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I’d like to say that everything had started innocently, but that's not entirely true. There was nothing innocent about Mina. She was aggressive with her love, even on our first date where it took all of half an hour of small talk and some whiskey for her to start kissing my neck; not that I ever complained. She has a way of making you feel wanted, and she wants you all the time.

We never discussed things like “submissive” or “dominant” as far as roles go, even if it was pretty obvious that she usually got what she wanted. We’d be making out in her apartment, and suddenly she’d be shoving me to the ground and sitting on my face. We’d be in the movie theater, and her hand would grab mine and shove it into her pants. Again, I had no objection.

She asked me one night: “Do you have any really nasty kinks?” It wasn’t a question I ever had to ask her, but perhaps I was more reserved than I thought.  I most certainly did have some kinks, but I had no idea how I was going to explain it to her.

Diapers. Adult babies. I didn’t want to wear a diaper myself, but I wanted her to. I wanted to paddle her ass, feed her a bottle and wash her in a bathtub. I wanted to put her wild hair in pigtails. I wanted her in a bib while I shoveled baby food into her mouth.

“Come on,” she pleaded, grabbing my crotch through my pants. It was usually her sure-fire way of getting me to do anything. “Just tell me.”

“Even if it's, like, really weird?”

Especially if it's really weird,” she said. “I hope it’s the weirdest fucking thing in the world.”

This was pretty encouraging.  It was like being given a blank check, and now I was wondering if diapers were even going to be weird enough for her.  Still, this was my chance, and I had to get it off my chest.

“I have this thing for diapers. Like...adult babies.”

“You want me to put you in diapers?” she asked. She had an amazingly straight face, save for the wicked grin her lips had curled into.

“No no, I want...you to wear them. Like, I’d be your daddy, you know? Spanking you, feeding you, all that kind of stuff.”

She giggled and nodded - not necessarily to consent, but that she at least comprehended the request. I could see her thinking about it, mulling it over in her mind for a minute.

“Yeah, okay,” she said finally.

“Yeah? Just like that, you’re okay with it?”

“I don’t see why not.”

It had been remarkably easy to convince her, and maybe that should’ve been the first sign that this wasn’t going to go as smoothly as I hoped it would. Still, blinded by my own eagerness to see this fantasy come to life, and her own acceptance of it, I discarded any of that doubt.

During the next week, we texted each other questions, thoughts and plans.

“Should I buy some diapers, or are you going to bring some?” she texted.

“I’ll bring them,” I responded. I had gotten some especially cute ones online that I was eager to see her wear.

And when the night came, I went directly to her apartment, my bookbag in hand, loaded with all the supplies I thought I’d need.

“Why hello,” she cooed as she opened the door to greet me.  “That’s an awfully large backpack. Staying a week or two?”

“Just things a baby might need,” I said. We both giggled, and I was happy to see that she had already poured us each a glass of bourbon.

“Are there any limits?” I asked her as we sipped our drinks. My heart was beating quickly, and there was a strange anxious tension in the room as we got closer to the moment where we’d give this a go.

“What kind of limit would there be?” she asked with a casual shrug.

“Like...they are diapers, you know.” I was finding myself blushing as I tried to say the words aloud. “So...I could change your diapers if you…”

“Right,” she said with a laugh, “you’d change my diaper if I was a bad baby and pee-peed myself.  Is that what you’re saying?”

I nodded.

“Daddy, you’re going to have to be a little more confident if you hope to manage this baby.” But, to be honest, I barely heard a single word she said after she called me ‘Daddy.’ The word just melted me.

“It’s my first time,” I said with a shrug. “I’ll find my rhythm.”

She gave me a downright wicked smile and said: “You better. Because I remember when I was young, and I’ll let you in on a little secret - I was a very naughty little girl.”

I had heard everything I needed to hear. Her words had such a strong effect on me, and I was starting to worry that I was going to bend her over the couch instead of putting a diaper on her if this talk continued.  I put my drink down and grabbed my bag. “Come on,” I said, “it’s time to do this.”

She giggled, and for the first time ever, she even blushed a little. I could tell she was excited for this too, which did wonders for my confidence in the moment. I led her by the hand down the short hall that connected her living room and her bedroom, and then I led her to the bed. Neither of us said a word as I began to peel off her clothing. She hadn’t been wearing much to begin with - a bra, a t-shirt, and a skirt with no panties - and in moments she was completely nude. Her soft pink skin was absolutely gorgeous, and it took every ounce of me to stop myself from abandoning the plan and crawling on top of her instead.

“Daddy, hurry up,” she said with a sly grin. “My bottom is getting cold.” She lifted her ass from the bed, just a little, and shook it from side to side.

“Patience,” I said. Truthfully, I couldn’t find it in myself to say anything else. I pulled a diaper from the bag and held it up so she could see it. There was a look of surprise on her face - maybe she expected something more clinical looking than this oversized baby-style pink diaper.

“That looks very thick,” she said.

“It is.  It might make it hard to walk.”

“It probably means it holds a lot too.”

“Are you...planning on being a bad girl?” I asked.

“Just an observation. Daddy.”

I cleared my throat and went to work. I had never actually put a diaper on anyone before, not even an actual baby. Thankfully, I had this exact thought earlier in the week, and I had spent an alarming amount of time watching tutorial videos online.

