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Hi babies!

Just checking in. You good? Happy? Staying cool? Staying hydrated? Do you need a change?

Look, this is not the time of year to get a diaper rash. I care about the health of your bottom.

A few things of note:

  • I'm gonna be away on vacation next week. Don't worry, I'll have some stories scheduled for your reading pleasure. But there might be a little bit of a delay if you send me a message.
  • A few months ago I asked if anyone would be interested in a Discord server. The few messages I got about it seemed pretty positive. So, I've set one up and in a week or two we'll do a little test run. If you want to get an invite and participate in the test, just shoot me a message or leave a comment. Once I got back at the end of next week, I'll send anyone interested an invite link. 
  • Next month will be the QH Patreon's 1 Year Anniversary! Awwww, isn't that adorable? Should we have cake? And a little party? We should definitely do something special, right? Let's think about that.

Alright, that's all for now. Thanks! Love you, bye!

Stay naughty.




I am so stoked for the Discord!