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She dreamed the fantasy up in bits and pieces. Some of the pieces were iterated on repeatedly in her mind until they were perfect. Others came spontaneously and just instantly clicked into place.

She called it her magnum opus. The pinnacle of her fantasies.

She only spoke of it as if it was just conceptual. It wasn’t something she actually planned to act on. Or so she said. Sometimes I wondered. I was always looking out for a signal of some sort; a sign. A look, or a phrase - something that would tell me that she wanted to actually go through with it.

And when I got sick of waiting for that signal to appear in front of me, I went looking for it. She kept her journal in the top-left drawer of her desk. Part diary, part sketchbook, part homebase for her wildest brainstorming. She knew I knew where it was and it wasn’t a secret. If anything, she probably wanted me to be reading it more often than I actually did.

There I found my sign in permanent marker: I want this. More than anything. Don’t make me ask for it - just make it happen.


“You should wear diapers more often,” I said in the middle of changing her diaper.

“I’m already wearing at least one a day,” she said with a shrug.

“Maybe you should wear them all the time,” I suggested.

“Oh...” It was never hard to convince her to return to wearing diapers 24/7. It was a concept we flirted with from time to time, though it never lasted especially long. Life or work would get in the way, or we’d just needed to recharge the batteries a little so that it felt exciting again. But enough time had passed since the last round, and I suspected she’d be in. “...you think so?”

“I do.”

As predicted, she could barely contain her excitement. “Really? All the time?”

“That is what 24/7 means.”

“Y-yeah, I know. I just...gosh. Work is getting busier and we’ve been having friends over more often and...you’d want to change my diaper more often?”

“I’m changing your diaper daily as it is. Why not just take it a little further?”

“Oh? You’re fine with me going to work in a diaper? How chivalrous.”

“You love going to work in a diaper, let’s not kid ourselves. You’d love nothing more than to make a big dirty diaper right there at your desk.”

She could try and play coy all she wanted, but her magenta cheeks gave away her true feelings. “Okay. Yes. I...think we should do that.”

That was just the first step, and the easiest one. She had fallen into place so effortlessly that I wondered if she was actually the one who was playing me - but her quick embrace of wearing diapers full time had quickly proved to be powered only by her pure love of wearing them. Lucky for me, I loved her wearing them as well. She had the perfect little body for them - smooth and soft-skinned with just a little bit of infantile chubbiness to her. Honestly, she looked like she belonged in diapers.

The idea of her wearing full-time often seemed more laborious and complicated than it really was. Her body still had somewhat of a regular clock to it, and most “accidents” could be timed advantageously to avoid getting in the way of life. She had worn enough diapers in public by this point, too, to feel confident that she wasn’t going to be spotted or called out.

So really, it was just for the thrill of it. And she certainly got a thrill out of it.

The second step was underway, and while she was contributing to its completion, she was unaware of this. With every diaper she filled, I was a little bit closer to moving forward with the plan. The challenge there, of course, was storing the diapers. I was throwing them into the Diaper Genie - a marvelous use of stimulus money if there ever was one - but the bags weren’t making it into the trash can outside. Instead, they were piling up in the garage, under a tarp. I was thankful for the mild - if not cooler - weather, but keeping old diapers around seemed like a time bomb. Someday soon, I feared she’d either discover my stash while walking through the garage, or the house would just end up smelling like two weeks worth of used diapers. Either seemed like they’d derail my project.

As it turned out, the more often she had to use diapers, the more often she used them. It seemed like every time I checked her diapers, there was something in there waiting for me. Wetting upon wetting, with little drips sneaking out the side of her leg bands. Stinky little piles squished between her cheeks. And she loved all of it. Every diaper change was just positive reinforcement.

The more often she used her diapers - the more submissive she became. Mind you, she was never going to be mistaken for someone with an inkling of dominance about her. But it was like watching her regress right before my eyes.

In the morning: “So? Let’s take a look at that diaper,” I said. “Let’s see if you need a change yet.”

“Really? I promise. I’m good. You don’t have to see…” Bashful, and a little dismissive of her place.

