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“Hurry up,” Amanda said, “I want to get some food and get home before it gets too late.”

It was a little after midnight, and we were in the grocery store getting some snacks. It was a little ritual we had when we got together. Meet up, be kinky, get food, crash for a few hours.

I couldn’t recall most of the last few hours, mostly by design.  We had been trying hypnosis play, and it had been going quite well. I may have doubted her ability to pull it off, but sure enough it just took her uttering a simple word and I was suddenly on my knees before her, unable to move a muscle.

“Is it like...worn off?” I asked, as we made our way down another aisle.

“Worn off?”

“The hypnosis.”

“Oh.  Uh...it really doesn’t wear off. I don’t think.”

“You don’t sound too sure about that.”

“I just...I’m still learning,” she said with a laugh. “Like, I tried a lot of things tonight just to experiment. I gave all kinds of weird commands and used random words to act as trigger words. I don’t think they all stuck, though.”

“Well, some of them must’ve,” I said with a shrug, recalling the moment I was made to slap my own ass.

“I chose really obscure words,” she assured me. “Go to sleep tonight, wake up in the morning and I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

We brought our haul up to the register, and unloaded everything onto the conveyor belt. Our cashier, a teenage girl with far more angst than smiles, slowly rang up the order, pausing on each item to look at the package. I wondered if she, herself, was just evaluating what she was going to buy herself after her shift.

“I could really go for some cookies right now,” the cashier said, bagging our chocolate chip cookies. “Though, I think I’d rather oatmeal.”

For a moment, everything seemed fine and normal. But there was suddenly a tapping on my shoulder, and I turned to find Amanda with a very concerned look on her face. Immediately, I wondered if the cashier had inadvertently said one of the trigger words.

“I...think that was one of the words I used when I was just trying things out,” she said.

“Well, so long as I don’t have to smack my own ass right in the middle of the...” my voice trailed off, as I was suddenly overwhelmed by a new feeling in my body. Why were my pants...wet? And warm? I looked down, as did Amanda. And as we both stared at my pants, the cashier looked too, obviously not wanting to miss out on whatever we were looking at.

I was pissing myself. Right there. I couldn’t stop it.

“I...it was just a joke,” Amanda said.

“P-pay for the food,” I stammered, “I gotta go.”

I ran from the store, hot urine streaming down my legs and puddling behind me. And when Amanda finally met me outside, I was surprised to see that the look of concern she had before was gone from her face. Was it...glee?

“I can’t believe that worked,” she said. “Well, you’ve already ruined your pants, so I might as well try this one too.”

“No!” I shouted out, without even knowing what she was planning to say, or what it would do.”

“Tomato,” she said, with a smile.


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