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No fancy cover-image for this chapter, unfortunately, as my PC is currently packed up in a box and moving from home to home. Just imagine it was something fun and pretty.

The sun was gone, as was the peach cobbler in our bowls. We remained on the porch, though, and a bottle of bourbon was introduced - only furthering our descent into an abandonment of normal social graces.

We somehow managed to avoid the thickly padded elephant on the porch for a few hours as we talked about our lives and got to know each other better. Not only did Lily and Madison have an amazing chemistry that I enjoyed seeing re-sparked by our visit, but I found myself really enjoying the company of Madison and Kat - a feeling that seemed mutual. It was hard to believe we had only met each other earlier today, as we were all quickly finding new levels of comfort with each other.

Lily and I shared the porch swing, our hands on each other’s laps as we gently swayed back and forth together. Across from us, Madison was sitting back in an adirondack chair, Kat sitting in her lap. It shouldn’t be a surprise that she looked like an overgrown toddler like this. She rested her head in Madison’s neck, burrowed under her face.

“I want to say something,” Lily said. That sort of introduction to a thought was the sort of thing that you only said when you well and properly boozed, as we all likely were.

“Please do,” Madison said, playfully patting Madison between her legs - the thick padding giving off a distinct sound.

“I appreciate…” she looked to me, and then back to the two women, “...we appreciate you having us here this week. But I don’t want you to act like you have guests here. You know?”

“I’m not sure I do,” Madison said with a laugh. I laughed too, wondering where she was going with this.

“Like...don’t be modest and secretive about your lifestyle. This is your home and your sanctuary. You two should just...do your thing. Like we weren’t even here. We’re not going to judge you.” She then looked back to me. “Right?”

“Right,” I said with a smile, patting her lap.

Madison smiled and nodded. “I appreciate that. Honestly. That means a lot to us. I think this is the first time that we’ve ever had, like, guests here for a while? So there may be a little bit of adjustment needed for us. You know, just getting used to being our normal selves again with company present. But I appreciate that.”

“Speak for yourself,” Kat muttered from Madison’s lap.

“Excuse me,” Madison said with a laugh. “Do you...not appreciate that gesture?”

“No no,” Kat said playfully. “I mean...I don’t have to adjust to nothing!”

With that, Kat lifted her bottom off Madison’s lap a little. The porch, maybe the entire world, fell silent for a moment as we wondered what Kat was doing. There was what I thought was a sudden series of noises coming from Madison’s lap, a squelching rumble - if such a thing was possible. Simultaneously, we all realized that it was the sound of Kat unloading her bowels into her diaper. The noises continued longer than I had expected them to. And with a satisfied grunt and sigh, she finished, setting her loading bottom firmly back into Madison’s lap.

“Did...Did you just…” Madison, who I assumed had seen something like this before, was still completely shocked and mostly speechless.

Lily was the first to burst into laughter, and I followed. A few moments past, and then Madison joined in as well. It was only Kat who remained silent, only because she seemed to have passed out in Madison’s lap just after unleashing her hellish torrent into the diaper. This only served to make the moment even more hilarious.

“I...I’m so sorry you had to see that,” Madison said, visibly embarrassed from Kat’s drunken candidness.

On its simplest level, it was quite funny. It was the sort of thing you’d expect out of some raunchy R-rated comedy - quite possibly a scene that I’d find just funny in an actual movie. But my brain was trying to reach beyond the humor of it, and I wasn’t sure how to process it. It made sense - Madison and Kat had both explained very well that she had been only using diapers instead of a toilet for some time now. Yet it was only now that I realized that when Kat said she was only using her diapers...well, she was using them for everything. Her intoxication only served as an express lane into her life.

I looked to Lily, wondering if she was having the same thought. I wondered if there was a point where either one of us would stop finding it weirdly whimsical and that we’d instead find it kind of weird or gross. But no. Lily was smiling wide and laughing.

Even as Madison waved a hand in front of her face, signifying that she was at ground zero of a very dirty diaper, neither Lily or I seemed too upset by this. Even when the stink of Kat’s bottom reached my nostrils - an impressive feat given that it was competing with the breezy evening and the smell of goats in the distance - I wasn’t as offended as I thought I would be.

