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I realize this is being published not too long after Chapter 7 was, something I normally don't like to do. But, seeing as how this is the last chapter, I thought I'd get it out there and wrap it up. Then? Onwards to new and exciting things. I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

The nightly glass of wine on the balcony was soured a little that evening with Kenneth’s presence. He had brought up a bottle from the cellar - something unpronounceable  to both Amanda and Maggie that somehow tasted remarkably similar to the cheaper wine Amanda bought for herself. They made small talk and were polite, despite how thick the tension was.

“I’m due in Daytona in three days. It’s a conference, of course. I can’t imagine needing to do business in that armpit otherwise.”

“My mother is from the Daytona area,” Maggie said.

Kenneth almost choked on his wine. “Uh...well, you know. I don’t mean, like, the people. The businesses, you know? It’s not a city of...business.”

Maggie laughed and shook her head. Amanda suspected she had fibbed a little, though she was more than okay with it.

He changed the subject. “Sophia is growing up, eh? Such a little bean sprout.”

“I suppose it’s more obvious when you don’t see her everyday,” Amanda spat. Mentally, she cursed at herself. She wasn’t going to let him get to her. She wasn’t going to let him control her emotions.

“Is this what every conversation is going to be?” he asked. “I’m going to try and be polite and have nice conversations, and you’re just going to be...mean?”

“I deserve to be, don’t I?”

“What needs to happen here?” he asked. He exhaled slowly, as if he was on the ropes and willing to surrender.

Amanda opened her mouth, but found that she had nothing nice to say. Maggie’s hand was on her lap now, comforting her.

Kenneth’s brow arched and he tilted his head curiously. “Is that what this is? Are you two...a thing?”

“Mr. Bishop, Amanda has not only been my employer but a good friend and I am here now to support her as…”

“Yes,” Amanda said, cutting her off. “Yes, we are very much a thing. I’ve never known kindness and generosity like what Maggie has shown me over the last few weeks. In a short amount of time, she helped wake me up from who I’ve been and allowed me to discover a new part of myself. In fact, I wanted to have a discussion with Maggie before about this, but I...well, maybe this is as good as any time. Maggie?”


“You’re fired. I no longer want you to be my nanny.”

Maggie’s heart sank in her chest, and everything spun a little. Surely Amanda had more to say about this, right? Yet in this moment, she couldn’t help but feel deflated.

“Maggie,” Amanda continued, “I want you to live here, with me. I want you to be my partner. I want you to…” she slowly turned back to Kenneth, and was reminded that maybe she didn’t need to say everything she wanted out loud.

“I...I would like that.”

Kenneth sighed again and rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his wine. “This is all very sweet. But what does this have to do with me?”

“I think that’s kind of my answer to what you need to do,” Amanda said. “Because it’s the answer to what I want to do. I’ve been afraid to leave this world I’ve been in for so long. I sit around and I wait for you and I daydream about you coming back and things working out. But I now know that I was not only a fool, but that I didn’t have to wait. I’ve found a life of my own, without you. I want a divorce. And after that, your only obligation is Sophia and how much, or how little, you want to be in her life.”

Kenneth nodded in understanding, though he didn’t seem especially happy or unhappy with what she had just said. He mulled it over for a moment. “I think that’s fair.”


Amanda’s bedroom door flung open as the two women tumbled into the room, their arms and lips entangled in each other’s. They collapsed on the bed, barely even aware of where they were anymore. Everything was a blur of white-hot lust and passion. It had been building, sometimes more subtly than others - and it just needed the right moment to push it all the way. Kenneth, of all things, had been that push.

He hadn’t stayed much longer after Amanda’s speech on the balcony. He picked up his bags, took his expensive wine, and said he’d find another place for the night instead.

She probably wouldn’t see him again for a while. Maybe in arbitration. Maybe in the courtroom. But there’d be plenty of time to dwell on that later.

“Tell me I’m your Mommy.”

“You’re my Mommy.” A pause, then again: “You’re my Mommy.”

