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“Miss Carols, I’m honored that you’ve decided to accept my invitation today.”

“Likewise, Ms. Kendall. It means a lot to me - and my family - that you’ve reached out at all. We were all but sure that your family was uninterested in…”

“A lot has changed,” Angela said, placing a hand on the young Yvonne’s shoulder. “Call it a change in management.”

Yvonne smiled. “You already seem quite different than the former Ms. Kendall.”

“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t,” Angela said. “Now come, follow me. I have much to tell you - and even more to show you.”

“Show?” Yvonne perked up at this word’s surprise use.

Angela laughed and nodded. There was so much she wanted to say - and she would. However, she’d also want to show Yvonne. Words alone wouldn’t do it justice.


His parent’s divorce seemed to have happened abruptly - if only because Ty had never bothered to pay attention to the long-simmering frustrations between them. In fact, it may have been Ty’s sheltered existence itself that had laid the foundation for his family’s eventual rupture.

Leonard Kendall - now that was a name you probably knew if you had lived in the tri-state region for any amount of time. Just try driving down the freeway in any direction and see how long you could go before seeing a billboard with his face on it. Probably not too far. His name, and face, were everywhere. Little kids probably knew the name Leonard Kendall, Attorney at Law, before they knew who their President was.

And, as you can imagine, this made him a busy guy. A popular guy. An important guy. It was only his spectre that resided in the house with Ty and his mother - the ever-present looming of a man who made their life possible without having to be there himself.

Ty’s mother, she did her best. She did better than that. She had made Ty the center of the entire universe, and she had decreed that everything would revolve around him. Whatever he wanted; anything he wanted.

What he wanted was his mother. He wanted her warmth, her love, and her unyielding affection. And he would get exactly that.

Leonard Kendall, Attorney at Law, had willingly turned a blind eye to this for a long time. Longer than he should’ve, if you had asked him. He knew he wasn’t an actual presence in their life - but this relationship that his wife and son had built together...he didn’t understand it.

The boy should play football or baseball. Shouldn’t he know how to shoot a rifle by now? Why did he not know how to even drive a car?

Would he ever be anything other than a perpetual child?

There would come a day, Leonard could see it coming, when people would start to ask: You have a son, don’t you? You, Leonard Kendall, Attorney at Law, and one of the most powerful men in the region - you have a son. What of him? Will he grow up to be like you? Or...is he going to embarrass you?

He divorced his wife. He massacred her in court, as one would expect the tri-county’s best lawyer to do. She was lucky to have gotten the pittance she had, and she was all but removed from her son’s life. Maybe someday they’d find each other again, though that would have to come later.

In the meantime, Ty was 19 and should have come of age. All eyes were on him, and he would need to be molded into the man he was expected to be. And so when Leonard remarried - and you can be sure that it happened rather quickly - young Ty had been handed over to his new step-mother Angela.

She promised her new husband that she would make something of his son.


In the Kendall home’s lavish conservatory, Elton had served Angela and Yvonne each with a cup of tea, leaving the pot on a small table between them. There was a third chair with a cup in front of it, but it was currently uninhabited.


“Yes, madame?” asked the ever-faithful butler.

“Could you be a dear and fetch my son?”

“Y-yes, of course.”

It had been a period of growth and change in the house. In a remarkably short period of time, Angela had her fingers in just about everything. She was in charge now, both for better and for worse. She lacked the warmth and compassion of the former Ms. Kendall, but she made up for it with sharp decision making and actual leadership. If anyone in the house’s staff was upset by this - it was only because she actually expected them to do their job.

And under no circumstances were you to correct her when she called Ty her son. Poor Anna, who had dared to utter a “step” in advance of the word “son,” was said to be fighting just to be able to collect unemployment wages now.

“Congratulations are in order,” Yvonne said to her hostess. “Albeit, a little belated. Our family was hoping there’d be a ceremony.”

“We had considered it,” Angela said, delicately sipping her tea. “And I’m certainly a fan of a party. But between my husband’s demanding schedule, and the needs of the house, we decided that a quiet and private wedding ceremony would suffice.”

Yvonne nodded.

