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“Are you going to miss this?”

“The farm?”

“Well, sure,” Lily said with a small laugh. “But I was thinking about these…” Her hand playfully slapped the front of my exposed diaper.

We were lying together in bed, our second to last morning on the farm. Tomorrow we’d be going home. Away from the farm. Away from Carlos Santana the goat. Away from Madison’s fattening dinners. Away from my newfound life as an overgrown toddler.

“I can always get more diapers,” I said. “What I think I’ll miss is this world. Like, it’s more than just a farm. They’ve made this place where they can be themselves. They can be as different and weird as they want to be. That’s the part we can’t take home with us.”

“So you don’t want to wear a diaper to the office?”

I felt myself blushing at just the thought. “Some things may be best in the bedroom. Or on the farm.”

“We’ll come back.”

“Both Madison and Kat have made it perfectly clear that they’re expecting us to be back. And sooner than later.”

“It’s a good feeling, right? To be both weird and wanted?”

I laughed and nodded. “Weird and wanted. Yeah. That about sums it up.”

“There’s this little town up the road that Maddy wants to take me to today. She says there’s lots of shops and neat restaurants there.”

“That sounds nice,” I said.

“I don’t know if you had any plans or not but…”

“I didn’t have any plans, no.” I expected her to ask me if I wanted to go to the town with her and Madison. But instead…

“Kat is going to be around all day here on the farm. You should spend some time with her.”

My cheeks warmed and I swallowed. “Oh...well...yeah, sure.”

“Look, I don’t want to pressure you to do anything. But...I guess she’s been talking Maddy’s ear off about getting a chance to play with you today.”

“I guess...I just...don’t know what play means in this context.”

“Like...the two of you dressed like babies. Crawling around. I’m sure she has some toys. But, also...maybe…”


“I think she might want to have fun, you know? Like...rolling-around-in-diapers together kind of fun. It’s something she’s wanted for a long time.”

I nodded nervously, though I didn’t know what to say.

“I know you’d like that too.”

“Well…” I thought carefully about what I wanted to say, and how I wanted to say it. “If I did want that too...how would you feel about that?”

“Honestly? I’d be delighted. I love the idea. I think it’d be good for the both of you.”

“But...no animosity? Resentment? Regret?”

“You’re going to get each other off in diapers, not marry each other. I think I’ll be fine,” she said with a chuckle. “I promise. No limits. No restrictions. No worries about whether or not there’s anything you can’t do. Just...be yourself. Have fun. And who knows, maybe you actually end up just brushing the hair of some dollys.”

I nodded and shrugged.

“Everyone has already seen your panties though. Maybe it's time for a new pair.”

I tilted my head quizzically. I didn’t disagree - her panties that she had thrust on me a few nights ago had become a humiliating staple in my identity over the last few days.

She pulled a new pair from one of her bags. They were light green with pink hearts on them.

“Here, let’s put these on you. Nice fresh panties. I hope Kat likes these.”

There was a strange air at the dining room table that morning as we ate yet another of Madison’s scrumptious home cooked meals - biscuits and gravy this time. Everyone seemed happy and excited, yet for no immediately tangible reason. There was just an energy in the room. Happiness that we were all so comfortable with each other. Happiness that there seemed to be even more potential of where things could go from here. Sadness that it would all be ending soon.

We all split off again at the end of the meal. Madison and Lily were taking care of the dishes, and had plans to spend some more time together after. Kat was...somewhere out on the farm. And I was...a little rudderless. I suppose I should go out and find Kat - or so I presumed Lily and Madison would be expecting me to do that. But Kat had never told me herself that she wanted that kind of company.

I sat on the porch for a few minutes, sipping on some coffee and just one again taking in the splendor of their countryside, when I spied Kat down the hill, doing some work amongst the goat pens. I put my cup down and decided to waddle down the hill to say hi - the thick diapers still proving to be a little awkward to move about in.

“Well well well, if it isn’t the other baby,” she said with a smile as I reached her. “I could smell you coming a mile away.”

“I...I’m all cleaned up now, thank you very much. Can I help with anything?”

“Oh, I don’t have much more to do,” she said. “Stick around though.”

