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Brunch was good, as it usually was. It’s hard to mess up brunch. If the food didn’t completely satisfy, the mimosas were there to blur things enough so that it felt like the best meal you had since the last brunch.

“Can I ask you something?” It was a formality. Nothing had ever actually stopped Natasha from asking a question.

“Please.” Likewise, Amber would never deny her the opportunity.

“What’s up with you and Will?”

“What’s up?” Amber sighed. She had gone out of her way to be discrete about some things - as she assumed Will had too. But if anyone was going to notice something, it’d be Natasha. Now, it was just a matter of deducing what she thought she knew. “Why do you ask?”

“I dunno. Things just seem...off? Different. You rarely post pictures of the two of you together online anymore. You never talk about him. Maybe it’s nothing or maybe I’m just imagining things, but…”

“You’re not wrong,” Amber answered. “Things are...different. I wouldn’t say they’re bad though.”

Natasha’s head tilted and she looked very curious. Amber quickly processed her options. Was it worth it to explain everything? Tease at it? Offer small bits of the truth?

“Come on,” Natasha said, observing the long pause. “Give me something.”

“Our relationship has just...changed a little, that’s all. We’re trying something new.”


Amber took a deep breath. She’d start small. “We’ve decided to open things up.”

“Oh. Like...being able to see other people?”

Amber nodded.

“Wow. I have to be honest - I never imagined that would be something you’d be into. You’ve always been the…” She was clearly trying to find the right word, but seemed stumped.

“Jealous type?”


“I am, usually. But...this arrangement is working in my favor.”


“Well, I can’t get jealous if I’m the only one who’s able to see other people.”

Natasha laughed out loud - a single sharp “Ha!” that echoed through the restaurant floor. “How in the hell did you get him to agree to that?”

“It was his idea,” Amber said with a shrug.

“Oh, wait, is this like one of those...cuckolding things?”

Amber nodded. “Exactly.”

“Damn. So, what, he just...watches? Goes somewhere else and twiddles his thumbs while you have fun?”

Amber laughed, again seeming to be considering the best response. “Yes to all of that? Depending on the night.”

“Shit. So...this has happened then? You’ve been seeing other guys?”


Natasha’s face was awash with both astonishment and jealousy. She had frequently lamented the staleness of her own relationship - in fact she had just done as much earlier in this brunch. This was the dream.

“I cannot believe that Will is okay with this. Unreal.”

“He loves it,” Amber said. The defenses were coming down a little. Natasha’s enthusiasm had gone a long way towards loosening Amber’s lips. “And the best part? He can’t even get off on it himself. Even though he wants to.”

“Wait. What do you mean?”

“He’s, uh, locked up?”

“I’m not sure I follow. Like, you lock him in another room?”

“Uh, no, not exactly. Like…” There wasn’t an easy way to allude to it further, so she decided she might as well just come out with it. “His penis? I keep it locked up in a chastity cage.”

Natasha’s face looked dumbfounded for a moment before she burst into laughter again. “Get the hell out of here. Are you serious?”

“I could show you, if you don’t believe me.”

“I believe you,” she said. “But...I’d still like to see those photos.”

Relief quickly gave way to an eager anticipation. Amber wanted to show Natasha everything. Everything. There was still so much more that Natasha didn’t know yet. She pulled her phone from her purse and quickly swiped through photos. There were so many to choose from - and most of them featured far more than just chastity. But she quickly curated a few and sent them to Natasha.

It was the slowest 5 seconds of the entire day; both of them nervously awaiting the photos to be received.


“Ah, would you look at that?” Natasha laughed. “I got a new message.”

With a wry smile, she opened her phone and took a look at what Amber had sent her. She didn’t just look - she seemed completely absorbed by what was on her screen. Transfixed. Amber watched her thumb as it swiped to the next photo and then paused - only to swipe back to the previous picture. Then forward to the next one again. Over and over, Natasha carefully analysed each photo before finally looking back up to Amber.


“I’ve never seen a more pathetic thing in my life.”

They both cracked up.

“Seriously, though,” Natasha continued. “I’m gonna be honest with you - I’ve caught myself crushing on Will once or twice. He’s a little piece of eye-candy.”

“I’m well aware,” Amber said with a smile.

“But this? My god. I’ll never look at him the same way again.”

Amber offered a very smug grin. She couldn’t have asked for a better response.

“But...there’s something in one of these photos I’m curious about too.”


