. And while Lily’s words about trying new things and being open to anything were sounding off in my head, being a participant in Kat’s diaper change felt like it’d be jumping into the deepest end of the pool without knowing how to swim.

Behind me, I could hear the sound of her squirming out of her pants, her thick diaper rustling loudly. This was followed by the sticky tearing of her tapes from the side of the diaper.

“Is this weird?” she asked as she went about cleaning herself up.

“No weirder than you pooping your pants in front of me,” I said with a laugh.

“You’re a real trooper, Henry.”

“You know...maybe this is as good of a time as any to ask you something.”


“I...uh, I have this curiosity about the diapers. And Lily certainly does too.”

“Really? I had no idea.”

“Well, it's news to us too.”

“Both of you?”

“Well...I’m curious about wearing diapers. And Lily is curious about me wearing diapers too.”

“Are you going to put them on under your panties or over them?”

I opened my mouth to respond, but I didn’t have anything quite as sassy to say back.

“I’m kidding,” she said.

“Oh, I know. But maybe you should worry about cleaning your dirty bottom instead of poking fun at me.”


There was more crinkling, and more loud tape noises as I assumed she was fixing her fresh diaper into place. More rustling, and some grunts as she pulled up her pants again.

Finally she was back on her feet, and I turned around to see her tying up a plastic bag full of a rather bulky bundled up dirty diaper.

“All good?” I asked.

“I make it look easy, yes? Though, Mommy would probably not be very happy about my cleaning job. I’m sure she’ll have something to say about that later.”

We both looked at each other with a grin, having realized that she so nonchalantly used “Mommy” instead of “Maddy” with me. She bashfully shook it off.

“So,” she asked me. “Do you want to get into your diaper now or later?”



Kat and I sat on the porch sipping some sort of vodka-lemonade concoction of Kat’s creation, fittingly served in quaint mason jars. It had been an exhausting day, but an altogether rewarding one. We had seen some breathtaking views and had some great conversations along the way. Now, as we shared some drinks and laughed about our adventures, we could see Madison’s pickup truck pulling up to the house.

“You finally decided to come home?” Kat teased Madison as she got out of the car.

I put my glass down and went to hug Lily as she got out from her side. We embraced for a moment, pecking each other on the lips. I wondered if her hands would wander down to my ass again - but they didn’t. Maybe that was for the best right now.

“I’m more surprised that the two of you made it back in one piece,” Madison said. “Kat, you didn’t murder him in the woods?”

“I knew that human sacrifice was something I needed to worry about,” I murmured, being reminded of my fake elder deity T’yr’g’d’lrg.

“Any luck in the hallowed halls of antique-dom?” Kat asked, planting a wet kiss on Madison’s cheek.

“Lily found this amazing accordion…”

“...that was filled with mold,” Lily said with disgust. “How does that even happen?”

“Oh! But we did find this. Kat, you’re going to love this.” Madison circled around to the back of the truck to unload her treasure.

“It’s pretty incredible,” Lily added with a wide grin. She gave me a playful jab to the side. “Maybe you’ll like it too?”

My curiosity was piqued as I watched Madison carefully remove the mystery object from the back of her truck. It was draped in a heavy blanket, and while I could see the vague contour of the shape beneath it, without context it didn’t really register as anything in particular. She carefully brought it before Kat and I before pulling off the blanket in a quick, magician-like, action.


It was a rocking horse. I almost wouldn’t have believed it was an antique at all had nobody said as such. It’s natural wood with a high-gloss varnish looked to be in immaculate condition.

“The shop owner mused aloud that it seemed a tiny bit too big for any child that would actually want to ride on a rocking horse,” Madison said with a shrug. “But that was exactly how I knew it would be perfect for my baby.”

Kat wasted no time in sprinting forward and mounting the wooden steed, immediately rocking back and forth on the grass with a look of joy on her face.

“I knew this was going to be a hit.”

“Want a turn on it?” Lily said to me, a little quieter. I was pretty sure I was blushing a little bit, but I remained stoic.

“Maybe...later.” Changing the subject: “Did you have a good time?”

“I really did. We got coffee; we hit up a few shops; we got lunch; we talked forever; hit some more shops. It was honestly such a delightful time. It just felt like...no time had really elapsed since high school at all.”

“I’m so glad to hear that,” I said.

“What about you? Have a good time on the hike?” She offered a sly smile, as if she knew more than she actually did. I’m sure she was full of assumptions, or at least hope.

“I...uh, yeah.,” I said, feeling a goofy grin grow on my face. “It was actually pretty great.”

“Will you tell me about it later?”

“Oh, of course,” I said with a casual shrug. I debated leaving it at that, but added a teasing: “Though, there’s not a lot to tell.”

Her lips turned skeptically and she gave me a playful look. She wasn’t buying it.

“I’ll bring this into the house,” Madison said, as a gleeful Kat slowly dismounted the horse. “C’mon, Baby, let's go see what we can cook up for dinner tonight.” Madison carried the horse into the house, while Kat bounded behind her, leaving Lily and I outside together.

I could immediately tell that Lily was biting her lip, desperate to know if I made good on our discussion from this morning. I wanted to give her that answer, but it was harder to talk about than I expected it to be.

Lily took my hand and started walking towards the barn.

“Where are we going?”

“Just a little walk,” she said with a shrug. “But, if you wanted to tell me more about your day while we walk, I’m all ears.”

“What makes you think there’s that much to tell?”

“Don’t be all coy and mysterious with me now, Henry. I’m...very curious.”

“Well, I’ll say this - if we thought that Kat’s little accident on the porch last night was the result of just being cheeky and drunk…it turns out that she doesn’t need alcohol to be cheeky.”

“Oh, so she…”

“Filled her diapers. Like...absolutely loaded them.”

“Right in front of you?”

“Well...I gave her as much privacy as I could.”

She laughed and squeezed my hand playfully. “Oh come on. You watched it, didn’t you?”

“I actually didn’t.”

“And...she just stayed that way for the rest of the hike?”

“No, no. She had a little backpack - a diaper bag, I guess. She changed herself.”

“You didn’t even offer to change her?”

“N-no?” I stammered.

“I’m teasing,” she said. “She impresses me, you know? She does a good job of making herself look really sweet and shy. But then she goes stuff like that.”

“It was quite the trip.”

“But...did you ask her about maybe getting a diaper of your own?”

“I did…”


“She came through for us.”

“Is it...is it weird that I’m really excited about that?”

I just laughed and shook my head. I had no words at this point. I had done so many mental gymnastics between trying to justify my curiosity towards it and assuring myself that I wasn’t some sort of deranged freak, that I wasn’t sure what else there was for me to say about it.

“Where is it? Back in the room?”

“It’s...uh...yeah,” I said with a casual shrug.

“Is it, like, big and thick?”

“So much more than you even realize,” I said.

She looked into my eyes at that moment - and I swear, if we weren’t married or hadn’t been together for as long as we had been, I doubt that so much could have been communicated with a single look. Yet in that moment, with just that look, I could see Lily’s eyes widen as she let out a curt gasp.

“You...you’re wearing it now, aren’t you.”


She released my hand and in the same half-second, her hand had managed to wind up behind me before giving my ass a thunderous slap. The sound was so loud - and so unique - that it seemed all too obvious that she had struck white gold. Instinctively, I looked around us, anxious to see if there was somehow someone around us who would’ve heard the humiliating noise.

“Oh my god,” she said. “You are! You’re wearing a diaper right now.”

One would think that my cheeks would have been exhausted at this point, as I feel like I was blushing for the 100th time on this day alone. I offered a small shrug, well aware that between my face and the sound of her slap, she had all the answers she needed.

“Can I see?” She asked. “Please? I want to see.”

Again, I found myself looking around suspiciously, as if there was someone in the trees. Perhaps the nigh-impronouncable elder god of my worst fears, himself, was watching.

“Here? Now?”

“Who do you think is going to see, you weirdo? Kat obviously already knows and I’m your wife. That’s ¾ of all the people in a 25 mile mile radius.”

She had a point - not that I hadn’t already figured this out for myself. And so, for the second time that day, I was pulling down my pants to show a woman what I was wearing beneath. In some ways, this was easier because it was Lily. In some ways, it was worse. I pulled my pants down and stood straight up again, bracing myself for her critique.

For a moment, she didn’t have anything to say. She didn’t have to, as I could read her face perfectly. For all of Lily’s expectations and, no doubt imagined fantasies, it was clear that this moment was surprising to her. Her mouth dropped open, and as it slowly closed again, it twisted into a wry grin. She tilted her head, further studying my condition. Once the look of satisfaction washed over her face, it never went away.

“Wearing my panties over your diaper? That was a nice touch,” she finally said.

“I thought you’d like that.”

“It’s...so thick.”

“You have no idea. I feel like I have two towels shoved between my legs right now.”

“And how long were you going to keep this from me?”

“I figured you’d figure it out sooner or later. Actually, I thought for sure you’d notice the second you stepped out of the truck. I feel like every single movement I make causes this thing to crinkle loudly.”

“I guess I didn’t think to listen for that before.” She stepped closer, running her hand over the panties, feeling the bulky plastic diaper beneath it. She circled around me, giving my bottom another playful slap, giggling at its hollow sound. “Is that...baby powder I smell?”

“I didn’t want any, but Kat insisted I use some.”

“Did she help you put it on?”

“No...can you tell?”

“Well, I was going to say that it looks a little sloppy. I mean, clearly you need help if you’re going to wear any more after this.”

“If? I mean, I barely committed to this one.”

“Sure...but, let me ask: Do you like it?”

I paused. I felt like I might have known the answer, somewhere deep inside myself, but I hadn’t processed everything enough just yet.

“You know what?” she said. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just concentrate on giving this diaper a test drive and then we can worry about more later.”

I chuckled to myself and nodded. Giving the diaper a “test drive” caused me to imagine Lily following behind me for the rest of the evening with a checklist. Durability? Absorbency? Loudness? Susceptibility to being patted or slapped? Smell containment?

“I guess you can pull up your pants now,” she said. “Though maybe you’d rather just toddle around in just a diaper for a bit?”

“No...I think I’ll go with the pants, thank you very much,” I said, pulling them up as I spoke.

We walked around the farm a little more. I shared some of Kat’s origin story, while Lily shared some tidbits of her day with Madison. There were moments when absolutely nothing felt out of place. This was just another day, and just another walk. Every once in a while, I’d hear myself crinkle, or she’d put her hand on the back of my pants, and I’d be reminded of my current condition.

I dwelled on her question. Did I like the diapers? It was an interesting question, albeit a deceivingly simple one. Yes or no, ultimately. Well, I liked the thrill I got from asking Kat for one. I liked how she teased me about it. I liked the satisfied look on Kat’s face after I came downstairs from my post-hike shower, obviously coming to terms with the new awkward bulk in my pants. I liked Lily’s excitement towards my diaper. I liked the feeling of knowing how happy she would be to see her panties stretched over the diaper.

But did I like the diapers themselves?


The sun was getting closer to the horizon, and we circled back towards the house. I was pretty sure that my body couldn’t handle another night of excessive drinking, though I did wonder what the night would hold for us. What any of the next few nights would hold for us, really. Three days ago, I hadn’t even given the idea of an adult willfully wearing diapers a second thought, and now I was wearing one. At this rate, I was going to find myself being enrolled in a daycare by the end of the week.

“So,” Lily said, mercifully getting me out of my own head, “do you think you’ll...use it?”

“Do you want me to?”

“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do,” she said.

“But if I did? What would you think? Would you be disgusted?”

“No,” she said curtly. “Not at all.”

“Would you like it?”

“I think so. Is that weird?”

“No weirder than wearing a diaper.” We both laughed. “I guess it kind of makes sense, right? Why would you wear one if you weren’t expecting to use it?”

“Well, if you wet your diaper, I promise to change your diaper.”

“Deal,” I said, blushing. “But...what if I…”

She gave me a curious sideways look, hoping I’d elaborate.

“What if I...messed the diaper? Would you change that?”

“Oh. Is...that something you want to do?”

“I can’t even imagine doing that,” I said with a laugh. “I kind of meant for that to be a joke.”

She gave me a skeptical look and smiled. “Well...if that was something you actually did, then yes. I’d even change your big smelly poopy diaper.”

We laughed, continuing to walk back towards the house. I prayed that the diminishing sunlight would hide the look of humiliation that felt plastered on my face.


“...so the ladder is broken in half now, both pieces are just lying below me; and I’m just hanging from the support beam. It’s probably only like a 4 or 5 foot drop, but I’m absolutely terrified of falling and breaking my leg or something. So I’m begging Maddy to come help. I’m practically crying, right? And she’s just watching all of this happening and she’s laughing! She’s literally cracking up. Not only that, but she has the audacity to walk over to where I’m hanging and starts poking my ass.”

