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You voted on it! This is the winning story, a continuation of last month's You Bet. Enjoy!

93 Diapers Remain

Diaper #4

Not only did it still seem surreal, but it felt like it would never not be surreal.

Ryan was on his back, his legs were lifted in the air. A sopping wet diaper, loosely rolled up, had been sat upon his chest, staring into his face while it clouded his nose with the smell of his own urine. Between his legs, Mara was running a damp wipe over his manhood. She took her time, running the cloth up and down his shaft a few times for good measure. He was ashamed to realize that it was beginning to turn him on - but just as quickly as the pleasure came, it dissipated as her hand pulled back and she coated his crotch with a thick dusting of baby powder.

The new diaper that she was putting him into now was the 4th since his punishment began the day before. The 4th of, hypothetically, the 96 diapers she had purchased when she was confident she’d have won their wager.

Yes, he had been a fool. He had come to terms with this.

Between the time he woke and when he finally gave in and filled the diaper he had worn to bed with his morning piss, he thought about a comment Mara had made the day before. While the terms of the bet expected him to wear 96 diapers, there was a chance that he could get out of it early with good behavior. Not only did he want to end this humiliating game as early as possible, but he was feeling genuinely lousy about how he had treated Mara when she had her own accident in her pants.

“Alright,” she said. “You’re good to go. I’d be curious to see how long this one lasts you.”

He blushed a little, afraid to know the answer to that himself.

“Now now,” she said, kissing his forehead. “Don’t look so pouty about it. I know it’s hard when you’re just a baby, but maybe you’re looking at this in the wrong way.”

“How should I be looking at it, then?”

“Perhaps you need to learn a little humility from this, right? This can be an experience that you look back on later and life and say: ‘Gosh, I’ve been such a stand up guy ever since that time my mean girlfriend made me poop my pants a bunch of times.’”

“I doubt I’ll say that.”

“Really? That’s a shame. Because I’d love to hear you say that.”

“You’re being mean to me,” Ryan said again. Pouting, probably.

“Would you like to go there? Because I’m always looking for another opportunity to bring up how you mocked me for pissing myself. Not to mention your audacity for claiming you could’ve held your bladder for twice as long, when you lasted for about as long as I had to. So, yeah, I’m going to be a little bitter for a while.”

He rolled off the bed, opting to slide into some sweatpants that he suspected would best hide the bulk of the diaper. He knew very little about adult diapers, but there was no way that Mara hadn’t purchased the thickest diapers on the market.

“What are your plans for today?” He was getting off on the wrong foot by riling her up. It was time to change the subject.

“They’re not just my plans, but yours too,” she said. “August and Riley’s barbecue?”

“Oh shit. That’s today?”

She nodded.

“Can we...like...hit the pause button on what we’ve got going on here?”

“Why would we do that?”

“I mean...you can’t possibly expect me to wear diapers to our friends barbecue.”

“What do you think is going to happen? They’re not going to walk around and make everyone pull down their pants so they can do an underwear inspection.”

“You just think that they will because you know it’s there yourself. I promise you, nobody is paying attention to your thick diapers, Baby.”

It still flustered him to be called ‘Baby,’ and it was probably always going to. And she knew it.

“I don’t know if I can go. I’d be so self-conscious the entire time.”

“Do what you want. But I’m going. And I know for a fact that August and Riley were looking forward to seeing you.”

“Are you really going to make me wear a diaper there?”

“I’m going to make you wear a diaper, period. Because that’s what we agreed upon. You’d be choosing to go there if you wanted to go. Yes, in a diaper; but that’d be your choice to go or not.”

“I...I’ll go.”

“Good. I’ll put together a diaper bag for you.”

“What? Oh come on. Mara, are you being serious?”

“What happens if you piss yourself at the party? Worse, what happens if you make a big ol’ stinky diaper? Do you really think I want you toddling around everyone so they can smell it?”

“I wouldn’t…”

“You have no idea if you would or not. You thought you could hold your bladder for four hours too, right?”

He nodded, feeling sufficiently shut up.

“I promise, I’m not going to run around telling people that you’re wearing a diaper. I don’t want to commit social suicide in front of all of our friends either. But let’s just be smart and be prepared, alright?”