“The third picture. The one where he’s lying on his back on the ground? There’s something on the ground behind him. I don’t know what it is and… I mean, I know what I think it looks like, but...I don’t want to assume.”

Amber’s heart was beating faster. Had she overlooked a detail in one of her curated photos? She went back to the photos she sent and found the one in question. She zoomed in.

There was no denying it: That was definitely a large diaper. She couldn’t believe she had overlooked that. She had to laugh. The cat was out of the bag now, and there was no chance of getting it back in.

“And so what do you think that is?”

“It looks like a fucking diaper.”

Amber shrugged.

“Oh jeez, are you serious? Diapers too?”

Amber offered a single bold nod.

“Just when I thought he couldn’t be any more pathetic. Diapers? Oh my god.” She stopped herself and backpedaled a little. “I mean...sorry, I know he’s your boyfriend and all, but -”

“No, it’s quite alright. The truth? He’s an absolutely pathetic baby boy. He doesn’t just crave humiliation - it’s the only thing he wants. He’s just about useless without it. Believe me, my seeing other people? It’s absolutely essential. Otherwise, I’d be throwing him out on the street in his dirty diapers.”

“Dirty? So he…?”

“Oh yeah. It was a little game for a while, you know? A little treat when we were both in the mood. But he’s so infatuated with his diapers that he just started begging for them all the time. So...I gave him what he wanted. He’s in them all of the time now.”

“Are you kidding me? So...he’s just...using them now? For...everything?”

Amber nodded and laughed. “Pretty much. He works from home now. Well...he could’ve before too, but he preferred going into the office. But he changed his mind about that when he realized he probably couldn’t waddle around there in his big pampers.”

“God, you don’t have to, like, change him, do you?”

“Not all the time. Sometimes. But I told him pretty early on, that this is his pathetic little lifestyle - not mine. He can poop his pants all he wants to, but he’s going to be the one responsible for it. Occasionally, when I’m in the mood, I’ll give him a surprise diaper check and clean up what I find - though it's not without its cost.”


“I control the key to his little cage, remember? I can always add a few more days to how long he waits until I unlock him again.”

Natasha shook her head in astonishment. This was almost too rich to believe.

“I can’t get over it,” she said. “I can’t believe I ever had...respect for him.”

“Oh, he’d absolutely hate it if he knew that you knew,” Amber said.

“Would he?”

“He’s never been especially subtle about his attraction to you either, you know?”

Natasha found that fact to be absolutely delicious. She took a long slow sip of her mimosa while she relished the thought of Will waddling about in his pampers.

“I think I want to see him. Like that. Could I?”

“Yeah?” Amber asked. “You’d actually like to see that?”

“Very much so. The look in his eyes when he realized that I knew every little dirty secret of his would be worth it alone.”

Amber smiled. “I could do one better, you know?”


Amber reached for her phone again, pulling up something else before passing the phone back to Natasha.

“My my,” Natasha said with a smirk. “Who is this? This is a very handsome man. And it’s not Will.”

“No it is not,” Amber responded. “He’s quite the looker, right? That’s Bradley. He’s a doctor. Hung like a goddamn horse too.”

“You’ve been seeing him?”

“Only once so far,” Amber shrugged. “I hope to see him again soon.”

“One date and you’ve already seen his cock? Bad girl.”

“Don’t even get me started,” Amber said. “The things we did on that first date? They’d make Will drop dead if he knew.”

Natasha shook her head and smiled. “Fuck. Fine, give it to me. I want the details.”

“It was so nice to have a real cock in me again, you know? Will’s is fine, I guess. It did the job...when it’s not locked up or sealed inside a dirty diaper. But Bradley? Like, oh-my-fucking-gosh. I don’t know if I’ve ever come just from having a man’s dick in me before.”

Natahsa brought a hand up to her mouth in astonishment.

“We did everything. He came in my mouth. And my face. And my chest. He fucking wore out my pussy. And he just about broke my asshole.”

“Holy shit. You mean he…”

“He just rammed it right up there,” Amber said with a girlish laugh. “It was...otherworldly. I was worried I’d have to borrow one of Will’s diapers the next day.”

“Now wouldn’t that be a sight?” Natasha laughed.

“I want it again so badly, Nat. So. Badly. Like, I’m literally wet right now. Right now, while we’re sitting here at brunch in a fucking restaurant? All I can think about is him filling my ass again, and my panties are fucking moist.”