“But,” Angela added, “this does mean that I am just desperate for an excuse to throw a party. And all that money we saved by not having a wedding...well, we’re going to have to find something else to put that money towards.”

Yvonne smiled. But as she thought about the words further, she began to laugh.

“So.” Angela cleared her throat and sighed, shifting gears slightly. “You would be...okay with this? With my proposed arrangement?”

Yvonne’s smile faded a little. This question didn’t make her unhappy, but it was an especially important one.

“My family and I have talked this over at length,” Yvonne said. “For my family’s future? For your family’s future? I would be willing and ready.”

“This is precisely what I wanted to hear,” Angela said.

From the far side of the room, the door to the conservatory opened and Elton stepped in. “Ms. Kendall, your son Ty is here.”

“Thank you, Elton. You are dismissed.”

Elton stepped aside so that Ty could enter the room. Once he had slowly shuffled into the conservatory, Elton stepped back through the door, closing it behind him.

Ty was a handsome young man, it couldn’t be denied. His father’s genes alone had all but ensured he’d look rather fetching. Yvonne could have almost proclaimed him to be “hot,” if it weren’t for his downcast eyes and the complete lack of confidence that had permeated every pore of his body.

“Good afternoon, Ty,” Angela said.

“Good afternoon, uh, Mother.”

“Have you met our guest before? Yvonne Carols?”

“Uh...yes, we know each other.”

“We actually go way back,” Yvonne added.

“Is that so?” Angela smiled before sipping from her tea again. “I didn’t realize.”

“Years upon years of parties, banquets and galas, I suppose,” Yvonne said. “We were actually quite close when we were younger.”

Ty just nodded.

“Come, Ty. Have a seat. May I pour you some tea?”

“Yes, Mother. Please.”

He took the empty chair, across the small table from the two women. Seeing not one - but two strong women facing him had his heart beating rather quickly. He wasn’t entirely sure what this was about, but he suspected that whatever it was - it was already all but decided for him in advance anyways. This wasn’t a discussion - this was a summary of what would be.

“As I’m sure you know,” Angela said to Yvonne, “Ty has had a rather...difficult upbringing. His mother...his birth-mother, that is - she was one to coddle. To a rather unfortunate excess.”

Yvonne sighed. “I know what you speak of. I hesitate to say it, but...I believe most in our social circle were well aware of this.”

“My husband has tasked me with...maturing his son. I thought I was up to the task, though I worry that this is a more challenging task than I was prepared for.”

Ty blushed as he stared down at his cup of tea. He was no stranger to being talked about as if he wasn’t present in the room, but it burned a little more when it was his new step-mother - who barely knew him - and Yvonne.

Yvonne. Perhaps the closest thing he had ever had to a romantic crush in his life. She was pretty - beautiful, really. With her golden hair and bright blue eyes she reminded him of his mother. And, like his mother, she had always been kind to him. There was a time - long ago - when the adults in the room would say that they would one day be wed, but those discussions seemed to happen less frequently as they got older.

She had grown up. He had not.

“Hello Ty,” Yvonne said, finally addressing him. “I haven’t seen you for some time. Have you been well?”

He looked to his step-mother, who was smiling and offering a small nod. “I’m well, thank you. It’s nice to see you again.”

“Likewise,” Yvonne chirped.

“When I first met Leonard,” Angela said, “he told me that his son had been kept in a rather...stunted state. A momma’s boy, so to speak. I’ll be honest, I had my expectations set rather low. Alas, I met young Ty and I find that my expectations should have been even lower.”

Yvonne offered Ty a half-hearted smile, but she still nodded towards Angela. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen Ty, of course. But I had heard things over the years.”

“Have you?” Angela asked with a sigh. “What sorts of things have you heard?”

“Well...there was this rumor that he had been a rather chronic bedwetter, for one. I mean, this was while he was in early teens, of course. I’d like to think that he had grown out of that.”

The pink in Ty’s face had intensified to a red.

“I’m afraid not,” Angela said. “If anything, I’d say that whatever problem he had has grown considerably worse since. I’ve taken him to physicians and therapists alike, yet…”

“Worse?” asked Yvonne. “So, you’re saying…”

“Ty. Please tell Miss Yvonne what you are wearing right now under your clothes.”


