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“You’re making that face again,” she says with a giggle.  “It gets all red and scrunchy.  I’m still trying to get the hang of recognizing your little faces, so let me see if I can guess this one.”

He blushed and nodded, unable to say much with the pacifier strapped into his mouth.

“Is it that...you’re upset that your mean mommy has you in a playpen in the backyard while you just wear your big baby diaper and a pacifier?”

He was a little upset about that, but that's not what his face was for.  He shook his head.

“Is it that...you used to be my boyfriend, but then you got turned into a diaper-wearing infant because you kept stealing my money?”

Again, he was a little bothered by this fact...but he was also grateful that he just had to endure a little humiliation at her hands as opposed to being handed over to the police.  He shook his head again.

“Oh, I know what it is,” she finally said.  “It’s that look you get when you have just used your diaper.  Did you push a big ol’ present into your diaper for your mommy, little baby?  Let’s have a look, shall we?”

He considered nodding his head, but he knew that she knew from the start this was the case.  Blood rushed to his cheeks again as he wondered if he’d at least get to maintain a little dignity by getting a diaper change inside the house for once.


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