I lifted her legs into the air, to which she moaned slightly, perhaps at having her most private areas in such a vulnerable spot. I eased the diaper under her slightly lifted butt, and I quickly lowered her legs and wrapped her up tight in the diaper, securing the tabs on the sides.

“All done,” I said. “Now, how about I get you a nice bottle and…”

“No,” she said, interrupting me.


“No. I don’t want a bottle.”

“Then...what do you want?”

She sat up on the bed and slid off from it, landing on her feet. She stood now, looking at her figure in the mirror, admiring the thick diaper she was in now. Then, without saying a word and just giving me a smile, she walked out of the room.

This wasn’t how this was supposed to go, but I knew what she was doing. She was challenging me. She was being the bad girl she said she was going to be. Now, I had never been all that assertive before, but I knew that I was going to have to learn how to be in this moment.

I quickly grabbed two items from the book bag, the baby bottle, already filled with juice, and a wooden paddle. With one in each hand, I marched back out to the living room where she was lying on her side on the couch, feeling her diaper with her hand.

“Baby,” I said. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Whatever I want, Daddy,” Mina said, not even bothering to look at me.

“You’re either going to let me feed you this bottle, Baby, or I’m going to have to use this paddle.  Which is it going to be?”

“No,” she said again.

“No? ‘No’ wasn’t an option.”


“The paddle it is, I guess.”

I placed the bottle on the counter, firmly so that it made a loud noise.  Then I marched towards her with the paddle. I had hoped to see something, anything, in her face that resembled a respect for my authority, but there was nothing but a mischievous grin. I grabbed her wrist, the one that was touching her diaper, and I attempted to pull her up so that I could get a better position where I could pull her over my lap and spank her like a child. But she resisted, and not only did she resist - but she was much stronger than I had anticipated. Suddenly, her wrist rotated in my grip and she was grabbing me now. She pulled down hard, and in my shock, I was pulled to my knees.

Now she sat up. Her face telegraphed all the scheming she was doing in her mind.

“I’ve changed my mind,” she said. “I don’t think you’re capable of being in charge.”

“Untrue,” I said. “I’m your Daddy.”

“Sure, you can be Daddy. But not all daddies are big and tough bosses, you know? Some of them have little girls that walk all over them. And I think that’s exactly what's going to happen here.”

She shoved me on the ground completely now, and as I lay on my back, she stepped over my chest so that I was looking up at her diaper.

“I’ve been holding it for a while. Let’s see how this feels” she said. And for a moment, there didn’t seem to be anything happening. Then, all at once, I could hear the sound of her pissing into the diaper, and I watched the bottom of it swell and sag. It had been a lot of piss, by the time she was done, and she reached down to feel her diaper now. She gave the front of her diaper a few playful squeezes, and she seemed satisfied with the damage she had done.

“Did you like the show?” she asked. “I have to admit, I liked using this diaper way more than I thought I was going to.”

“Let me up,” I said.


“Come on, Mina.”

“No,” she said again. She was squatting even lower now, her diapered bottom colliding with my face. Instinctively, my hands reached to her waist, but she was already grinding her soaked crotch on my face. I could have stopped her, but I didn’t. I let her go, as she moaned and used the pressure of my face through her bloated diaper to get herself off. I could smell the diaper, and the scent of her warm pee was like a drug.

“When...I’m done here,” she said, in between moans and gasps, “you’re going to...mmm...change my diaper, Daddy. Make sure you...uhmph....powder me real good so that I don’t get a rash on my...hrmm...bottom. And then, we’re going to sit on the...mmmph...couch. I’m going to...urm...sit on your lap, of course. And I’ll let you feed me that bottle. Maybe you can feed me some of the...ummmph...sherbert I have in the freezer, too. And when I...ohhh...tinkle in my diaper again, or if I...mm...need a change, you’re going to change my diaper again, right?”

“Mmmhmm,” I replied, muffled through her soaked diaper.

She hit a sweet spot and moaned loudly before crawling off my face and collapsing on the couch again.

“You’re such a bitch, Daddy.”

She was right.

A few weeks had passed, and she ran with her new role as a spoiled baby brat. I was her Daddy, but I wasn’t the dominant and controlling one I thought I’d be. She was the Baby Boss now. When I was around, I was taking care of her every need. I was feeding her. I was scrubbing her in the bathtub. I was a chair for her to sit on. I was a tool for her to get off on when she wanted it. I was the supplier of diapers, and I had to start ordering them in bulk, as she was more than happy to go through them quickly.

I couldn’t tell what she liked more, actually using the diaper, or making me change her. Worse, she had no qualms about doing any of her business in a diaper. Wet diapers, dirty diapers, she took absurd pleasure in making me work for my title of Daddy.

“In here, Daddy” she said to me, pointing at the boutique clothing store in the mall. Even public places had become part of the game. I was more than happy to buy her whatever she wanted, of course, a fact that she was more than happy to exploit.

And as she handed me a very pretty pink dress to hold, admittedly a slightly childish design to it, she brought her face close to my ear: “I’m about to make a poo in my diaper, Daddy. After you buy me this dress, you’re going to change my diaper?”

“Yes, baby,” I said. It almost sounded obedient.

“What a good Daddy” she whispered. She laughed to herself, before disappearing behind a rack of coats. I’d have complained, but there wasn’t a single part of me that wanted it any other way.



I like this dynamic a lot!

Paul Bennett

This was a very good story. I have heard of Topping from the bottom before and this was an unique take on it. Thank you for sharing. Keep up the great work.