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After the first time it happened, she was sympathetic.  After the second time, she told him that maybe he should see a doctor or something.  But after he wet her bed for the third time in two weeks?  That was where she had to draw the line.

Now she was spending her Friday morning in the laundromat instead of running the errands she had originally planned.  So she channeled that frustration into a single text message:

“Look, I’ve had enough.  You’re not going to sleep in my bed anymore unless you’re in diapers.”

He was apologetic.  He sent a barrage of frowning emoticons.  But in the end, he only offered a laugh to brush off her threat.

But she felt sure that she wasn’t joking.

It was later in the day, over coffee with Cassie that she brought it up again.

“So he refuses to see a doctor?” Cassie asked.

“I think he thinks it's psychosomatic or something.  But he doesn’t seem to see it as a big deal.  He’s not the one who has to wash the sheets of course.”

“Does he piss the bed at his own place?”

“If he does, he wouldn’t tell me about it.  It’d probably only make me angrier.”

“So what are you going to do about it?” she asked.

“Well, I threatened to put him in a diaper if he slept in my bed again.”

“That’s hilarious,” Cassie said with a laugh and a shake of her head.

“Yeah...but here’s the thing.  I don’t think that I’d be unreasonable to actually ask that of him.”

“Wait, you’re serious?”

“Well, it’s my bed!  And if he doesn’t want to get his little problem fixed on his own time, don’t I have the right to demand something like that if he’s going to be sleeping with me?”

“He’d never go for that.”

“Well he’ll have to if he wants to sleep in my bed.


“Hey, I just wanted to say I’m sorry again about last night.  I feel so guilty about it,” Danny said, sitting down at the table as she plated some dinner for him.

“Accidents happen, I guess,” she responded.  “Though I don’t get why you won’t do something about it.”

“It’s not something I need to do anything about, I don’t think.  It’s like...all in my head, you know?.  These things work themselves out.  I figure I just won’t drink anything a few hours before bed tonight. I’ll go to the bathroom before we go to bed.”

She sat down at the table, placing their dinner plates in front of them.  She sighed just before she started to eat, wondering when she was going to bring up her ultimatum from this morning again.

“Yeah, that might work,” she said.  “I don’t know if I trust that though.”

“Look, it won’t happen again, Maria.”

“I know you say that.  But you said that the other two times too.”

“Just let it go.”

“I can’t!  I’m sick of it!  It's my bed you’re pissing in.  You know what?  I want to show you something.”  She got up from her chair and left the room.  He didn’t think much of it.  It was probably going to be some self-help book.  Like the time he said he was depressed and she bought him that book about that.

She came back into the room with a white shopping plastic bag that she sat down in the chair next to her on the other side of the table so that he couldn’t see what it was.

“What is that?”

“It's my solution to your little problem.”

“It looks bigger than a book.”

She shook her head and laughed as she reached into the bag.  She opened the package inside the bag with her hands and pulled out a white adult-sized diaper which she handed to him over the table.

“Here you go.”

“What...what is this?”

“What does it look like?”

“A...diaper?  I thought you were joking about this!”

“Well I thought about it and I realized how good of an idea it was.  So I meant what I said.  If you want to sleep at my place tonight, this is what you’re going to wear.”

“I’m not wearing a diaper.”

“Okay, then you can go sleep at your own place.”



She continued to eat dinner while watching him out of the corner of her eye.  He turned the diaper over and over in his hands, as if unable to comprehend what had been proposed.

“Look,” he finally said. “I’ll do it.  Just one night.  And then we’ll never do this again.  Deal?”

“Here’s how it's going to go,” she said.  “you’re going to wear this diaper to bed tonight.  If that's wet in the morning, you lose all bathroom privileges in my apartment until you can keep yourself dry.”

“Just one night,” he said with a sheepish smile.  “I can do that.”


But he didn’t do it.  As he slowly woke, he was at first completely confused by the strange object he was wearing.  Then he remembered that Maria made him wear a diaper to bed.  Except...the diaper didn’t feel the same

“Oh god...did I...”  He did.  He had completely saturated the diaper.  There was no way that she was going to let him off the hook after that.  He had to get out of this wet diaper and into one of the clean ones in that pack she bought. He glanced over to her side of the bed, only to see a human sized lump rolled up in the covers.  Perfect, he thought.  She’d never know.

He carefully slipped out of the bed, trying his best not to disturb her, then he tiptoed out of the bedroom.  He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening.  He was actually creeping around his girlfriend’s apartment in a wet diaper.

He made it into the kitchen and began searching for the bag of diapers when he heard something behind him.  He spun to see Maria.  She was not in the bed after all.

“Looking for something?”


“It looks to me like someone had a little bit of an accident in his little diaper.”

“No, no, it’s not what it looks like.”

“Well if it’s not you in a soaking wet diaper, then what is it?”

“It...it was just an accident.”

“Yeah, just like babies have.  In their diaper!”

“I’m not a baby.”

“Oh yeah?  That’s not exactly a compelling argument right now.”

“Look, let's just forget this ever happened and we’ll go about our day and...”

“The bathroom door is locked.  If you want to hang out with me this weekend, you’re welcome to, but it's going to be while you’re in diapers.  Otherwise, you’re free to leave.”

“Are you serious?”

“Do I look like I’m kidding, diaper-baby?”

“I...so...what now?”

“That depends.  Are you staying here?”

“Yes,” he said with a tone of complete defeat.

“Good.  Come with me to the bedroom and I’ll change you into a clean diaper.”


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