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Lily and I stumbled into the kitchen the next morning around 10:00 AM. We probably would have slept until 5 in the afternoon. We definitely would’ve if we weren’t guests. My guts ached and my head spun - I hadn’t felt hungover like this in a long time. Yet there was Madison, gleefully slinging pancake batter onto a griddle while flipping over bacon with the other hand.

“Good morning, sleepyheads,” she said in an alarmingly chipper tone.

“Are you...not...hungover?” Lily croaked.

“A little,” Madison said with a shrug. “But that’s farm life for you. We have to get up pretty early for the animals. Rain or shine. Hungover or wide awake. Orange juice? Coffee?”

“Yes,” I said, unsure of which I had just agreed to. “Please.”

“Make that two,” Lily nodded.

Lily and I each took a seat on some barstools at the counter opposite of where Madison cooked. Madison pulled two coffee cups from the cupboard, setting them in front of us before pouring us each a cup of coffee from her carafe. Some cream and sugar were already waiting. Madison was a pretty great hostess.

“Kat was feeling a little groggy this morning too,” she said with a shrug. “I swear she almost put her boots on the wrong feet.”

The coffee helped. For a moment, I wondered if this was somehow the best coffee I had ever had, but the reality was likely just that any coffee was going to hit me perfectly right now.

Under the counter, Lily placed her hand in my lap, playfully rubbing my leg. It was a simple gesture - but one that seemed fresh and new. A few years of marriage had seemed to cause us to take little things like this for granted.

Of course, it didn’t hurt that I was still wearing Lily’s panties under my pants.

“Did you sleep well?” Madison said, a wry grin on her face.

It was hard to tell if she knew something, she assumed something, or this was just how she was all the time. Lily and I looked at each other and laughed a little. If Madison didn’t know anything before, she probably could’ve made an educated guess now.

“Eventually,” Lily said with a laugh. It was unlike her to not hold this as close to her chest, but I liked what this trip had done to her so far. I felt it too.

“The walls aren’t...completely soundproof,” Madison said with a shrug. “I’m not saying you were loud. But. You know…”

I blushed, looking down into the swirling abyss of my cream hitting the coffee.

“How is Kat,” Lily said, sidestepping Madison’s revelation altogether. “I hope she’s not too embarrassed about last night.”

“I...don’t think she has any idea, actually,” Madison said. “I’ve been on the fence about whether or not I should say anything at all. She’d probably be mortified if she heard she had done that in front of you. But it feels kind of unfair for me to say nothing about it. She should know what everyone else knows, right?”

I shrugged, while Lily slowly nodded her head. Not the most unanimous response, but it seemed to be enough of an answer for Madison who nodded and sighed.

“Yeah, alright. I’ll tell her about it after breakfast, I guess.”

Pancakes, farm fresh eggs, bacon and some farm grown cantaloupe rounded out breakfast. It seemed impossible to start the day with such a large meal, considering the dinner we had the night before. But with food this good, and a hangover to conquer, it did seem like the right move.

Breakfast was another reminder that it was surprisingly easy for the strange world of diapers and internet videos to just fade into the background when it needed to. Our recent introduction to each other, and hangovers, aside, there was a natural chemistry in the room between the four of us. Kat opened up about her adoration of Sailor Moon, while Lily came clean about the number of 90s hip hop CDs she still kept in the car. Madison and I talked about our favorite films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - it was good that we both ranked Homecoming so highly. It was a genuinely good feeling.

I was carrying a stack of dishes to the sink - somehow Kat and I were relegated to dish duty while Madison and Lily had wandered elsewhere together - and I caught a glimpse of her ass again. Her tight yoga pants did little to hide the bulky diaper hidden under it. I wondered if this was an obvious move on her part, or if she just didn’t think about how obvious her diapers were anymore.

“Sorry I conked out early last night,” she said. “I was having fun. Maybe too much fun.”

“No worries,” I said. Madison hadn’t had a chance to tell her about how her night ended - and I certainly didn’t want that to fall on me to do. “We all had more fun than we were expecting.”

“So...I was going to take a hike today. There’s these old railroad tracks that back up to our property and seem to go pretty far past it. Do you think you’d like to come?”

“That sounds pretty great, actually,” I said with an enthusiastic nod. “I’m pretty sure that Lily packed both her and my hiking shoes and…”

“Oh, well… I think Madison was going to take Kat into town today. There’s some antique shops they wanted to see. So it’d just be you and me.”

