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My forehead is covered in sweat, and all I did was get something out of the shed. It must be August.

Hey everyone! How’s life treating you?

It’s about time for that periodic update on things. What’s new. What’s coming up. What I’d like to do next.

  • I wrapped up writing on the next serialized story that I’ll be publishing here. It’s called Neighbors and it’s...very long. Over 20 chapters and over 200 pages - it’s the longest AB/DL story I’ve written. I’m in the final stages of touching it up and editing it a little, but it should be good to go soon. It’ll be made available to all patrons at all tiers - similar to In a Beautiful Place Out in the Country - and each chapter will be exclusive to patrons for a few weeks before it’s published publicly.
  • Mommy Lessons, Season 1 has two chapters left (I think? I should double-check that…). But that won’t be the end of the story. Another “season’s” worth of stories will be coming in the future, though the story is going to take a little hiatus after Chapter 10. This is not only my first time experimenting with the idea of “seasons,” it’s the first time I published all the chapters of a serialized story bi-weekly for Tier 2 and Tier 3 patrons. I’d really love to hear if you liked that approach - or if you felt that it could’ve been handled differently.
  • The new QH Discord is active now. We’ve had a handful of visitors over the last two weeks, but I’d love to see it get a little livelier. If you have a Discord, and you’re a Patron, come on over and join the conversation! Likewise - if you think there are features missing from the Discord, or you have any other feedback about it, let me know!

Because I went all-in on finishing Neighbors for the past few weeks, a few other projects for Patreon got delayed a little. But, because y’all are the bosses - I thought I should give you an update on some long-gestating ideas:

  • A few years ago I wrote a long serialized story called The Loft on Tumblr. I promised - months ago - to re-edit it and soup it up a little. It's one of those projects that always seems like it should be a lot easier than it actually is. I’m more than halfway through it at this point, and I’d love to get it wrapped up sooner than later. The biggest challenge is that my writing has changed a lot since I wrote this originally. Comparing it to Neighbors, where the average chapter is about 10 pages long, The Loft’s chapters were closer to, like, 3 or 4 pages each. So part of my time has been spent just restructuring the chapters so that there are less of them - but they’re all a little more substantial. Anyways, when this is finally done, it’ll be made available for all patrons at all tiers.
  • I have a story series planned that will incorporate voting from the readers. I’ve decided that this will be my next big writing project for the Patreon, so I’m looking forward to talking about that more soon.
  • A week or four ago I stated that I’d be accepting questions for an “ask me anything” style blog post. I did get a few questions that I’d love to share, so I’ll get to them soon. But that also means that there’s more time if you had a burning question of your own that you wanted to include.

And here’s one more thing:

  • I’ve been thinking about old-school AB/DL content lately. Like..OLD school. Like, pre-internet. The idea of physical newsletters and zines for kink is kind of fun (at least, to me). I’ve been thinking about putting together some sort of zine or newsletter - something physical and printed on paper that doesn’t exist online. Does that sound like something you’d want? Does that sound like something you’d want to contribute to? It’s more of an idea than anything right now, but if that sounds interesting to you, let me know. Let’s chat about it. Let’s make some things that you have to hide under your bed so that your Mommy can’t see it.

That about does it for today. Stay cool if it's hot outside wherever you are. If it’s not hot...stay warm?

Be comfortable, I guess. Wherever you are.

As always, feel free to send me a message, leave a response or say hi on the Discord. I really enjoy talking to people who are supporting this Patreon, so all conversations and topics are welcome.

Thank you for being here.

Stay naughty.



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