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He was rich.  He was powerful.  He had just won a very important political victory.

But right now, he was on his hands and knees, mostly naked.  His expensive suit was a crumpled mass on top of his expensive shoes.  He had turned off his cell phone, as to not be distracted by the nearly incessant stream of calls and texts.

“I see you had a very big win this week,” she said, walking around him slowly.  

He tried to respond, but the pacifier in his mouth didn’t allow for it.  He just nodded.

THWACK.  Her large wooden paddle (a cricket bat, he suspected) struck his bottom again with a sound that filled the room.  His eyes teared again and he could feel the burn on his ass cheeks.  She had to have been striking him pretty hard, because he found it hard to believe that he was feeling her paddle through the very thick diaper that he now wore; the only garment he wore at all.

“You’re more powerful now than you ever were before, am I right?” she asked.

Another nod; a small one.  He was too busy preparing himself for what came next.

THWACK.  Tears actually rolled down his cheeks now.  He imagined the look of shock that would be on his constituents faces if they could only see him now.  

“You can stop this, you know.  You know how to stop me from destroying your pathetic ass.”

He knew this.  Really, he should be used to this by now, yet it was still difficult.  He saw it as complete vulnerability, and there was no other place in his life where he felt like this.

THWACK.  Another sharp blow from her paddle, forcing a meek whimper from his lips.  He didn’t have time to dwell on it.  He needed to satisfy his mistress, and he needed to do it now.

His face changed, and the moment she saw it, she knew what was happening.  The tears stopped flowing and his face became beat-red.  She loved this face.  It recalled the look of a naughty toddler, who knew better, but chose to defiantly cling to his babyhood by making use of his diaper.  

The front of his diaper, which faced the floor now, began to droop slowly as its color changed from a bright plasticine white to a dull wet yellow.

“Yes, that’s it,” she encouraged.  “Show me what a little boy you are.  Good little boy.”

He let out a short grunt, accidentally.  She could tell he didn’t like to show this level of determination, but it happened every time anyways.  She giggled to herself as the show continued.  

There, in the back of his diaper, appeared a little lump.  It seemed to grow in size, proportional to his pushing and grunting.  She had the terribly naughty idea of using her paddle right now, and smacking that little lump right back into his asshole again, but she relented.

“Are you doing it?  Are you using your diaper like a little baby?”  She walked back to his face and plucked the pacifier from his mouth.

“Y-yes,” he said, knowing she now expected an answer.

“Tell me what you’re doing.”

“I...I’m using my diaper, mistress.”  He closed his mouth, but already knew she was going to ask him to elaborate.  He continued:  “I...pissed in my diaper.  I’m also...uh...making a mess in my diaper and…”

“I’ll say,” she said with a laugh, waving her hand in front of her face dramatically.  “A big old nasty mess in your baby diaper, am I right?  Fitting for such a big baby.”

It was done, and he had completely expelled himself into his diaper as she had watched.  Once again.

“Now sit in your mess, reach into your diaper, and cum for me.”

Obediently, he did so, rolling over, sitting down with a thick squishing sound, and his hand slowly and shamefully slid into the front of his diaper.  She plugged the pacifier back into his mouth again, which he obediently took and began sucking on unconsciously as he pleasured himself in his dirty diaper.

“If you’re now one of the most powerful people in our country,” she mused aloud, “and I have this sort of control over you, just how powerful am I?”



This is one of my favorite stories of yours, love the control in this scenario.