I followed her into the goat pen, doing my best to avoid the death-stare of Carlos Santana, while giving Trudy a little scritch on the top of the head. Oh wow, I can tell all the goats apart now.

“Did you enjoy last night?” she asked with a sly smile.

“Last night?” Time was blending together for me. Wait...what was last night’s adventure?

“Lily and Mommy...er, Maddy, taking you upstairs to change your, uhm, rather loaded diaper? Maddy didn’t give me specifics, but she certainly implied that you were having a good time.”

I blushed, and my hands rushed to hide my embarrassed face from her. “Right, right I certainly didn’t...hate it.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go for it,” I said.

“What did you think about...you know...messing your diaper?”

It was a question I was unprepared to answer. I hadn’t even given it that much thought myself, really. Everything that came after that seemed so much more surreal, honestly, that I hadn’t reflected on the actual act itself. “It was strange.”

She smiled. “I suppose this won’t come as a big surprise to you. But...I love it.”

“It’s really not a surprise at all,” I said with a laugh.

“You probably didn’t come down here to talk about poop with me.”

I hadn’t. But, I wasn’t opposed either. “It’s okay. If...that’s what you want to talk about.”

She chuckled and blushed a little. “No, no. Thank you for humoring me though.”

I felt like I had been biting my tongue. There was a thickly diapered elephant in the goat pen with us, and it probably made sense to point it out sooner than later.

“So...I was talking to Lily,” I said. “And she had been talking to Madison. And, uh, Madison had been talking...to you. And I guess the word on the street is that you wanted another baby to play with. And, like…” I could feel that I was doing a bad job explaining this.

She giggled gently and nodded. “I’ve probably said something like that to Mommy before.” I appreciated that she didn’t correct herself this time for my sake. “Though, truth be told, I suspect she and Lily were pushing for this to happen more than I was. She told me that Lily told her that you were asking for the same thing.”

I laughed and shook my head. Those conniving mothers. Er, wives.

“Do you know what I like most about babies?” she asked.

I shook my head again.

“That natural sense of wonder. Like, they don’t know the rules and norms of society yet, you know? They act entirely on impulse and instinct. They explore what they want to explore. Try to go wherever they want to go. If they want to do something, they just do it.”

“I mean, within the limit of what babies can do,” I said with a shrug.

“Sure, but maybe that’s enough. I mean...just think about diapers, right? Babies don’t think about them. They don’t ‘use’ their diapers. The diapers just happen to be there for someone else’s convenience. Babies don’t think about them. Don’t care about them. They just...go. And when they’re uncomfortable, they cry about it.”

I laughed. “I guess I don’t really think about it like that. But…”

“...you’re wondering where I’m going with that thought?” she said. “Don’t you ever just want to....abandon every single rule and norm and just be free?”

“Isn’t that what we’re doing when we fill our diapers?”

“That’s just the start,” she said with a sly smile. She began walking back towards the small barn where the goats were kept. “I’ll be right back.”

I smiled and nodded, watching her plump diapered bottom disappear into the wooden structure. I’d be lying if I said I understood exactly what Kat had been trying to tell me. It sounded like something a teenager who had just smoked pot had thought of after staring at the sky for an hour. Yet...I felt like there was a glimmer of a message there I had understood. Liberation. The complete abandonment of acting like society had taught me to act. It was an exciting fantasy, if nothing else.

Then, from the opposite side of the barn, Kat emerged again. She was out in the grass now, running - no, skipping playfully. She had stripped all of her clothes off, except for her diaper, and she was skipping around in the grass now.

“You should join me,” she yelled to me. “Be free!”

I was mesmerized, watching her gorgeous curvy body bounding about in a diaper. She was adorable. With bare feet, she glided around the field behind the barn. She was on some grass. She was suddenly on some stones. She was now tromping around in the mud like it was nothing.

I asked myself: How could she do that? But I realized that this was exactly what she had been talking about. Complete liberation. An abandonment of everything except for what she wanted to do in that moment.

“Hurry up,” she called to me again. “Get over here.”

I laughed and shook my head. Was I really contemplating this? I sprinted into the small barn myself, quickly stripping out of my clothes, discarding them into a pile of Kat’s clothes. My shoes were off. As were my socks. It was a little brisker out this morning than I had probably anticipated. I could feel a sampling of the breeze outside from inside the barn.

