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“I had a strange moment this evening,” Ms. Bishop said, before taking a long slow sip of her chianti.

“Oh?” It had become the new evening routine, sitting out on the back deck at night, the baby monitor between them on the patio table while they sipped either wine or coffee. It was the rare part of the day that wasn’t either Ms. Bishop being Maggie’s boss, or Maggie being Amanda’s mommy. They talked about European countries they’d like to visit, men who had let them down or sometimes good books they wanted to recommend to the other.

For both, it felt a little like having a friend. Something neither had many of.

“I had to pee, and my first instinct was to just squat down where I was - as if I was going to piss myself.”

“But you...weren’t wearing a diaper.”

“Right,” she said, nodding. “I didn’t actually go through with it. But it was the first time that had ever happened.”

“Are you thinking you should be wearing them more often?” Maggie asked with a sly grin.

“It’d be nice,” Amanda said. “But that might be better left in fantasy-land.”

Maggie nodded. They had done a good job of keeping their little game far away from Sophia, but it would only get harder as she got older. They had to be careful, no matter how badly they wanted more.

“But,” Maggie said with a shrug, “let’s say that there were no reasons for us to be more discrete. What do you think that would look like?”

“I suppose I’d be tempted to just…stay in that regressed state of mind.”

Maggie nodded. “I thought so.”

“Mr. Bishop contacted me today,” Amanda said, taking another long slow sip of her wine. Maggie found it both amusing and telling that Amanda was able to assign so much disdain for her husband simply by refusing to call him by his first name.


“He’s coming home in a few days.”

“How...how do you feel about that?”

“It's safe to say our marriage is pretty much a technicality of some document. He’s made it clear that he isn’t interested in being my partner, and he lives a very lavish and separate life. He’s only coming home because he actually has business in the area. If Sophia wasn’t here, he’d have just found a hotel room, I’m sure. It’s his bi-annual visit to his daughter - more of an obligation than a desire, I’m sure.”

“Is he that bad?”

“I didn’t used to think so,” Amanda said with a shrug.

“Well fuck him,” Maggie said. “You don’t need him.”

“Oh, I know. 363 days out of the year, I’m content with things the way they are. Sure, I’d rather a divorce at this point, but otherwise it's fine. But once or twice a year, the threat of his presence just gets under my skin.”

“Well, he’s not here yet.”

Amanda looked to Maggie and smiled. Neither said anything for a few minutes.

“You pooped your pants today,” Maggie said finally, a wide mischievous smile on her face.

“Oh god,” Amanda said, burying her face in her hands as she laughed.

“And you liked it.”

“Is that so bad?”

“I don’t think so.”

“The breastfeeding, and your hands and…” she sighed deeply, composing herself. “I can’t even begin to describe where my head was.”

“If I’m being honest...I liked it too. I’ve been thinking about it all day because I couldn’t figure it out for myself. There was something about seeing you, just...so incredibly vulnerable. Doing something so primal - so freely. And you did it for me.”

Amanda nodded.

“In some weird way, I feel like you messing your diaper was the most sincere compliment I’ve ever been given.”

“I’d do it again,” Amanda said with a laugh. “I’ve got lots of compliments to give. Daily compliments.”

“Are we weird?” Maggie asked.

“The weirdest.”

Maggie and Amanda looked to each other again, each blushing a little. “Maybe,” said Maggie, “you should come and sit on my lap?”

There was no refusal, nor hesitation. Amanda set her glass down, got up, and promptly stepped towards Maggie before sitting on her lap, straddling her legs.

They gazed into each other’s eyes as Maggie’s arms wrapped around Amanda, holding her close to her own body. There were a lot of things they both wanted to say to each other, but it was as if they didn’t need to. They had seen parts of each other that nobody else had ever seen before. Nobody had ever seen this part of Amanda before, including Amanda herself.

Debating with herself about whether or not it was a good idea, Amanda decided it was worth the odds - she leaned forward, planting her lips on Maggie’s.

Maggie herself had been considering the same thing. Hell, she was thinking about it when her breast was in Amanda’s mouth. Even when Amanda was on her back on her changing pad, in the midst of getting her messy diaper changed, Maggie had wanted to lean forward and kiss her.

Their arms wrapped around each other and they kissed each other passionately and fervently. They stayed like this for a few minutes, just pawing and grasping at each other as their lips and tongues twisted together.

It likely would’ve gone on longer had the slight murmurings of the baby monitor interrupt them.

“I can take care of that,” Maggie said.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll take care of that.”

Amanda kissed Maggie one more time before sliding off of her lap and going back into the house to check on Sophia.

For a moment, Maggie sat in her chair and looked over the balcony. Her heart was still racing. Her leg shook a little. She hadn’t felt this way in years. Had she ever felt this way before? She wanted more. She wanted everything.

Her foot tapped on the ground rapidly as her mind spun. All at once, she stopped and knew what she wanted to do.

A few minutes later, Amanda returned to the balcony, the half bottle of chianti in tow. “We might as well finish this up.”

“How’s the baby?”

“Oh she’s fine. A little fussy, but I rocked her and changed her and she’s back in bed now.”

Maggie offered a smug smile. “Oh, I meant you.”

Amanda blushed. “I...I’m fine, thank you.”

“But you are a baby, yes?”


“My baby?”


“Do you know what you called me today?”

“I...I don’t recall,” Amanda said bashfully.

“Are you sure? Think very carefully about that.”

Of course she remembered. She could see that moment again as if she was there once more. She was in Maggie’s lap, and her breast had bobbed in and out of her mouth - slippery with strings of her own saliva that stretched from her lips to the nipple. She would try and convince herself later that she had lost control of herself - though that wasn’t true. Amanda knew where she was, what was happening and what she was doing. She had wanted to call Maggie “Mommy” for weeks before actually working up the courage to do it. Just as she had worked up the nerve to finally mess her diaper in front of Maggie.

Truth be told, it wasn’t actually the first time Amanda had used her diaper like that - it was just that Maggie didn’t know about the previous times. Once or twice, late at night, Amanda snatched one of the extra adult diapers that Maggie had left in her office, returning to her bedroom where she’d slip into it. She wanted to see if she could mess it. She wanted to know how it felt.

She was very satisfied with the results of her testing.

So that moment? That moment where she pushed herself to do all the things she had been nervous to do? It was blissful. She called Maggie “Mommy,” and it felt good. She messed her diaper right there in Maggie’s lap, and it felt good. And Maggie seemed to love all of it as much as she did.

“Mommy,” Amanda finally said.

“I liked that.”

“D-did you?”

“I really did. I’d like to hear you call me that more too.”

“I...can do that. Mommy.”

“I got you something while you were taking care of Sophia.”


Maggie picked up a fresh diaper from the ground next to her chair. She didn’t need to say anything more. Amanda blushed, but nodded.

“Let’s get this on you then, Baby.”

Maggie took Amanda by the hand back inside the house. There was an anticipation and eagerness. At different times, both would worry that there’d be a moment where it would feel like it had lost its luster, but they clearly hadn’t reached that point and it didn’t seem like it would happen anytime soon.

Maggie was trying to pull Amanda to the bedroom, but Amanda couldn’t even wait that long. She tugged on Amanda’s arm before planting herself on her back right on the carpet of the living room.

“Please,” she said, practically begging. “Mommy, right here. Diaper me right here.”

“Someone is eager to be Mommy’s little baby, hmm?”

“Please,” Amanda said again, reaching up desperately with her hands. “I...I want to compliment you again…”



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