“Y-yeah.” That did seem agreeable. She had made a good point - of course she’d want to be just as cautious and careful as he would have to be. If she was willing to go with him, then clearly she believed it was possible.

“We would need to leave in three hours,” she said. “So...I’d suggest that if you have anything you need to get out of your system, you start working on that now so that we can get you changed into a fresh diaper before we go.”

Two and a half hours later, Ryan was beginning to sweat. Never before in his life had we willingly wanted to fill his pants. He tried everything. He sat on the toilet in his diaper. He squatted and pushed. He paced. For as little as he wanted to mess his diaper, he especially didn’t want to do it amongst his friends. He had managed to wet himself. Twice, in fact. But that’s not what he was concerned about. Somewhere inside of him was a potential disaster, it’d be better if he had control over when that came to fruition.

“Any luck in making a stinky little present for me?”

His cheeks turned red. “N-no. I’m trying.”

“Well you’re running out of time. Stand up.” He did so, and she lowered his sweatpants enough so that she could slide her finger into the bottom of his diaper through one of his legs. “It’s wet enough that we should change you regardless. But I’d feel better if you just took a big poo in there too.”

He nodded bashfully as she pulled his pants back up.

“Ten more minutes. Then we really need to get ourselves ready to go.”

No sooner than she was out of the room, he was squatting again, pushing as hard as he could. Nothing. He took a deep breath and pushed again, grunting. Still nothing. He’d have been so happy if he could just mess himself right now. He’d be delighted. He’d run to her with pride if he could just manage to poop his pants, right at this moment.

Minutes passed and Mara came back.


He shook his head.

“Alright. It is what it is. Let’s get you into a fresh diaper.”

Diaper #5

Ryan was feeling defeated, and it was a feeling he couldn’t shake. Most of the drive to August and Riley’s was spent in silence. Mara flip-flopped between smug satisfaction and feeling bad for him. There was an unignorable tension added to the day now that they both had to worry about him using his diaper. Perhaps this punishment was asking for more than what was fair of an adult with an active life. Still...this was the bet. This was the deal they made. And if she had lost the bet, she had no doubt that he would have expected her to attend the party in a diaper.

“Be mindful of what you eat,” she said.

“How do you mean?”

“Like, if you eat too much...maybe it would push out everything already in your belly?”

“Yeah,” he said.

“I brought extra diapers and some wipes.”

“In your diaper bag?” he mocked.

“I mean...it’s a bag with diapers in it. So if that makes it a diaper bag, I suppose that’s exactly what it is.”

“I don’t care if I have to hold it for 6 hours, I’m not going to shit myself in front of friends.” It sounded an awful lot like he was trying to convince himself of this more than her.

“Coming from the man who swore he could hold his bladder for four hours?”

“I can do this,” he said with a nod. “I promise.”

Diaper #6

“Well that was a fucking disaster,” Mara said, as she and Ryan quickly filed into a guest room of August and Riley’s house. She didn’t even need to tell him what to do, he dropped his shorts and crawled onto the bed, ready for her to change his diaper as quickly as possible.

The last twenty minutes flashed before his eyes: Things had gone well for the first hour or so. August already had food on the grill when they arrived, and it wasn’t long before food and drinks were being thrust into their hands. They were those kinds of hosts, and this was that kind of party. Everyone walked around with stacks of food on their plates, and Riley was handing out drinks like she was a hired bartender.

Ryan had attempted to be more conservative in his food consumption, but eventually he found himself cornered by the incredibly friendly August, and the last thing he wanted to do was offend him by not taking more of the burgers and ribs that he had slaved over.

And, for a while, Ryan was actually not feeling too nervous about his precarious situation. Mara had been right: nobody was looking for somebody to be wearing diapers. He was just another party guest, and nobody seemed to be the wiser.

But all at once, it hit him like a punch to the gut. It was hard to say what it was. Maybe it was just as Mara said - he’d eat too much and he’d end up forcing out his stomach’s current residents. Maybe it was specifically something he ate. Maybe his efforts to loosen his bowels back at home were finally taking hold.