“You’re exaggerating how far off the ground you were,” Madison said, rolling her eyes. Another bout of laughter washes over the entire table, Kat included. “If you stayed hanging there any longer I was going to dump my water bottle down the back of your diaper.”

“I would’ve killed you!”

We had all cleaned our bowls of Madison’s homemade rice pudding. There was a bottle of wine on the table, but it was rather telling - and comforting - that nobody had even touched it.

“So,” Madison said, changing the subject, “Henry? I understand that you’re borrowing both your wife’s panties and one of Kat’s diapers? Would you like one of my bras too?”

I laughed with everyone else, even though it was especially humiliating to be called out like that so abruptly. Of course Madison knew - I couldn’t possibly have expected Kat not to tell her. “I’d hesitate to use the word ‘borrow,’” I said with a shrug. “Does Kat want her diaper back? Lily, would you like your panties back?”

“You can keep them…” Kat said with a chuckle. Lily shrugged playfully.

“All jokes aside,” Madison said, “you really impressed me. I know this is all so weird and new, and that we’re all kind of strangers still. But the fact that you’re willing to not only roll with it all, but also to embrace it and try it for yourself...well, that really means a lot to me.”

“Me too,” Kat said, nodding.

“Me too,” Lily said, grinning.

“I feel like I should be giving a speech or something,” I joked.

The three women began chanting in unison: “Speech! Speech! Speech!” while pounding the table.

I laughed, standing up: “Ladies and...uh, other ladies. I just want to say how thankful I am that Lily and I have been welcomed into your home and into your lives. Your openness and honesty about who you are has been immensely inspiring. In a short time, you’ve given me the comfort and support to allow myself to try new things that I would’ve never dreamed of trying.” There was a round of applause from my small audience as I sat back down.

“Well said!”

“Hear hear!

It was a quieter evening, and while we had shuffled into the living room for some more conversations, our long day and the plush couches conspired against us.

“Maybe it’s bedtime, little girl?” Madison finally asked Kat.

Kat offered a drowsy nod, gently rubbing her eyes.

“Alright, let’s take a look at your pants before we get you to bed.”

Obediently, Kat slid off of the couch and positioned her backside in front of Madison while facing us. Lily and I watched her face grow rosy as Madison pulled the back of her diaper open and peered in. Then, as if not completely satisfied with that check, Madison shimmied the back of Kat’s yoga pants down her legs enough to reveal her entire diaper to us. Madison then snuck two fingers between Kat’s leg and the bottom of her diaper. Kat’s eyes widened. Just as quickly as her pants had been pulled down, the pants were pulled back up; a playful pat on Kat’s bottom signaling the end of the check.

“Well, it seems like this little girl needs a change before bedtime,” Madison said. Turning her attention to Lily and I, she added: “How’s everything over there?”

“Do I need to check your diaper too?” Lily asked me.

“N-no...I’m good.” It was true; I hadn’t used my diaper yet.

“You’ve been in that diaper for hours,” Kat said. “You must be dying!”

Dying was an understatement. I had been battling the desperation since before dinner, and it was getting harder and harder to content with. I had more or less resigned myself to using the diaper, but I think I had been holding out for an opportunity when I didn’t have as much of an audience.

“Yeah,” Lily added, putting her hand on my lap. “I mean, it’s not like everyone here doesn’t know what you’re wearing. I promise - nobody is judging you.”

I nervously smiled as I looked around the room. While I may have felt an immense pressure in my bladder, I didn’t feel a pressure to perform in that moment from the room. If anything, I felt reassured. If and when I decided to use the diaper, I knew that nobody was going to think less of me.

“Why don’t I show you something,” Madison said, standing up and taking Kat by the hand. “I’ll show you something. Just in case you need it. Follow me.”

Lily and I looked at each other curiously. We got up from the couch and followed Madison and Kat up the stairs, passed our bedroom, passed the room that was being used as a home office, passed the upstairs bathroom and passed the master bedroom. There was one more room branching off of this hallway, and while I hadn’t previously wondered about what was behind this closed door, I grew increasingly curious as we got closer to the door.

Madison opened the door, and we all filed in. My mouth hung open in astonishment, and when I looked over to Lily, I saw that she was in the same state of disbelief.

It was a nursery - or perhaps a surreal reimagining of what I assumed a nursery looked like. While there was a crib and a changing table, their large proportions making it obvious that these were not for an actual infant. The decor was a smattering of both pastel and vibrant pink hues - an almost overwhelming level of purposeful cuteness. There was a tall shelf, packed full of diapers, just row upon row of thick fluffy garments just waiting their turn to get soiled.

It wasn’t just the size of the furniture, or the aesthetics, that suggested that this wasn’t just an innocent nursery. Various paddles, instruments, and toys hung from another wall, while more were neatly arranged atop a narrow table. Some of these items I felt woefully clueless about, and I could only start to imagine how they were implemented on a naughty little girl.

Rounding out the room’s layout was the final piece of the puzzle. Two cameras, mounted on tripods, and various lights, microphones and spools of wire, all stacked up in the corner of the room.

“I suppose you could say that this is where the magic happens,” Madison said. “We obviously do a lot of filming here. But it’s also a very functional nursery for my big baby. And so…if you find yourself in need of more diapers or a place to get changed...or...well, basically, I’m just saying that you two feel free to use this room as you see fit. I promise you, nothing is off limits. And if you don’t want to use the room at all, that’s cool too!”

“Wow, this is incredible,” Lily said, her head slowly bouncing back and forth as she took in everything. “You mentioned today that you had a rather ‘robust’ nursery, but I didn’t know what to think. Now, I’m just, like...woah.”

Madison laughed and shrugged. “This room is kind of like our baby. Well...the other baby. We’ve put a lot of time and energy into this, and as I’m sure you can imagine, we spend a bit of time in here.”

I glanced across the room to Kat, and our eyes connected. We were both looking a little antsy. I was sure she just wanted to get her diaper changed so that she could go to bed. I just needed to actually bring myself to use mine.

“Alright, let’s get this baby read for bed,” Madison said.

“We’ll give you some privacy,” Lily said.

We said our goodnights and Lily and I went back to our own room. I already knew where the conversation was going to go once we were there, and so no sooner had I stepped back into the hallway, I finally unleashed my bladder - allowing myself to flood the diaper. It was different than I expected. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the way that I could feel the diaper instantly swell and grow warm was unlike anything I had ever felt before. I could feel the extra weight hang between my legs. It changed almost every dynamic in the diaper that I had just started getting used to.

Lily closed the door behind us. Exactly as I had expected: “Well? Are you going to pee your pants or what?”

“Actually...I...just finished.”

“Really? Just now? While we were in the nursery?”

“In the hallway…”

“I want to see. May I see?”

I agreed, but this time it was her hands on my pants, and she pulled them down completely, signaling to me to step out of them before taking off my shirt and undershirt as well. I was left in just my sopping wet diaper, panties and some socks. I was terrified to turn around, knowing that seeing myself in the room’s vanity mirror would only humiliate me further.

Lily’s hands were on the panties again, feeling the warm diaper through the soft fabric. She stepped closer, her hands wrapping around me and slipping into the back of the panties so she could feel the diaper directly. I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed. It was a slow passionate kiss. The kind of kissing we rarely did anymore. She bit at my lips, and our tongues took turns teasing each other’s.

“Do you like this?” I asked her.

“I really do. Do you like this?”

I had been noncommittal towards the diapers for most of the evening. I kept asking myself the same question since she had posed it while on our walk. But I had an answer now.

“I do. I like it a lot.” We kissed again.

“I thought so,” she said, pulling away from my lips. “From the second you put my panties on last night, I knew you were going to be a pants-pissing little baby.” She planted her lips on mine again.

We collapsed onto the bed, rolling to and fro. Her hands were all over me, taking every opportunity to get them onto my diaper so she could playfully squeeze it or tug at it. I rolled onto my back, and she quickly sat on my chest, pinning me down. Not that I wanted to go anywhere.

She gave me a sly smile before spinning herself around so that while she still sat on my chest, she was facing my diaper, while I looked at her back. I dug my fingers into the waistband of her pants, trying to slide them off of her. She lifted her bottom just enough to let the pants slide past her ass cheeks. She took care of the rest, kicking them off entirely. She slowly slid her ass up my chest, before stopping just before my face. It was the perfect place for it to be. With minimal effort, I could lift my head up and land my tongue into either her pussy or her tight asshole. My tongue reached out, teasing her saturated lips. She moaned, moving her pussy even closer to my face. With little choice left in the matter, not that I wanted any, I closed my mouth around her throbbing clit, suckling on it.

Her hands cupped my erect cock in the diaper. Through the soaked diaper, through her panties that I had worn since the night before, her hands slowly made their way up and down my padded shaft.

“Such a…big baby,” she said in between short gasps and moans. “Pissing yourself for me? Did you...uhn...like that?”

I tried to offer some sort of positive response, but it came out as an unintelligible muffled noise. It really didn’t matter. She knew the answer.

“You pissed your diaper...while wearing...Mommy’s panties.”

I offered another satisfactory muffled moan. I had never even considered the title of ‘Mommy,’ before. Yet in this moment, nothing sounded more perfect. It gave a name to more than just a person, it was an entire concept. I was devoted to Mommy. I wanted to make Mommy happy. I would give Mommy anything she wanted.

“You like that, yes? I think I’d...mm...really like it if...mm...you called me Mommy. Not now, of course. You’re a busy baby now.”

She was incredibly wet; perhaps the wettest I had ever experienced her be. I wanted to lick up every single drop.

Her hands slid off from the surface of my diaper, instead delving inside of it, her hand finding the tip of my cock. She pulled it out from the diaper, giving it teasing licks and kisses.

“You’d do anything for me...uhnnn...wouldn’t you, Baby?”

“Mmmhmm,” I moaned the best I could.

“Like when you put on my panties? Or when you got a diaper? Or pissed in it?”


“I’m going to make you come,” she said in a devilish tone. “Then you’re going to make me come. Then we’re going to take you to the nursery for a fresh diaper.”

I couldn’t even fully process everything she was saying, but I knew that I wasn’t objecting to any of it. And, just like that, I felt her mouth envelope the head of my penis. In an embarrassingly short amount of time, I felt myself erupt into her mouth - every drop of it swallowed by her with a long moan.

It was her turn, and she further planted her bottom onto my face. It occurred to me that she might have been doing most of the work now, with the way that she grinded herself against my willing tongue. It barely took any amount of time for as well, and she squirted into my face. In my mouth, on my lips, running down my cheeks. She couldn’t bring herself to relent, though, and she continued to grind into my face, further rubbing her juices into my face.

Finally, she collapsed on the bed next to me. Neither of us said anything for a little bit, we just stared into each other’s eyes, smiling. Whatever that was - and it seemed very unlike us - we both clearly enjoy ourselves.

“You’re okay?” she asked.

“Yes.” I wanted to say more, but I was at a loss for words. I was more than okay. “Yes,” I said again. “Are you?”

“Very much so.”


“I didn’t say anything that you, like, just...disagreed with?”

“Not at all.”

She leaned forward and kissed me. I could taste the remnants of myself on her lips, but it didn’t bother me. If nothing else, it almost energized me for a round two.

“We should get you out of that diaper.”


“And so if we go into the nursery, and I put you into a new diaper...you’re okay with that?”

“I really am..”


For the second night in a row, we fucked like bunnies. Also, for the second night in a row, I found myself having that incredible sex while wearing a garment that I would’ve never even dreamed about before this trip.

Kat and Madison were either oblivious to the fun we had, or they were being very polite about how much they had actually overheard. How could they have not heard us? If stumbling to and from the nursery hadn’t been noisy enough, Lily’s later commands of “Fuck me, you pissy little baby,” had to have caught someone’s ear.

The new day was a blank slate, and when it turned out to be a more mild day, it came as a bit of a relief. If nothing else, it was the chance to slow down and actually enjoy the new status quo without escalating it much further. Lily had insisted I stay in diapers for the day; which I didn’t offer any resistance towards.

We kept to ourselves for most of the day, letting Madison and Kat get a few things done on the farm while we took the opportunity to just unwind together. And unwinding, as it turned out, was attempting to do things like reading or walking together - but getting distracted when Lily’s curious hands would start pawing at my diaper. Our day had been peppered with frequent requests to check my diaper, or inquisitions about whether or not I needed a change.

I didn’t mind. For as much as I enjoyed the diapers myself, I loved how much she was enjoying it even more. It would be tempting to write off our new wave of silly and playful puppy love on just the introduction to our naughty new kink - but that felt disingenuous. We needed to have the rest of the real world sliced away, even for a day, so that we could be reminded of why we fell in love in the first place. The addition of diapers were just sprinkles on an already mouth-watering sundae.

I showed her the loft in the barn, and we somehow ended up having a literal roll in the hay - a rather energetic romp that found her tearing my damp diaper off of my body and playfully kicking it across the floor while in the throes of sex. Only to watch the diaper slide off the edge of the loft’s floor, landing somewhere in the barn below with a loud “splat” noise. We laughed, though it hardly slowed us down.