But later that same day, it’s her who’s coming up to me: “Uhm...Daddy?”


“I think...I think, uhm, I need a change?”

“Do you? What happened to your diaper?”



I had the same conversation many many times.

“So, wait,” he said. “She’s going to...what?”

His name was Bradley. One of the few who wanted to meet in person. I thought more would’ve wanted to, honestly. I thought for sure that everyone would have wanted to see a little more proof that this was real. I was real. But no. Most people just send carefree responses via text messages and emails. They didn’t need details. They needed dates, times, and locations.

Bradley was a good looking guy. Smart, too. I wondered if there was a correlation between how desirable they were and how willing they were to just go along with anything.

“She’s going to pleasure you,” I said.

“But all while she’s…”

I nodded.

“Well, I can’t say that I’ve done that before.”

“But are you opposed?”

He thought about it for a moment. A short moment. “It’s...not really my problem, is it? It’s hers. And yours, maybe. But if I can get off while putting her in her place…”

“So, you’re in?”

“Oh, absolutely.”

Everyone was in. Even the people who seemed to be on the fence came around quickly. Nobody said no.

She’d be very pleased with these results.



The tone of her voice and its inflection - she was totally lost in her pathetic little girl space. She didn’t even have to tell me what she wanted; I could already smell it.

Perfect timing, too. This was the day, and this was the moment I had been waiting for.


“Uhm…” She could tell me a thousand times that she’s shit her diapers, but it never failed to still give her pause when she had to say it again.

“What’s the matter?”

“I...need my diaper changed?”

“Do you? Why? What have you done to it?”


“Everything? That’s a lot.”

She nodded.

“Wet it?”

She nodded again.

“Made a big poo in it?”

Another nod.

“Did you fill it with the rest of the cereal you didn’t finish this morning?”

She started to nod but paused. “Wait...what?”

“Well, you left half a bowl of cereal on the table before you left it. It got all warm and soggy in the milk.”

“Oh. Well…”

“I just think, since you’re wearing a diaper anyways, if you’re going to waste food like that, you might as well wear it.”

I could see conflicting looks in her eyes. She was confused about this, but she was also excited about this strange new direction.

The bowl was waiting for her. I had kept it with me, and I revealed it to her, pulling it out of what may have seemed to be thin air, I saw her eyes light up. I wasn’t kidding. I wasn’t bluffing.

“But...I need to be changed…”

“Later, maybe,” I said. “Come here.”

She knew what was coming. I was a man of my word, and I had a bowl of mostly dissolved cereal pieces and milk in my hands. Yet she made no effort to run, hide, or otherwise avoid her fate. I casually spun her around so that her back was to me. Her smelly backside, where it appeared that she had pushed a rather plump load into the back of her sagging diaper. And this didn’t just happen, either. I suspect she had been letting this one marinate a little.

What was the rush then?

I poured the contents of the bowl into the back of her diaper. She giggled and squirmed as the off-white soupy mix flooded the back of her full diaper. It mixed with the naughty things she had already done in it, and when the diaper had reached its absolute max capacity, brownish-white liquid trickled down her bare legs.

She looked up at me with curiosity. What now? Was there more? Or was she to be left crawling around in an even more disgusting diaper than the one she came to me in?

There was much more.

“Why don’t you take your clothes off for me.”

She didn’t question this, likely thinking that she was going to get that diaper change she so badly needed. Off went her shirt and skirt, then her socks and bra. It was all kicked aside, leaving her in just her diaper.

“Come with me,” I said, standing up.

She nodded and obediently followed behind me. I peaked back to see a little trail of filth following her. Perfect.

We went through the kitchen and to the door that led out to the garage.

“The garage?” she asked. Her confusion was understandable. Up until this point, nothing exciting had ever happened in the garage.

“Follow me,” I said again, opening the door. She continued to follow like a good girl.

The cars had been moved out from the garage, and I had done a little rearranging to make some more space. Now, in the center of the garage floor, was just a single trash can with a step ladder next to it. A large green plastic trash can - brand new and currently empty.