“I really ought to take care of this,” Madison said. She gently shook Kat, waking her enough to ease her off of her lap and onto her feet. Taking her by the hand, Madison gently led Kat back into the house, a stinky trail slowly dissipating into the night air behind her.

For a few minutes, neither Lily nor I said anything. We’d laugh a little when we caught the other one smiling. It felt kind of awkward, yet not. It felt like it was - being part of a dirty little secret.

“That was something,” I finally said to break the silence.

“It...really was.”

“How are you, uh...feeling about all this?”

“It...comes and goes. If that makes sense,” she said with a shrug. “There are times when I’m thinking about how this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. And then there are times when I’m just completely charmed by how happy they are in this little world. How about you?”

“The same, I suppose,” I said. “Like, if someone came up to me yesterday and told me that they still wore diapers and shit themselves as an adult, I’d get away from them as quickly as I could. But here I am, and I don’t seem nearly as bothered by it as I thought I would be.”

“That’s easy for us to say,” Lily teased with a smile. “We’re not the ones having to change an adult’s stinky diaper.”

We both laughed at that before just quietly swinging again for a little bit.

“Do you think you could do it?” I asked.

“Wear a diaper?”

“Yeah. Or change one. Or, you know, any of that.”

“Hmm. I don’t know.” I could see the wheels turning in her mind as she pondered the possibilities. “Maybe. I have this curiosity about all of it, but it's hard to imagine myself actually wearing a diaper, let alone using one.”

“Very fair.”

“What about you?”

I laughed and nodded. Of course she’d ask me too. I was a little hesitant to answer, though I had a suspicion that she could already guess what I would say.

“There’s something about it, and I can’t quite put my finger on it,” I said. “It seems...freeing? Like, here’s this woman who just completely splits from the norms of society and does whatever she wants to do. Maybe I’d feel the same way if she was...I don’t know...sitting in a bathtub full of baked beans all day. But there’s something really appealing about just doing whatever weird thing you want to do.”

Lily nodded, taking my hand in hers again.

“So?” she asked. “If you had your own quiet little place out in the country, what weird thing would you do?”

“Wear panties?” I said with a shrug.

“Really? I had no idea.”

I shrugged and laughed, sure that my face was turning red. “Yeah, probably.”

“You can do that at home, you know. Or now. Or anytime you want. Who would ever know?”

I nodded. It was a good point. I was sure I didn’t actually have to explain the culturally-ingrained hurdles I felt like I needed to leap over, but it was still a good point.

She squeezed my hand a little, laughing. “Go on,” she teased. “Say it.”

“What? Say...what?” I was definitely blushing a little now.

“You want to try it, don’t you?”

“W-what? Panties?”

“Sure. But also...diapers.”


“Henry, I can read you like a book. And I just got to the chapter where you admit that you want to try a diaper.”

“Read it to yourself,” I said with a bashful grin. “I’m still working on the ending to that chapter.”

The screen door from the house opened and Madison stepped back out onto the porch again - noticeably short a Kat. She took a seat across from us.

“So?” Madison asked. “What did I miss? Did you talk about how crazy we were? How gross that was? Because...well...that was pretty gross. A blow out, if you must know.”

Lily and I exchanged a look and a smile. I trusted her not to say anything about my curiosities until I said something myself.

“Not at all,” Lily said. “Actually, we’ve been kind of surprised by how cute it all is.”

“Oh?” Madison said.

“Henry said it well. He described it as being free, and I kind of like that idea.”

“I’m really happy to hear that,” Madison said, putting her hands over her heart. “I’m sure Kat would love to hear that too, but it was bedtime for that little baby.”

The conversation spilled a little further into the night from there, until we all finally began to feel the call of bed. We slipped back into the guest room, where I was almost positive that we’d immediately fall asleep. But instead, Lily’s tongue found my mouth, and my hands found her breasts. We rolled around like teenagers for a few minutes, stripping each other naked - full of an energy we hadn’t unleashed in an embarrassingly long time. She sat on my chest, nude herself before forcing something soft into my hand.

“What is this?”

“My panties,” she said. “Put them on. Then fuck me.”


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