A little later, as we lie in the straw without any pants on, Lily finally asked something I had mused on a few times myself: “What happens when we leave here? Do we take the diapers home with us?”

“Do you want to?”

“I’m torn,” she said. “I want to say yes. Though I’m not sure we can quite pull off the ‘lifestyle’ element.”

I nodded, having had similar thoughts. It wasn’t impossible. I could imagine that there was a whole world of busy urbanites leading busy lives while wrapped up in a diaper. Still, it was hard to say if that was our life or not.

“We can play it by ear,” I thought aloud. “Maybe we find a place for it. Maybe it’s a little treat once in a while.”

She rolled over, landing on my chest, her lips poised at the side of my face. She gave my cheek a soft kiss, sending a joyous pulse through my body. She lifted her mouth to my ear. “That’s a future-us concern,” she said softly. “For now, you’ve got a few days ahead of you as my baby.”

“Does just wearing a diaper make me a baby?”

“Don’t you want to be my baby?”

“What does being your baby entail?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I picture, like, a bonnet and a pacifier. Or a bib. Maybe a onesie or something silly like that.”

“I’m sure Madison and Kat have some things if you were serious about that.”

“I may have asked Maddy already,” Lily confessed, giggling a little.

“Oh… What did she say?”

“We’re welcome to anything in the nursery. But…”


“Maddy may have reminded me that just about everything Kat has runs a little more...feminine?”


“But...I don't know. I kind of like that. If I’m being honest.”

I stared up at the barn’s rafters.

“I mean, you already wore my panties,” Lily continued. “Don’t you want to be my little girl?”

I could feel my heart beat faster while my stomach twisted a little.

“I-I’m sorry,” Lily said. “Maybe I’m being selfish and asking too much. I know this is a lot and…”

“No,” I interrupted. “I do want that. I want that a lot, actually.”

She moaned with satisfaction, giving my cheek another tender kiss. We stayed like that for a few more minutes before Lily slid her body completely over mine again, straddling my midsection with hers. I was instantly hard again, finding her to be just as wet. What came next was obvious.

The barn afforded us a feeling of privacy that may not have actually been earned. No doubt, Kat and Madison were somewhere. For all we knew, they were below us right now. I imagined my wet diaper having landed right in front of Madison’s feet. But we couldn’t see them, and we didn’t hear them, and so we did little to censor ourselves.

“Are you a baby girl?”


“Tell me. Are you a baby girl?”


“I want to hear you say it.”

“I...I’m a baby girl.” I wasn’t just saying it; in that moment, I felt it. I wanted that so badly. I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything. “I’m your baby girl. Mommy...I’m your baby girl.”

“Yes,” she said through her heavy breathing and moans. “Yes, you are. You’re my little baby girl.”

I still couldn’t believe I had said it. I needed to say it again. “M-mommy.”

“Yes, you like the sound of that?”

“Mom-mmm-my,” I said again, a long pleasurable moan getting caught in the word.

“Is my little girl getting fucked by her mommy?”


“Is my little girl going to wet her little diapers all night long?”

“Uh huh, yes. I promise.”

“Tell me what a soaking wet diaper you’re going to have.”

“It...it’s going to be so wet, I promise. I’m going to wet myself over and over and then I’m going to make a big stinky diaper and…”

“Oh?” Lily’s body, which had found an incredible groove on top of me, slowed a little, giving me a look that was as much interested as it was curious.

I could barely even believe I said it myself. It wasn’t something I had thought much about before. In fact, I hadn’t really thought of it at all. It was a concept that felt so far beyond the small puddles I was dipping my toe into. I could have chalked it up to just a willingness to say anything in this moment, yet...no part of me regrets saying it.

“Would you?” she asked.


“I’d never ask you to do anything you didn’t want to do.”

“I know.”


“I would. If...uhm...it wouldn’t bother you.”

“It wouldn’t.”


“Well then, baby girl, I want you to make a dirty little diaper for mommy. Can you do that?”

“Yes,” I said. “Yes!”

“‘Yes’ to what? Tell me.”

“Yes, Mommy! I want to...use...my diaper for you! I want to make a stinky mess in my diaper and I want to…”

I never got to finish that thought, all of my energy was suddenly diverted to an epic climax unlike any I could remember having before. My eyes had instinctively closed as it happened, and as I pried them open, I watched as she convulsed herself - gyrating on my dripping cock for the final push she needed.

She collapsed back onto me; I was still inside her. We fell asleep like that in the hay.

Later, we’d slowly wake and gather our clothing. When we’d glance at each other, we’d both blush and grin as memories of the things we said came back to us. Neither of us seemed ashamed, but it did feel unclear what was said sincerely versus what was said in the heat of the moment.

“How are you feeling?” she finally asked.

“Good,” I offered. “Very good. And you?”

“Yes,” she said with a nod. It didn’t quite make sense, but I understood the sentiment.

We climbed down the ladder from the loft and were about to leave the barn when I remembered the wet diaper that had been kicked off from the loft. We both looked around the barn...but neither of us could find it. There was nothing directly below where we both believed it had fallen, and so the obvious answer was that something - or someone - had found it.

We nervously laughed about it, wondering when that had happened.


“Do you know what’s interesting?” Madison said as she peeled potatoes in preparation for dinner.

“Hmm?” Honestly, anything she had to say was probably interesting to me.

“I feel like we’ve gone through more diapers than we usually do in a day or two. I suppose that’s obvious. But I was reminded of that this afternoon when I found an extra diaper that I had to toss into the garbage.”


“It was in the most interesting place, too.”

I felt my cheeks warm, and I considered saying something, though there didn’t seem to be much of a point. We both knew where she was going with this.

“In the barn, of all places. Like it had, I dunno, fallen from the loft or something. It made a little bit of a mess, but it was nothing I couldn’t easily clean.”

“Maddy, I’m so sorry. We didn’t mean to…”

“I’m just teasing you,” she said with a warm smile. “Can I be honest? I’m actually really excited for you.”

I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I shrugged nonchalantly, though that hardly felt like a response.

“Something Kat and I have talked about before is a playmate,” she continued. “Another little boy or girl in a diaper that she can crawl around with.”

“I’m not sure if I’d want to do that on camera though.”

“Oh...I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest it in that context. I mean, genuinely, you and her. Little baby playmates.”

I nodded and smiled. “I’ll be honest, I’m not completely sure what that entails. But I like the sound of it.”

She laughed, handing me a basket of peeled potatoes to dice now that I had finished slicing the carrots.

Kat had taken Lily down to the goats and chickens for some farm-life experience, while I was on dinner duty with Madison. Of course, not before Lily insisted that she help me into a fresh diaper. I would’ve felt awkward asking for a new one myself - so I was happy that it was her idea.

But here in the kitchen, I thought how  it was funny that there was a time I found Madison to be a little intimidating. She had an aura of confidence and sureness about her, for sure, but she had also turned out to be one of the least judgmental people I had ever met.

“Do you have any questions? About anything?”

“Oh...I don’t know. Probably? I’m kind of taking in everything as it comes, you know? Everything still seems so new to me, and everytime I think I know what’s coming next, I realize I don’t know anything at all.”

“That’s fair,” she chuckled. “You take to it all pretty well, though. Are you sure you’ve never daydreamed about wetting a diaper before coming here?”

“Not that I recall. I just don’t think I realized I liked it. I mean, I knew I liked other things and…”



“My first boyfriend after high school was this fella named Andrew.  A nice boy. Shy. He had a penchant for stealing my panties though, and I had never experienced anything like that in my life. Like, at first I was angry. But then I felt kind of sad for him, you know? Maybe he was struggling with that side of him and if my panties made him feel a little better, who was I to get mad at that?”

I nodded, not completely sure where she was going with this tale, but liking the effort it seemed she was making to relate to me.

“So one day we’re sitting down together and I decide to bring it up. I’m careful about it, you know? I reassure him that I’m not judging him - but I do want him to know that I’m aware of the fact that he’s wearing my panties. Does he need panties? I’ll go to the store and buy him some of his own. I’ll buy him a bra. Whatever he wants. And do you know what he says to me?”

I shrugged.

“He confesses that he doesn’t want to just wear panties. He wants to wear my panties. That’s what he actually gets off on. He wants to get caught stealing and wearing my panties.”

I feel my cheeks blush a little. It’s hard to say if I’ve ever had that exact fantasy, but I certainly like it at this moment.

“So I have no idea what to do with that. And so I think about it a little bit. Again, he’s not necessarily hurting anyone, and he’s got this itch that hasn’t been scratched. So I surprised him one night. I took a chance and just ordered him to show me his underwear. And I can just immediately tell that he has something to hide. He’s all blushing and flustered. He’s hemming and hawing. He’s making excuses. I tell him that either he shows me his underpants or I’m going to pull down his pants and look for myself. So...he does it. He pulls his pants down.”

“Is he wearing your panties?”

“Damn right he is. One of my favorite pairs too. They were like this ruby red color with all this lace? And he’s just stretching them out. His dick doesn’t even fit in them.”

“So...what do you do?” I’m embarrassed by how much I’m enjoying her story, but not enough to stop myself from asking for more.

“I decided to give him exactly what I thought he wanted. I sat down on the couch and ordered him over my knees. And for the first time in my life, I slapped the hell out of someone’s ass.”

I felt myself getting hard in my diaper. I didn’t think it was obvious, but I turned my body away from her anyways, just in case.

“I shouldn’t have to tell you that he liked that quite a bit,” she continued. “It was a shame, because it quickly dawned on me after that the only thing I liked about him was that I could slap him around while he wore my panties. But. That kind of ignited something in me, I guess. I had never really thought about my sexuality before or what I wanted...but there was something there that made sense. It’s evolved over time, but it's what brought me to Kat; this blend of nurturing and...authority?”

“That makes sense,” I said. Unfortunately, all I could think about was being over Madison’s knees now. It felt wrong to even think about - yet I could see Lily being onboard with that idea.

“Anyways, I’ve been rambling for a while. Did I...lose the thread of what we were talking about?”

“I don’t think so,” I said. “We’re just talking about...men. In panties.”

“Boys,” she corrected. “And I’m even hesitant to use that word.” She flashed a sly grin. Was it flirtatious or was I just seeing what I wanted to see?

I cleared my throat, trying my best to focus on my meal-prep duties. Yet my heart raced, my imagination was running wild, and somewhere beneath my panties and diaper, I was throbbing.

“I didn’t mean to rile you up,” she said softly.

It was embarrassing that it was so obvious.

She continued: “It’s a little easier than I expected it to be. Maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise, considering how quickly you ended up in a diaper.”

I let out a noise - more than just exhaling, yet not quite a sigh. She just laughed.

“I’m sorry, Henry. I’m just teasing.”

“I-it’s okay,” I replied. “Everything is overwhelming right now. But not in a bad way, if that makes sense.”

“It does. I’ve felt that way before. Kat has felt that way before, for sure. In fact...don’t tell her I told you this, but I suspect that she’s feeling a bit of that right now.”

“What? Really? Why?”

“It’s a lot of new firsts for her too. It’s one thing to do this stuff online, for an anonymous audience. We’re careful and we show very specific things. They see only a certain side of us and our lifestyle. But it’s different now that you and Lily are here. You see all of us. All the sides. That’s certainly new.”

“I...I hope it doesn’t feel like we’re imposing.”

“We invited you, don’t be silly. But it’s more than that.”


“I...don’t want to say too much,” she said. “There’s just...new dynamics in play. It’s new for her too.”

“Me?” I asked. “In diapers?”

She smiled and offered a little shrug.

The homemade pot pies were amazing, and not even just because I had a hand in making them - even if I mostly just cut vegetables and set the table.

“...and then Batman rammed his head right into me and knocked me down the hill,” Lily said with a laugh.

“It’s his love language,” Kat said with a shrug. “He’s a little rough. Some people like that.”

I laughed with everyone else, but I was laughing at the idea of the actual Batman - well, the actual fictional character - resorting to the tactic of ramming bad guys with his head.

“Henry, I want goats.”

“I don’t think our landlord would appreciate that.”

“See?” said Kat.  “Y’all just need to move to the country.”

I laughed it off as a joke, but looking to Lily, I could see something in her eyes. She likely wouldn’t mind that at all. Even Madison was nodding more than she was laughing.

Seems dangerous, I thought. I could see that future now, and it was mostly me crawling around in a diaper.

“As much as I’d like to, it’d be tough to leave everything in the city behind,” Lily finally said. I sighed in relief. “But I’d consider it as a long term plan. Henry?”

I nodded nervously. “I love it here, I really do. To pick up leave our other life - well, that seems hard. Not impossible though. I dunno...it feels like a nice goal.”

Lily smiled and nodded.