“What...is this?” she asked. She could sense something was up, but her baby brain couldn’t quite figure it out.

“This doesn’t look familiar to you?”

“Should it?”

“Come here. To me.”

“Oh. Wait. This is…”

I nodded.

“Here? Now?”

“This is it, little girl. Your magnum opus. Now then, let’s get you into your proper place, yes?”

She nodded meekly, so overcome with emotions that she could barely think straight. I offered her my hand, she took it, and I led her to the ladder. She knew where to go from there. Slowly, she ascended the few short steps so that she was at the brim of the trash can.

“In we go now.” I lifted her from the ladder and I aided her into the trash can.

And that was the beginning.

“Do you know why you’re here?” I asked.


“You can say it.”


“Is that a question? Or an answer.”

“I’m trash,” she said, humbled and humiliated. Saying the words sparked a little confidence in her - or at least a recollection of just how hot she thought this was while dreaming it up.

“Trash? What makes you trash?” I asked.

“I’m...disgusting.” Her head lifted, and while she couldn’t quite make eye contact with me, she could at least look in my general direction now. “I’m...a gross little girl.”

“Tell me more,” I said.

“I...smell bad. I smell like pee and poo.”


“Because...I wear diapers. And I use them. I...I’m always...messing in my diapers. Or wetting myself.”


“But…” There was that smile. “I love it.”

“That’s what I thought.”

I peeled back the tarp in the corner, revealing bag upon bag upon bag of her used diapers - a collection weeks in the making. I wondered if she truly couldn’t smell it sooner. I had become so used to the smell that I think I had gotten used to it. This was just the smell of the garage now. Worse - the smell had either begun to permeate into the house, or I had become so used to the odor that it was just a permanent presence in my nostrils now.

Of course, her current diaper seemed to be giving off its own pungent aroma too. It occurred to me that she might have just assumed that it was her who always smelled. She’d at least been partially correct.

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. She didn’t think I’d do this, but here they were.

I intended to show her that I followed her wishes to the letter. And she looked absolutely mortified by the possibility that I had.

“No detail was spared,” I assured her.

I picked up the first bag of used rotten diapers. Being at the top of the pile, it was probably a fresher bag, from the last day or two. I tore open the bag, a rush of stale putrid air rushing out to meet my face. If this was a more recent bag, I dreaded what the older bags would bring.

I dumped the bag into the trash can. They piled up around her feet.

“This is what stinky little disgusting girls like you get,” I said. “You get treated like the trash you’ve created.”

A tear rolled down her cheek. She was humiliated, for sure, but I imagined she was already thinking a few steps ahead and she knew what would be coming next. I think she was excited. I think she was elated.

I quickly sent my first text of the day. It was the signal.

The side door to the garage opened and in walked our first guest. His scruffy red beard and messy hair had a cute-hipster vibe that I suspected she’d like a lot. The look on her face - a combination of fear and lust - confirmed as much.

“This is Robert,” I said.

He waved a hand in front of his face. “You weren’t kidding,” he said. “It smells terrible in here. She did this?”

“She did,” I said. “Some of that is her current messy diaper, but the rest of it is the culmination of the last few weeks of her being a little baby.”

He walked up to the trash can, taking a peek inside of it. He saw the bundled up used diapers around her feet. He saw the sagging bulge of her current diaper. I wondered if he, or anyone else, would look at such a sight and just pivot on their heels and walk out of the garage. But he didn’t. If nothing else, he seemed even more sure of his presence here now.

“Unbelievable,” he said, shaking his head.

“Quite the disgusting little thing, right?”

“You did the right thing,” he said. “I’d throw her away too.”

“Well, as promised, there she is. The rules are simple: she stays in the trash can, and you’ll ask her before you do anything. But anything she approves of is fair game. And...I don’t suppose she’ll be picky.”

“I don’t want much,” he said. “Honestly, I just wanted to see this, more than anything. It’s a fucking shame - she’s so fucking cute.”

She blushed.

“Will she suck me off?”

“Why don’t you ask the baby?” I answered.