For a moment, and it was literally just a moment, he thought he could hold it. That moment passed, and he knew that this was going to be a losing battle. He either needed to go home, or he needed to get somewhere safe.

He sought out Mara, but finding her had proven to be trickier than he thought it’d be. Every moment spent looking for her was another lost minute in the battle to hold onto his bowels.

Time was running out, and it occurred to him that he had a very difficult decision to make: Either he was going to fill this diaper, right here and right now, or he was going to need to break the rules and go to the bathroom. And given that he couldn’t find Mara, maybe he was going to have to cheat a little.

He darted down the hallway and grabbed the bathroom door handle. Dammit, of course it was. He stepped back and waited, hoping it’s current occupant would be finishing up soon. He danced a little, bouncing from one foot to the other anxiously.

Finally, the door opened and...Mara emerged from the bathroom.

“Well, well, well,” she said. She almost smirked, but she wasn’t amused.

“Look, Mara, I don’t have any time to explain. I’ve got to go. I’ve got to go really badly.”

She looked back into the bathroom for a moment, as if contemplating to herself the possibility that they let this game fall to the wayside for a moment.

“Well, you know what you need to do, then,” she said, choosing to double down on the rules.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Quite. I’m going to go get the diaper bag from their foyer and I’m going to ask Riley about borrowing one of their spare rooms. Let’s not waste any time. You wait here, and you take care of filling that diaper so that we can get you changed and back into the party.”

He opened his mouth to protest, but he could already see on her face that she wasn’t budging on this.


She quickly walked back down the hallway, leaving him with the task of giving her a diaper worth changing. Down the hallway, he could see other guests, friends and acquaintances of his, walking back and forth and mingling. It felt so strange to be watching them while thinking about what he had to do. If only they knew that their friend Ryan was about to mess his diaper like a toddler in the same house they talked and laughed in.

A petite woman with blonde hair walked down the hallway towards him. Amy, he thought her name was. She gave a polite wave and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Of course, he thought. He was so stupid for not just going into the bathroom when he had the chane so that he could at least shit himself in private.

Mara would be back any minute. He needed to do this. It’s now or never.

Fuck, he thought. This may just be the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.

He squatted just a little bit and pushed with all the energy he could muster. His bowels erupted into his diaper with a series of loud ripples and pops. If anyone had been paying attention in the living room, they might have heard that. Hell, Amy in the bathroom had to have heard that.

Just like that, it was done. He truly felt like a toddler now, having hid himself away from everyone else so that he could quickly poop himself.

Mara emerged in the hallway again, backpack in hand.

“Feel better?” she asked?

“How do you know that I…”

“The entire hallway smells like your shit. Come on, let’s go.” She grabbed him by the hand, and led him to the guest room.

Now, as she had his filthy diaper opened and she frantically wiped his mess from his legs and ass, he wondered if they had alerted anyone of their very strange new life.

“D-does anyone know?” he asked.

“Do you really want to know the answer to that?” Mara replied, hauling the old diaper out from under him so she could wrap it up tight and deposit it into a bag.

“You told people?”

“I gave Riley a very brief version of what we needed the room for.”

“What...what did you say?”

“I told her you shit your pants. We needed the guest room so we could get you cleaned up and into a new pair of pants.”

“But...I don’t even have another pair of pants.”

“Do you not think I saw something like this happening? I have an extra pair in the diaper bag.”

“But you still told Riley that I shit myself?”

“Look, I didn’t have a lot of time to work with, and I needed a situation severe enough that she’d offer us the room with no questions asked. And I certainly wasn’t going to say that I shit myself.”

“Yeah, but now she knows that…”

“Riley is the sweetest woman who ever lived. She’s not going to tell anyone and she’s not going to hold it against you. Let’s just get this new diaper on you, go back out there and have a good afternoon with our heads held high.”

That was exactly what they did, and it had worked out as they had hoped it would. Aside from Riley checking in on a very embarrassed Ryan to make sure he was okay, nobody seemed any the wiser. Even Amy, who Ryan assumed had heard his trumpeting bottom as he helplessly messed himself, didn’t even bat an eye in a strange way when they interacted once or twice through the afternoon.

“That went well,” Ryan said as they drove home.

