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She sipped her tea and leaned back on the sofa so that she could take a peek out her window.  The two girls were there, just as they were instructed.  She laughed to herself, as she was having the best Halloween she could remember.

“Ms. Halloway?” The front door had opened and a head peeked in.  It was Georgina, one of the girls on the porch.


“It...it’s a little cold out.  And I have to pee.  And we’re running out of candy.”

“Well, I can help you with one of those things,” Ms. Halloway said.  She got up and went into the kitchen where she grabbed another large bag of candy from the counter.  She had known that they’d be going through a lot tonight.

She went out to the front porch and dumped the candy into the bowl on the porch.  It was a pretty busy neighborhood on Halloween, traditionally, but her house seemed especially popular this year.  It might have something to do with the help she had from Georgina and Rachel, the two college girls she had handing out her candy this year.  And maybe not so much them as it was their costumes...

Both wore large thick diapers and bonnets.  Other than that, they just had t-shirts and bibs on, each bib had a cute little message on it:  “Lil Stinker” and “Troublemaker” respectively.  This was not their idea.  But obliging Ms. Halloway’s bizarre punishment seemed like a better idea than getting reported to the college dean and the local police for trying to steal her alcohol when they thought she wasn’t home.

“Please, Ms. Halloway, I really have to pee.”

“Well I’m not stopping you from doing that.”

“No no...I mean in the bathroom.”

“Well, I’m not letting you use my bathroom.  Besides, it seems to me like you’re wearing a perfectly suitable garment.”

“You can’t be serious,” Rachel chimed in.

“Trick or treat,” said some voices in chorus from the base of the porch.  The girls turned to see some older boys, likely 17 or 18.  They weren’t even dressed up.  Word was certainly getting around town about the two girls in diapers at Ms. Halloway’s.

“Oh come on!” protested Georgina.  But it was too late, as she felt her bladder finally release, and her diaper sag between her legs in a big soggy lump.

“It’s your lucky day,” teased Ms. Halloway to the boys who stared at Georgina with agape mouths, “you got quite the treat tonight.”


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