“Please, Ty,” Angela added. “We haven’t all day. Out with it.”

“Diapers,” he said. “I wear...I have to wear...diapers.”

To her credit, Yvonne didn’t recoil or offer some visceral reaction. She didn’t look exactly elated to hear this answer, but it didn’t seem especially surprising to her either.

“So does he use a toilet at all?” Yvonne finally asked.

“He doesn’t,” Angela said. “Worse, he’s terrible at cleaning himself up. The former Ms. Kendall, she apparently took care of all that for him. If you ask me - this is probably the reason he’s still using them now.”

“So, who...changes him?”

“For now? Myself. I’m not pleased about it, but such is the responsibility of a mother, apparently. I’ve been considering hiring help but...I was hoping, instead, to find a way to cure him of this diaper dependency.”

“My goodness, I had no idea,” Yvonne said, slowly shaking her head. “It’s like taking care of a baby.”

“That is precisely what it is like,” Angela said. “And do you see the challenge before me? Before...us?”

Yvonne nodded.

“I would understand if this instilled doubt in your mind,” Angela continued. “I imagine bringing word of this back to your family would deteriorate the relationship between our families.”

“It’s possible,” Yvonne said. “My father is running for election in the state senate next year. He is, of course, looking for two things from this arrangement: a strong extended family, and the complete lack of negative attention. And, should he win, he’d be expecting those things in the years that follow as well.”

“Leonard also believes that joining your family to ours would be tremendously advantageous,” Angela said, pouring some more tea into her cup. She topped off Yvonne’s as well. “He says that he and your father have talked about the idea of marriage between you and Ty for so long that it had always just seemed like a done deal. But now…”

She glanced to Ty, who had just sighed with his head hung low.

“I still want this arrangement,” Yvonne said with a confident nod. “I still want to wed into your family. It will help me. It will help you. It will help my father and your husband.”

“But what of Ty?” Angela asked.

“Ty?” Yvonne asked him.

“Yes?” He lifted his head up as to look her in the eye as she spoke to him.

“Do you wish to be wed to me?”


“For the love of God, Ty,” Angela said, exasperated. “Please just try and use your adult words.”

“Yes,” he said. “Of course.”

The two women would accept this, regardless of whether or not they actually believed him. It was hard to know the truth. Ty would live out the rest of his life trying to please everyone else. This would never change.

The conservatory had fallen silent for a few moments - with just the gentle sound of each of them sipping from their tea cups echoing off the large windows.

“Do you believe that you can be toilet trained once more?” Yvonne asked Ty.

The question had caused Angela to smile as much as it had caused Ty to blush further. It was perfectly direct. This was what Ty needed, Angela thought. More people like her, and not like his birth-mother.

“I don’t know,” he said. “I...I try. But sometimes I just don’t make it.”

His eyes seemed especially wet. Yvonne had placed her teacup down and stood up. She knelt beside him, softly putting a hand on the side of his face. “But you would try for me, yes? If I were your wife?”

He nodded. Yvonne smiled softly before taking her seat again.

“Ty, come to me,” Angela said.

His face had grown red again and he let out a huff. He knew why he was being summoned. He didn’t protest, he just stood and took a few steps closer to her.

“This is what our life is currently like,” Angela said to Yvonne. “You can fool yourself now and then into thinking we’re just three adults sharing some tea. But then you remember that it’s been a while since the last time his diaper was checked.”

“Oh,” Yvonne said, her eyes widening. “You have to...check?”

“Quite infantile, yes? Afraid so. I learned rather quickly that he isn’t apt to say much when he’s gone and dirtied his diapers. If I want to avoid a diaper rash - or worse, a stinky room - it’s something I have to stay on top of.”

Yvonne nodded, looking fascinated and interested.

“Ty, pull your pants down for me, please,” Angela said to him.

He peeked over his shoulder to Yvonne, and found that she was staring at him - ready to see what happened next. He had wished he hadn’t done that - he could have done without knowing that she would be watching this, even if he could’ve easily assumed that she would. He proceeded to comply with Angela’s request, unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down past his large thick white diaper.

