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“What are you supposed to be? A baby?”

“Cupid,” I said.  I thought it was pretty obvious with my feathery wings, bow and arrows - which I had affixed little red felt hearts to the tips.  Admittedly, I WAS wearing a diaper, but it felt like the costume would’ve felt incomplete without it.  I had tried making a diaper out of a large towel, but when I couldn’t get that to work, I just went to the pharmacy and picked up some actual adult diapers.  For as exposed as I felt at the costume party, I was pleased with how many people really loved the costume.  Kacey, dressed as a schoolgirl tonight, seemed enthused with it.

“A shame,” Kacey said with a shrug. “You make a cute baby.”

“Well, get me drunk enough and I’ll shed the wings and bow,” I retorted.  “Voila, instant baby costume.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” she laughed, and she wandered off.

I mingled with other guests, some friends, and some strangers.  Everyone loved my costume, though it was more likely that everyone loved that I had been bold enough to wear a diaper to the party.  “Is that real?” people asked.

Kacey caught up with me a while later, carrying a pair of shot glasses, filled to the brim with something clear.

“I’ve been looking for you,” she said with a mischievous smile.

“For me?” I took one of the shot glasses from her.  “What’s in it?”

“Is that ever important?  Let’s just do this.”

We simultaneously tilted our shot glasses into our mouth, and a surge of warmth flowed down the back of my throat.  Vodka, if I was to have guessed.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?” I asked.

“Would you stop me if I was?”

“No,” I laughed.

“Then, another?”

“Another,” I agreed.  She disappeared into the crowd.

I mingled again, this time talking to a stranger in a horse mask about the construction on Church Street.  Not long after we were joined again by Kacey, shot glasses in hand.

“You’re really set on getting me drunk,” I said.

“At this rate, bro, you’re going to need that diaper,” Horse-head said.  We all laughed, but as he wandered away, I became aware of Kacey’s amused gaze towards me.

“Is that the plan?” I asked her.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” she shrugged.  “I just…” this time she was blushing, “...there’s something about you...in a diaper...I don’t know.  Please don’t think I’m a freak or anything.”

“Are you saying you’re attracted to men in diapers?” I laughed - I wasn’t laughing at her, but maybe at the confusion of the conversation.

“Drink,” she said, holding up her shot glass.  We each did our shot.  After shaking off the shock and burn from the alcohol we looked at each other again and laughed.

“That wasn’t an answer,” I said.

“No, it’s not the diaper itself.  It’s more like...you being so vulnerable and out in the open.  I just have this urge to…” she laughed again, maybe laughing at herself, “...to exploit that.”

The shots, amplifying the buzz I was feeling from my early-party beers, were kicking in.  I wanted to be exploited - whatever that meant.

“Well...you let me know what that entails,” I said.

“Enjoy the party,” she said.  “I need another drink.  When I’m ready, I’ll let you know.  And then...you’re going to let me...exploit you?”

“You can do anything you want to me,” I said, blushing.

She leaned forward, kissing me on the lips.  It was soft and it was quick, but it sent these amazing vibes through my body. She turned and she was gone again.

It was hard to concentrate after that.  Partially because I was feeling a little tipsy.  Partially because I couldn’t wait to see Kacey again.  We didn’t know each other well, but there had always been flirtatious eyes when we came across each other at parties.  It was strange that it would take me wearing a diaper in public for her to finally make some sort of move.

I shed the wings.  The plastic straps keeping them on my shoulders were getting tight and uncomfortable, so I took them off, putting them down...somewhere.  Not long after I walked away from them, I had forgotten where they were.  Same for the bow and the arrows.  Now, I was essentially walking around the party in a diaper and a white tank top (with another felt heart affixed to my chest).

“Well now you just look like a baby,” said Chris, another friend at the party.

“Your friend is going to like that,” muttered horse-head as he scooted past me.

I had just finished a nice conversation with a group of witches in the corner, and as I made way towards the snack table, I felt a sudden burst of cool air on my ass.  In an instant I realized what was happening - someone was pulling the waistband of my diaper away from my back.

“Just a diaper check,” said Kacey’s familiar voice.  “Nope, you don’t need a change yet.”

“Excuse me,” I said with faux-frustration.

“Well you look so much more like an actual baby now.  I couldn’t resist.”

“When I actually need a change, are you going to take care of me?”

“Are you actually going to need a change?”

“Are you asking me to piss myself in the middle of a party?  I don’t know much about diapers, but I’m pretty sure every single person at this party would know what happened immediately.”

“I’m just saying...if you need a change, you’ll get a change.”

“Well, for reasons that shouldn’t be too mysterious,” I said, “I didn’t bring any other diapers with me.”

“You have more though?”

“Sure, at home.  You can’t buy them individually, so far as I know.  I was thinking I’d have to donate the rest of the pack to Goodwill or something and…”

“So, why don’t we go back to your place,” she said, interrupting me.

“Yes,” I said quickly.

“But not yet. We’ll go when you need to be changed.”

“Wait...so…” I paused for a second, trying to grasp exactly what she was suggesting.  “You’re going to come back to my place tonight, but only after I use my diaper?  And...you’re going to change me into a new one?”

“I mean...among other things, sure,” she smiled.  “You use your diaper, and I’ll go home with you.  And once we’re there...who knows what will happen.”

I looked around.  The party was still pretty active.  Swarms of people in costumes huddled in clusters while others wandered about.  I weighed my options.

“Let’s go outside,” I said. She nodded and we took a walk outside. There were still guests, but most of them were just browsing their phones or smoking.  This was as much privacy as we were probably ever going to get.

“I was just teasing,” she admitted.  “Like...you look fucking adorable, but I don’t expect you to actually…”

But it was too late.  I had started, and her eyes immediately caught the bottom of my diaper beginning to sag and change color.  It was happening now, and there was no stopping it.  I wondered if I had waited a few more seconds for her to admit she was joking if I would’ve not done it - but it was far too late to worry about that now.  I just let it happen.

There was something simultaneously relieving and humiliating about pissing myself in a diaper while Kacey looked on.  But I couldn’t look her in the eyes to see what her reaction was.

There was a moment, maybe a few moments, where neither one of us said anything.

“I probably took that too far,” I finally said, breaking the silence.

She didn’t immediately say anything, instead she gripped my hand in hers.  I looked up to her face, seeing a warm smile in the place of the rather mischievous one I had been accustomed to tonight.

“Let’s go back to your place.  I’ll clean you up, we’ll have some fun, and we’ll see if I can’t convince you to get into another diaper.”

That was all I needed to hear.



very nice story! Really like this dynamic.