“Hurrrrrrry,” her voice called from outside. “I want to plaaaay.”

I was standing, mostly nude, in the barn now. What little I actually was wearing, Lily’s panties and a thick diaper, seemed quite humiliating. Fuck it, I said.

One foot out the door. Than another. Kat was attempting a cartwheel in the grass and hadn’t looked my way yet. I sighed, then took another deep breath. I took another cautious step or two. She was giggling at herself as she tumbled over herself, landing on her side. I was walking quicker now. I was running. I was...skipping. Had I ever skipped before? Maybe not since I was in grade school.

I did a spin and it felt good. I laughed out loud as my left foot landed squarely in a patch of mud, almost entirely consuming my foot before I pulled it out and kept bouncing forward as if nothing had happened.

“Oh my god,” she said, her hand covering up her mouth as she giggled again at the site of me, “those are the absolute cutest panties.”

I made a mental note to commend Lily on both her taste and foresight later.

“Try a cartwheel,” she said. Commanded, maybe.

I had never done a cartwheel in my entire life, as best as I could recall. I didn’t think my body really bent that way. Yet, without any further thinking or planning, I threw my body forward, tucking my head down and hoping that somehow gravity would do the rest. I tumbled on the ground, kicking up grass and dirt around me.

“Was that...a cartwheel?” I asked.

“It was just barely a somersault,” she shrugged. “If anything, it looked like you were ejected from a burning car.”

“But was it cool?”

“Did you have fun?”

I nodded.

“Then I’d say it was pretty cool,” she said with a smile.

We were running haphazardly through the field together now. Her hand swinging closer and closer to my side as we went. At first I thought she was just being silly and random by throwing her arms about while she ran, which was charming in its own way. But I then realized she was being deliberate. She was trying to signal something, or get my attention somehow.

It suddenly clicked for me and I grasped her hand in mind as we skipped through the grass. We looked at each other and smiled, holding hands now.

We finally slowed to catch our breath.

“Quick,” she said, pulling my hand down to her diapered crotch. “Feel!”

It happened so quickly that I barely had time to process what she wanted me to feel, but I quickly realized that she was wetting her diaper. I felt the pressure of her stream on the other side of where my hand was, and the diaper quickly grew warm and soggy. She moaned as I pressed in on her diaper, pressing the damp material against her skin.

“Naughty boy,” she said with a smile.

“As naughty as making me feel you wet yourself?”

She shrugged a little. “I’m sure I could be naughtier.”

I was sure she could be too, but what would be the fun in just accepting that? “You could? How?”

Sparks in her eyes. She let go of my hand and skipped into the grass again. “Come catch me and find out.”

I was smiling from ear to ear. I started skipping too, matching her pace, before I began to slowly take on more of a jog. She was jogging now. I was running now, and so was she.

“You run pretty fast for someone with a full diaper on,” I called out behind her.

“You haven’t even seen a full diaper yet, baby,” she called back. I laughed, amused by her juvenile sass.

I was impressed, however. Regardless of the weight of her soggy diaper, she was quicker than I was. Perhaps she was just more experienced in running in a diaper, while I struggled to maintain any sort of speed in my own panty-wrapped diaper, but I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was just quicker.

She rounded a corner, following the treeline on the edge of the field, but hit a slick of mud that she hadn’t seen coming and wiped out. From about ten feet behind her, I watched as her entire body soared sideways into some tall grass. I hustled to her, hoping that she was okay, but when I made it to her, she was giggling at her own misfortune - mud covering most of her left leg and splattering onto the bottom of her diaper.

“You know, you’re supposed to keep the mess inside your diaper,” I jested.

“You would know a thing or two about that,” she retorted.

“Oh please. I think I’ve seen you fill your diapers more in the past week than I’ve seen Lily or Madison use the bathroom.”

“Are you jealous?” she teased. “Help me up. My feet are all slippery and I can’t stand up.”

I stepped forward with my hand out-stretched, letting her take it. But she immediately began pulling on it, pulling me down towards her. It was a trick - quite possibly the oldest playground trick in the book. I started to tumble down onto her, only for her to playfully kick me back with both of her legs. I stumbled backwards...right into the mud. Down I went, my panties and diaper landing squarely in the mud.

