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For all of the tenacity and guile she had shown in Ms. Bishop’s office earlier, Maggie wasn’t sure how she’d follow it up. She was tempted to say she was overwhelmed. Every time she thought there’d be a point where Ms. Bishop would put her foot down and say that she didn’t want to go any further, she’d roll over on her back and kick her feet in the air like a toddler.

Maggie thought, for sure, that the diapers were going to have been the end of the little game. She had ordered them in such a fervor after their first encounter that by the time they were delivered, she wasn’t even sure she could go through with it. Obviously she had changed her mind since, but she didn’t think that she was actually going to have left that office with Ms. Bishop wearing one of them.

But what now? Getting her into a diaper had been one thing, but Maggie was starting to worry that she was nearing the end of what she had planned for. What was she supposed to do next with a grown woman in a diaper?

She had put Sophia down for her afternoon nap, and had an hour or two to kill before she’d start dinner. Given that Ms. Bishop had about at least four hours to herself, and her diaper, this did seem like the right time to check in on her. She grabbed the new diaper bag - Amanda’s Diaper Bag, as she had been referring to it in her head - took a deep breath, and decided to see how much stranger things could get.

“Well, Ms. Bi-...uhm...Amanda,” Maggie said as she entered the office. Maggie called her Ms. Bishop so often, that it was how she referred to her in her mind now too. But this woman in a diaper, this was Amanda. Amanda was a little girl, not her employer. “Shall we check on your diaper?”

Amanda’s office chair, which faced away from the door, slowly spun around to face Maggie - her legs were crossed, mostly concealing the crotch of the diaper, but Maggie could at least tell that she was still wearing it. Her panties were still in the trash where they had been.

Amanda was blushing.


“Am I going to come to you and check? Or are you going to come to me?”

Amanda considered this question carefully. She felt like there was a correct answer, though she wasn’t sure which. Maggie had begun to take a step towards her, but Amanda held out a hand to stop her, knowing how she wanted to proceed. “I...I’ll come to you.”

Maggie nodded approvingly.

Amanda slid from her office chair, landing on her knees as the rest of her body arched forward with her palms landing on the ground. She crawled towards Maggie. Her shirt, which had done just about nothing to conceal the diaper before, had scrunched its way to just under Amanda’s breasts, providing an unobstructed view of her diapered bottom swaying in the air with each movement.

“My my, I had no idea you wanted this so bad,” Maggie said with a smirk.

Amanda wanted to say something - maybe explain herself a little - but it seemed impossible to do so now without ruining the moment. She wanted to explain that she had spent most of the day since getting diapered touching herself through the thick garment. She had also practiced crawling. She sucked her thumb. She rolled around and kicked her feet in the air. She thoroughly saturated her diaper. Twice.

There’d be too much to explain. She’d want to mention how she had been forced to grow up early when she was sent to live with her grandfather while a teenager. Or how she went from high school to college to graduate studies in a blur of research papers and exams. She’d also want to mention getting her first three books published, getting married, having a baby, and then having her husband fade from existence.

But she said nothing and crawled towards Maggie instead. If Maggie wanted to add treating her like a baby to her job responsibilities with no further questions asked, Amanda wasn’t going to stop her.

“Let me see what we’ve got here,” Maggie said, orbiting Amanda so she could get a better look at her sagging wet diaper.

Amanda couldn't explain it, but there was a distinct shift in her mood. But it was more than that. In a short time, and with seemingly little effort, Maggie seemed to be able to hit a switch in Amanda.

She wasn’t just acting like a little girl. She felt like a little girl.

“Very soggy,” Maggie cooed, reaching down and patting Amanda’s diapered bottom. Amanda let out a small moan, feeling the heavy diaper pushed against her. “Did you wet yourself more than once today?”

“Uhm…” Amanda cleared her throat and tried again. “Uhm…” She couldn’t even speak. She didn’t know what to say if she could.

“I’ll take that as a yes. I’m wondering if maybe we should consider making this a daily part of my agenda. I’ll take care of Sophia as usual. And, when I’m not, I could take care of you.”

Amanda blushed and looked down, saying nothing. She wanted that very badly.

“Lie down. On your back, Baby.”

Amanda complied, gently rolling onto her back while kicking her feet into the air. She felt like Sophia.

“I’ll order a changing mat,” Maggie said. She was talking as if she was talking to Ms. Bishop, the adult woman, who was somewhere in the room - maybe in spirit only. Amanda only listened and nodded as Maggie continued: “And I figure you’ll need more diapers. I found some with cute colors and prints on them.”

Maggie opened Amanda’s diaper, finding herself impressed with just how saturated it was. Looking at Sophia’s diapers all day, this was just as different as it was similar. Peeling it away from Amanda’s bottom, Maggie rolled it up tightly and held it above Amanda so she could see.

“Look how big this diaper is, even all rolled up like this. You did that. You’re such a baby.”

Amanda closed her eyes for a moment. Everytime Maggie called her that, she felt a wave of happiness coarse through her body.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were proud of your work here. Is that right?”

Amanda gave a timid shrug, but the slightest of smiles gave her away.

Maggie gently ran some moist wipes over Amanda’s skin. She took her time, letting her fingers wander between Amanda’s legs longer than she needed to with the damp cloth. She could feel Amanda’s body lean into her fingers slightly. Her breathing was louder. The slightest of moans. Maggie wanted to continue, but she knew that if she started this, diaper changes were going to take forever. She unfurled a new diaper instead, easing it beneath Amanda.

“You know...if you start wearing diapers everyday, I’m going to start expecting you to use them...all the time.”

Amanada seemed lost in her head at the moment, blissfully wriggling about on the carpet. Maggie wasn’t sure she had effectively made her point at all.

She tried again, being a little more direct: “If you’re expected to use diapers everyday, and you’re not using the big girl toilet, I imagine at some point you’ll have more than just a wet diaper.”

Amanda heard Maggie’s words, and on some level of her brain they were registering. But in this headspace, in this moment, Maggie could’ve been reading from a Stephen King novel and it would’ve just sounded like music. She felt Maggie sprinkling the baby powder on her and the diaper being taped shut on her, and she was just lost in those feelings.

Sure sure, Amanda thought. Anything you want. Just keep touching me. Just make me your baby.

Maggie laughed, wondering to herself if she’d have to repeat this to her again later. She was tempted to say it one more time - as bluntly as possible. Do you think you’d one day regress so much that you mess your diaper? Because I think you will. And I’ll change you. She laughed to herself again. One way or another, Amanda might figure it out for herself anyways. Should this keep going, of course - and Maggie suspected it would.

She sat down on the ground, near Amanda, and though neither of them said or signaled anything, Amanda rolled over and crawled to Maggie’s side, resting her head in Maggie’s lap.

There was a sense of quiet calm in the room. Amanda was obviously feeling comfortable and safe in her newfound headspace, and even Maggie was beginning to realize how quickly she was getting attached to the idea of caring for her new, bigger, baby.

From somewhere else in the house, Maggie and Amanda could hear the stirring whines of Sophia. It wouldn’t be much longer until she was crying. They exchanged a glance, both seeming slightly disappointed.

“I should go tend to the other baby,” Maggie said.

Amanda blushed and nodded, rolling from Maggie’s lap so she could get up.

They both wanted to say more. Maggie wanted to assure Amanda that they’d circle back on this. This would happen again. There would be more of this. Of course there would be more of this.

Amanda wanted to tell Maggie how much she appreciated her. How much she appreciated this. How much she needed this.

Maggie gave a small wave and left the room, leaving Amanda to ponder her place - both on the floor and in her mind.



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