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“Do you need to be changed?”

Every strand of hair on my body stood on end as Lily quietly whispered her question into my ear. I could feel my cheeks bursting into flames.

“N-no...I’m good,” I said. Though, if i was being honest? I wished that I could’ve said otherwise.

Using the diaper always felt like an inevitably, but the timing just never felt natural to me. When was I supposed to do it? Was I supposed to just go somewhere when it happened? What if I didn’t? Would everyone know while it was happening? So I just kept holding off, waiting for some magical moment to appear when it felt like it was the official Time To Go.

“You can’t just hold it all night,” she said softly. “That can’t be comfortable.”

“But what if everyone knows?”

“Sweetie, you’re wearing a diaper. They probably think it's weirder that you’re not using your diaper.”

Before Madison had taken Kat upstairs a few minutes to take care of her diaper, we had all been sitting in the living room together; just chatting and relaxing.

As it turned out, not that anyone was particularly surprised, Kat didn’t need alcohol or a small audience on a trail to just go ahead and fill her diaper. Now that she was comfortable with our presence, she was comfortable using it anywhere, at any time. And in any way she needed.

“Just go,” Lily said, rubbing my leg. “Just wet yourself. Just let it go.”

“I...I know…” I wanted to say more but I bit my tongue. Peeing was the least of my worries. I hadn’t been out of a diaper since the hike with Kat - more than long enough to have interrupted my usual bathroom schedule.

“If you do it now, I can take you upstairs as soon as Kat and Maddy are done. Then you don’t even have to worry about them seeing it happen, and we can just immediately change you.

I had to hand it to her, it was sound logic. Still...I had much more brewing in me than I think either of us were prepared to deal with.

“Please?” she asked. “For me? I’d feel a lot better if you weren’t so uncomfortable.”

“Look, Lily, I…” I tried to think of what I wanted to say. I thought of euphemisms and cute flowery language that I might use to make it sound more pleasing, but I stopped myself from going there. Lily continued to openly support me no matter how deep into this new world I found myself. She deserved to hear the truth, bluntly. “Lily, I think I’m going to poop my diaper.”

I expected her face to twist and for her hand to slide off of my leg. I imagined her coughing awkwardly while the color drained from her face. She’d realize that we had both bitten off more than she could chew. She’d tell me to just go use a toilet.

“Well? Hurry up,” she said instead. Her hand was still on my lap. Her eyes were still full of love and support. She smiled.

“Are you sure?”

“Don’t be silly. Use your diaper, Baby.”

“Should I...go...into the kitchen? I can just tell you when I’m done and then…”

“What? No, don’t be silly. You can just do it right here. I promise, I don’t mind. No matter how weird or gross you worry that I’ll think it is...I assure you, it’s okay.”

She had that magic about her - she always did. She instantly washed away any of the doubt or shame that I had been holding onto. I took a few deep breaths in preparation.

I stood up from the couch, and I tried a few stances - varying between standing straight up, squatting a little, and squatting a lot as I sought the most comfortable position. Somewhere between a full squat and just a little seemed to be the right balance between not making me feel like an idiot and giving my insides the room they needed to do their thing.

I started pushing, though there was already considerable pressure in my bowels and on my bladder. It wasn’t going to take much. I just had to allow myself to let it happen. My brain was sending out the message now: It’s okay, boys, we know this is a weird one, but the boss says it’s okay. Bombs away.

My bladder was the first to release. The stream was as heavy as it was loud. Even Lily lifted her head a little as she heard the sound of my piss saturating the diaper.

“My my, you really had to go. You should have gone sooner.”

She was right, but I was in no position to respond. No sooner than I had flooded the diaper, the bottom already sagging inside my pants, I could feel my bowels moving. There was no stopping this now. I pushed a little more to get it started, but very soon after things were moving on their own.

“Alright, Little Miss Stinky Butt is back to having a clean bottom again,” Madison’s voice said from the top of the stairs as the two began making their way back down into the living room.

My eyes shot to Lily’s. Both of our mouths hung agape. What was I supposed to do? What could I do? It was already too late.

