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Lesson Five: Changing the Baby

I had changed Neil’s diaper a few times, an experience that I always found to be frustrating and ultimately unsatisfying for either of us. Early in our days of experimenting with his kinks - back when he actually wanted to - he was simply excited to be laying in front of me, a woman, as his wet diaper was opened and a damp wipe was rubbed over his skin. I had little actual experience changing diapers in my life, and so most of what I did was just based on the memories of videos he sent me.

Every diaper change seemed to be less fulfilling for him, which in turn brought me down a little too. As far as I could tell, I was doing everything right. I was even trying to expand my repertoire a little - attempting to talk down to him, and mocking his wet diapers. It seemed to make little difference. Perhaps I wasn’t authentic enough. Or maybe he just had a completely different scenario in his mind - one that I’d never be able to provide.

One night, as he wet himself while we laid next to each other, I offered to change his diaper - an offer that once instilled him a boyish level of excitement. But this time, he just shrugged and told me not to worry about it; he’d take care of it himself.

“Some little babies like to be left in their dirty diapers for a bit,” Averie said, bouncing her knees a little to further smear the contents of my diaper about. “They want to stew in their own filth.”

I sighed, hoping that wasn’t the fate she had in mind for me.

“Of course,” she continued, “I don’t like to give some babies a choice in the matter. Your husband - little Baby Nelly - it brought me great pleasure to leave him marinating for a while. He was not a fan of that, I don’t think.”

He wasn’t, as I recalled reading from his little essays. But that was the point for him. While he may have hated it in the moment, he spent a lot of time thinking about it after the fact. “Thinking.”

“How about you, Baby?” she cooed. “Do you think you’d like to have your diaper changed? Or would you rather stay in this stinky thing?”

It hadn’t taken long for the smell of my diaper to smack me in the face after I had gone and messed myself. There was no side-stepping the truth - I smelled bad. Yet, I found myself more concerned about offending Averie with my foul diaper than I was with just smelling gross myself. It was poop - I knew what to expect. Sure, there was more of it - and it was entirely contained within my pants - but it wasn’t disgusted with it.

I shook my head. While I may have been a little more comfortable in this diaper than I anticipated, I didn’t want it to overstay its welcome.

“I didn’t think so. We’ll have to go back to the nursery, of course.”

True to my word - and per her request - I had once again ceased using my big girl words once I had messed my diaper. It was for the best, as I wasn’t even sure what I would’ve said. Besides, should someone who just used their diaper like that even be allowed to talk like an adult?

I made a mental note to remember that question for later.

I eased myself back to the ground. My diaper sagged and drooped more than it had before when it was just wet, yet not as much as I thought it would. It was easy to determine why, of course - most of the back of the diaper was plastered to my ass, a layer of my own filth keeping the two together.

Without needing to be told, I got onto my hands and knees so that I could crawl.

I found myself constantly looking to her face. Every five seconds, whether it was on her lap, on the ground, or while she dressed me earlier, I felt like I was checking to see what her reaction was. And every single time I had seen nothing but a content smile of varying degrees. Yet, this consistency didn’t ease my worries at any point. If anything, it made them worse. I kept checking to see if this was the moment where she was disappointed.

No disappointment right now. I let out a sigh of relief. I’d be good for another few seconds.

“Such a good little girl, aren’t you? Look at you, all ready to crawl up those stairs again.”

Without warning, she delivered a firm slap to the backside of my diaper. The densely filled diaper offered little give and the loud sound reverberated through the room. It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t have to.

“That wasn’t a punishment of any sort,” she said. “You would know if it was. I’m simply having fun.” She gave my diaper another windmill swat, causing me to yelp a little.

I was crawling up the stairs again, with her walking behind me. With every step, I felt vulnerable and on display. My dirty bottom, while covered in the onesie and dress - barely - was jutting out and it felt like it was directly in her face. She’d occasionally feel it with her hands, running them along the bulge of the diaper, admiring the little lumps of my mess that weren’t completely obliterated into dark corners of the garment.

“Such a stinky stinky little girl,” she said at one point. “For such an adorable little bean, you may just have one of the absolute most toxic rear ends.”

I let out a little gasp. It was the closest she had come to actually making me feel bad about what we were doing here.

“But to be clear,” she added - likely noting my worry, “I like that. It’s yet another thing that makes you special and unique.”