“Well? Will you suck me off?”

“Y-yes sir,” she answered.

I was worried that we’d waste a lot of time trying to coordinate how these requests would work, but they both quickly figured it out for themselves. She shifted herself to the edge of the trash can and he ascended a few steps of the ladder so that his crotch was in her face. He let her unbuckle his pants, and his mostly-hard cock flopped out of his pants moments after.

She wasted no time at all in taking him into her mouth. All of him, almost immediately. She had always excelled at pleasuring a man with her mouth, and I watched as all of Robert’s preconceived notions about what was coming wash from his face.

It took no time at all. An embarrassingly short time, if I was being honest. He suddenly began to quake. “I...I… I’m going to…”

I wanted to call out to him. I wanted to ask him not to waste this opportunity. But as it turned out, I didn’t have to say anything. Robert was a smart guy and he got what was happening here. This pathetic baby in the trash can had a long day ahead of her, and he was there only to add to her experience. Unloading down her throat - while satisfying - wasn’t the right answer. He quickly pulled his dick from her mouth, just as he climaxed - spraying her face and chest with his load. It dripped down her skin, some creeping its way down towards her belly while some pooled between her breasts.

And that was it. What else could he contribute? He stepped down from the ladder.

“Thank you,” he said, “for letting me be a part of this.”

“There’ll be pictures of her progress. I’ll send them to you.”


Robert was gone.

“Well? How was that?” I said to her.

She said nothing, but she nodded, a little smile on her face. She licked the corner of her mouth, catching a droplet of Robert’s.

“We have a big day ahead of us.” I went to the pile of bags of diapers, grabbing another. I brought it to the trash can, breaking it open and pouring the putrid contents into it. These filled in the gaps at the bottom of the trash can, a few piling on atop the ones that were already in there.

The next text was sent, and Ryan was summoned. We shared pleasantries, and he made his comments about her current state and pathetic-ness. The rules were shared once more.

“May I piss on you?”

She nodded.

He used the stepladder to get high enough that he could aim himself into the trash can. Once again, I didn’t have to offer any direction - he knew what to do. Careful as to not completely wash away what Robert had done, he sprayed her belly and diaper with his stream of piss - some of it trickling down her body and into the diaper. The rest landed at her feet, covering and mingling with the filthy diapers below.

When he was finished, he zipped up his pants again. “Are you sure there’s nothing else you want?”

“I think I’ve achieved what I wanted to,” he said with a shrug and he was gone soon after.

More diapers were added to the trash can. At this point, her ankles were mostly submerged in the remnants of the last few weeks of her infantile behavior.

“Having fun?” I asked.


“Ready for more”


Quentin was next. Another sucked cock. He came into her hair, something so deliciously sloppy that I was disappointed in myself for not seeing that as an option sooner.

More diapers were added to the trash can.

Marcus was the next guy on the step ladder, but positioning himself higher. She didn’t even have to touch him, he had just pulled his manhood out and stroked it until he came - asking that she try to catch it in her stinking diaper. She did her best, but between his erratic aim and her lack of range of motion, it wasn’t to be - adding another splatter of glistening glaze spread between her belly and chest.

More diapers were added to the trash can. They were slowly making their way up to her knees.

Just as she had seemed to regress with her more frequent use of diapers, so too did she seem to lose herself as the level of old diapers grew around her. She was becoming desperate, horny and insatiable.

As Daniel entered the garage, she loudly exclaimed - possibly to both of us, possibly to nobody at all: “I’m...I’m peeing my diaper again!”

That diaper was already at capacity. Looking into the bin only confirmed that there was a new stream trickling down her leg and into the filth at the bottom.

Daniel also wanted his cock to be sucked. These greedy boys. Not that I blamed him. I wondered if Robert had waited outside for the next guy to show up so that he could tell them to be sure to stuff her mouth full. It would’ve been sound advice.

Nonetheless, she eagerly took his member into her mouth just as she had for Daniel earlier. It came so naturally to her, I wondered how long she’d maintain this willingness to slobber over another man’s cock today. Judging by the way she was practically drooling just before she swallowed it, it seemed safe to assume she wouldn’t be worn out anytime soon.