“You don’t have to tell them about what I...did...in my…” Kat’s voice trailed off as they both left the stairs, only now aware of what they might have been interrupting. “Oh...are you...I-I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s okay,” said Lily. “Henry was just...uh, finishing.”

I had started pushing just before they reemerged on the stairs, and from that moment until just now, I had been slowly and continuously messing the diaper. Just a slow and steady flow of semi-solid mush being forced out of my bottom and settling into my sagging diaper. Even when it felt like I had filled the diaper, it was still coming - seeking new places to creep into. The diaper felt like it had gained 10 pounds - though I’m sure at least 8 pounds of that was my humiliated mind playing tricks on me.

“The, uhm, nursery is ready for you if you need it,” Madison said. “It...well...we just changed a dirty diaper up there so...it might already smell a little.”

“If it didn’t smell before, I’m sure it’ll smell now,” Lily said with a shrug. It was so casual and off the cuff that I could barely believe she had said it at all. Everything about this situation suddenly seemed even stranger than it had moments ago. Had I really just messed in a diaper in front of Lily? And now Madison and Kat were just staring at me as I finished filling it? Lily was openly talking about the contents of my diaper and going to the nursery?

“Do you need...help?” Madison offered.

“Oh...I don’t know,” Lily responded, scratching her head. “Honestly...I don’t think I’ve ever changed a dirty diaper like this before. Especially on an adult.”

“A big baby,” Madison corrected. “I could show you how, if you want. If...Henry is okay with that.”

For what felt like the thousandth time today, all eyes were on me. I was torn. I was already feeling humiliated. Every second that I stood there, my full diaper hanging off my bottom, my instinct to just escape with Lily grew stronger. But...truth be told, I wanted Madison to be there. I wanted her to show Lily how an expert did it. Did I say that out loud?

“I know I’d like that,” Lily said. “Again...as long as Henry is okay with that.”

It was a relief to hear her say that.

“Y-yes,” I said. “That sounds good.”

“I’ll wait here,” Kat said. It seemed obvious, but I was glad that she acknowledged that maybe there didn’t need to be more eyes on my dirty diaper than there already would be.

“Let’s go,” Madison said with a smile. She led the way back up the stairs with Lily following, and myself behind her. Probably for the best...I was already growing increasingly self-conscious of how my diaper was starting to smell, and I couldn’t imagine the feeling of someone walking behind me up the stairs.

We followed her all the way to the nursery. I wondered how conscious I’d have been of the scent in the room if Madison hadn’t said something before - but I immediately noticed the strange combination of smells here. It was baby powder - a lot of baby powder. It was a scent I had come to associate with Kat over the last few days, though it seemed to be taking up more space in my own day-to-day life as well. But mixed with it was...something. I knew what it was immediately, but I was still having a hard time processing it. It was the remnants of Kat’s own diaper, changed moments ago. Every one of my instincts told me that this was supposed to be a bad smell. I should be grossed out. I should be uncomfortable. Yet I felt none of that.

“Why don’t you take your pants off and hop up on the changing table?” Madison said.

I looked to both her and Lily, trying to read their faces. Were they happy? Disgusted? Excited? Annoyed? They both smiled, easing a bit of my uncertainty.

“It’s okay,” Lily added. “Maddy and I will take good care of you.”

I let my pants fall to the floor; the panties doing little to conceal the full and sagging diaper under them. It’d be the first time Madison had seen me in panties or a diaper, but she didn’t even so much as twitch. I let the panties fall to the ground too. Matter of factly, and with a practiced patience, she led me by the hand to the step stool by the changing table. I crawled up to the table’s surface.

“Wait,” I said, “but if I lie down then…”

“You’re going to have to,” Madison said, as if in tune with exactly what I was going to say.

I eased my bottom onto the table, feeling my thick mess squish and spread within the diaper beneath me. As with everything else I had experienced recently, it was a lot of feelings simultaneously. Discomfort, shame, uncertainty...pleasure, comfort.

I straightened myself out on my back, and Madison and Lily stood at the end of the table, looking down at me.