“It went better than it could’ve,” Mara said. “But I’d hardly call that well. You could barely wait an hour before messing yourself. And I’m not talking like a little bit...like, that was ridiculous.”

He blushed and stared out the front windshield. It’d probably be better to say nothing at all. But he couldn’t help himself. “It wouldn’t have to have been that way if you didn’t make me wear a diaper there.”

“Don’t start with this again. Besides, it wasn’t your diaper that made you shit yourself. Even if you hadn’t been wearing a diaper, you would’ve come real close to filling up your boxer briefs instead.”

Diaper #7

He was pouring himself a glass of water in the kitchen when he felt her fingers pulling open the back of his diaper. He felt his cheeks warm, knowing he was pretty damp.

“I think we ought to get you into a new one,” she said.

He nodded. He wondered if it could've held another wetting or two, but if this got him through the diapers that much sooner, he was all for it.

She took him by the hand back to the bedroom. Getting his diaper changed by Mara was certainly an experience in itself, but it was these little things she did - like how she checked his diaper, or how she took him by the hand, or how she’d playfully call him ‘Baby,” that really made him feel small. Quite likely by design, but it was working.

As he lay back in the bed, his legs being held up in the air already starting to feel familiar to him, her hand popped the pacifier back into his mouth.

“I forgot about this,” she said. “It's a shame we didn’t have this at the party today. You should’ve that in your mouth while I changed that big stinky diaper of yours.”

He held the pacifier in his mouth, but as he used his tongue to play with it, he grew curious as to what it would feel like to suck on. He wondered what that felt like for a baby.

“Believe me,” she continued. “The temptation was there, when you had messed your diaper, to drag you out into the center of the party and announce to everyone that my little toddler had just done a naughty little accident in their diaper. Do you think everyone would’ve laughed at you?”

It was awkward at first, but he slowly started to get the motions down to suck on it. If the pacifier hadn’t been sized for an actual baby, he imagined it would’ve been easier. Yet, there was something about using a pacifier intended for a baby that made him feel...something. He couldn’t quite describe that feeling yet.

She continued to talk as she tossed aside the old diaper and put the new one beneath him: “I’m sure if Autumn and Riley knew the truth, they’d have handled it differently. Who would have sympathy for an overgrown baby who just pooped their pants at a party like that? They likely would’ve asked me to just go ahead and give you and your dirty diaper a paddling right there, in front of everyone.”

It was working. The comfort of sucking his pacifier, combined with her dirty little account of what could have been in another world were leaving him feeling smaller and smaller. It felt good.

Her hand gripped his cock with a wipe, this time he was hard as a rock instantly.

“Oh do you like this?”

He moaned softly from behind the pacifier.

“What if...this wasn’t a punishment? What if you didn’t lose that bet? Maybe you won. Maybe you’re finally getting treated how you need to be treated.”

He moaned again. He attempted to say something, but the pacifier and his headspace had reduced it to some version of babytalk.

“What happens if we get through all these diapers, and you want more?” Her hand glided up and down his shaft with the wipe before she discarded the wipe too, allowing just her hand to slide back and forth.

“Nugh…” he said.

She plucked the pacifier from his mouth.

“Try again. I’d like to hear what you have to say.”

“I...uhm...you think I’d want more diapers?”

She stroked him gently. Her soft fingers were like magic on him.

“Maybe. But I do think you like this more than you let on sometimes. Would you say that’s accurate?”

“Y-yes, probably.”

While her right hand stroked him, her left hand landed on his inner thigh, creeping towards his bottom slowly.

“What do you like about it?”

“I...I like feeling small, I guess. I like how you take care of me, and how you make me feel like I’m just small and helpless.”

Her left finger felt around, finding his tight little hole under his shaft. She gently pressed on it as she stroked him. She had learned long ago that he not only enjoyed having his bottom played with, but that he'd become a helpless little toy while she did it.

“Do you like when I clean up your diapers?”


Her finger tip delved into him. He moaned long and slowly.

“Do you like making dirty diapers for Mommy?”

Mommy? This was new to him. Yet, he only paused for a moment. As quickly as she said it, he embraced it.

“Yes. I do.”

Her finger entered him a little further, eliciting an even deeper, more primal, moan from him.