Madison lifted her glass of wine. “A toast. To the city folks’ awakening.”

We all lifted our glasses and cheered to that.

I’d be tempted to say that dinner was uneventful, but there was something happening that I couldn’t get a grasp on. I had this paranoid sense that others at this table knew something that I did not. Maybe not Madison - but certainly Lily and Kat. There was something about their smiles, or how they talked to each other. It hinted at conversations I wasn’t privy to. I wondered what they had talked about while tending to the animals.

Of course, nothing in this house - while all four of us were here at once, anyways - seemed to stay secret for long. So it would only be a matter of time before I’d know for myself.

“Any thoughts on what we’d like to do this evening?” Madison asked. “I mean...we’ve got enough alcohol in the basement to last a second ice age, but I’d hate to assume everyone wants to spend another night getting silly on the porch.”

Lily and Kat looked to each other and giggled.

“We were thinking...uh…” Lily trailed off, seeming unsure of how to finish the sentence.

“Right, see...we talked about maybe…” Yet Kat seemed no better at it, and both were giggling again.

Madison looked to me and we both shrugged. It felt good to have somebody on my side - especially the person who usually seemed to be more in the know than anyone else.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Kat said, doing her best to collect herself. “We’re just being silly.”

“Care to share with the class, girls?” Madison asked. Her voice was peak-teacher. It really worked for me.

“Oh...we were just talking before. Outside,” Lily said. “It was just this silly idea of...Kat...and Henry...playing together.”

“Like, you know, a playdate or something,” Kat said with a shrug.

Madison and I looked to each other again. I felt myself starting to blush again as I watched a curious smile spread across her face.

“I mean, it certainly sounds cute,” Madison said. “But what does a playdate even look like?”

“I...I dunno,” Kat answered. “It was just this cute idea, I guess.”

“Like...two babies being left to play with each other in a playpen, I guess,” Lily added. “Maybe it’s not quite as exciting in practice as it was in our imagination, but…”

“I do like the sound of that,” Madison said, clearly mulling it over. “But that might also be asking a lot of our newborn. Henry? Thoughts?”

I swallowed, looking around the table at everyone’s eyes on me. Honestly, I was torn.

“I have to be honest,” I finally said, “I’m still not entirely sure what you’re expecting to happen. We sit around and...play? With toys?”

Madison looked back to Lily and Kat quizzically, as I did, interested in seeing how they’d elaborate on their idea.

“Maybe...we were just thinking out loud,” Kat said, blushing brightly. “Sorry…”

“No...don’t apologize,” Madison said, putting her hand on Kat’s shoulder. “I think we all like your idea. But...some of us are new to their diapers and maybe that’s a lot to take in all at once.” She looked to me and offered a supportive smile.

I wanted to tell everyone that I did actually like the idea, but I didn’t know what to say or how to say it. I figured maybe it’d be best to keep my mouth shut for now. Maybe later this would come up again and I’d have a better handle on how I felt. Hopefully it’d come up again.

Desert was just some ice cream and coffee - more than enough, really. I would be coming home with this trip with a diaper fetish and 10 extra pounds at this rate.

Kat and Madison were out and about on the farm early in the evening, and Lily and I sat in the living room. I had grown fond of these moments this past week - coming together and checking in after having our own little adventures.

“I don’t want to pressure you to do anything you don’t want to do,” she said. She didn’t have to define what she was talking about - it was the same thing that was on my mind.

“I guess I just don’t know what I’m expected to do. Or what I’m allowed to do. Or...I don’t know, whatever it is we do, it’d be weird to have an audience.”

“What if I told you that there were no limits?”

“I’d be skeptical,” I said with a laugh.

“Fair enough. But...I mean that.”

“That’s still pretty vague,” I said.

“We’ve...kind of talked about this before, right? Seeing other people? Or, being with other people?”

“Are you saying that you want me to…”

“No, no. Well… I mean, you could. If you wanted to. That’s all I’m saying. She was telling me all about how she had this fantasy of being with someone else who was also...in a diaper. And here’s you...and you’re in a diaper. Look, if nothing else, it might be fun to explore that part of yourself with her, right? And whether you just end up crawling around and sucking on a pacifier, or you end up...you know...getting into her diaper… It’s all good with me. In fact, it’s encouraged.”

I nodded. I wanted to ask “why,” but I already knew the reason. While we had grown a little stagnate in our relationship, a simple byproduct of years in the same routines, there was a time where we wanted to experience exploration and adventure in our sex lives. This week on the farm was that. There’d never be a better time for it, and by taking these chances there was a good chance that we’d be changing our lives for the better moving forward. But if we didn’t take these chances...we’d probably never do it again.

“I don’t want it to be awkward,” I said. “Don’t push us into a room and lock the door behind us.”

Lily laughed and shrugged. “Well, I can’t promise that’s not Kat’s plan. But I just wanted to make sure you were okay with the idea of it. So, in case it happens, you’re okay with that?”

“I am,” I nodded. “Promise.”


“Do you need to be changed?”

Every strand of hair on my body stood on end as Lily quietly whispered her question into my ear. I could feel my cheeks bursting into flames.

“N-no...I’m good,” I said. Though, if i was being honest? I wished that I could’ve said otherwise.

Using the diaper always felt like an inevitably, but the timing just never felt natural to me. When was I supposed to do it? Was I supposed to just go somewhere when it happened? What if I didn’t? Would everyone know while it was happening? So I just kept holding off, waiting for some magical moment to appear when it felt like it was the official Time To Go.

“You can’t just hold it all night,” she said softly. “That can’t be comfortable.”

“But what if everyone knows?”

“Sweetie, you’re wearing a diaper. They probably think it's weirder that you’re not using your diaper.”

Before Madison had taken Kat upstairs a few minutes to take care of her diaper, we had all been sitting in the living room together; just chatting and relaxing.

As it turned out, not that anyone was particularly surprised, Kat didn’t need alcohol or a small audience on a trail to just go ahead and fill her diaper. Now that she was comfortable with our presence, she was comfortable using it anywhere, at any time. And in any way she needed.

“Just go,” Lily said, rubbing my leg. “Just wet yourself. Just let it go.”

“I...I know…” I wanted to say more but I bit my tongue. Peeing was the least of my worries. I hadn’t been out of a diaper since the hike with Kat - more than long enough to have interrupted my usual bathroom schedule.

“If you do it now, I can take you upstairs as soon as Kat and Maddy are done. Then you don’t even have to worry about them seeing it happen, and we can just immediately change you.

I had to hand it to her, it was sound logic. Still...I had much more brewing in me than I think either of us were prepared to deal with.

“Please?” she asked. “For me? I’d feel a lot better if you weren’t so uncomfortable.”

“Look, Lily, I…” I tried to think of what I wanted to say. I thought of euphemisms and cute flowery language that I might use to make it sound more pleasing, but I stopped myself from going there. Lily continued to openly support me no matter how deep into this new world I found myself. She deserved to hear the truth, bluntly. “Lily, I think I’m going to poop my diaper.”

I expected her face to twist and for her hand to slide off of my leg. I imagined her coughing awkwardly while the color drained from her face. She’d realize that we had both bitten off more than she could chew. She’d tell me to just go use a toilet.

“Well? Hurry up,” she said instead. Her hand was still on my lap. Her eyes were still full of love and support. She smiled.

“Are you sure?”

“Don’t be silly. Use your diaper, Baby.”

“Should I...go...into the kitchen? I can just tell you when I’m done and then…”

“What? No, don’t be silly. You can just do it right here. I promise, I don’t mind. No matter how weird or gross you worry that I’ll think it is...I assure you, it’s okay.”

She had that magic about her - she always did. She instantly washed away any of the doubt or shame that I had been holding onto. I took a few deep breaths in preparation.

I stood up from the couch, and I tried a few stances - varying between standing straight up, squatting a little, and squatting a lot as I sought the most comfortable position. Somewhere between a full squat and just a little seemed to be the right balance between not making me feel like an idiot and giving my insides the room they needed to do their thing.

I started pushing, though there was already considerable pressure in my bowels and on my bladder. It wasn’t going to take much. I just had to allow myself to let it happen. My brain was sending out the message now: It’s okay, boys, we know this is a weird one, but the boss says it’s okay. Bombs away.

My bladder was the first to release. The stream was as heavy as it was loud. Even Lily lifted her head a little as she heard the sound of my piss saturating the diaper.

“My my, you really had to go. You should have gone sooner.”

She was right, but I was in no position to respond. No sooner than I had flooded the diaper, the bottom already sagging inside my pants, I could feel my bowels moving. There was no stopping this now. I pushed a little more to get it started, but very soon after things were moving on their own.

“Alright, Little Miss Stinky Butt is back to having a clean bottom again,” Madison’s voice said from the top of the stairs as the two began making their way back down into the living room.

My eyes shot to Lily’s. Both of our mouths hung agape. What was I supposed to do? What could I do? It was already too late.

“You don’t have to tell them about what I...did...in my…” Kat’s voice trailed off as they both left the stairs, only now aware of what they might have been interrupting. “Oh...are you...I-I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s okay,” said Lily. “Henry was just...uh, finishing.”

I had started pushing just before they reemerged on the stairs, and from that moment until just now, I had been slowly and continuously messing the diaper. Just a slow and steady flow of semi-solid mush being forced out of my bottom and settling into my sagging diaper. Even when it felt like I had filled the diaper, it was still coming - seeking new places to creep into. The diaper felt like it had gained 10 pounds - though I’m sure at least 8 pounds of that was my humiliated mind playing tricks on me.

“The, uhm, nursery is ready for you if you need it,” Madison said. “It...well...we just changed a dirty diaper up there so...it might already smell a little.”

“If it didn’t smell before, I’m sure it’ll smell now,” Lily said with a shrug. It was so casual and off the cuff that I could barely believe she had said it at all. Everything about this situation suddenly seemed even stranger than it had moments ago. Had I really just messed in a diaper in front of Lily? And now Madison and Kat were just staring at me as I finished filling it? Lily was openly talking about the contents of my diaper and going to the nursery?

“Do you need...help?” Madison offered.

“Oh...I don’t know,” Lily responded, scratching her head. “Honestly...I don’t think I’ve ever changed a dirty diaper like this before. Especially on an adult.”

“A big baby,” Madison corrected. “I could show you how, if you want. If...Henry is okay with that.”

For what felt like the thousandth time today, all eyes were on me. I was torn. I was already feeling humiliated. Every second that I stood there, my full diaper hanging off my bottom, my instinct to just escape with Lily grew stronger. But...truth be told, I wanted Madison to be there. I wanted her to show Lily how an expert did it. Did I say that out loud?

“I know I’d like that,” Lily said. “Again...as long as Henry is okay with that.”

It was a relief to hear her say that.

“Y-yes,” I said. “That sounds good.”

“I’ll wait here,” Kat said. It seemed obvious, but I was glad that she acknowledged that maybe there didn’t need to be more eyes on my dirty diaper than there already would be.

“Let’s go,” Madison said with a smile. She led the way back up the stairs with Lily following, and myself behind her. Probably for the best...I was already growing increasingly self-conscious of how my diaper was starting to smell, and I couldn’t imagine the feeling of someone walking behind me up the stairs.

We followed her all the way to the nursery. I wondered how conscious I’d have been of the scent in the room if Madison hadn’t said something before - but I immediately noticed the strange combination of smells here. It was baby powder - a lot of baby powder. It was a scent I had come to associate with Kat over the last few days, though it seemed to be taking up more space in my own day-to-day life as well. But mixed with it was...something. I knew what it was immediately, but I was still having a hard time processing it. It was the remnants of Kat’s own diaper, changed moments ago. Every one of my instincts told me that this was supposed to be a bad smell. I should be grossed out. I should be uncomfortable. Yet I felt none of that.

“Why don’t you take your pants off and hop up on the changing table?” Madison said.

I looked to both her and Lily, trying to read their faces. Were they happy? Disgusted? Excited? Annoyed? They both smiled, easing a bit of my uncertainty.

“It’s okay,” Lily added. “Maddy and I will take good care of you.”

I let my pants fall to the floor; the panties doing little to conceal the full and sagging diaper under them. It’d be the first time Madison had seen me in panties or a diaper, but she didn’t even so much as twitch. I let the panties fall to the ground too. Matter of factly, and with a practiced patience, she led me by the hand to the step stool by the changing table. I crawled up to the table’s surface.

“Wait,” I said, “but if I lie down then…”

“You’re going to have to,” Madison said, as if in tune with exactly what I was going to say.

I eased my bottom onto the table, feeling my thick mess squish and spread within the diaper beneath me. As with everything else I had experienced recently, it was a lot of feelings simultaneously. Discomfort, shame, uncertainty...pleasure, comfort.

I straightened myself out on my back, and Madison and Lily stood at the end of the table, looking down at me.