“You can wear rubber gloves if you’d like. I have some under the table here,” Madison told Lily. “I’ll be honest, I rarely wear them anymore because I’ve just gotten used to it. Worst case scenario, I just wash my hands. As you should be after changing a dirty diaper anyways.”

“Do you ever get it...on your hands?” Lily asked? She sounded sincerely invested, like an eager student.

“It happens. I’d like to think I’ve gotten better at it, but sometimes your baby just provides you with a catastrophic diaper and there’s just no getting around it.”

I blushed, hoping that my diaper wasn’t considered anything near catastrophic.

“For the most part it’s actually going to be quite similar to what you’ve been doing. I, of course, am a fan of distractions.”


“Well sure. I don’t want the baby to get too fidgety or to try and participate or anything like that. Here, for one, let’s try one of these.” I watched Madison reach under the table and grab a pacifier, handing it to Lily.

“I...I don’t know if I need one of thmmmf…” I was cut off by Lily pressing the soft rubber nipple into my mouth. I immediately felt my face glowing intensely.

“Sometimes I’ll give Kat a toy to play with, but let’s see how our baby boy does without one for now,” Madison continued.

Lily smiled at me, clearly delighted by my blushing face. I held the pacifier in my mouth by my teeth, debating on what I was supposed to do with this. I didn’t want to be ungrateful and spit it out, but I had no recollection of using a pacifier before. My lips fixed around the silicone bulb, letting my teeth release. I tested a sucking motion, finding that it came a little more naturally than I expected.

“Oh, do you like that?” Lily cooed.

I didn’t offer any sort of answer, but I probably didn’t have to.

“We’ll unfasten the tapes like so,” Madison continued, peeling back the sides of the diaper. “Your instinct may be to just open the front of the diaper, but what I like to do is to wipe away as much of Baby’s stinky mess with the diaper itself.” She did this as she explained it, scooping away the bulk of the mess with the front of the diaper between my legs. “I then like to tuck the clean side of the diaper under Baby’s bottom before I start wiping away whatever is left.”

“Quite a stinky little baby,” Lily teased. “You really made a big mess for your mommy and Maddy to clean.”

Madison smiled, but let Lily do the teasing. Almost unconsciously, I had begun sucking the pacifier. I found it soothing. I could feel it in my body - a slowly building wave of smallness was washing over me. I felt powerless, yet I was at ease with that. I was completely in the hands of Madison and Lily, and I trusted them to be there.

“Now, we’ll have to lift Baby’s legs and wipe his…”

“Her,” Lily corrected with a grin, motioning to the discarded panties with her eyes.

“Ah, yes. Lift Baby’s legs and wipe her bottom now. This is also when you’ll want to pull the dirty diaper out from underneath her. It can be a challenge to lift Baby’s legs, clean her bottom and take the diaper out - but you’ll eventually get a rhythm for it. For now, I’ll clean Baby’s mess. You slide out the diaper and roll it up so we can throw it out.”


My legs were lifted into the air seemingly effortlessly. I felt the old diaper get pulled out from under me. I could only imagine the disgusting mess left in there for Lily to have to see before she rolled it up. I wondered what was going through her mind. Would she be cursing herself and this little adventure? Was she thinking about how everything was going so well up to the point where her husband’s messy diaper was in her hands?

The cool moist wipes in Madison’s hands interrupted my fretting for a moment, as I felt her wipe away the rest of my mess. Patiently and thoroughly she wiped me down.

“This hair,” she said, playfully tugging at my pubic hair, “it’s only going to make diaper changes a bigger challenge than they need to be. I’m not saying you have to cut it off. But maybe think about it.”

I suckled on the pacifier more, feeling myself calming down again. Not only did I feel babied, but I felt like, well, a baby. It was soothing. It was nice. It was..arousing.

I barely even knew it was happening until I was suddenly fully erect. Neither of them said anything - which I was thankful for, but I was nervous as to how this would be perceived.

“Grab me a fresh diaper and you can slide it under Baby’s bottom while I hold it up still,” Madison said.

Lily did so, easing the fresh diaper under me before Madison lowered my rear onto it.

“You can use baby lotion or powder, Kat likes powder so I usually opt for that…”

“What about this?” Lily finally said, grasping my hardened cock in her hand.

