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“And what have we here?”

“I...I was just about to come tell you and...”

“Oh were you?  Do you know why I had to come in here and check on you in the first place?  Because I could smell you down the hall.  And that was ten minutes ago.”

“I’m sorry!  I just...”

“No excuses, young man.  I told you to come tell me when you needed to be changed, and clearly you can’t be trusted to do that.  Perhaps you need a good lesson in timeliness?”

“N-no, I really don’t!”

“I think you do. Why don’t you strip down to your filthy soiled diaper for me.  Take off those pants and that shirt.”

“Y-yes, Auntie.”

“Now, let’s go to the front yard for a bit.”

“Auntie, no!  People will see me!”

“They might see you, true.  But such is the point of your lesson.  What do you say?  Ten minutes?  We can stay out there for as long as you had waited to tell me about your diaper.”

“Please, Auntie, no.  Everyone will think I’m a baby!”

“Aren’t you though?  In your stinking sodden diaper, I’d say you’re not much different than a baby.”

“But...but, it’s only because you made me!  I’m 20 years old and...”

“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear, young man.  You’re going to stand outside right now in your filthy diaper, or I’ll drag you out there myself.  And passerbys won’t just be seeing a young man in a diaper, but they’ll be watching the big baby getting a spanking over Auntie’s knees.  Now let’s go.”

“Y-yes, Auntie.”


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