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I’m embarrassed to say that the first thing I noticed about her was her incredibly short dress.  Perhaps this, in and of itself, would not have caught my eye the way it did if it wasn’t for the brief glimpses I caught of what was under it.  I could have been mistaken, but it appeared to be some sort of...large thick undergarment?  It reminded me of something akin to an infant’s diaper, but...that hardly seemed possible.  This was a young woman, easily somewhere in her 20s.  What need would she have for a diaper?  And in such a short dress?  If someone was in such an unfortunate position as to need one, it seemed unlikely that they’d also want to show it off. It was almost as if she had wanted the world to wonder.

It would take an entire block before I realized that I had walked past the bank, my original destination, as I continued to follow the young woman; my eyes transfixed on her bottom.  In the moments where her hips shifted just so, the mysterious garment appeared again:  plump, white, plastic-like.  If this wasn’t a diaper, it was certainly designed to look like one.

I glanced around, wondering if anyone else could see what I was seeing.  There were few others around us on the sidewalk, and of them, nobody else seemed particularly enamored by the pretty young woman in the short dress and diapers.

Maybe, I reasoned, this isn’t actually happening.

She stopped. I too stopped.  I had tried to keep a comfortable buffer between us, as to not alert her that she was being followed; stalked perhaps.  She then bent over at the waist to adjust her shoe.  If there was any part of me that doubted the truth before, it was gone now.  As her dress rose up to her waist while she was bent over, I was now looking right at the diaper:  a thick layer of plastic padding between her legs.  Just as quickly as she had stopped, she was standing straight again, quickly adjusted her dress, and was walking again.

She definitely wanted someone to see this, I thought.  There’s no other explanation for this.

The distance between us grew a little.  Her pace seemed a little quicker, perhaps; or maybe I had slowed a little to avoid attracting attention from other passers-by who wondered why I was staring at her behind as she walked.  But I had glanced down at the time on my phone, and when I lifted my head...she was gone.

My heart just about stopped.  Strange, I thought, how prior to my walk down the street today, I had never considered my attraction to a woman exposing herself in a large diaper.  Yet here I was, completely disappointed that it was over already.

To the bank now, I thought with a certain amount of sadness.  I pivoted and began my way back down the same street I had followed her over the last few blocks.  However, after getting about two blocks closer to the bank, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

“Yes?” I said, spinning around slowly.  It was her.  The young woman.

“Did you enjoy what you saw?” she asked.

“I did,” was all I said, but there was so much I wanted to add to that.  I wanted to ask her questions.  I wanted to touch her diaper.

“I’ll be walking again tomorrow.  Find me, follow me.  I’ll show you more.”

“Alright,” I said.  Wait, what about work?  Where, exactly was I supposed to find her?  What did “more” entail?  Why would...

She was already off, bounding down the street away from me with a pep in her step.  Her short dress bobbed up and down, just enough to give me a parting glance of her not-so-secret.  My questions were just that:  mine.  If I wanted to see more, I’d have to figure out a way.  And I already knew that I would.

Of course I wanted to see more.


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