Natasha fanned herself off with her hand. There was no denying how hot that sounded.

“Oh, so wait,” Natasha finally said, remembering what had gotten them on this tangent in the first place. “What does this have to do with me?

“Sorry?” asked Amber, at least partially lost in her thoughts.

“I said that I’d love to see Will waddling around in his diapers and you said that you could do one better than that?”

“Oh,” Amber said, laughing as she returned to reality. “Yes, yes. Well, like I said, I’ve been wanting to see Bradley again pretty badly. But I haven’t liked the idea of leaving Will home alone while I’m out.”

Natasha laughed. “I mean, besides the diapers, he is an adult, right? You don’t think he’s going to stick his finger in the light socket, do you?”

“No, no, of course not. More like, I don’t want him taking advantage of being alone all night and thinking that he can get away with acting like a big boy who has privileges like drinking beer and…”

“Playing with himself?”


It was suddenly clicking for Natasha. And she liked it. “So, basically, you’re looking for a babysitter.”

“Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

Natasha mulled it over for a few moments. She wasn’t trying to decide whether or not she’d do it - there was no way that she could say no to such an offer. She was trying to imagine it. She was trying to imagine having to change Will’s diaper.

“Do you think he would go for that?” she asked Amber. “Like...he’d let this little game go to that point where I came over as his babysitter?”

“Oh, you have no idea. He’s had so many opportunities to walk away or create boundaries,” Amber said with a shrug. “He’s in too deep now. I mean, there’s two reasons why he won’t put an end to his little baby-life now. For one, he knows that the second he tells me he doesn’t want to play anymore - the game is over. I tell him all the time that if we ever ended this lifestyle, it’d take a miracle to convince me to start it back up again. Believe me, that’s more than enough to keep him filling his diapers.”

Natasha grinned again, shaking her head as she imagined Will squatting down and grunting as he pushed a load into the back of a pair of diapers.

“But you said there was another reason too, yes?”

“Ah yes,” Amber said. “This reason is a little more...corporeal. Remember, his little baby cock is locked up. And only I have the keys.”

She reached into her blouse, slowly hoisting a long neck chain out from in between her breasts. Natasha had noticed something interesting about that, too, but one thing at a time.

From the chain hung a single key.

“This is it,” Amber said, swinging the keys back and forth in the air. “This key gives me a lot of power. There was a time where he would do almost anything for me in an attempt to beg for me to unlock him. Now, it's so rare that I unlock him, but he knows that I always have it on me. It sort of hangs over his head, you know? He continues to hold out hope that I could unlock him on good behavior. It helps keep him docile and obedient.”

“But you don’t actually unlock him often?”

“Goodness,” Amber said with a laugh. “Not at all. There used to be two keys, you know.”

“Where is the other?”

“I flushed it down the toilet. Actually, no. I made him flush it down the toilet. It was hilarious. I made him wave ‘bye-bye’ to it as it swirled around in the water before disappearing forever.”

Natasha giggled uncontrollably, just trying to imagine the look on Will’s face as he watched one of the vital keys to his cage vanish down the drain.

“One day we may just flush the other too,” Amber said.

“As amusing as that is...you expect him to just...never be hard again?”

“His cock is just about useless to me now,” Amber said with a shrug. “Men like Bradley please me in ways that Will was never especially great at. So it’s no loss to me.”

“Not that I want to defend the big baby who willingly shits himself,” Natahsa said with a little snort of a laugh, “but...you don’t think he’d change his mind down the road?”

“It’s just a cage,” she replied. “If he really wants it off, he can figure it out. But it’s not like he actually needs to be unlocked if he really wants to get off.”


“Are you familiar with the idea of milking the prostate?”

“I...think? So, you’re getting him off...anally?”

“Essentially,” Amber said. “You’d be surprised at how well he takes to his big rubber toy. He takes it like an absolute little slut, and it’s quite the experience to listen to him moan and howl until he starts making a little puddle with his caged dick.”

“Fuck,” Natasha said under her breath. “That’s kind of…”

“Hot? I think so too. I’ll never tell him this of course. It’s so much better when he thinks I’m doing him a favor by letting him do it after he begs me.”

“Do you think he’d beg...me?”

Amber almost felt silly for her earlier hesitance in talking about some of these things with her best friend. Natasha was taking to all of this incredibly well. “Oh, without a doubt. I’m telling you, you start getting him all worked up and he just becomes this pathetic little baby who is practically crying at your feet for you to make him come with a toy in his ass.”