“You can wear rubber gloves if you’d like. I have some under the table here,” Madison told Lily. “I’ll be honest, I rarely wear them anymore because I’ve just gotten used to it. Worst case scenario, I just wash my hands. As you should be after changing a dirty diaper anyways.”

“Do you ever get it...on your hands?” Lily asked? She sounded sincerely invested, like an eager student.

“It happens. I’d like to think I’ve gotten better at it, but sometimes your baby just provides you with a catastrophic diaper and there’s just no getting around it.”

I blushed, hoping that my diaper wasn’t considered anything near catastrophic.

“For the most part it’s actually going to be quite similar to what you’ve been doing. I, of course, am a fan of distractions.”


“Well sure. I don’t want the baby to get too fidgety or to try and participate or anything like that. Here, for one, let’s try one of these.” I watched Madison reach under the table and grab a pacifier, handing it to Lily.

“I...I don’t know if I need one of thmmmf…” I was cut off by Lily pressing the soft rubber nipple into my mouth. I immediately felt my face glowing intensely.

“Sometimes I’ll give Kat a toy to play with, but let’s see how our baby boy does without one for now,” Madison continued.

Lily smiled at me, clearly delighted by my blushing face. I held the pacifier in my mouth by my teeth, debating on what I was supposed to do with this. I didn’t want to be ungrateful and spit it out, but I had no recollection of using a pacifier before. My lips fixed around the silicone bulb, letting my teeth release. I tested a sucking motion, finding that it came a little more naturally than I expected.

“Oh, do you like that?” Lily cooed.

I didn’t offer any sort of answer, but I probably didn’t have to.

“We’ll unfasten the tapes like so,” Madison continued, peeling back the sides of the diaper. “Your instinct may be to just open the front of the diaper, but what I like to do is to wipe away as much of Baby’s stinky mess with the diaper itself.” She did this as she explained it, scooping away the bulk of the mess with the front of the diaper between my legs. “I then like to tuck the clean side of the diaper under Baby’s bottom before I start wiping away whatever is left.”

“Quite a stinky little baby,” Lily teased. “You really made a big mess for your mommy and Maddy to clean.”

Madison smiled, but let Lily do the teasing. Almost unconsciously, I had begun sucking the pacifier. I found it soothing. I could feel it in my body - a slowly building wave of smallness was washing over me. I felt powerless, yet I was at ease with that. I was completely in the hands of Madison and Lily, and I trusted them to be there.

“Now, we’ll have to lift Baby’s legs and wipe his…”

“Her,” Lily corrected with a grin, motioning to the discarded panties with her eyes.

“Ah, yes. Lift Baby’s legs and wipe her bottom now. This is also when you’ll want to pull the dirty diaper out from underneath her. It can be a challenge to lift Baby’s legs, clean her bottom and take the diaper out - but you’ll eventually get a rhythm for it. For now, I’ll clean Baby’s mess. You slide out the diaper and roll it up so we can throw it out.”


My legs were lifted into the air seemingly effortlessly. I felt the old diaper get pulled out from under me. I could only imagine the disgusting mess left in there for Lily to have to see before she rolled it up. I wondered what was going through her mind. Would she be cursing herself and this little adventure? Was she thinking about how everything was going so well up to the point where her husband’s messy diaper was in her hands?

The cool moist wipes in Madison’s hands interrupted my fretting for a moment, as I felt her wipe away the rest of my mess. Patiently and thoroughly she wiped me down.

“This hair,” she said, playfully tugging at my pubic hair, “it’s only going to make diaper changes a bigger challenge than they need to be. I’m not saying you have to cut it off. But maybe think about it.”

I suckled on the pacifier more, feeling myself calming down again. Not only did I feel babied, but I felt like, well, a baby. It was soothing. It was nice. It was..arousing.

I barely even knew it was happening until I was suddenly fully erect. Neither of them said anything - which I was thankful for, but I was nervous as to how this would be perceived.

“Grab me a fresh diaper and you can slide it under Baby’s bottom while I hold it up still,” Madison said.

Lily did so, easing the fresh diaper under me before Madison lowered my rear onto it.

“You can use baby lotion or powder, Kat likes powder so I usually opt for that…”

“What about this?” Lily finally said, grasping my hardened cock in her hand.

“Well...that will make the new diaper a little tricky to put on correctly, if I’m being honest.”

“I can take care of this part,” Lily said, gently sliding her hand down my shaft. “Though...do you have any...vaseline?”

“Of course,” Madison said. “No nursery would be complete without it.” She stepped away from the table, returning almost immediately. I could no longer watch them. I stared up at the ceiling, sucking away at the pacifier.

“I can take care of this,” Lily said, playfully shaking my cock. “But if you wanted to...Baby likes having her bottom played with too.”

My eyes widened. Had Lily just asked Madison to stick her fingers into my ass?

“I certainly don’t mind,” Madison answered. “Henry? Are you okay with me doing that? If you say no, I’ll understand.”

Of course I wanted that. The both of them, pleasuring me in the midst of a diaper change? I’m not sure if I had ever wanted anything more. But could I say that? I felt my body lock up. My heart raced. I needed to say something.

“Yeth…” I finally said through the pacifier. “Pleathe yeth.”

They both giggled a little. Lily kept rubbing my cock while I could hear the sticky sounds of Madison lubing up her fingers. Slowly, carefully, I felt her fingers creep between my cheeks. My initial instinct was to resist, but I quickly fought off that notion. Instead, my legs began to separate. I wasn’t just making it easier. I was practically welcoming her inside.

She found my hole and eased herself in. In combination with Lily’s hand working my shaft, I immediately moaned. My mouth hung open and the pacifier fell from it, bouncing off the table and onto the ground.

“Fuuuuck,” was all I could muster.

“I’m not a stranger to playing with little backdoors like this,” Madison said softly. Kat likes hers played with too. Something else the two of you have in common.”

“When are you going to play with the other baby, sweetheart?” asked Lily. “She really wants to play with you.”

I could barely concentrate on her question, let alone answer. I made note of it though - I’d need to come back to that later. Right now? This was ecstasy in a manner unlike any I had ever felt before. How could this even be real?

Another moan - it was almost like yelp; a high-pitched girlish squeal.

“I only ever hear noises like this when I play with her bottom,” Lily said. “That’s how you know you’re doing a good job. It’s also how you know when he’s about to…”

Hands on my cock. Fingers in my asshole. The scent of dirty diapers and baby powder in the air. I didn’t have a chance at lasting any longer. I erupted suddenly, launching a spray white stream across my belly.

“Wow,” Madison said, slowly withdrawing from my ass. “Baby really likes that.”

“Oh you have no idea. You should hear her beg for it.”

I was only partially hearing their words, everything buzzed and swirled around me. I was hot. I was exhausted. I was energized. I was completely ashamed of myself. I was incredibly thankful. I was happy. I was a complete mess.

“Well it worked,” Madison said. “Looks like we can get him into this new diaper now.”

Someone ran a new damp wipe across my belly and between my legs, cleaning up my newest mess. I could feel the thorough dusting of baby powder cascading over my midsection soon after. The new diaper was folded over me and taped closed.

“Maybe we need to wash your panties,” Madison said. “Do you think you’ll be okay without them for a bit?”

I nodded.

“Well that was quite a rush, eh?” Lily helped me sit up and step down from the table, handing me my pants.

“I’ll see you two downstairs,” Madison said with a smile.

Within moments of her leaving the room, Lily’s arms were around me. She kissed me. I kissed her. She hugged me tightly.

“Are you okay? Was this...okay?”

“It was,” I said.


“I swear. I-I loved it.”

“All of it?”

I nodded. “I don’t even know how to explain it. That headspace… I’ve never felt like that before.”

“You did so well,” she cooed.

“You did all the work. Are you okay?”

“Oh my gosh. I’ve never felt better.”

I ran a hand through my hair, the events of the last few minutes playing through my mind on fast-forward again. It all seemed so surreal.

“Thank you,” I said softly into her ear.

She looked back at me, smiling. We kissed again without another word. Any hesitation, and confusion, I felt about what I was doing or whether it was right or wrong was washed away.

For now, while I could be, I was a baby.


“Are you going to miss this?”

“The farm?”

“Well, sure,” Lily said with a small laugh. “But I was thinking about these…” Her hand playfully slapped the front of my exposed diaper.

We were lying together in bed, our second to last morning on the farm. Tomorrow we’d be going home. Away from the farm. Away from Carlos Santana the goat. Away from Madison’s fattening dinners. Away from my newfound life as an overgrown toddler.

“I can always get more diapers,” I said. “What I think I’ll miss is this world. Like, it’s more than just a farm. They’ve made this place where they can be themselves. They can be as different and weird as they want to be. That’s the part we can’t take home with us.”

“So you don’t want to wear a diaper to the office?”

I felt myself blushing at just the thought. “Some things may be best in the bedroom. Or on the farm.”

“We’ll come back.”

“Both Madison and Kat have made it perfectly clear that they’re expecting us to be back. And sooner than later.”

“It’s a good feeling, right? To be both weird and wanted?”

I laughed and nodded. “Weird and wanted. Yeah. That about sums it up.”

“There’s this little town up the road that Maddy wants to take me to today. She says there’s lots of shops and neat restaurants there.”

“That sounds nice,” I said.

“I don’t know if you had any plans or not but…”

“I didn’t have any plans, no.” I expected her to ask me if I wanted to go to the town with her and Madison. But instead…

“Kat is going to be around all day here on the farm. You should spend some time with her.”

My cheeks warmed and I swallowed. “Oh...well...yeah, sure.”

“Look, I don’t want to pressure you to do anything. But...I guess she’s been talking Maddy’s ear off about getting a chance to play with you today.”

“I guess...I just...don’t know what play means in this context.”

“Like...the two of you dressed like babies. Crawling around. I’m sure she has some toys. But, also...maybe…”


“I think she might want to have fun, you know? Like...rolling-around-in-diapers together kind of fun. It’s something she’s wanted for a long time.”

I nodded nervously, though I didn’t know what to say.

“I know you’d like that too.”

“Well…” I thought carefully about what I wanted to say, and how I wanted to say it. “If I did want that too...how would you feel about that?”

“Honestly? I’d be delighted. I love the idea. I think it’d be good for the both of you.”

“But...no animosity? Resentment? Regret?”

“You’re going to get each other off in diapers, not marry each other. I think I’ll be fine,” she said with a chuckle. “I promise. No limits. No restrictions. No worries about whether or not there’s anything you can’t do. Just...be yourself. Have fun. And who knows, maybe you actually end up just brushing the hair of some dollys.”

I nodded and shrugged.

“Everyone has already seen your panties though. Maybe it's time for a new pair.”

I tilted my head quizzically. I didn’t disagree - her panties that she had thrust on me a few nights ago had become a humiliating staple in my identity over the last few days.

She pulled a new pair from one of her bags. They were light green with pink hearts on them.

“Here, let’s put these on you. Nice fresh panties. I hope Kat likes these.”

There was a strange air at the dining room table that morning as we ate yet another of Madison’s scrumptious home cooked meals - biscuits and gravy this time. Everyone seemed happy and excited, yet for no immediately tangible reason. There was just an energy in the room. Happiness that we were all so comfortable with each other. Happiness that there seemed to be even more potential of where things could go from here. Sadness that it would all be ending soon.

We all split off again at the end of the meal. Madison and Lily were taking care of the dishes, and had plans to spend some more time together after. Kat was...somewhere out on the farm. And I was...a little rudderless. I suppose I should go out and find Kat - or so I presumed Lily and Madison would be expecting me to do that. But Kat had never told me herself that she wanted that kind of company.

I sat on the porch for a few minutes, sipping on some coffee and just one again taking in the splendor of their countryside, when I spied Kat down the hill, doing some work amongst the goat pens. I put my cup down and decided to waddle down the hill to say hi - the thick diapers still proving to be a little awkward to move about in.

“Well well well, if it isn’t the other baby,” she said with a smile as I reached her. “I could smell you coming a mile away.”

“I...I’m all cleaned up now, thank you very much. Can I help with anything?”

“Oh, I don’t have much more to do,” she said. “Stick around though.”

I followed her into the goat pen, doing my best to avoid the death-stare of Carlos Santana, while giving Trudy a little scritch on the top of the head. Oh wow, I can tell all the goats apart now.

“Did you enjoy last night?” she asked with a sly smile.

“Last night?” Time was blending together for me. Wait...what was last night’s adventure?

“Lily and Mommy...er, Maddy, taking you upstairs to change your, uhm, rather loaded diaper? Maddy didn’t give me specifics, but she certainly implied that you were having a good time.”

I blushed, and my hands rushed to hide my embarrassed face from her. “Right, right I certainly didn’t...hate it.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go for it,” I said.

“What did you think about...you know...messing your diaper?”

It was a question I was unprepared to answer. I hadn’t even given it that much thought myself, really. Everything that came after that seemed so much more surreal, honestly, that I hadn’t reflected on the actual act itself. “It was strange.”