“Can you do something for me?”

“I...I can do anything for you. M-mommy.”



Two fingers were inside him now, gently pressed deep into him. There were spots in there, she knew, that would melt him like butter. She found them quickly. Her fingertips gently massaged that special little spot, while her other hand held onto his shaft, barely moving now. It didn’t have to. All the real work was going on inside him now.

“Next time you make a big dirty diaper...and I want you to. I want you to fill that diaper up. And when you do, I want you to come find me, on your hands and knees. Look up into my eyes and tell me what a little baby you are. Tell me that you need Mommy to change you. Can you do that?”

He moaned again, an uncontrollable sound that wavered in tone and pitch as it left his mouth. “Y-yes…”

“Let’s practice. Pretend you just filled your diaper. That mess you had today at the party? That was nothing compared to this load. You absolutely obliterated this diaper. And now you need me to change you.”



“Mommy I just...I just…”

“Go on.”

“Mommy I filled my diapers. I filled them...so much. I need you to change me, please.”

“That’s a good try. I do like the sound of it even more than I thought I would.”

She increased the pace of her fingers. His body arched into her hand, beginning to do a good amount of the work himself.

“Please….Mommy...make me,” he said in between his guttural moans. “Make me beg you to change me. I’ll be so dirty.”

“You’ll be such a stinky little baby, won’t you?”

“Mommy...I...I…would go...and…” His words became fewer and fewer while his body found a new rhythm with her hand. “...make...so much...mess…”

“I’m sure.”

“Want...to...be...dirty...dirty...little baby…for you…”

His voice faded away completely while his cock spit up over her hand and arm. His body convulsed, his face twisting away while he stifled more moans. She slowly pulled her fingers from his bottom, and drew some wipes from the pack to clean up the new mess he had created.

A few minutes later, after he had been sealed into a fresh diaper, she dropped into the bed next to him, snuggling with him. For a few minutes, it felt nice to just cuddle and not talk about any lingering frustration she felt from the other day, or about the weird new life they had stumbled into.

“I’m willing to concede,” she said.

“What? What do you mean?”

“I wanted to win the bet so I’d get my revenge on you. You made fun of me when I had an accident. But I allowed you to mess your pants in front of our friends. It just seems kind of cruel to expect this to keep going.”

“A bet is a bet, though.”

“We’ve got all the diapers and all the wipes. And they’re not going anywhere. We can certainly have fun with them whenever we want.”

“N-no...I don’t think so.”

“I’m sorry?”

“We made rules. We agreed on it. If...if I had won, would I have let you just walk away from the bet?”

“I don’t know. Would you have? Or...is this your way of saying you don’t want our terms to end.”

He laughed nervously, his face blushing. “I just think that...you know. I’m a man of my word, and I intend to follow through on that bet.”

“So the terms are still in place?”

“Y-yes. Until the diapers are gone...that’s what I’m going to wear. Fair and square.”

“Pacifier while you change?”


“Calling me Mommy?”


“We’re talking almost 90 more diapers. Are you sure?”

“Yes. Yes, Mommy.”

Diaper #26

She had just finished putting the clean dishes from the dishwasher away when she had heard a shuffle coming towards the kitchen. It wasn’t the first time she had heard a sound like this in the last few days, but it never stopped feeling new and exciting. She went about her business like she was unaware of what was coming.

Still, this was new: a faint scent was hitting her nose before he had even made it to the kitchen. This was going to be very impressive, she just knew it.

He slowly appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, crawling in on his hands knees. His pacifier - which seemed to be in use more and more often - stuck out of his mouth, while he wore nothing else other than his diaper.

He crawled past her so that she could get a look of his backside. Sure enough, the diaper was sagging tremendously. Honestly, she had never even seen a diaper in this condition. It’s foul color and lumpy shape suggested that he had worked especially hard on this one.

The pacifier was plucked from his mouth as he looked up to her.

“Mommy...would you please change me? I’ve made such a dirty mess in my diaper and I need you to help me. Please?”

She could’ve almost laughed out loud. Was this what it was like to be so proud of your child?

“Yes, of course, Baby. Come with me.”

She took his hand and led him on his hands and knees all the way back to the bedroom.



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