“Ah, do you see?” Angela asked Yvonne. “Wet. Obviously wet. Soaked, in fact.”

“Goodness,” Yvonne said, shaking her head. “Is that just a single wetting?”

“It could be,” Angela said. “Or it could be a number of small ones.”

“And what now? You have to...change him?”

“It’d be for the best that we did, yes,” Angela said. “Actually, it’s just as well. I had wanted to show you a few things. Please, follow me to the nursery?”

“Nursery?” It made sense, of course. Regardless of his age - anyone wearing diapers at all times would probably need some sort of space to be cared for. Especially if he wasn’t changing his own diapers.

Angela led the way, with Ty following closely behind and Yvonne in the rear. She had closely watched Ty’s bottom as they walked, realizing now how obvious it was that he wore a thick bulky diaper under his pants.

“When I first met Leonard - back before I knew much about Ty’s...condition,” Angela said as they walked, “the young man had elected to live out in the in-law suite. An attempt, perhaps, at claiming some independence and showing his father that he was capable of being left to his own devices.”

“He doesn’t live there now?” asked Yvonne.

“Oh, goodness no. I put the kibosh on that rather quickly after moving in myself. All it took was one trip out to the suite to see how badly he had failed at being a grown up. The place was an absolute pigsty. Dirty diapers strewn everywhere. The poor boy had a diaper rash that took two weeks of medicated ointment to fully clear up. It was actually the very first decision I had made for my new family - to move him back into the house, with a room next to my own quarters.”

They had arrived. It was a rather spacious room - the size that any teenager would kill for, really. Half of the room looked exactly as you would expect a young man’s room to look: a bed, dresser, and desk with his computer on it. Books. A TV. Some video games.

But it was the other side of the room where things looked quite different. The centerpiece of this area was a large table with a padded top. A changing table. A full-sized changing table. If it weren’t for its size, one might assume it had just come from an actual infant’s nursery. Along the walls on this side of the room were shelves of diapers. So many diapers.

On most days, Ty hadn’t thought about it much - this was the normal for him. But he watched Yvonne’s face as she entered his room - the room that Angela referred to as his nursery more often than it was referred to as his bedroom. Yvonne took in these new sights with an open mouth and wide eyes - and the humiliation he now felt was absolutely crushing.

“Now,” Angela said, “perhaps we should get to the matter of changing his diaper.”

“Actually,” Yvonne said. “I was wondering if…”


“Would you mind if I changed him?”

“Oh? You’d...actually like to do that?”

“If Ty and I are to be wed in this arrangement, I would like to have the opportunity to see this side of him for myself. See what I’m getting into.”

“Ah,” Angela said, smiling. She couldn’t have been more happy to hear this, honestly. “Of course. Shall I walk you through the process, or…”

“I think I can manage,” Yvonne said. “Maybe it’d be a good opportunity for us to get to know each other a little.”

“Yes, indeed,” Angela said. “You know, I had a good feeling about you coming over today, and I’m happy to see that I was right about that.”

Yvonne smiled and nodded.

“I shall give the two of you some privacy,” Angela said. “Please, take your time. Take all the time you’d like, honestly. And if there’s anything I can get for you, by all means, let me know.”

“Absolutely,” Yvonne said. “And thank you.”

With one final wave, Angela exited the room, closing the door behind her.

For the longest minute ever, neither Ty or Yvonne had said anything at all. An awkward silence hung over the room, permeating everything.

It was unlike him to take any sort of initiative, but perhaps seeing as how it was his diaper that needed to be changed, he thought he should say something. “Whenever you’re ready, I can go ahead and get on the changing table for you.”

“Do you enjoy being a giant baby?” she asked.

“I...I’m sorry?”

Yvonne suddenly seemed like a completely different person than the warm and understanding one that he had shared a cup of tea with earlier.

“Be honest with me,” she said, her eyes were filled with cold resentment. “Do you actually enjoy being a giant diaper-wearing toddler?”

“Oh. I guess...I never thought of myself as a...baby.”