She smiled. “I suppose this won’t come as a big surprise to you. But...I love it.”

“It’s really not a surprise at all,” I said with a laugh.

“You probably didn’t come down here to talk about poop with me.”

I hadn’t. But, I wasn’t opposed either. “It’s okay. If...that’s what you want to talk about.”

She chuckled and blushed a little. “No, no. Thank you for humoring me though.”

I felt like I had been biting my tongue. There was a thickly diapered elephant in the goat pen with us, and it probably made sense to point it out sooner than later.

“So...I was talking to Lily,” I said. “And she had been talking to Madison. And, uh, Madison had been talking...to you. And I guess the word on the street is that you wanted another baby to play with. And, like…” I could feel that I was doing a bad job explaining this.

She giggled gently and nodded. “I’ve probably said something like that to Mommy before.” I appreciated that she didn’t correct herself this time for my sake. “Though, truth be told, I suspect she and Lily were pushing for this to happen more than I was. She told me that Lily told her that you were asking for the same thing.”

I laughed and shook my head. Those conniving mothers. Er, wives.

“Do you know what I like most about babies?” she asked.

I shook my head again.

“That natural sense of wonder. Like, they don’t know the rules and norms of society yet, you know? They act entirely on impulse and instinct. They explore what they want to explore. Try to go wherever they want to go. If they want to do something, they just do it.”

“I mean, within the limit of what babies can do,” I said with a shrug.

“Sure, but maybe that’s enough. I mean...just think about diapers, right? Babies don’t think about them. They don’t ‘use’ their diapers. The diapers just happen to be there for someone else’s convenience. Babies don’t think about them. Don’t care about them. They just...go. And when they’re uncomfortable, they cry about it.”

I laughed. “I guess I don’t really think about it like that. But…”

“...you’re wondering where I’m going with that thought?” she said. “Don’t you ever just want to....abandon every single rule and norm and just be free?”

“Isn’t that what we’re doing when we fill our diapers?”

“That’s just the start,” she said with a sly smile. She began walking back towards the small barn where the goats were kept. “I’ll be right back.”

I smiled and nodded, watching her plump diapered bottom disappear into the wooden structure. I’d be lying if I said I understood exactly what Kat had been trying to tell me. It sounded like something a teenager who had just smoked pot had thought of after staring at the sky for an hour. Yet...I felt like there was a glimmer of a message there I had understood. Liberation. The complete abandonment of acting like society had taught me to act. It was an exciting fantasy, if nothing else.

Then, from the opposite side of the barn, Kat emerged again. She was out in the grass now, running - no, skipping playfully. She had stripped all of her clothes off, except for her diaper, and she was skipping around in the grass now.

“You should join me,” she yelled to me. “Be free!”

I was mesmerized, watching her gorgeous curvy body bounding about in a diaper. She was adorable. With bare feet, she glided around the field behind the barn. She was on some grass. She was suddenly on some stones. She was now tromping around in the mud like it was nothing.

I asked myself: How could she do that? But I realized that this was exactly what she had been talking about. Complete liberation. An abandonment of everything except for what she wanted to do in that moment.

“Hurry up,” she called to me again. “Get over here.”

I laughed and shook my head. Was I really contemplating this? I sprinted into the small barn myself, quickly stripping out of my clothes, discarding them into a pile of Kat’s clothes. My shoes were off. As were my socks. It was a little brisker out this morning than I had probably anticipated. I could feel a sampling of the breeze outside from inside the barn.

“Hurrrrrrry,” her voice called from outside. “I want to plaaaay.”

I was standing, mostly nude, in the barn now. What little I actually was wearing, Lily’s panties and a thick diaper, seemed quite humiliating. Fuck it, I said.

One foot out the door. Than another. Kat was attempting a cartwheel in the grass and hadn’t looked my way yet. I sighed, then took another deep breath. I took another cautious step or two. She was giggling at herself as she tumbled over herself, landing on her side. I was walking quicker now. I was running. I was...skipping. Had I ever skipped before? Maybe not since I was in grade school.

I did a spin and it felt good. I laughed out loud as my left foot landed squarely in a patch of mud, almost entirely consuming my foot before I pulled it out and kept bouncing forward as if nothing had happened.

“Oh my god,” she said, her hand covering up her mouth as she giggled again at the site of me, “those are the absolute cutest panties.”

I made a mental note to commend Lily on both her taste and foresight later.

“Try a cartwheel,” she said. Commanded, maybe.

I had never done a cartwheel in my entire life, as best as I could recall. I didn’t think my body really bent that way. Yet, without any further thinking or planning, I threw my body forward, tucking my head down and hoping that somehow gravity would do the rest. I tumbled on the ground, kicking up grass and dirt around me.

“Was that...a cartwheel?” I asked.

“It was just barely a somersault,” she shrugged. “If anything, it looked like you were ejected from a burning car.”

“But was it cool?”

“Did you have fun?”

I nodded.

“Then I’d say it was pretty cool,” she said with a smile.

We were running haphazardly through the field together now. Her hand swinging closer and closer to my side as we went. At first I thought she was just being silly and random by throwing her arms about while she ran, which was charming in its own way. But I then realized she was being deliberate. She was trying to signal something, or get my attention somehow.

It suddenly clicked for me and I grasped her hand in mind as we skipped through the grass. We looked at each other and smiled, holding hands now.

We finally slowed to catch our breath.

“Quick,” she said, pulling my hand down to her diapered crotch. “Feel!”

It happened so quickly that I barely had time to process what she wanted me to feel, but I quickly realized that she was wetting her diaper. I felt the pressure of her stream on the other side of where my hand was, and the diaper quickly grew warm and soggy. She moaned as I pressed in on her diaper, pressing the damp material against her skin.

“Naughty boy,” she said with a smile.

“As naughty as making me feel you wet yourself?”

She shrugged a little. “I’m sure I could be naughtier.”

I was sure she could be too, but what would be the fun in just accepting that? “You could? How?”

Sparks in her eyes. She let go of my hand and skipped into the grass again. “Come catch me and find out.”

I was smiling from ear to ear. I started skipping too, matching her pace, before I began to slowly take on more of a jog. She was jogging now. I was running now, and so was she.

“You run pretty fast for someone with a full diaper on,” I called out behind her.

“You haven’t even seen a full diaper yet, baby,” she called back. I laughed, amused by her juvenile sass.

I was impressed, however. Regardless of the weight of her soggy diaper, she was quicker than I was. Perhaps she was just more experienced in running in a diaper, while I struggled to maintain any sort of speed in my own panty-wrapped diaper, but I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was just quicker.

She rounded a corner, following the treeline on the edge of the field, but hit a slick of mud that she hadn’t seen coming and wiped out. From about ten feet behind her, I watched as her entire body soared sideways into some tall grass. I hustled to her, hoping that she was okay, but when I made it to her, she was giggling at her own misfortune - mud covering most of her left leg and splattering onto the bottom of her diaper.

“You know, you’re supposed to keep the mess inside your diaper,” I jested.

“You would know a thing or two about that,” she retorted.

“Oh please. I think I’ve seen you fill your diapers more in the past week than I’ve seen Lily or Madison use the bathroom.”

“Are you jealous?” she teased. “Help me up. My feet are all slippery and I can’t stand up.”

I stepped forward with my hand out-stretched, letting her take it. But she immediately began pulling on it, pulling me down towards her. It was a trick - quite possibly the oldest playground trick in the book. I started to tumble down onto her, only for her to playfully kick me back with both of her legs. I stumbled backwards...right into the mud. Down I went, my panties and diaper landing squarely in the mud.

“M-my panties!” I shouted in shock.

“Aw, no,” Kat said between mischievous giggles. “Lily is gonna paddle your bottom for that!”

“Nooo, she’s gonna paddle yours because you’re the meanie who pushed me into the mud!”

Meanie? Did I really just say that?

“Now who has a dirty bottom?”

I opened my mouth, but there was no time to make a good comeback. Kat had not only stood up, but she had propelled herself forward towards me. FWOMP. She was on top of me, knocking my back down into the mud as she sat on my chest in her warm soaked diaper.

“Ow!” I reached to the back of my head, where it had bounced off the ground.

“Poor baby. Can I kiss your head and make you feel better?”

“That’d be the least you could do.”

“Well I wouldn’t stop there.”

“What else...did you have in mind then?”

I looked up at her magnificent body, her bare breasts hanging before while she slowly slid her bottom back and forth on my chest, grinding against her soggy diaper. Everytime her diaper slid up my chest, it seemed like it was getting closer to my face. Despite the breeze and the fresh scents of the great outdoors, I could smell her diaper. That mix of baby powder and her piss.

“P-please,” I said finally, having not gotten a response from her. “Sit on my face?”

“With my wet diaper?” she asked, innocently. The brat, she even had the audacity to put a finger up to the corner of her lips.

I nodded.

She wasted no time at all in shifting her body towards my face. She lowered her plump and soggy bottom onto my face. The smell of her diaper was incredibly strong now, unsurprisingly. My nose and lips pressed into the warm plastic as the padding conformed around all the contours of my face.

“D-do you like that?” Kat asked nervously. “Are you okay? Can you breathe?”

“I’m good,” I said. I tried to say. My voice was muffled as I talked directly into her ass, though I suspected she got the message. The mud from her leg was on my face. It was on my chest. Not that it mattered - my ass and back were probably filthy right now.

Lily had been here before - on my face. On her throne. This was different for obvious reasons. And, unlike my experience with Lily, there really wasn’t much I could do for Kat. I was simply a seat for her. Though...that seemed to be enough, given how Kat was already shifting back and forth on my face, grinding her diaper on me and moaning softly.

“I...I could be a really bad girl right now,” she said between moans.

There wasn’t much I could do to respond. I was at her mercy and how much of a “bad girl” she wanted to be. While I wondered what devious thing she had in mind, ultimately, all I could do was wait. Would I know when the ‘bad’ thing happened?

“How upset would you be if I...uh-uhm…” she lost her train of thought, seemingly, as her grinding intensified on my face.

She tried again: “If I…” Her voice trailed off again. “Fuck.”

I wished I could have said something supportive. I wish I could’ve teased her for being so naughty that she rendered herself speechless. But I was barely able to focus on much myself, truth be told. I had grown very hard in my own diaper. The thought of Kat getting off on grinding her dirty diaper on my face...while we lay naked in some mud in the middle of the farm, was incredibly hot.

A new scent hit my nostrils somehow, despite the fact that I could barely breathe from my nose at all. The unmistakable stink of a little girl letting out some gas on my face. Goddamn, this should not be so hot.

I now had a pretty good idea of what she was trying to say.

“I...I...I’m sorry,” she finally said. “I’m being gross. I should…”

I reached up with my hands and felt around her body until I found her hips, just above the waistband of her diaper. I planted my hands and kept them there - I didn’t want to be too firm or to keep her in place if she didn’t want to be there. But I wanted her to know that I wanted her to be there. I wanted her to do it.

“A-are you sure?” she said.

I kept my hands there, gently holding her in place on my face.

“O-okay,” she said with a little laugh. “But...uh...first...let me finish...what I started.” Her soggy-diapered bottom was grinding on my face again. And with my hands now helping to guide her body back and forth, her moans grew more and more intense until finally she finished. She gasped for breath between embarrassed giggles.

A minute or two passed while she composed herself. I was wondering what was going through her mind. Had her sexual gratification gotten her naughty energy out of her system? Would we go back and put clothes on now?

“Are you ready?” she asked. “I-I’m going to really fill my diaper now.”



Everything happened in just seconds, but in my memory it played out over a matter of minutes. Kat’s soft grunting as she pushed on her bowels. The gentle shifts of her diaper over my face as she tried to get her positioning right. Her body, still between my hands while I held her in place over my face, grew tense and rigid.

I wondered what was going on in her mind. I wondered if she felt any shame - though I hoped she didn’t. I had seen her mess her diaper multiple times in this past week, and it had always seemed so effortless. I wondered what was different now. The position? Her placement on top of me?

There was a rumble in her diaper, vibrating my nose. I could hear it...I could literally hear her bottom opening and expelling her mess into the diaper. The slight crackles and sticky sounds of movement. Her mess hitting the diaper and slowly spreading, finding any vacant spot that it could. The weight on my face increased, as what had been soggy padding now became more firm - taking on a strange new malleable texture.

The scent - it was all at once overwhelming and foul. I was at ground zero for her sinful deed, and nothing could have prepared me for it. But it was also...intoxicating. I relished it. It was the scent of someone naughty and infantile. The scent of a baby who was allowing me to be witness to the most private thing she could possibly do - and in the most exploitative way possible.

She finally finished. She wasn’t kidding...that was quite the load, or so it seemed. For a moment or two she stayed planted atop my face, until she slowly slid off of me - sliding down my chest and belly until she was in the grass again lying on her side near my diaper. Fresh air filled my nose and mouth. I was laughing - overjoyed and overstimulated by everything that had just happened.