“M-my panties!” I shouted in shock.

“Aw, no,” Kat said between mischievous giggles. “Lily is gonna paddle your bottom for that!”

“Nooo, she’s gonna paddle yours because you’re the meanie who pushed me into the mud!”

Meanie? Did I really just say that?

“Now who has a dirty bottom?”

I opened my mouth, but there was no time to make a good comeback. Kat had not only stood up, but she had propelled herself forward towards me. FWOMP. She was on top of me, knocking my back down into the mud as she sat on my chest in her warm soaked diaper.

“Ow!” I reached to the back of my head, where it had bounced off the ground.

“Poor baby. Can I kiss your head and make you feel better?”

“That’d be the least you could do.”

“Well I wouldn’t stop there.”

“What else...did you have in mind then?”

I looked up at her magnificent body, her bare breasts hanging before while she slowly slid her bottom back and forth on my chest, grinding against her soggy diaper. Everytime her diaper slid up my chest, it seemed like it was getting closer to my face. Despite the breeze and the fresh scents of the great outdoors, I could smell her diaper. That mix of baby powder and her piss.

“P-please,” I said finally, having not gotten a response from her. “Sit on my face?”

“With my wet diaper?” she asked, innocently. The brat, she even had the audacity to put a finger up to the corner of her lips.

I nodded.

She wasted no time at all in shifting her body towards my face. She lowered her plump and soggy bottom onto my face. The smell of her diaper was incredibly strong now, unsurprisingly. My nose and lips pressed into the warm plastic as the padding conformed around all the contours of my face.

“D-do you like that?” Kat asked nervously. “Are you okay? Can you breathe?”

“I’m good,” I said. I tried to say. My voice was muffled as I talked directly into her ass, though I suspected she got the message. The mud from her leg was on my face. It was on my chest. Not that it mattered - my ass and back were probably filthy right now.

Lily had been here before - on my face. On her throne. This was different for obvious reasons. And, unlike my experience with Lily, there really wasn’t much I could do for Kat. I was simply a seat for her. Though...that seemed to be enough, given how Kat was already shifting back and forth on my face, grinding her diaper on me and moaning softly.

“I...I could be a really bad girl right now,” she said between moans.

There wasn’t much I could do to respond. I was at her mercy and how much of a “bad girl” she wanted to be. While I wondered what devious thing she had in mind, ultimately, all I could do was wait. Would I know when the ‘bad’ thing happened?

“How upset would you be if I...uh-uhm…” she lost her train of thought, seemingly, as her grinding intensified on my face.

She tried again: “If I…” Her voice trailed off again. “Fuck.”

I wished I could have said something supportive. I wish I could’ve teased her for being so naughty that she rendered herself speechless. But I was barely able to focus on much myself, truth be told. I had grown very hard in my own diaper. The thought of Kat getting off on grinding her dirty diaper on my face...while we lay naked in some mud in the middle of the farm, was incredibly hot.

A new scent hit my nostrils somehow, despite the fact that I could barely breathe from my nose at all. The unmistakable stink of a little girl letting out some gas on my face. Goddamn, this should not be so hot.

I now had a pretty good idea of what she was trying to say.

“I...I...I’m sorry,” she finally said. “I’m being gross. I should…”

I reached up with my hands and felt around her body until I found her hips, just above the waistband of her diaper. I planted my hands and kept them there - I didn’t want to be too firm or to keep her in place if she didn’t want to be there. But I wanted her to know that I wanted her to be there. I wanted her to do it.

“A-are you sure?” she said.

I kept my hands there, gently holding her in place on my face.

“O-okay,” she said with a little laugh. “But...uh...first...let me finish...what I started.” Her soggy-diapered bottom was grinding on my face again. And with my hands now helping to guide her body back and forth, her moans grew more and more intense until finally she finished. She gasped for breath between embarrassed giggles.

A minute or two passed while she composed herself. I was wondering what was going through her mind. Had her sexual gratification gotten her naughty energy out of her system? Would we go back and put clothes on now?

“Are you ready?” she asked. “I-I’m going to really fill my diaper now.”



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