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The door burst open without warning, and there was a tall muscular woman barging into the house.

"Where is he?" she demanded.

"Please, Francine, you don't have to do this," cried another female who slowly entered behind Francine.

"Hush, Jackie," the tall woman said. "You're my sister and I'm not going to let this twerp hurt you anymore. Now where the hell is he?"

As if on queue, a man stepped out from the kitchen, a look of confusion on his face.

"What...the hell is going on here? Jackie, why is your sister here?"

"Look here, asshole," Francine said, daggers in her eyes, "Is it true you ve been sleeping around behind my sister's back?"

"What? No...that's ridiculous! Where did you even get an idea like..."

"I'm going to ask again, and this is the last time I'm going to be nice about it. Have you been sleeping around on my sister?"

"Fuck off," he said defiantly. "I don't owe you shit."

"You think so?" Francine said with a smile.

From there, it all happened so quickly that Jackie didn’t even realize what Francine was doing for a few moments.. Suddenly, Francine had him by his hair, and she had dragged him to the sofa, before dragging him over her lap. It took almost no effort at all; he was like a pathetic rag doll in her hands. Were those...tears in his eyes?

"Please stop! Please!"

"I tried having a conversation, but that didn't work. Now we're going to do things the old fashioned way."

Not a moment later, her heavy hand rocketed downwards and connected with his ass with a loud thud. Even with his pants pulled up, Jackie knew that it had to have hurt.

"Ow! No please! No more!"

Thwack! And again: Thwack! And her hand was raised again, but she paused. He was crying. Tears running down his cheeks. Snot in his nose. He was a mess. But Francine wasn't looking at his face. She was looking at his ass.

"Did you seriously just..."

"Oh my god," Jackie said, interrupting her sister. "He...pissed his pants!"

He had no response to this as he tried his best to contain his blubbering. Francine threw him to the ground and planted a firm foot on his back to pin him down.

"Jackie, I need you to go to the store."

"What...what for?"

"You're going to get this little bitch some diapers. Big ones. Thick ones. Get baby powder. A pacifier. A baby bottle. We're going to treat this pathetic loser like the infant he is."

"Y-yes, sister," Jackie said, a smile developing on her face.

"I'll make sure our little baby doesn't go anywhere in the meantime. Because if he tries anything, I'll bruise his ass so hard that he won't sit for a week."

So Jackie left, taking pleasure in hearing his pathetic whimpering behind her as she closed the door.


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