“I’m coming over,” Natasha said. “You know that, right? I’m coming over and I want to see absolutely everything.

“After brunch?”

“I’m literally texting my mother now to let her know that I’m cancelling my trip to her house this afternoon.”

Both girls laughed.

“I want to ask you something else,” Natasha said.

“There’s no need to hold back now.”

“Your…” Natasha raised a hand and waved it around Amber’s chest. “Your breasts? You didn’t get work done, did you? They just look a little more...plump?”

Amber blushed a little, but smiled too. “Ah yes...that’s another little project I’ve been working on. I’m trying to induce lactation. And we’re just about there.”

“Are you serious right now? So, like, you’ll soon be able to just…”

“Breastfeed my husband? Oh yes. Absolutely. There might be meals where that’s all he gets.”

Natasha shook her head and laughed again. She kept opening her mouth to say something, but the words just weren’t there. This was beyond anything she ever could have imagined.

And she loved it.

“I need to see this,” Natasha finally spit out. “Like...I don’t just want to. I absolutely need to see this.”

“After brunch.” Amber reiterated with a little smirk. “We’re going to roll up to the house together and I show you what a pathetic little baby he can be.”

“As long as you don’t mind...”

“Nat, I swear, if I had plans - I would’ve cancelled them. Nothing would delight me more than strolling in through the front door with you and seeing the look on his face.”

“Is he...in a diaper now?”

“That’s a good question,” Amber said with a shrug. “He better be.”

She quickly typed a message and sent it.

“There. We’ll find out shortly,” Amber said. “What do you say? Shall we celebrate how good our day is about to be? Two more mimosas?”

“Just hook it into my veins,” Natasha said. They both laughed.

More drinks were ordered, and some sweet little cakes were brought to the table as well. Brunch was in the endgame now, and the anticipation was growing for both.

“Any response yet?” Natasha asked.

A chime sounded - a sound effect of a baby crying - from Amber’s phone at that moment.

“He claims he was in a diaper all morning,” Amber said, shrugging. “But when I asked him for a photo, it seemed to take a while for him to show it to me.”

“May I see?”

“Of course.”

The photo was sent to Natasha, and moments later, they both giggled together at the sight of poor Will awkwardly taking a photo of himself in a diaper. The baby had no idea that his audience had doubled.

“Are you going to tell him I’m coming?” Natasha asked.

“I don’t think I will.” More laughter from both.

“Well,” Natasha said, “I mean...we could make it more interesting.”

“Oh? Natasha, I see you’re quickly getting into the spirit of this.”

“I mean, it’s not everyday that you learn of such a big pathetic baby within your social circle. It’s very exciting to me.”

“Okay,” Amber said with a smile. “What do you have in mind?”

“Tell him to piss himself.”

Amber laughed. “Yeah? Mind you, he’s such a little toddler that he may have already wet himself. But let’s see what we can do here.”

Amber quickly typed out another message and sent it.

It wasn’t long before a message was returned with another crying baby sound. That was a very amusing touch, Natasha thought.

“If he knew that I was telling him to do it because you wanted to see it,” Amber said, “he would’ve pushed back.”

“So I assume he…”

“Oh, no questions asked. He just went ahead and soaked his diaper.”

Another crying baby sound.

“Ah,” Amber said. “And here’s the proof.”

Natasha began to ask if she could see it, but with a BA-DING on her own phone, the image was already there.

There he was Will, bent over with his thickly diapered ass jutting out. Except the once-white padding had turned to a more yellow tone, and there was a more noticeable sag between his legs.

“Oh my god,” Natasha said, giggling at what she was seeing. “He...he literally just pissed himself because you told him to.”

“I’m telling you right now, Nat, he’s so ridiculously eager to please me. Especially when I start treating him like a little baby. He just can’t help himself. He’ll do anything.”


“If you’ve got any ideas, now is the time to try them out.”

There were a thousand things that Natasha would’ve liked to have seen a babified Will do, but there was one thing in particular that she felt that she just had to see. Something so pathetic and humiliating that she still couldn’t completely believe he actually did.

“I want him to poop his pants,” Natasha said. “I want him to mess his diaper.”

Amber laughed. “Yeah? Are you sure about that?”

“He’ll do it? He’ll actually...fill up his pampers?”

“Say the word, Nat, and I’ll give the command. And you just watch.”

“Then, yeah. I want to see it. I want to see your baby poop his pants just because you told him to.”