This was her in her element. I’d see it from time to time in her other little adventures - this look of absolutely dedicated servitude. Nothing else mattered. She was just a dumb pleasure machine now, and nothing pleased her more.

Daniel exploded like a shotgun, blasting her face with a surprisingly wide cone of his come. She barely even blinked as she thanked him for his contribution.

He left. More diapers added.

For good measure, I looked into the back of the diaper she wore. Her filthy mess stared right back at me, along with the remnants of the cereal bowl I had poured into it earlier.

“You’ll probably get a rash,” I said.

She shrugged and giggled. She was too far gone to care. Ah well. What could I do about it now?

Aaron was in the garage now. He surprised both of us by taking off his pants to reveal that he was wearing a diaper himself. I didn’t recall my conversation with Aaron while I was planning the day - but I couldn’t recall anyone saying they’d be wearing a diaper of their own.

“May I add this to the trash can?”

“Is it wet?”

He nodded. I looked to her, and she nodded feverishly.

“Yes,” I said. “Please do.”

That was all he wanted. He left. More diapers added. They were starting to pile past her knees now.

Kyle, Bradley and Jim got their cocks sucked, and they all contributed to helping the effort to paint the front of her body a shiny off-white.

More diapers were added to the garbage can.

Emma arrived soon after. It was one of the easiest conversations I had in setting everything up. She responded to my post with a simple “When and where?” and I gave her those details.

“Well, well, well, look at this smelly little girl,” she hissed, glancing into the trash can to get a better look.

“She’s there for your pleasure,” I said. “What can she do for you?”

“I need my ass cleaned out. I assume your little garbage pail kid can help me with that?”

I once again deferred to the judgment of my humiliated trash baby. She nodded hesitantly. I knew her well enough that she wanted nothing more than to lick lean this woman’s asshole - but she had been reminded once more that she was knee-deep in diapers. She lusted for someone like Emma, but it’d never be anything other than this - her dignity was already splintered into a thousand pieces.

Emma was not about to waste anyone’s time. She pulled her pants and panties off and climbed the stepladder until she was at such a height that she could turn around and have her ass level with the dirty baby’s face.

I wondered what Emma needed to have cleaned out of it. I wondered how long she had spent working up whatever funk that she was now expecting to have cleaned off. That would have been between her and Emma, I supposed. Regardless, she was immediately ready to go; salivating even, as she plunged her face deep between Emma’s perfectly spherical ass cheeks. The garage filled with the discordant chorus of slurping, kissing, sucking, smacking and moaning - most of which just coming from Emma’s backside. Though, make no mistake, Emma, seemed just as happy with this.

I wasn’t sure how one would know when their ass had been sufficiently made-out with. Or, for that matter, when one would know when to stop and remove their tongue from the other’s bottom. But there seemed to be some sort of connection made via the merging of their opposite ends, because just as suddenly as it had started, it seemed to end, with both seeming very content with what had just happened.

“Your girl smells like shit,” Emma said to me as she pulled her pants up.

“As to be expected.”

“Someday, after she’s been given a proper bath, I’d have some other uses for her. Keep my number?”

“Count on it.”

More diapers were added to the trash can.

Todd. Christopher. Jordan. Someone who only insisted on being called “Ultra.” Jaime. It was an assembly line of people who had answered the call and were ready to help contribute. As the diapers continued to rise in the trash can, so had her upper body and face continue to be coated by horny men. It was in her hair. On her face. Dripping down her chest and belly.

The rest of the diapers were added, with the old garments reaching her breasts. It looked amazing - the top third of her body sticking out of a sea of old diapers. The smell was unreal. The look on her face was priceless.

“That’s it,” I said. “Nobody else will be coming through that door. There are no more diapers to add to the trash can.”

“That’s it?” She seemed legitimately disappointed.

“Well...there’s one more step left. But...you should know what that is.”

