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From house to house they came, on behalf of the queen herself.  She was in search of a princess, and as she had no child of her own, she turned to her kingdom.

Her advisers were quite smitten with Layli, the orphaned young servant girl of almost 20 years, almost immediately.  Her fair blonde hair and bright green eyes were just what the queen had been looking for.  With barely a moment to say goodbye to her employer, she had been whisked away to the castle, where they told her that she must be prepared for presentation to the queen.

Of course, she thought.  If she was to be princess, after all, it was only right to be properly prepared.

A gaggle of maidens fell upon her. They stripped her of her clothes and tossed them aside.  They bathed her, brushing and scrubbing every bit of her.  They even shaved every bit of hair below her neck.  Peculiar, she mused, though who was she to question the appearance of a princess?

While drying in luscious and thick towels, they brushed her hair and applied make-up to her face.  All the while, she daydreamed of the immaculate and gorgeous dress they had surely chosen for her to wear.  Perhaps it had bows on it.  She did love bows.

They led her to a large bed where they lowered her onto her back.  Strange, she thought, but perhaps this was just the sort of treatment to expect as a princess.  The towels were stripped away, leaving her nude and exposed - wearing naught but a blush.  She stared at the ceiling, afraid her humiliation would catch up with her if her eyes caught anyone else’s, but she was distracted when she felt something being wrapped around her bottom.

That’s a strange garment, she thought.  It’s almost like a…  She leaned up just enough to see the maidens securing a thick fabric towel over her bottom, as if she were a baby being put into a diaper.

“Uhm,” she finally opened her mouth, “excuse me, but…”

“Hush,” one of the maidens said.  “It is as the queen wishes.”

Again, this seemed quite strange, but it was certainly possible that there was a lot more to being a princess than she realized.

They sat her up now and were lowering a dress over her head.  She had imagined something lavender, or maybe even an elegant gold.  But this?  Bright pink?  Interesting choice, she thought.  And were they…?  Yes, they were tying her hair into pigtails.

“Come now,” one of the maidens said.  “It is time for you to see the queen.”

“L-like this?” she stammered.  “I…I feel as if I have been dressed like a toddler.”

“It is the will of the queen,” the maiden answered, and they pushed and pulled Layli down a great hallway until she reached the throne room.  With no introduction, they pushed her through the giant arched door, closing it behind her.  It was now just her facing the queen and her royal guards.

“Your majesty,” she curtsied in her infantile dress, forgetting for a moment that she also was wearing the thick cloth garment between her legs.  She quickly straightened herself, trying her hardest not to look as humiliated as she felt in that moment.

“My dear, don’t you look lovely?” said the queen, stepping down from the elevated platform her throne sat upon.  “I am very fond of your hair.”

“T-thank you.”

The queen then grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it, taking a look underneath.  Layli blushed brightly at this, but did not dare stop the queen.  “How do you feel about this?” the queen asked, gently patting the garment.

“I will admit, my queen, I am a little confused by it.  It reminds me of the kind of diapering cloth one would use on an infant.”

“An acute observation, to be sure,” she said.  There was little emotion in her voice, making it difficult for Layli to determine how this meeting was going.

“May I ask a question, my queen?”

“You may, my dear.”

“Why must I wear this?”

“Because I said so,” she replied.  Then, however, the queen considered that answer for a moment and added:  “I’m sorry, young lady, I mean not to be harsh.  I simply know what I want, and will not accept any less.”

“Well…what is it that you want?”

“I cannot have a child.  Did you know this?”

“I did, my queen.”

“I have lived long enough without an heir, I feel.  I want a child.  Yet, I also seek an adult. I want to coddle and care for a child as I never have before.  Then, also, I seek an adult princess I can spend time with.  Do you understand?”

“I think so, my queen.”  The truth was that it did not make any sense to Layli at all.  But, perhaps, the queen could do whatever she wanted to do; being the queen and all.

“Very well.  I would like you to stay at my castle for the next month, to see if we are to be acclimated with each other.  Can you do this?”

“Yes, my queen.”

“You will dress as I tell you.  Do you understand?”

“Yes, my queen.”

“If that means wearing a diaper, so be it.  Yes?”

“Yes, my queen.”

“I will be changing your diapers. You will not report to any of the maidens for assistance with this.  Do you understand?”

“I…wait…do you mean that I have to…”

“Do you want to be the princess?”

“Y-yes, my queen.  Of course.”

“And one final thing.”

“Yes, my queen?”

“For this next month, do not call me your queen.  You shall call me your mother.”

“Yes, my que…er…mother.  Yes, mother.”

“Very good.  The maidens will show you to your room.  I will see you soon, when it is time to feed you your dinner.  Maidens?”

The door opened again and the maidens led her from the throne room.  She was speechless and in awe.  She couldn’t believe what was being asked of her.  She couldn’t believe what she was agreeing to.  She couldn’t believe…her bedroom.

It was the largest bed she had ever seen.  The finest silk sheets.  An enormous window overlooking the kingdom.  It was unlike anything she had ever seen.  Yes, okay, she thought.  She could do this.  She could be the princess.

Rolling on her new bed, feeling the softness of the sheets, she considered how she would let the queen know just how willing she was to participate in the queen’s demands.

Perhaps, if there was a diaper that needed changing…


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