“Come over here,” she cooed. Get out of the mud, dirty baby.”

“Dirty baby? Me? Need I remind you what you just did?”

She innocently shrugged as I slowly propped myself up and flung myself into the dry grass next to her. Her fingertips danced on my chest playfully, tickling a little.

“I’m sorry I’m so dirty,” she said.

“You shouldn’t apologize for what you are,” I teased. We both laughed.

“It’s...different,” she said, staring up into the clouds. “I have so much fun with Mommy. But, it’s this game of control. There’s a big, and there’s a little. And that’s just how it kind of needs to be. I’ve dreamed of just playing with another...you know...baby.”

“Ta da!”

“Thank you,” she said with a smile.

Her hand danced further down my chest, skating across my belly before finally landing on the front of my panties and diapers. She slid her hand in between the two, stroking the firm lump concealed beneath.

“What do I do with this?” she playfully asked.

“Oh...well...you don’t have to do anything with that…”

“Hmmm, but I want to. It’s like this...nice toy, all gift-wrapped for me.”

I couldn’t help but moan as her hand stroked me again through the diaper. “Well...I’m not going to stop you...”

“D-did you like it?” she asked. “When I rode your face in my diaper?”

I nodded.

“What about when I...filled my diaper on you?”

I took a deep breath in. The country air did little to mask her pungent diaper, and I filled my lungs with her naughty fumes. I smiled and nodded again.

“You’re just as bad as I am,” she said with a laugh.

I shrugged. I wanted to say more, but only a moan leaked from my mouth.

“Have you piddled in your diaper this morning, baby?”


“A shame,” she said, “I would’ve liked to have tasted that.”

She shifted her body down in the grass so her head was more level with my diaper. Carefully, her hands grasped the lip of the front of my diaper and pulled it down, revealing my cock to her. I blushed as I realized that I couldn’t even remember anymore if she was the last person left in the house who hadn’t seen it this week. What a strange week.

Her soft lips descended on it without any further hesitation. She kissed it and took into her mouth, coating it with her saliva as her lips and tongue slid around it. She pulled her head back briefly: “I-its been a while, you know. Since I’ve...pleasure a boy.”

“You’re doing fine,” I said. Not that it mattered, as her face was already back between my legs.

She moved her body again, now kneeling between my legs as she pleasured me in the grass. I watched her body bob up and down as her mouth did on my shaft. It took a minute or two to realize it, but it occurred to me that she was slowly bouncing her full diaper off the ground as she went, while one of her hands was planted down the front of her diaper. With every little bounce, she was no doubt spreading her mess across her bottom further. And judging by the little moans coming from her mouth, vibrating my cock as she suckled on it, she was getting off on it. I was impressed.

My head was spinning. The world around me seemed to be floating away. What the hell was even happening right now? We were in this field wearing diapers, half covered in mud, and she was sucking me off while bouncing in her own mess. What would Lily say if she saw this? Was this what she meant when she wished for me to have a good experience with Kat?

“Oh god…” I said, as Kat’s rhythm had reached a fever pitch within me. Not only that, but I could see that she was working herself to something quite blissful as well. We seemed to be trading moans. Her mouth would slide down my shaft and I’d bellow some deep moan or groan, and then as she slid back up it and sat back into her dirty diaper, her fingers hitting the right spot and she’d moan herself. Back and forth this went.

“Now!” I said abruptly, perhaps realizing that it was happening a lot more suddenly than I thought it would. To her credit, she barely even flinched; if anything, her lips tightened on me and she sucked me dry, taking every single drop down her throat. She bounced on her bottom one or two more times before she collapsed at my side, moaning and shaking herself.

Neither of us moved for a while. She finally made the first move, slowly wiggling close enough where she could kiss my cheek. I rolled to my side to face her, and we smiled at each other.

“I wish you didn’t have to go,” she said.

“But we’ll come back.”


“Of course.”

We may have said more, but it all faded into a sleepy sense of bliss shared by the two of us. I reciprocated her earlier gesture by gently guiding her hand to my diapers where I now wet myself. I felt my diaper flood and grow warm and soggy, her hand gently squeezing it as it happened. She looked as delighted as I felt. She mouthed a thank you to me, and we both slowly drifted off to sleep - thoroughly exhausted from our bout of sensory overload.

“...the hell happened over here?” was the first thing I heard in a while after. My eyes slowly opened, and I was met with a jumble of memories and visions of where I was and how I got here.

I was in the grass. Wearing a diaper. Panties were over it. I had mud caked on back and on my ass. That was mud, right? Right, right, we were skipping around and…

“You two had quite the adventure,” Madison said, looking down on us with a smile on her face.

...Kat filled her diaper. While sitting on my face. Her mouth was on me…

“Which one of you did that?” Lily said, also looking down on the two of us as she waved her hand in front of her face. “That diaper is quite ripe.”

I looked over to Kat who was stirring herself. She blushed brightly, realizing we had been caught in a rather compromising position.

“See? I told you,” Madison said. “They’d waste no time being naughty together. Babies like this? They’ve been waiting for this chance all week.”

“Aren’t you two cold?” asked Lily.

I shrugged, not feeling especially cold. If I was feeling anything it was humiliation. Though I didn’t feel any shame.

The women helped us back up to our feet. Madison checked Kat’s diaper while Lily followed Madison’s motions in checking mine.

“Wet,” Lily said. “Muddy on the backside, but just wet inside.”

“Well this little girl dropped quite a load into the back of her diaper,” Madison said, shaking her head. “The two of you were fine with that? Cuddling while being so stinky?”

Kat and I looked to each other and laughed. Would they even believe how much stranger the reality was if we told them?

We were each led back to the house, hand-in-hand with our significant others. Madison and Lily sharing amused glances and laughs while Kat and I did the same. Perhaps all of this had seemed inevitable, though it didn’t change how satisfied everyone seemed to be with it.

“You take care of your baby first,” Madison said, gesturing to me while we walked. We were still wearing nothing but our filthy diapers, our clothes in the barn left behind for now. “Mine is going to need a firehose to get clean. It won’t be pretty, and she’ll stink up the nursery something fierce.”

“That seems fair. I’ll still need to give my little boy...er, girl... a bath. I swear, it’s like they were rolling around in the mud together.”

I enjoyed that moment, being towed behind Lily as we were marched back to the house to be cleaned up. I liked how we were talked about as if we weren’t there. I liked the feeling of being a little boy again, having gotten caught being silly and free.

My diaper got cleaned up, the panties were thrown in the wash, and for the first time in my life since I was, like, 4 or 5 years old, I was drawn a bath. And while I had expected that Lily would leave me to wash my muddy body up myself, she insisted on taking control of the situation, scrubbing my vulnerable and bashful body with some soap and washcloth.

“Such a dirty little baby,” she said, taking her time while she cleaned every square inch. “You’re lucky I’m here to scrub you clean, baby.” I blushed profusely.

Out of the bath and into a fresh diaper, extra baby powder. Any other time, I probably would’ve been in a state of blissful arousal, being humiliated and treated just like a baby. But after the intense day I shared with Kat, this felt more...normal. It was almost more embarrassing now, being treated as just a baby in need of things like a bath or a diaper, rather than feeling like it was a wild new adventure for a curious kinkster.

“It’s our last night here,” Lily said after taping me into my fresh diaper. We were in the guest room, letting Madison and Kat make use of the nursery to contend with the disaster that was Kat’s diaper. “Are you going to miss this?”

“The farm? The diapers? Madison and Kat?”

“All of that, yes,” she said with a wistful smile. “Are you ready to return to real life?”

“Not at all,” I said with a depressed sigh.

She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. I hugged her back. “I know. Me neither. But...I’m really glad you enjoyed yourself. I honestly didn’t see it playing out like this but…” she shrugged and smiled.

She didn’t have to say anything else about it. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t already overanalyzed 100 times myself.

“It’s our last dinner with them tonight. We should make it special, don’t you think?” Lily asked.

I nodded, but I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant, or how we would go about doing that.

“I think we need to make you look your best.”

I tilted my head curiously.

“Well? Don’t you want to go out with a bang?”

“What did you have in mind?”

She smiled and walked to the closet where she pulled a garment from off of a hanger. She held it up for me: a dress.

My eyes widened, my mouth hung open and I felt my cheeks warm. “You...you can’t be serious…”

“Oh please,” she said with a shrug and a sly smile. “Madison and Kat have both seen you in panties. And a diaper, as if that wasn’t even more embarrassing. It’s not exactly a secret anymore that you’re just another baby girl. Why not use this last night to...celebrate that? Embrace it? I promise, I’d never suggest such a thing if I felt like you were going to be mocked or shamed for it. Everyone’s going to love it. You’re going to love it.”

There wasn’t a single thing she said that I found not to be true. Truly, the only thing holding me back was...me.

I nodded. “Okay,” I said. I could barely contain a gleeful smile.


I could hear Lily at the bottom of the stairs as she talked in hushed tones to Madison and Kat. I’m sure she thought she was being discrete, but the vaulted ceiling above the staircase provided the perfect acoustics for her voice to reach my ears as well.

“He’s a little nervous,” she said. “But...oh my gosh, he looks so adorable.”

She looks so adorable,” Kat corrected. I blushed upon hearing this. I wouldn’t have thought twice about it...but Kat knew better.

“I just...I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be supportive and kind,” Lily continued. “I’m just so proud of him for embracing all of this. Oh...uh...proud of her. I’m proud of her.”

“Of course,” Madison said. “Us too!”

“Oh!” Lily said, loudly, before remembering that she was trying to be quiet again. “One more thing. Henry and I talked it over and decided that she should have a more fitting name for the evening. We settled on Penelope. Penny, for short.”

Another flare of warmth in my cheeks. Would this happen every time I heard that name?

“So, without further ado,” announced Lily, her voice raising, “I’d like to introduce you to...Baby Penelope!”

The ‘baby’ didn’t seem necessary, I thought, though as I stepped forward onto the first step of the staircase, the thick diaper under my dress crinkled loudly, reminding me that Lily hadn’t been wrong.

I slowly walked down the stairs, watching Kat and Madison’s faces light up as they saw me. I worried that they’d be just acting, or trying too hard in an effort to be supportive - yet, there seemed to be genuine joy on their faces right now.

The dress was one that had come from Kat’s collection in the nursery. It was mostly white, but with pink ribbons and trim. It felt very much like the sort of thing a little girl might have worn to church, or maybe some other special event. I wasn’t sure if Lily and Madison had coordinated this together, or if Madison had just given her carte blanche to go through the nursery for whatever she wanted - but Lily had put together an entire ensemble for me.

As there were no girlie shoes that would fit my feet, Lily had selected some pastel pink socks instead that rose all the way to my knee - a few inches below the hem of the short dress which barely cleared my mid-thigh, and did just about nothing to conceal the thick fluffy diaper under it, especially as I walked down the stairs and the dress bellowed about.

My short hair was nicely combed to the side, and bright pink and blue barrettes were clasped into it, both keeping my hair in place and adding yet another juvenile accent to my ensemble. Lily and I briefly discussed makeup, ultimately compromising on just a minimal amount. She had applied some blush to my cheeks, making me look especially juvenile and cherubic.

“Oh, Penelope, you look so adorable!” Madison squealed. “I just want to devour you!”

“I-is that my dress?” Kat asked.

“It is,” Madison assured her.

“Y-you look even better in it than I think I do!”

I felt my face warm at her kind, yet embarrassing, compliment. While I was sure my painted face hid some of just how brightly I was glowing, I wondered how much vibrant the colors looked now with that extra blood in my cheeks.

“Isn’t she just darling?” Lily asked. The other girls nodded enthusiastically.

“Well, Penny?” asked Madison. “How do you feel?”

“I feel...very good,” I said.

I had hoped to remain humble and quiet - unsure of how I was supposed to act. But, there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach - a feeling that had been there for most of the week and had only grown stronger and stronger every day. A feeling that I not only wanted to learn about strange and wonderful things - but that I wanted to experience them. Out here, in this beautiful place out in the country - I wanted to become someone I never thought I could be before.

I stood before everyone now as a pretty baby girl. Weeks ago, days ago, maybe even just a few hours ago, I would’ve dreaded a moment that looked like this. I’d have called it a nightmare-come-true and I’d believe that I would look and feel like a clown. A fake. A perverted mockery of someone else.

Yet I felt none of those things. Even as I stood at the top of the stairs I worried that I’d feel foolish in this moment. But surrounded by the love of my life, Lily, and my two newest - and bestest - friends, Madison and Kat, and seeing the look of pure adoration in their eyes - I felt good. I felt amazing. I felt genuine. I’d argue that I hadn’t felt so much like myself in a very long time.