Again, her eyes widened and her cheeks grew crimson. She knew how her fantasy had ended in her journal. But that was a fantasy. The most fantastical part of the fantasy. It was so...outlandish. So ridiculous. There was no way that she could believe that he actually managed to…

From outside the garage door came the loud obnoxious blaring of what sounded like a large truck, followed by the persistent beeping of a large vehicle backing up.

She looked at me, panic in her eyes. “Is… Is that a…?”

“Let’s take a look and see,” I said with a smile as I pressed the button on the garage door remote.The door slowly rose into the ceiling, gradually revealing what was on the other side.

It was a garbage truck. An actual garbage truck that had been backed up to the garage door. Two men got out of the truck - sanitation workers in their full uniforms. Smiles on their faces.

“I called in some favors,” I said. “This was actually one of the easiest things for me to set up.”

The men took a minute or two to survey the situation. They walked around the trash can. Looked inside. Made some comments to each other.

“Everything alright?” I asked.

“Actually,” one of the men - the bald one - said. “Seeing as how it looks like everyone else had some fun at her expense, we were kind of hoping that we could get in on that too?”

I laughed. I should’ve seen this coming, but I had somehow just foolishly assumed they’d be there to fill a simple, albeit strange, promise. Once more, I deferred to her.

She nodded. I couldn’t even believe it, she still had hunger in her eyes.

Bald guy’s pants were unzipped before she had even finished nodding. He quickly climbed the ladder, and his cock slipped into her filthy face. She showed no signs of exhaustion, and she seemed just as engaged and willing to please as she had when the very first guest had come into their home.

It took moments for her to work her magic on him. He pulled out just as he climaxed, a thick goopy blob that didn’t spray out as much as it just oozed into the pile of diapers below him. He looked a little let down that he didn’t get to make a big mess on her face, but he seemed more than content with the pleasure he had just received.

Dark haired guy was next. His girthy manhood impressed me and her both as he hoisted it from his stained pants. I was glad that he was the last guest of the day, as he was giving us a very grand finale. He took a few steps up the ladder, and rather than just plunge his cock into her mouth, he first unleashed a fierce stream of piss on her unsuspecting face. Into her open mouth. Across her eyes and into her hair. Her chest.

Then, as she recovered from that, blinking the excess liquid out of her eyes as his piss poured out from the corners of his lips, his thick cock stuffed her mouth full. It was hard not to feel the tiniest bit emasculated as she moaned and slobbered over such a member. I had never gotten quite the same reaction...but it seemed silly to be upset about this now while I was watching her try to suck it all down. It was the greatest show I had ever seen.

He outlasted the other men, I’ll give him that. A solid ten minutes of groaning and heavy breathing from both of them and he finally began to brace himself as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. She knew what to do - her hands guided his cock from her mouth just as it finally exploded. One last creamy burst that dripped over the features of her face.

“That’s it, right?” the dark-haired guy finally asked, stuffing himself back into his pants.

“That’s it. She’s all yours.”

The men each took a side of the trash can - heavy with both her and her weeks worth of dirty stinky diapers - and heaved it all into the back of the open garbage truck.

“And you want us to…”

“Take her where you take garbage,” I confirmed. “That’s where her and her diapers belong.”

Bald guy nodded apprehensively, asking: “And then what?”

“I’ll go retrieve her later.”

They didn’t seem to care. They got back in the truck and it slowly began to pull away from the garage. There she was, in the back of the garbage truck, almost completely buried in her own filth and being hauled off to god-knows. Her face still glistened.


I’m thinking about it again, a later entry in her journal read. I had retrieved it for some light reading while I enjoyed a glass of Cabernet and shortly before I’d leave to go pick her up from wherever she had been dumped. I’m always thinking about it.  I don’t want to just be some thumb-sucking, pants-filling adult baby. I’m garbage. I want to be used and discarded, just like my diapers.

Well, she had achieved just that today.

I wondered what she would do with herself now. With her wildest fantasy imagined, did she just sit back and enjoy the memory of it?

No, I doubted that. Right now, buried in her disgusting diapers, she was already planning out her next ridiculous act.

I couldn’t wait to learn about it.



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