In between wet and passionate kisses: “You’re such...a good...girl. Such a...very…”

An audible moan from Amanda, eager to hear more.


An even louder moan.

“...good little...baby.”

Amanda let out something between a moan and a yelp, a passionate gasp if nothing else.

Maggie pinned Amanda down on the bed. Straddling her chest, she looked down on Amanda with a wise smile.

“Are you sure about this?”


“I’m going to keep you in diapers.”

“It’s where I belong.”

“I’m going to feed you bottles.”

“Please. And feed me baby food.”

“You’re going to wet yourself.”

“Everyday. All day. I just want to wet myself all day.”

“You’re going to mess yourself.”

“I’m going to fill my diapers. And I’m going to have such a stinky bottom.”

“If we go out?”

“We...we’ll bring a diaper bag.”


“She can never know. And if it gets in the way of her...we end it until it won’t be.”

“But until then we…”

“I’m your baby. You’re my mommy.”

Maggie’s body slid down so that it covered Amanda’s again. They kissed, their hands grasping for anything. Maggie stripped her shirt off before she helped Amanda remove hers. Simultaneously, they removed each other’s bras before aiding each other in removing their pants.

“I’m going to throw away your panties,” Maggie said, “I’d like to imagine that you’ll have no need for them for quite a while.”

“Just diapers?”

“I think. Don’t you.”

“Yes. Please. I want that.”

“Then say goodbye to your panties.”

“I should’ve pissed in them first.”

Maggie giggled. She was still learning just how naughty Amanda was capable of being. She loved it.

“You’re my baby now.”

“I want to be.”

Their lips were on each other again, their hands grasping at each other. Amanda had grabbed at Maggie’s breasts, cupping each and tugging at them playfully. Maggie, meanwhile, squeezed and patted Amanda’s thick diaper, letting the room fill with the sound of the crinkling plastic.

“I would’ve loved it, by the way,” Maggie said in between kisses.


“Had I come through that office door, only to see you loading your diaper right in front of me?”

“I’d do it for you. Anytime.”

“Right now?”

“You...you want me to…”

“Can you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe not. Especially not if I’m trying to force it to happen.”

“But when you do have to?”

“I promise, you can watch it. I’ll sit in your lap while it happens, if you want.”

“I’d like that.”

“Are we… Disgusting? Insane?”

Maggie shrugged. “Would it matter?”

“No, I suppose not.”

Maggie leaned down again, her wet lips finding Amanda’s again. Maggie’s hand slipped into Amanda’s diaper at the exact moment that Amanda began stroking Maggie’s panties between her legs, feeling the soft silk get wetter and wetter.

“I...I could…” Amanda tried to finish her sentence, but struggled with it. Maybe her moans were making it harder. Maybe she was too embarrassed to say it.

“Tell me.”

“Piss...I can wet myself.”

“Do it.”

Amanda closed her eyes and released her bladder, feeling the hot stream burst into her diaper. But this time, Maggie’s hand was there in the diaper, and she wasn’t removing it. They both moaned simultaneously.

When Amanda finally finished wetting herself, Maggie quickly withdrew her damp hand from the diaper, playfully poking at Amanda’s lips. Amanda could smell her own piss on Maggie’s fingers. Drops rolled off her fingertip and landed on her lips, and she tasted it.

Maggie began untaping the sides of the diaper. Amanda was a little disappointed that the diaper was going away so soon - but it occurred to her that maybe Maggie only had better things in mind.

She was correct.

With the diaper unfastened, Maggie pulled it open flat on the bed, but left it under Amanda. She slid back on Amanda’s body until her face was between her legs.

“Wait. Are you going to…”

“I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” Maggie interrupted. Amanda wasn’t about to stop her. Maggie’s face disappeared from view, settling tightly between her legs - her tongue entering Amanda. She was now wet in multiple ways - nevermind the fact that this all occurred atop her open pissy diaper.

She had never been happier.