“He’s going to poop his pants because you told him to,” Amber said. “He just doesn’t know it yet. Are you sure you’re ready for that kind of power?”

“It’s pretty gross, isn’t it?”

Amber nodded. “It’s stinky. And mushy. And no matter how well he cleans himself, I always feel like he smells like a dirty diaper for the rest of the day.”

“But he likes having his diaper changed, right?” Natasha asked.

“Oh of course. Probably more than he likes just about anything else. But...I’m not a fan of the smelly diapers. We can laugh as we watch him filling his diapers, but I’ll probably just tell him to go clean himself up when he’s done.”

“No,” Natasha said.


“If...If we make him poop his pants, then I want to change him.”

“Are you serious?” Now it was Amber who couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Like...it’s gross. I’m not lying about that. It’s disgusting and foul.”

“I’ve changed a hundred diapers,” Natasha said. “I was a babysitter for years, remember? And he’s no different than an actual baby. Just bigger. And I already said that I’d be his babysitter, yes? Consider this my audition.”

“Oh he’s going to freak out,” Amber said. She smiled. “Yes, okay. Deal. Let’s do this.”

She quickly sent another text to Will before laughing loudly again.

Natasha tilted her head in bemusement.

“I asked for a video this time.”

“Nooo! You did not!”

“I most certainly did,” Amber said, laughing again. “Oh this is going to be so rich.

There wasn’t an immediate response this time.

“What if...he didn’t have to go?” asked Natasha.

“I suppose he’d say so,” Amber said with a shrug. “But if I know my baby, and I think that I do, he never uses the toilet when he should. He holds everything. He wants to be in a diaper when he does it, and he wants me to see it happening. And, considering that he hasn’t made a little present in his diaper for me this morning yet, I’m going to bet that he’s got one locked and…” a little laugh, “...loaded.”

A few more moments passed before the crying baby noise was heard again. Both women looked to each other with glee in their eyes.

The video was quickly forwarded to Natasha, and when her phone chimed from having received it, they both hit the play button simultaneously so that they could view it together.

Mommy,” Will said, standing in the kitchen in just his diaper. “I...I’m going to...uhm…”

“Is he always this bashful?” asked Natasha. “Even with you?”

“Oh yes,” Amber said with a nod.

...make a poopy? In my, uhm, diaper? Because you asked me to. And, uhm, because I’m a little baby. And...that’s what I do…”

Natasha laughed out loud, shaking her head in disbelief.

I...okay. I’m going to go now. I...I’ve been holding it for a while. I was going to wait for you to get home, but because you asked, I’ll...do this for you now.”

HIs cinematography was impressive. Clearly, this was a baby who had sent many photos and videos of himself using his diapers before. He was able to steadily hold the phone in his hand as his body squatted, the diaper completely in view of the phone.

For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. Natasha wondered if the thick padding of the diaper would have made it hard to actually see what was happening inside of it. But, no sooner had she thought that, there was a loud farting noise from his diaper, and a large mass suddenly and quickly pushed against the plastic of the diaper. The new lump grew until it became too heavy to stay in place in the diaper, and it slid down between his legs, tugging at his diaper as it pulled them down a little.

The camera panned back up to his face again. He looked happy; proud.

I did it, Mommy. I did it! I...I went poopy in my diaper for you! And...well, I hope you’re happy with that.”

This was the end of the video. Both women were laughing. Natasha had tears in her eyes.

“I cannot believe that I just watched him do that!”

“Amazing, isn’t it?”

“Thank you so much for sending this to me. I’m going to watch this video, like, a hundred times tonight.”

“You’re quite welcome,” Amber said with a smile. “What do you say? Should I get him even more excited? Should I tell him that he’ll get his diaper changed when I come home?”

Natasha nodded and smiled.

“He doesn’t have to know who is changing his diaper,” Amber added.

“Will he let me?”

“Oh, he’ll throw a little tantrum, maybe. He’ll probably cry and pout. But he’ll never ever say no to a diaper change. Especially since I still hold the key to his little cage, remember?"


"In fact...why don't I give you one of the keys," Amber said. "That'd really get him all riled up."

She reached into her purse, pulling an extra key from the wallet within. She slid it across the table to Natasha, who happily swiped it up.

“I’m just about done with my mimosa,” Amber said. “Are you?”

“Oh, I’m ready to go.”

Another brunch was over, and the rest of the day could begin.



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