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“You know what’s funny?” she asks. She doesn’t give you much of a chance to answer before adding: “You.”

Yes, of course it’s you. It’s always you.  You say nothing though.  You know better.  You’re curious what reason she’ll give you tonight.

“Do you remember when we first started dating and you thought that...” she has to stop talking for a moment because she’s laughing so much, before finally composing herself to the point where she can pick up where she left off, “...you were going to be MY daddy?  Oh man...you almost had me for a moment.”

Your face blushes bright red.  It was true.  You had always seen yourself as the dom-type.  But she had not only proven that to be wrong, but she had shown you what role you really excelled at.

“Do you remember?  You tried to paddle my ass, and you had me over your knee and...” another fit of laughter, “...you came!  You fucking came right there, with me over your knees before you had even touched my ass.  It was so fucking pathetic.”

You couldn’t argue with that.

“Well, look at how the tables have turned.  Not only are you NOT my daddy, but I’m your mommy now, aren’t I?”

You nod, obediently.

“Don’t feel too embarrassed by it.  I think you look cute in diapers, like the big baby that you are.  Speaking of which...”  She playfully ran her hand across the front of your exposed bulky diaper, “...I have another date with Dan tomorrow.  You know, he’s a real dominating kind of man.  He’s exactly what I wish you had been. I’ll have to show you sometime.  Maybe he can show you what it’s like to actually get pulled over someone’s lap for some punishment.”

“But for now,” she says, now poking at your swollen diaper. “Do you need to be changed? Did someone have a little accident?” She giggles again, shaking her head at your pathetic state.

You certainly didn’t need any reminding of how foolish you looked or felt, though that never stopped her before.

“I can smell you,” she says. “I can literally smell your dirty diaper. Is that not the most ridiculous thing? Like...how did you think that you could possibly ever be MY daddy? You can’t even keep your diaper clean. You literally need me to change your gross little diaper. It’s not even the first diaper change of the day for you, is it?”

You have no choice but to shake your head in the negative.

“It looked like you have the start of a diaper rash too. I guess we should get some ointment on that. Nothing would be more uncomfortable than crawling over Dan’s lap while fighting off a painful rash on your bottom, hmm?”

As she begins to change your diaper, you think about how she’s right. You certainly do make a better baby than a Daddy. It was foolish of you to have ever thought otherwise.


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