“Well...that will make the new diaper a little tricky to put on correctly, if I’m being honest.”

“I can take care of this part,” Lily said, gently sliding her hand down my shaft. “Though...do you have any...vaseline?”

“Of course,” Madison said. “No nursery would be complete without it.” She stepped away from the table, returning almost immediately. I could no longer watch them. I stared up at the ceiling, sucking away at the pacifier.

“I can take care of this,” Lily said, playfully shaking my cock. “But if you wanted to...Baby likes having her bottom played with too.”

My eyes widened. Had Lily just asked Madison to stick her fingers into my ass?

“I certainly don’t mind,” Madison answered. “Henry? Are you okay with me doing that? If you say no, I’ll understand.”

Of course I wanted that. The both of them, pleasuring me in the midst of a diaper change? I’m not sure if I had ever wanted anything more. But could I say that? I felt my body lock up. My heart raced. I needed to say something.

“Yeth…” I finally said through the pacifier. “Pleathe yeth.”

They both giggled a little. Lily kept rubbing my cock while I could hear the sticky sounds of Madison lubing up her fingers. Slowly, carefully, I felt her fingers creep between my cheeks. My initial instinct was to resist, but I quickly fought off that notion. Instead, my legs began to separate. I wasn’t just making it easier. I was practically welcoming her inside.

She found my hole and eased herself in. In combination with Lily’s hand working my shaft, I immediately moaned. My mouth hung open and the pacifier fell from it, bouncing off the table and onto the ground.

“Fuuuuck,” was all I could muster.

“I’m not a stranger to playing with little backdoors like this,” Madison said softly. Kat likes hers played with too. Something else the two of you have in common.”

“When are you going to play with the other baby, sweetheart?” asked Lily. “She really wants to play with you.”

I could barely concentrate on her question, let alone answer. I made note of it though - I’d need to come back to that later. Right now? This was ecstasy in a manner unlike any I had ever felt before. How could this even be real?

Another moan - it was almost like yelp; a high-pitched girlish squeal.

“I only ever hear noises like this when I play with her bottom,” Lily said. “That’s how you know you’re doing a good job. It’s also how you know when he’s about to…”

Hands on my cock. Fingers in my asshole. The scent of dirty diapers and baby powder in the air. I didn’t have a chance at lasting any longer. I erupted suddenly, launching a spray white stream across my belly.

“Wow,” Madison said, slowly withdrawing from my ass. “Baby really likes that.”

“Oh you have no idea. You should hear her beg for it.”

I was only partially hearing their words, everything buzzed and swirled around me. I was hot. I was exhausted. I was energized. I was completely ashamed of myself. I was incredibly thankful. I was happy. I was a complete mess.

“Well it worked,” Madison said. “Looks like we can get him into this new diaper now.”

Someone ran a new damp wipe across my belly and between my legs, cleaning up my newest mess. I could feel the thorough dusting of baby powder cascading over my midsection soon after. The new diaper was folded over me and taped closed.

“Maybe we need to wash your panties,” Madison said. “Do you think you’ll be okay without them for a bit?”

I nodded.

“Well that was quite a rush, eh?” Lily helped me sit up and step down from the table, handing me my pants.

“I’ll see you two downstairs,” Madison said with a smile.

Within moments of her leaving the room, Lily’s arms were around me. She kissed me. I kissed her. She hugged me tightly.

“Are you okay? Was this...okay?”

“It was,” I said.


“I swear. I-I loved it.”

“All of it?”

I nodded. “I don’t even know how to explain it. That headspace… I’ve never felt like that before.”

“You did so well,” she cooed.

“You did all the work. Are you okay?”

“Oh my gosh. I’ve never felt better.”

I ran a hand through my hair, the events of the last few minutes playing through my mind on fast-forward again. It all seemed so surreal.

“Thank you,” I said softly into her ear.

She looked back at me, smiling. We kissed again without another word. Any hesitation, and confusion, I felt about what I was doing or whether it was right or wrong was washed away.

For now, while I could be, I was a baby.



Paul Bennett

This was a wonderful chapter.