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Author's note: This questions was originally posed to me anonymously on Tumblr, and I ran with the scenario posed.

anonymous asked:

I love stories about stern step-mothers disciplining their baby boys. Could you write more stories like that?


So, am I to believe that you’re so desperate for attention that you’ve turned to begging strangers on the internet to tell you little fantasies to get you off?  I should tell your father about this.  I’m sure he’d love to hear about it.

Not that this comes as any surprise to me, of course.  I’ve always considered you a bit childish.  I should’ve known that this was an intentional choice on your part.  You like to play the part of the “baby boy,” is that it?  I’m curious just how literal I am to take that.  So tell me, if you were to be step-mommy’s baby boy, just what does that entail?

Oh, bashful suddenly?  Cat got your tongue?

You’re not that different from a real baby, you know.  The way you whine and prattle on.  The messes you leave around the house.  I’ve seen your underpants in the wash, come to think of it, and they’re quite disgusting.  The only real difference between you and a baby, as I see it, is that I’d expect a baby to be in diapers.

But maybe that’s what you’re getting at, yes?  You’d like me to strip you down and put a big thick diaper between your legs?  Cover you with baby powder?  Wait around for you to soil yourself only so that I can clean you up and do it again?

Frankly, I’m not interested.  Don’t you ever let me catch you going online again while searching for this infantile escapist fantasy.  So help me, I’ll spank you so hard that...Hmm, except that you’d like that.  Would you like it as much as if we got your, say, older step-brother to spank you instead?  Because I’m sure he’d love the opportunity to leave some blisters on your ass.

Now get out of my sight.  And stop making messes out of your underpants.


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