“Seriously, Ty? You’re pissing and - apparently - shitting your diapers. You have a changing table in your bedroom. You don’t think of yourself as a baby?”

“I...suppose you’re right.”

“I’m 21 years old,” she said as she paced around the room, taking in the sights and smells of his nursery. “I’m supposed to be enjoying my college-life. My youth. My friends are drinking and getting fucked in the back of cars their parents spent too much money on. Me? I’m a pawn in my father’s play for an election victory. I’m told that I need to ‘unite’ our families by marrying the son of the most well-known lawyer on the entire coast. Worse? His son is a diaper-wearing baby. And whose problem do you think that’s going to be? Not Angela’s, that's for sure. She can’t wait to give you away to me.”

“I...I’m trying to get better,” Ty said. “I promise.”

“Bullshit,” she spat. “I can see it in your eyes. You love being the baby. It’s the only thing you know. Your mother - your actual mother - she must’ve done quite the number on you, yes?”

“She...she loved me. She let me be...who I wanted to be.”

“And you wanted to be a baby?”

He didn’t have an answer to that.

“Don’t get me wrong,” she said. “I’m going to go through with this arrangement. As I’m sure you will. We’ll be wed. Sure, you’ll have to make a public appearance with me now and then - hopefully you can keep your pants dry long enough for a picture or two. We might even be expected to produce a few children. I have no idea how that’s going to happen just yet, but perhaps we cross that bridge when we get to it.”

He opened his mouth to replay, but thought better of it. What would he even say?

“It’s fine,” she continued. “You want to be a diaper-messing little infant. Fine. But I want to make this very clear to you right now so that we never have to address it again - I will require far more than you will be able to give me. Emotionally. Physically. And I will get what I want - no matter how many other men I have to see to get that. And I don’t ever want to hear you complain about it. Am I being clear?”

He sighed and shrugged. It was an awful lot to take in all at once.

She, too, sighed and then laughed. Maybe his silence had only made it easier for her to hear herself.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m being dramatic. Look at me - getting all worked up like that. How unbecoming.”

“I understand,” he said.

She offered a small sympathetic smile - though there was a limit to how much sympathy she could offer. If they were to be wed, the bulk of the work would forever be on her shoulders. If he was even getting his ass wiped for him, what could he actually say he was contributing?

“Let’s start at the beginning,” she said with a smile. “Shall we change your diaper?”

“Well, about that…”


“I just think that...uh...maybe…”

She recalled Angela’s stern maternal voice as she commanded Ty to just speak. She wondered if there was a different approach.

The back of Yvonne’s hand once again grazed his cheek. “Go on. You can tell me.”

“I worry that if you change me now...you may have to change me again soon after.”

“Are you saying that you...have to go again?”

“I think?”

She sighed. Where was the line between knowing you might have to use the toilet soon, and waiting until you just had an accident?

“Why not just go to the bathroom?”


She had let him hem and haw about this for longer than she should’ve. The reality was that she knew what he wanted to say already - perhaps before he did.

“You don’t want to. That’s what it comes down to, yes?”

He shrugged - but his red cheeks answered her question.

“I see no point in waiting then,” she said. “Go on and use your diaper.”


She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yes? What now?”

“I...was going to…” His voice trailed off and he hung his head in shame again. It likely wasn’t worth finishing the thought aloud anyways. She probably knew what he was going to do, and even if she didn’t - she would certainly find out soon enough.

He actually found himself feeling kind of sorry for her. Like him, she had the misfortune of being born into a family where she had been assigned a future long before she could decide on one for herself. He often wondered if his mother and he had actually been staging a quiet rebellion all these years - as if acting like a child would somehow delay the inevitable tide of adult responsibility.

When he spoke again, he had changed the subject entirely. “You look very pretty. I mean that.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

“I know it’s not what either of us would’ve asked for if we had it our own way,” he said. “But for what it’s worth...I feel incredibly honored to be able to marry you.”

She stared at him, trying to imagine him in various settings. Various outfits. Ty in a suit. Ty in a tuxedo. Ty dressed for a Sunday of golf. He’d always be wearing a diaper under those outfits, but maybe she could work with that.