“Thank you,” I said. No stuttering or second-guessing my words. “I was so afraid that I’d feel like an idiot right now. But the truth is that I’ve never felt better.”

“Well you look magnificent,” Madison said.

Kat charged me, flinging herself into my arms, wrapping hers around me tightly. She gave me a wet kiss on the cheek. “I’ve never had a cuter friend!”

I looked to Lily, and she looked back, a wide grin on her face. After finally sliding from Kat’s passionate bear hug, I walked to Lily and gave her a tight hug. Her lips found mine and we kissed passionately. There was an electricity there on the verge of exploding. Later, I had no doubt, we were going to have fun with that.

“You’re the absolute best,” I said softly in her ear.

“This wasn’t just for you,” she said slyly. We both laughed.

“Shall we sit down and eat?” Madison said, clapping her hands together. “I wish I could say I arranged an epic feast for our last night together - but I thought I’d keep it simple tonight. Let’s not worry about hot ovens and washing dishes. Let’s just eat and be happy.”

“We ordered pizza,” Kat added. “A lot of it.”

“I’m a little overdressed for pizza, aren’t I?” I asked.

“Nonsense,” Lily shrugged. “Though...I’d hate to see you get sauce or pepperoni on this beautiful dress. A bib is certainly in order.”

“We have some down here,” Madison said with a nod. “I think both babies could benefit from them.”

Kat and I shared an embarrassed glance before we all filed into the dining room. There were already wine glasses at each of our settings. I laughed to myself, thinking about all the trouble alcohol had gotten us into this week. Still...I probably wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

I sat down first, and with barely a moment passing, Madison had passed a bib to Lily who now stood behind me as she draped it over my chest, tying it in the back.

“What...what does it say…” I said, trying to look down to see it, but not having an especially good angle on it.

Kat, also getting bibbed by Madison, snickered into her hand. “Mommy’s Baby.”

I laughed, wondering why I expected anything else.

Madison and Lily plated some food for the four of us, placing portions before each of us before sitting themselves. I reached forward to grab a slice, only to have my hand playfully batted away by Lily.

“Sorry, missy,” she said with a grin. “Bib or no bib, I can’t trust you not to make a big mess out of yourself.”

Lily took her fork and knife and began to cut my pizza into little bite-sized pieces.

“H-hey...I don’t need you to do that. I’m not a…” my voice trailed off as everyone else looked at me with smirks plastered on their faces. “Okay...fine. Fair enough.”

I reached to my plate for one of the small pizza pieces, only for Lily to knock my hands away again. I looked to her with disbelief. What now? She stuck a fork into the piece and lifted it to my mouth. I wish I could’ve resisted or given some sort of sign that I wasn’t just immediately onboard with this - yet I simply opened my mouth and allowed her to deposit the food into it. Willingly and without hesitation.

“Such a good girl,” Lily cooed.

“A quick learner,” Madison added.

“I’m not so sure it’s ‘learned’ behavior,” Lily replied with a casual shrug. “I suspect it’s more that it’s how she has always desired to be treated, and she’s finally getting that opportunity now.”

I felt a humiliating wave of shame creep over my body. I wasn’t sure she was completely right on that, considering that I hadn’t ever thought about being treated like a baby girl prior to this week, but there was probably some seed of submisiveness deep down inside of me that was waiting for this moment.

Even Kat was eating a whole slice of pizza with her hands. She made sure to wait until I noticed this myself and then slowly brought it to her mouth and seemed to savor the entire experience of taking a bite from it. She was really rubbing it in. I’d have been a little more jealous had I not seen her get treated like an infant in almost every other way for the last few days.

“Kat, what are you doing?” asked Madison, also noticing her teasing.

“Uhm...shust eashing…” Kat said while chewing.

“Mind your manners and don’t tease the other baby. Lest you want to get a paddling here at the dinner table.” Kat’s face turned red and she looked down at her plate, clearly not wanting to test that threat.

It seemed like a bit, or a joke, that Lily had cut up my food. I figured we’d get through it, I’d be served another piece and we’d all laugh about it while I ate that like a normal adult...albeit one in diapers. Yet she insisted that she feed me each and every cut-up piece. And when that was gone, and I asked for more, she then cut up that piece too and fed it to me in the exact same way. I didn’t stop her. I didn’t protest even once.

Somewhere between the first and second plate, I felt some near-urgent pangs in my bladder. Maybe I had just been ignoring some of the more subtle signs up until then, but there was an intensity now that would be hard to ignore. For a moment - the briefest of moments - I wondered what I should do. Wait? Ask Lily about excusing myself?

No. There was only one thing to do. Suddenly, effortlessly, my bladder released and I soaked my diaper right there in my chair as Lily cut up more food for me to eat. I opened my mouth to say something. What would I even say? Pardon me, but I seem to have wet myself… But a forkful of food was eased into my mouth, silencing me. Probably for the best. Kat certainly never announced the status of her diaper - even if her diaper sometimes did that for her. I’d stew in my diaper until Lily decided to check me. Like a baby.

Nobody batted an eye. There were no pauses in the conversations at the table. No sideways glances or suspicious eyebrow raises. I had gotten pretty good at just using my diaper without it being a whole production. Oh right. Like a baby.

“I hope everyone saves room for dessert,” Madison said.

Lily fed the last of the food on my plate to me before tucking the plate under hers. Whether I liked it or not, my meal was done. As everyone else finished, Madison and Kat collected the plates and dishes from the table, making room for dessert.

Lily’s hand was on my lower back, gently rubbing it in soft circles.

“Doing okay?” she asked.

I nodded.

“You’re sure? No regrets?”


Her hand dipped down to the back of my diaper, giving it a playful pat through the back of my dress. She was so close to finding what I had done. Her hand skated about on the back of the diaper, seeming to get closer and closer to potentially feeling how warm and damp the bottom of it had become. At what seemed to be the last possible moment, though, her hand retracted, still seemingly oblivious to what I had done.

A piece of chocolate cake was placed in front of me, and then one was placed in front of Lily. While I had no idea if this was something Madison had baked - when would she have had the time - or purchased, I was sure that this one of the best pieces of chocolate cake I had ever seen in my life. Perfectly moist cake that glistened in the light, while rich creamy layers of chocolate frosting oozed from in between the scrumptious-looking layers.

“Oh...I think I need a fork,” I said, realizing my utensils had been hauled away at the end of the last course. I looked to Lily, who had been given a new fork. “Unless...you’re…”

“I’m not going to feed you your dessert, silly,” Lily said with a shrug. “But you’re also much too small for a fork.”

I glanced across the table where Kat, in a similar fork-less place, began breaking gooey pieces off the cake with her hands before nonchalantly popping it into her mouth, streaks of thick chocolate on her fingers and around her mouth.

“Anything dirty can always be cleaned,” Madison said, noting my hesitance.

“Don’t be shy,” Lily added. “It's a very good cake.”

I nodded, dipping my hand into my cake, extracting a moist portion that almost immediately began to crumble in my hands. I hastily brought it to my mouth, catching most of it, though the rest of it disintegrated in my hands, making a mess of my face and hand.

“Thank goodness for bibs,” Lily said with a laugh. Madison and Kat joined her, and even I laughed.

I took another messy handful, bigger than the first piece, and shoved it into my mouth haphazardly. I was reminded of my conversation with Kat out in the field earlier in the day, just before we stripped our clothes off and got each other off in the mud. There was joy to be found in just abandoning the norms and expectations of adulthood. I laughed gleefully, despite having a mouthful of cake - little chocolate globs sprayed onto the plate and area around me.

Kat laughed too, seeing that I was enjoying myself, and took an even larger handful of cake from her own plate.

“Kat...that seems like...too much cake, honey,” Madison said. “You’re going to make a…”

But it was too late. Kat didn’t so much shove the cake into her mouth as much as she just sort of mashed the ball of chocolate into her face. Gooey drops of cake and icing tumbled down her cheeks. I laughed even harder, reaching for a big handful of cake myself.

“Maybe that’s where I draw the line,” Lily said with a chuckle, reaching out and stopping my hands just before they reached the plate. “This dress is on loan, and you’re already a mouthful of cake away from catastrophe.”

It was a fair point, and I hesitantly relented.

“Well, I’m glad that I got to enjoy the cake like a dignified adult,” Madison said, shaking her head. “You two babies just made spectacles of yourselves. Come on, let’s get cleaned up.”

As the week had gone on, and I had become more aware of how Kat and Madison lived, I began noticing lots of things around their home. In particular, that you were never far from a package of wipes. They seemed to be everywhere. And with a simple reach of her hand, Madison had already procured moist wipes to clean the chocolate from Kat’s face and fingers.

“You’ll have to clean more than my face,” Kat said with a mischievous grin.

“Did you...did you use your diaper again?”

Kat shrugged innocently.

“What about you?” Lily asked me. “Any accidents I should know about?”


This was enough of an answer for her. “Stand up, let me check.”

She lifted the back of my dress, feeling the bottom of the diaper. Not that she had to look too hard to see what I had done.

“Quite soggy,” she announced to the room.

“Same here,” Madison confirmed, having had a moment to inspect Kat’s. “Why don’t we get these babies onto the rug over there and have ourselves a good old fashioned diaper change party?”

My last infantile experience in our week at the country farm was lying next to Kat on the floor of the living room as both of our diapers were changed simultaneously by Lily and Madison. The ‘mothers’ clucked and cooed over our soggy bottoms and docile toddler-like movements, while Kat and I exchanged warm glances. Eventually her hand found mine, and we held hands while new diapers were applied.

Later, we’d sit around the fire one last time and just talk. We’d tease each other about various diapered adventures we had during the week, but mostly we just talked like old friends. We’d talk about simple things like work and our cars, and we’d forget how in the beginning of the week we were mostly strangers who didn’t yet know about each other’s strangest wants and desires.

In our guest room after, in a semi-drunken haze, I’d regale Lily with the story of how Kat messed her diaper while sitting on my face, which would only prompt Lily to reach down into her panties. She’d ride my “girly little cocklette” after, making damn well sure I knew that I was her little Baby Penny.

Eventually it would be morning, and we’d have to drive back to our old lives. We’d go back to our regular jobs. I’d probably have to use a toilet again, like every other adult. Kat and Madison would go back to being alone on the big farm, making dirty little videos in between feeding goats and eating Madison’s exceptional cooking.

But those were the next day’s problems. I held Lily close and enjoyed my last few waking moments of being Baby Penelope.


“...doing well, thanks,” Lily said. I shouldn’t have been nosey, but sometimes my curiosity got the best of me. I creeped down the hall to get closer to where she was on her phone in the kitchen. There was something in her tone that attracted my attention - a tone that she rarely used except for when she was talking to someone she was very excited about talking to. And if she wasn’t talking to me, maybe she was talking to…

“I can’t wait to tell him,” she said. “He’ll be so excited. He’s done such a good job of acting stoic and patient about when we’re able to get up to see you again, but I can just tell that he’s so eager to get his panties back on. Gosh, how long was it since we were up there before? Three? Four months?”

I blushed and smiled.

“I want to thank you,” Lily continued, “for shipping that adorable white dress to us. Are you sure we can have that?”

My eyes lit up. Had that happened? I didn’t even know.

“Well thank you so much. I’m thinking that before we even leave the house, I’m just going to have him strip down completely. He’ll get diapers, panties, his dress, and then we’re going to go out the door. And from then until we get back home after our trip up there, there will be no Henry at all. Just Baby Penelope. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

My heart all but stopped. I felt a twitch in my pants. I wanted this so badly.

“I’m doing my best to keep it a secret, but I’m getting so excited myself that it’s hard to manage!” she said. A pause while Madison, I presumed, said something that caused Lily to laugh loudly for a moment before she covered her own mouth.

“Well, you just tell little Kat that we’ll be back soon enough,” Lily said. “And that I promise that she’ll get to play with her baby doll Penny all week long.”

Another pause.

“Not as much as we’d like. He actually floated the idea of wearing panties more often to me on our way back home from seeing you the first time,” Lily said. “I was, obviously, quite okay with that. So he wears panties almost exclusively now. I couldn’t tell you the last time he wore boy’s underpants.”

I blushed, thinking about the bright cobalt blue panties I was wearing in that exact moment.

“But it’s hard to make time for diapers. We bought some. Once in a while we’ll take them out and have a fun night, but it’s just not something we get to do a lot of. He’s dying for them. I just know it. I can see it in his eyes - he just wants to...you know, fill some diapers up for me,” she said with a giggle. “Soon. The babies will get to have so much fun.”

I couldn’t take another minute of the conversation. Just hearing about it, secondhand, was enough to inflame my cheeks and cause myself to grow erect in my panties. I ran to the bedroom where I collapsed on the bed, daydreaming of the scent of the country air again. The scent of one of Kat’s overloaded diapers. The taste of Madison’s cooking. The feeling of the hem of a dress as it brushed against my thighs.

It couldn’t come soon enough.




I love this story