Had she really just made me feel good about myself by talking about how smelly my shit was? It appeared so.

“I think we should take off your pretty dress,” she said as we entered the nursery. “Just to be safe. I wouldn’t want to get it dirty now, would you?”

I shook my head.

She took my hand and helped me to stand up on my feet again. She slipped my pacifier back into my mouth - I wondered if I had dropped it earlier, before she had taken me downstairs with her. Then, she worked the dress back over my head, leaving me in just the onesie, diaper and socks.

“Oh…” she said from behind me. “Oh my.”

My eyes widened and my heart started to beat faster. It sounded like genuine concern.

“Wh-what is it?” I said, breaking my vow to not be using my big girl words.

“My little muffin...I’m sorry to say, but it looks as if there’s been a bit of a blowout back here.”

I couldn’t quite grasp what she was saying. It sounded bad, but I was also imagining my diaper having exploded. Maybe it might as well have.

“This onesie is…” she pondered it for a moment, “...salvageable, maybe. It’ll need to go through the wash once or thrice.”

Had I pooped so much that I had somehow overflowed the diaper?

“What happened?” I asked.

“Oh...it’s nothing to worry about,” she said. “These things sometimes happen. Big loads, plus laps and playful mommy-slaps and...well we’ve had some escape out the top of the diaper in the back. It’s...a bit frightful. Your poor onesie got the brunt of it.”

I felt mortified. It was often easy to disconnect from how these things might have looked to anyone else without context, but I couldn’t do that here. I had literal shit pouring out of my pants, to the point where it ruined my clothing. Worse, Averie, still a new presence in my life, had just watched me make this mess as I literally sat in her lap. She could say it was nothing to worry about all she wanted, but...I was going to worry about it.

She carefully and methodically pulled the onesie up and off me, having me raise my arms so she could fully slip it off. She had been careful to pull the tainted fabric as far away from my skin as she could to minimize any further contact with it. I couldn’t get over how nonchalantly she treated the situation. She had done this before.

She drew a baby wipe from the changing table, giving my lower back a thorough polish to remove the escapees.

“I’m more concerned about you making my changing table filthy than I am your back being clean,” she said. I sensed she was teasing, but I couldn’t be sure. “I’m tempted to draw you a bath, but perhaps that can wait. Now then, let’s get you up on the table.”

Getting onto the table was easy. Lowering my mucky all the way down onto the padded surface was a challenge. I could just imagine putting my weight down on the diaper, only for more of my mess to ooze out like a toothpaste tube.

“Why don’t you let me worry about your situation,” Averie finally said, pressing the front of my diaper down so that I was now laying flat on the table. I felt the insides of my diaper shift around, but I had no idea if it had become another disaster or not.

She seemed to have no distress on her face whatsoever. I kept looking to her face - making sure she was okay. She looked content. At ease. Happy, even. It made me feel at ease myself.

“You’re such a stinky little girl, aren’t you?”

My head twitched slightly, resembling a nod.

“I know you’re not supposed to be speaking. But Mommy would like to hear you tell her what a smelly little girl you are.”


“Go on. I know you can do it, just as I’m sure you want to. Let’s hear it.”

“I’m...just a...stinky…”


I wasn’t stumbling over the words because they were hard to say. It was because I wasn’t sure how I wanted to say it. But the words came to me.

“I’m Mommy’s smelly little girl.” I could barely get the words out of my mouth before I started laughing. I couldn’t believe I had said such a ridiculous thing. Averie was laughing too - though likely only because she was laughing at me.

“You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”

A little shrug.

“Unfasten the top tapes first,” she said, dictating her actions as she finally went about tackling the ecological disaster between my legs. “Followed by the bottom tapes. The opposite order of how you’d fasten on a new diaper.”

She pulled the front of the diaper open. Judging by the way her eyes grew when she opened the diaper, I had a feeling it was worse than she even anticipated. I felt my heart flutter. Was I really that disgusting?

“You need to survey the damage,” she said. “I’ve learned that this isn’t as much for myself, the mommy, as it is for the baby. Did you see what I did there? How I looked almost shocked and appalled? I bet you felt like you were such a gross little baby, yes?”

I nodded.

“Babies love that. I don’t care if they just did a little tinkle or they committed a war crime in their diaper. I always make it into a show.”