There was a knock at the door, a simple polite rap. Maggie opened the door to find Kenneth standing there. It was the first time she had ever seen him looking so...casual. His usual suits and ties were instead replaced with a simple polo and pair of khaki shorts. She wasn’t completely onboard with his socks and sandals combo, but she’d just save that critique for a conversation with Amanda later.

“How are you?” he asked.

“Oh you know. Busy as always.”

“I bet. With the book and all…”

“It’s been a rush.”

“So,” he said running a hand through his hair, “you’ll be away for…”

“Three weeks,” Maggie said with a shrug. “You’re ready for that, right?”

“Of course,” he said. His tone wasn’t entirely confident, but it would have to do. There really wasn’t much time left for anyone to make concessions now.

“Any big plans for your three weeks?” she asked, packing a small stack of folded clothes into a small pink suitcase.

“I was thinking about dirt bikes.”

“Dirt bikes?”

“Right. I’d get her a little helmet, you know, and we’d go drive some dirt bikes up and down the old railroad and…”

“You can make those jokes with me, but Amanda would probably clobber you over the head with a sledge hammer.”

He laughed nervously. He felt out of his element in many ways. The past year had been like this though - it was a whole new world. He still wasn’t completely sure how to interact with Maggie. Or Amanda. Or Sophia, for that matter.

“How’s the potty training going?”

“Slowly. She’s stubborn,” Maggie said with a shrug. Just like her mother, she thought.


“We’ve packed plenty of them for you. Encourage her to use the potty whenever you can. But you might just have to deal with the fact that she’ll mostly be using her diapers.”

He nodded hesitantly.

“You...know how to change a diaper right?”

“Yeah...I mean...I’ve changed Sophia before. It’s just...you know, more. Three weeks as opposed to, like, two nights.”

“You’ll be fine.”

“Don’t you get sick of changing diapers?”

Oh buddy, you have no idea how many diapers I change anymore. She stifled a laugh and shrugged innocently. “It’s just what you do. It’s a part of the process.”

“I suppose.”

“Give me a minute or two,” Maggie said. “I’ll have Sophia and the rest of her bags out here in just a moment.”

“There’s more than these?” There were already three assorted bags lined up near the door.

“Well...this one is stuffed animals. This one is just food and her plates and cups. And…”

“I have plates. And food. And money to buy more food.”

“I know, I know. Just...trust me. She’s picky.”

“Like her mother.”

“You have no idea. Trust me, I know it's an overwhelming amount of stuff, but there will be a point over the next few weeks that you’ll be happy that you have all of this.”

Maggie darted down the hallway to Sophia’s room. She was sitting on the floor, coloring...or at least allowing a crayon in her hand to run amok across a piece of paper. She looked around the room, seeing that everything looked to be packed that needed be. She darted out of the room and down the hall into the kitchen before sliding into Amanda’s office.

“Hey, Kenneth is here and...oh my…” the smell hit her nose the second she entered the room.

“Is it...obvious?”

“You smell terrible. What did you do in that diaper?”

Amanda sheepishly shrugged. “I didn’t realize it would be that much.”

“And you’re sitting in it?”

“Well...I had to send these emails and…”

“Oh my gosh, Amanda you’re a mess. Stand up. Let me see.”

Amanda stood so that Maggie could hold a better inspection of the diaper. She was clearly impressed with what she saw - though maybe a little troubled too.

“Are you sure about the next three weeks?” Maggie asked. “We won’t even pack panties, right? Just diapers. For the entire book tour.”

“I’m sure,” Amanda said confidently. It was funny - there were times like this that the old Ms. Bishop came through again, but in strange ways. That commanding and stern tone - once used to dictate Maggie’s day, now being used to show just how sure she was about wearing only diapers for the next three weeks.

“Are you going to make all of them smell as bad as this one?”

“I may. Just for you.”

“Be careful that you don’t fill your diaper while in the middle of a book signing.”

“We’ll see,” Amanda said with a shrug and sly smile. “You’ll just have to be quick to whisk me away for a change before my fans catch a whiff of me.”

“You sure are cocky, Ms. Bishop. I accept that challenge.”

“Hurry up and change me, please. Mommy.”



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