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Aww, baby’s first birthday? Isn’t that the sweetest thing! Look at him, sitting in his high chair with that silly smile plastered on his face.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of when my Patreon went live.

It’s been a trip. In the months leading up to the birthing of the QH Patreon, I was pregnant with a dozen or so stories - fretting night and day over whether or not they were good enough for people to spend their diaper allowances on. For as much as I thought I knew about what people wanted in AB/DL stories, I’ve learned so much since then. And I’m still learning.

We could put a bib on him, but he’s just going to make a mess of himself once we give him a piece of cake anyway, right? Actually...do you smell that? Check his diaper. He might have already made a mess.

The biggest surprise? I haven’t burnt out yet. That was my biggest fear - one day I’d sit down in front of my laptop and just sigh and say “I never want to write about someone pooping their pants again for as long as I live.”

Last night, while working on a story called Neighbors (you’ll get to read it eventually), I wrote this scene where the male protagonist is sitting on his mistress’s lap in just a diaper. And he’s trying to invite her to this party that he’s not completely sure he wants her to be at, right? He’s struggling with his words, and she’s kind of giving him a hard time about it (because she enjoys teasing him), and all the while she’s feeling his diaper and asking him to wet himself. He can’t even help himself - he has no control when he’s around her, regardless of how hard he’s trying to talk to her about this party. Of course he wets himself. And that’s just the tip of the start of their evening together.

Anyways, as I wrote this scene I found myself thinking about how much I still love writing AB/DL erotica. Like...it’s a blast. I like having a reason to write it. I like that so many people read it. I like that people like it. Share it. Comment on it. Reach out to me and have conversations about it.

Am I a good writer? The hell if I know. But I stopped questioning it. I’m doing what I like, and people seem happy with what they’re reading. That’s good enough for me.

Typical baby! Even at his own birthday party, with all his friends in attendance, he can’t help but make a stinky little scene.

So, let’s do another year. More stories. Longer stories. Hotter stories. Weirder stories.

There’s some good stuff on the way. The aforementioned Neighbors will be my longest ever AB/DL story. Mommy Lessons has a few more chapters left before we wrap up the seasons. It’ll take a little nap, then it’ll be back for another nice long stretch of chapters. I’ve got a diaper pail full of new short stories. I’ve got some more re-edited and expanded versions of some of my older stories to share. And I’ve got some ideas for ways my patrons can help influence future stories.

No, no, let’s not change him. What would even be the point? Just give him the cake. Let’s see which is messier when he’s done - his face or his bottom.

And, speaking of patrons…

Absolutely none of this would be happening without my patrons. Look, I don’t ask where these babies got their money from - but I’m thankful for every one of them. From the random fan who drops by the Patreon for a single month to the absolute all-stars who subscribed to Tier 3 on the very first month and have stuck around since then, I’m blowing kisses to every single one of you. There’s a lot of AB/DL content out there to consume, and the fact that you’ve given me any amount of time or monetary support is never lost on me.

Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.

Aw, jeez, is he crying now? I should’ve known this would happen. All that sugar and attention and...oh right, his diaper too, of course...

Anyways, a one-year anniversary is probably not that big of a deal, and I’ve wasted more than enough time talking about it. But this continues to be a good experience and I wanted to take a sec and talk about it.

Grab some cake, mingle a little, and don’t forget to give the birthday baby a kiss on the forehead.



Paul Bennett

What a wonderful year it has been. Thank you for all the stories and shared fantasies. I hope to read more soon. Until then stay padded and eat your cake.