“I’ll take care of you,” he said. “I can do anything you ask. Anything you need. You...you can have all the men in the world if you want.”

She laughed and shook her head. Maybe she had been quick to say some of the things she had earlier.

“Do you think that you could wean yourself from these diapers?” she asked. “If I asked you to?”

“I...I think so, yes.”

“Would you want to?”

He shook his head.

“Have you used your diaper again yet?”

“No…” he said quietly.

“What are you waiting for?”

“I just...I…”

He rarely thought about using his diapers anymore. There was no reason to - he simply used them when he had the slightest urge to and thought nothing more of it until his mother - or Angela now - had come to change him. This was one of the few times he had attempted to exert any control, and those muscles simply didn’t work the way they might have once upon a time. It had already felt like a losing battle, and there was nothing left to do but…


A soft mass filled the back of his diaper in a single moment. He had not pushed at all - he had simply relinquished his holding, and that was all it took. It was an unmistakable sound - perhaps even for someone who had never witnessed an adult doing such a thing.

She hadn’t expected that. His hesitation certainly made more sense now, but for some reason she just hadn’t been able to imagine him literally pooping his pants while standing right before her.

If the sound hadn’t clued her in - and it had - then the smell would have. Mere moments after his diaper had been made heavier, he emanated a thick and unavoidable stench that seemed to swallow up all of the air in the room.

She remained stoic. She didn’t resort to mocking him or making a big scene of his mess. Yes - it was quite possibly the strangest thing she had ever seen. But...it wasn’t without the slightest tinge of excitement in her.

She wondered if this was how Ty’s mother, or Angela, had felt every time they had been faced with a dirty diaper. There, at that moment, she could see the desperation in his eyes. He had needs. The poor pathetic boy was nothing without a strong woman to take care of him.

She was a strong woman.

“Get onto your changing table,” she said.

“A-are you sure?” he asked.

“Will you make me repeat myself?” she asked.

He shook his head before turning and waddling to the table. With careful and measured movements, he climbed atop the changing table surface and assumed the position he was very used to - on his back with his legs slightly lifted into the air.

One moment, it was hard to see him as anything other than a grown man in a diaper. The next, he was just a toddler and nothing more.

She had been around her share of babies, toddlers and children of course. Cousins and the babies of cousins had always been around, and she had done her share of babysitting when she needed to. She’d hardly call herself ‘proficient,’ but she suspected she’d be fine.

She had started with taking his shoes off, followed by his pants, which she pulled all the way down his legs and completely off, casting them aside towards the bed for the time being.

There it was - his diaper. As bloated and stained as it had been stinking. She worried she was going to heave from the smell. Yet, not only had she not, but she found that a strange feeling was washing over her.


It seemed hard to believe, as she began to peel the tapes off from the sides of the diaper, but she wondered if this was how his mother and step-mother had felt. Was there actually delight to be found in manhandling a grown man who still depends on you to clean his backside?

This docile creature. Innocent, seemingly well intentioned and, from what she had heard, loyal to a fault. She was sure that on some level he was feeling incredible shame and humiliation while in this position with a new woman. Yet it didn’t show in his face or his mannerisms. He allowed himself to be vulnerable with no questions asked and no hesitation.

Nobody had ever done this for her before. And this made it remarkably easy for her to lean into her newfound role a little.

“Are you ready?” she cooed. “Are you ready to get your little bottom cleaned?”

He nodded, letting out a little squeak of excitement.

The diaper was peeled open, revealing the dirty present left in the padding. All things considered, it wasn’t as bad as she had expected it to be. She was grateful he hadn’t sat in it, or that it wasn’t a blowout.

She had to laugh. No sooner than the wipes were in her hands, she became a machine. It was like she was 14 years old again, being handed little babies at the family barbecue so that she could change their diapers while the adults all got to drink and laugh with each other.

Except those little babies hadn’t grown stiff as she wiped the smelly mess out from between their legs.

“Oh my,” she said to Ty. “I hope that you don’t do this with your actual Mommy.”

“N-no,” he said, shaking his head.

“But when I do it?”