I let out a little sigh of relief. It was another lesson I was thankful to learn - though, more importantly, it had made me feel better about my own situation.

“But, Dumping, I’m sorry to say it - but your bottom is a war crime. There will be casualties and a monument erected in their honor. Seriously - this is one of the filthiest diapers I’ve ever seen.”

My heart sank. It plummeted deep into the changing table below me and then into the ground beneath Averie’s house.

Baby wipes in hand, she got to work in cleaning me. Her soft hands guided the damp cloth over my skin. I couldn’t see how far my mess had reached, and so I trusted her fingers to clean what needed to be cleaned.

Yet...despite the fact that I was laying on my still-destroyed diaper, her fingertips seemed to be taking their time in cleaning my vagina. And then she reached my clit.

I had never been touched like that before. Never. Not by Neil. Not by any other man. I wasn’t even sure that I had even touched myself like she did at that moment. I let a moan escape my lips, but it was more than a moan; it was almost like a howl.

“Oh, do you like that?”

I offered only a moan in response, my mouth hanging open after the sound had dissipated.

“I’m just trying to clean your dirty little bottom,” she said, feigning innocence. “One has to be thorough.”

She wasn’t cleaning. She knew exactly what she was doing. The wipe had been slipped out from between me and her fingertips. She pressed into me with her hand as she rotated her fingertips on me.


“Is this something you like, Dumpling? Do you enjoy when Mommy presses your little button in the middle of a diaper change?”

“Uhhohh…. Yes...Mommy...”

“Does it make it better or worse knowing that you’re getting pleasured by Mommy while you remain mostly in your absolutely disgusting diaper?”

I could only offer more moans. Hopefully positive sounding ones.

“So you think I should keep doing this?”


“I’m not sure. I think that’s enough for now. Let’s get back to dealing with your diaper.”

“No!” I yelped. “Please! Mommy…”

“Yes? What would you like?”

“I...I need more.”


“Rub me, Mommy. Please?”

She had created a monster. An insatiable monster who had gotten the taste of something that she had always thought existed but never experienced.

“Really? Now? When you’re so stinky and dirty?”

“Mommy, please!”

“Or, is that exactly the point,” she pondered aloud. “Is it that you’re getting off on being so disgusting?”

“Yes!” I spat out; a mix of desperation and humiliation.

“I’m sorry - ‘Yes’ to what? Just so we’re clear and on the same page.”

“I...I...want you to touch me like that. While I...uhm...lie here in my dirty diaper.”

Those were the magic words. She stared into my eyes as her fingers danced on my clit. She was absolutely magical. She had me moaning. I was practically braying like a horse. And finally, with a final screeching groan, she brought me to a climax.

I gasped and wheezed for a few minutes before feeling almost all of the energy that I had left seeping from my body. I just lay there, like a giant limp doll.

From the very second that I had came, Averie moved on. No sooner than I had felt myself finally ease off my gyrating on her fingers, the wipes were in her hand again as she went back to cleaning me.

“You have to be thorough when cleaning a baby,” she said, as if nothing had even happened. I was barely paying attention. “Especially after a particularly heavy load like this one. Never worry about the number of wipes you need to clean a dirty bottom, either. After all, your babies are the ones paying for them.”

She lifted my legs straight into the air like it wasn’t any trouble at all, removing the diaper. I couldn’t even watch her anymore; my eyes were glazing over. She had completely exhausted me.

“It’s a lot to juggle at once,” she said. Was she still talking? “You need to thoroughly clean the baby's bottom before you can put a new diaper down underneath them. And, as once you’ve got that yucky dirty diaper in your hand, you’re going to want to roll it up and toss it into the diaper bin as soon as you can.”

My head was throbbing. It wasn’t a headache - more a euphoric haze. It was too much, all at once.

“Now, let’s get this new diaper on you,” she said. “And, as I’ll be applying this one myself, you can be assured that it’ll be much snugger and fitting than the last one. But first - baby powder is an absolute must.”

I felt myself fading further. My eyelids were getting heavier. I could still hear her talking, but she was getting further and further away from me.

“...and...little diapers...if you really want to...only because…”

The world faded away altogether as a blissful fog enveloped me.

I had the loveliest dream. Averie - Mommy - was carrying me around as if I was a baby. Poor little Neil was stuck in a dog crate. He was crying for someone to let him out. He was so jealous that Mommy liked me more.



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