“Oh. I mean...yeah! Of course, that sounds cool too.”

“Are you sure?” she asked. I had Kat pegged as a pretty private and shy person so far - clearly more comfortable when it was just her and Madison. I could relate; I felt the same with Lily. So that she could ask me this felt big. That I could easily accept made me feel good about myself as well.

“That sounds great,” I said.

“Cool! Maybe around...noon we head out?”

“Sounds good to me,” I said.

We nervously finished clearing off the table before splitting off in our different directions. I returned to the guest room, finding Lily was already there, rifling through her clothes for something comfortable for her own excursion.

“I’m sorry,” she said with a sympathetic look on her face.


“Madison kind of sprung it on me that she wanted to take me antiquing today. I didn’t think about it when I accepted - but she mentioned that Kat was going to ask you to go hiking?”

“She did, yeah.”

“I hope that’s not too awkward.”

“Oh,” I said, realizing that Lily was worried that I was being drafted into a situation I didn’t want to be. “It’s honestly okay. I think it sounds kind of fun.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am. But thank you for caring enough to be concerned.”

I was getting some clothes together for my hike, but in the background I could sense Lily glancing at me often. She clearly had something she wanted to say. I debated just asking her if she wanted to talk about something, but I figured it’d be better if I let her come to me instead. Still, I couldn’t shake the uneasiness I was feeling. Was I doing something wrong? Was she concerned about something?

I wondered if she had worries about me spending time alone with Kat. I didn’t think I had been flirty or inappropriate in the time we’ve spent together so far - nor had Kat. But I wondered what that looked like to Lily.

Finally, dressed and ready to go, and without her saying anything, I got ready to head out.

“Well...I’m going to get going, I think.”

“Okay,” she said, a half-hearted smile on her face. “Enjoy the walk.”

I sighed a little, disappointed that I didn’t know how she was feeling. I turned to walk out the door, leaving the lingering conversation unspoken.


I turned around, sighing a little in relief. “Yeah?”

“I...wanted to say something.” She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts. “I was just thinking that…well…” she trailed off again.

“Hey, I want to hear anything you have to say,” I assured her.

“Maybe not now, or today. But at some point during this week...if you feel like you want to...experiment. I mean, you should.”

“Do you mean with...diapers?”

“Yeah. Or...anything really. I mean, look at this place, right? We’re out in the middle of nowhere, with these people who are opening up the weirdest part of their lives to us - essentially strangers. If you’ve ever had any interest - no matter how slight - in doing anything, why not here? Why not this week? And if you don’t like it, we go back to our normal lives knowing that we tried it and we’re better for it.”

“I appreciate what you’re saying, Lily. But...do you really think I want to wear a diaper?”

“I don’t know...I feel like I know you well enough. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. But I just wanted to make that clear.”

She stepped closer to me, and I stepped closer to her. She wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her back. I felt her hands slide down my back to my butt where she gave it a playful squeeze.

“You are still wearing my panties, right?” she asked.

“I...yeah. I am.”

“Good. See? That’s what I’m talking about. Let’s just get it all out of our system this week, right? Let’s be weird and kinky.”

“I’m starting to think that I’m not the one that wants to wear diapers,” I grinned.

She laughed, shaking her head. “No, you do. But if I’m being honest? I...want to see you in a diaper too.”


“I don’t know. There’s a lot I want to see. And experience. I’m just finding myself really inspired here, aren’t you? Watching Maddy and Kat just express themselves however they want? I want that.”

“And what you want is diapers, of all things? Or...me in diapers?”

“Maybe? Maybe other things, I don’t know. Let’s just promise each other that nothing is off the table. And I sincerely mean that. If I say otherwise later, remind me that I said this.”

“Okay,” I said hesitantly.

“Am I being weird? Am I asking too much?”

“No,” I said. “I definitely feel some of that myself.”

“Alright, sorry, I’ll let you get on that hike now. Please have fun.”

“I will,” I said, hugging her tightly again. “And you have fun antiquing.”

“Thank you I will.” She paused as we disconnected her bodies, then adding: “But I mean it. If you find the opportunity on your hike to ask Kat for an extra diaper, I wouldn’t be upset about that.”

I nodded, feeling my cheeks grow warm as I blushed, as I left the bedroom.

This was not the week I thought it was going to be.



John Doe

Nice! Looking forward to what happens on the hike!


I like it. Well done