He laughed awkwardly, closing his eyes as if to wish this humiliating moment would end.

It wasn’t anything to be ashamed of. Well, not his cock, at least. 19 years old and still pooping his pants might still deserve some shame, but he seemed much more well endowed than she would have guessed.

“Are you a virgin?” she asked.

“Uh...yes, Miss.”

Miss. She didn’t like that, though she’d tolerate it for now.

“I suppose that makes sense. Most young ladies hope that their dates are potty trained.”

He sighed and nodded.

She gripped his manhood with her left hand as she continued to clean away his filthy bottom. A moan escaped his lips.

“Do you like that?”

Another little moan, which seemed affirmative enough for her.

She had been no stranger to a handjob. Back before election fever had swept over the family, she had time to date. She had been to parties. This would, however, be the first time the recipient had just shat himself, of course. But that didn’t seem like too much of a dealbreaker. Maybe more supposedly-grown men belonged in diapers.

She wondered if she had been looking at this all wrong. Perhaps Angela had been right. This man-child - as pathetic as he may be - was a tool. The right amount of privilege and potential, partnered with all the malleability an up-and-coming socialite could ever want.

Why wouldn’t she want this little pants-wetting misfit in her pocket? He was practically being served to her on a golden tray - stinky diaper and all. All she had to do was…

Below her, Ty grunted as a glob of creamy goo splattered against her face.

“Ugh…” She ran a hand across her face, wiping it clear from around her eyes and mouth. “Did you just…”

“I...I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to. I just…”

She laughed. She had to, really. She hadn’t even been moving her hand as it gripped him, and yet that had been more than enough to allow him to reach climax. His mother certainly hadn’t been doing that for him. His step-mother wasn’t either.

Now she was sure: He would be hers.

“That’s quite alright, Baby,” she cooed, sliding a wipe across her face. “But now I know, don’t I? Baby is a little squirter.”

He sighed with relief, even offering up a little laugh of his own.

A liberal shaking of baby powder and a brand new diaper later and he was as good as new.

“Thank you,” he said softly as he climbed down from the changing table.

“Of course,” she said with a smile.

“No...I mean...for everything. For accepting me for who I am and being nice. And caring.”

She smiled and nodded. “It was my pleasure, Ty.”

Poor Ty. The giant baby seemed unaware of the world beyond his changing table and videogames. Wealth. Public perception. Elections. The power of familial names. Careers. Board meetings. Annual reports. Investors.

And all she’d have to do is keep him dumb and diapered, and she’d have control of everything he was entitled to.

“Come now, Ty,” she said. “Let’s go find your mother.”

She offered her hand out to him and he was quick to grasp it. Hand-in-hand, they left his bedroom - the nursery - together.


Yvonne Carols-Kendall, Attorney at Law. More than a well-known name and face in the tri-county area, she was an institution. With her announcement that she was running for county commissioner, most could already see that she’d be following in her powerful father’s political footsteps.

Occasionally - less frequent with the passing years - someone would ask about Leonard Kendall’s kid.

“Oh, you mean his daughter, Yvonne?”

There were some that remembered that her husband Ty was once considered the heir-apparent. Either his diminished role in the public eye, or Yvonne’s own reputation, had done enough to change their minds.

And, in a way, he had become a man of good reputation himself. The happy house-husband. The doting father. The family man, while Yvonne was the breadwinner.

Neither Yvonne nor Ty would ever be quick to correct that image. Not even Angela or Leonard.

The truth was, while Yvonne was giving a speech about highway improvements in the community center downtown, their children were being looked after by their well-paid and trusted nanny. Elsewhere in the house, Ty had his own nanny and she reported directly to Yvonne.

“How is my baby?” asked Yvonne on her cell as she stepped off the stage.

“He had a rather messy diaper this afternoon,” the nanny said. “But he’s been cleaned up and put down for a nap. After feeding him the breast milk you pumped for him this morning, of course.”

“Perfect, thank you.”

And this was how it would be. It was a win-win, really. She had married into privilege and power that exceeded what she could have even wished for.

Meanwhile, he was kept dumb and in diapers. Which is all he really wanted anyways.



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